Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/styled-jsx/dist/index/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/node_modules/styled-jsx/dist/index/index.js |
var React = require('react'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var React__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(React); /* Based on Glamor's sheet https://github.com/threepointone/glamor/blob/667b480d31b3721a905021b26e1290ce92ca2879/src/sheet.js */ function _defineProperties(target, props) { for(var i = 0; i < props.length; i++){ var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } var isProd = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env && process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; var isString = function(o) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === "[object String]"; }; var StyleSheet = /*#__PURE__*/ function() { function StyleSheet(param) { var ref = param === void 0 ? {} : param, _name = ref.name, name = _name === void 0 ? "stylesheet" : _name, _optimizeForSpeed = ref.optimizeForSpeed, optimizeForSpeed = _optimizeForSpeed === void 0 ? isProd : _optimizeForSpeed; invariant$1(isString(name), "`name` must be a string"); this._name = name; this._deletedRulePlaceholder = "#" + name + "-deleted-rule____{}"; invariant$1(typeof optimizeForSpeed === "boolean", "`optimizeForSpeed` must be a boolean"); this._optimizeForSpeed = optimizeForSpeed; this._serverSheet = undefined; this._tags = []; this._injected = false; this._rulesCount = 0; var node = typeof window !== "undefined" && document.querySelector('meta[property="csp-nonce"]'); this._nonce = node ? node.getAttribute("content") : null; } var _proto = StyleSheet.prototype; _proto.setOptimizeForSpeed = function setOptimizeForSpeed(bool) { invariant$1(typeof bool === "boolean", "`setOptimizeForSpeed` accepts a boolean"); invariant$1(this._rulesCount === 0, "optimizeForSpeed cannot be when rules have already been inserted"); this.flush(); this._optimizeForSpeed = bool; this.inject(); }; _proto.isOptimizeForSpeed = function isOptimizeForSpeed() { return this._optimizeForSpeed; }; _proto.inject = function inject() { var _this = this; invariant$1(!this._injected, "sheet already injected"); this._injected = true; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && this._optimizeForSpeed) { this._tags[0] = this.makeStyleTag(this._name); this._optimizeForSpeed = "insertRule" in this.getSheet(); if (!this._optimizeForSpeed) { if (!isProd) { console.warn("StyleSheet: optimizeForSpeed mode not supported falling back to standard mode."); } this.flush(); this._injected = true; } return; } this._serverSheet = { cssRules: [], insertRule: function(rule, index) { if (typeof index === "number") { _this._serverSheet.cssRules[index] = { cssText: rule }; } else { _this._serverSheet.cssRules.push({ cssText: rule }); } return index; }, deleteRule: function(index) { _this._serverSheet.cssRules[index] = null; } }; }; _proto.getSheetForTag = function getSheetForTag(tag) { if (tag.sheet) { return tag.sheet; } // this weirdness brought to you by firefox for(var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++){ if (document.styleSheets[i].ownerNode === tag) { return document.styleSheets[i]; } } }; _proto.getSheet = function getSheet() { return this.getSheetForTag(this._tags[this._tags.length - 1]); }; _proto.insertRule = function insertRule(rule, index) { invariant$1(isString(rule), "`insertRule` accepts only strings"); if (typeof window === "undefined") { if (typeof index !== "number") { index = this._serverSheet.cssRules.length; } this._serverSheet.insertRule(rule, index); return this._rulesCount++; } if (this._optimizeForSpeed) { var sheet = this.getSheet(); if (typeof index !== "number") { index = sheet.cssRules.length; } // this weirdness for perf, and chrome's weird bug // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20007992/chrome-suddenly-stopped-accepting-insertrule try { sheet.insertRule(rule, index); } catch (error) { if (!isProd) { console.warn("StyleSheet: illegal rule: \n\n" + rule + "\n\nSee https://stackoverflow.com/q/20007992 for more info"); } return -1; } } else { var insertionPoint = this._tags[index]; this._tags.push(this.makeStyleTag(this._name, rule, insertionPoint)); } return this._rulesCount++; }; _proto.replaceRule = function replaceRule(index, rule) { if (this._optimizeForSpeed || typeof window === "undefined") { var sheet = typeof window !== "undefined" ? this.getSheet() : this._serverSheet; if (!rule.trim()) { rule = this._deletedRulePlaceholder; } if (!sheet.cssRules[index]) { // @TBD Should we throw an error? return index; } sheet.deleteRule(index); try { sheet.insertRule(rule, index); } catch (error) { if (!isProd) { console.warn("StyleSheet: illegal rule: \n\n" + rule + "\n\nSee https://stackoverflow.com/q/20007992 for more info"); } // In order to preserve the indices we insert a deleteRulePlaceholder sheet.insertRule(this._deletedRulePlaceholder, index); } } else { var tag = this._tags[index]; invariant$1(tag, "old rule at index `" + index + "` not found"); tag.textContent = rule; } return index; }; _proto.deleteRule = function deleteRule(index) { if (typeof window === "undefined") { this._serverSheet.deleteRule(index); return; } if (this._optimizeForSpeed) { this.replaceRule(index, ""); } else { var tag = this._tags[index]; invariant$1(tag, "rule at index `" + index + "` not found"); tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag); this._tags[index] = null; } }; _proto.flush = function flush() { this._injected = false; this._rulesCount = 0; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { this._tags.forEach(function(tag) { return tag && tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag); }); this._tags = []; } else { // simpler on server this._serverSheet.cssRules = []; } }; _proto.cssRules = function cssRules() { var _this = this; if (typeof window === "undefined") { return this._serverSheet.cssRules; } return this._tags.reduce(function(rules, tag) { if (tag) { rules = rules.concat(Array.prototype.map.call(_this.getSheetForTag(tag).cssRules, function(rule) { return rule.cssText === _this._deletedRulePlaceholder ? null : rule; })); } else { rules.push(null); } return rules; }, []); }; _proto.makeStyleTag = function makeStyleTag(name, cssString, relativeToTag) { if (cssString) { invariant$1(isString(cssString), "makeStyleTag accepts only strings as second parameter"); } var tag = document.createElement("style"); if (this._nonce) tag.setAttribute("nonce", this._nonce); tag.type = "text/css"; tag.setAttribute("data-" + name, ""); if (cssString) { tag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssString)); } var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (relativeToTag) { head.insertBefore(tag, relativeToTag); } else { head.appendChild(tag); } return tag; }; _createClass(StyleSheet, [ { key: "length", get: function get() { return this._rulesCount; } } ]); return StyleSheet; }(); function invariant$1(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error("StyleSheet: " + message + "."); } } function hash(str) { var _$hash = 5381, i = str.length; while(i){ _$hash = _$hash * 33 ^ str.charCodeAt(--i); } /* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed * integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the * signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */ return _$hash >>> 0; } var stringHash = hash; var sanitize = function(rule) { return rule.replace(/\/style/gi, "\\/style"); }; var cache = {}; /** * computeId * * Compute and memoize a jsx id from a basedId and optionally props. */ function computeId(baseId, props) { if (!props) { return "jsx-" + baseId; } var propsToString = String(props); var key = baseId + propsToString; if (!cache[key]) { cache[key] = "jsx-" + stringHash(baseId + "-" + propsToString); } return cache[key]; } /** * computeSelector * * Compute and memoize dynamic selectors. */ function computeSelector(id, css) { var selectoPlaceholderRegexp = /__jsx-style-dynamic-selector/g; // Sanitize SSR-ed CSS. // Client side code doesn't need to be sanitized since we use // document.createTextNode (dev) and the CSSOM api sheet.insertRule (prod). if (typeof window === "undefined") { css = sanitize(css); } var idcss = id + css; if (!cache[idcss]) { cache[idcss] = css.replace(selectoPlaceholderRegexp, id); } return cache[idcss]; } function mapRulesToStyle(cssRules, options) { if (options === void 0) options = {}; return cssRules.map(function(args) { var id = args[0]; var css = args[1]; return /*#__PURE__*/ React__default["default"].createElement("style", { id: "__" + id, // Avoid warnings upon render with a key key: "__" + id, nonce: options.nonce ? options.nonce : undefined, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: css } }); }); } var StyleSheetRegistry = /*#__PURE__*/ function() { function StyleSheetRegistry(param) { var ref = param === void 0 ? {} : param, _styleSheet = ref.styleSheet, styleSheet = _styleSheet === void 0 ? null : _styleSheet, _optimizeForSpeed = ref.optimizeForSpeed, optimizeForSpeed = _optimizeForSpeed === void 0 ? false : _optimizeForSpeed; this._sheet = styleSheet || new StyleSheet({ name: "styled-jsx", optimizeForSpeed: optimizeForSpeed }); this._sheet.inject(); if (styleSheet && typeof optimizeForSpeed === "boolean") { this._sheet.setOptimizeForSpeed(optimizeForSpeed); this._optimizeForSpeed = this._sheet.isOptimizeForSpeed(); } this._fromServer = undefined; this._indices = {}; this._instancesCounts = {}; } var _proto = StyleSheetRegistry.prototype; _proto.add = function add(props) { var _this = this; if (undefined === this._optimizeForSpeed) { this._optimizeForSpeed = Array.isArray(props.children); this._sheet.setOptimizeForSpeed(this._optimizeForSpeed); this._optimizeForSpeed = this._sheet.isOptimizeForSpeed(); } if (typeof window !== "undefined" && !this._fromServer) { this._fromServer = this.selectFromServer(); this._instancesCounts = Object.keys(this._fromServer).reduce(function(acc, tagName) { acc[tagName] = 0; return acc; }, {}); } var ref = this.getIdAndRules(props), styleId = ref.styleId, rules = ref.rules; // Deduping: just increase the instances count. if (styleId in this._instancesCounts) { this._instancesCounts[styleId] += 1; return; } var indices = rules.map(function(rule) { return _this._sheet.insertRule(rule); })// Filter out invalid rules .filter(function(index) { return index !== -1; }); this._indices[styleId] = indices; this._instancesCounts[styleId] = 1; }; _proto.remove = function remove(props) { var _this = this; var styleId = this.getIdAndRules(props).styleId; invariant(styleId in this._instancesCounts, "styleId: `" + styleId + "` not found"); this._instancesCounts[styleId] -= 1; if (this._instancesCounts[styleId] < 1) { var tagFromServer = this._fromServer && this._fromServer[styleId]; if (tagFromServer) { tagFromServer.parentNode.removeChild(tagFromServer); delete this._fromServer[styleId]; } else { this._indices[styleId].forEach(function(index) { return _this._sheet.deleteRule(index); }); delete this._indices[styleId]; } delete this._instancesCounts[styleId]; } }; _proto.update = function update(props, nextProps) { this.add(nextProps); this.remove(props); }; _proto.flush = function flush() { this._sheet.flush(); this._sheet.inject(); this._fromServer = undefined; this._indices = {}; this._instancesCounts = {}; }; _proto.cssRules = function cssRules() { var _this = this; var fromServer = this._fromServer ? Object.keys(this._fromServer).map(function(styleId) { return [ styleId, _this._fromServer[styleId] ]; }) : []; var cssRules1 = this._sheet.cssRules(); return fromServer.concat(Object.keys(this._indices).map(function(styleId) { return [ styleId, _this._indices[styleId].map(function(index) { return cssRules1[index].cssText; }).join(_this._optimizeForSpeed ? "" : "\n") ]; })// filter out empty rules .filter(function(rule) { return Boolean(rule[1]); })); }; _proto.styles = function styles(options) { return mapRulesToStyle(this.cssRules(), options); }; _proto.getIdAndRules = function getIdAndRules(props) { var css = props.children, dynamic = props.dynamic, id = props.id; if (dynamic) { var styleId = computeId(id, dynamic); return { styleId: styleId, rules: Array.isArray(css) ? css.map(function(rule) { return computeSelector(styleId, rule); }) : [ computeSelector(styleId, css) ] }; } return { styleId: computeId(id), rules: Array.isArray(css) ? css : [ css ] }; }; /** * selectFromServer * * Collects style tags from the document with id __jsx-XXX */ _proto.selectFromServer = function selectFromServer() { var elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('[id^="__jsx-"]')); return elements.reduce(function(acc, element) { var id = element.id.slice(2); acc[id] = element; return acc; }, {}); }; return StyleSheetRegistry; }(); function invariant(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error("StyleSheetRegistry: " + message + "."); } } var StyleSheetContext = /*#__PURE__*/ React.createContext(null); StyleSheetContext.displayName = "StyleSheetContext"; function createStyleRegistry() { return new StyleSheetRegistry(); } function StyleRegistry(param) { var configuredRegistry = param.registry, children = param.children; var rootRegistry = React.useContext(StyleSheetContext); var ref = React.useState(function() { return rootRegistry || configuredRegistry || createStyleRegistry(); }), registry = ref[0]; return /*#__PURE__*/ React__default["default"].createElement(StyleSheetContext.Provider, { value: registry }, children); } function useStyleRegistry() { return React.useContext(StyleSheetContext); } // Opt-into the new `useInsertionEffect` API in React 18, fallback to `useLayoutEffect`. // https://github.com/reactwg/react-18/discussions/110 var useInsertionEffect = React__default["default"].useInsertionEffect || React__default["default"].useLayoutEffect; var defaultRegistry = typeof window !== "undefined" ? createStyleRegistry() : undefined; function JSXStyle(props) { var registry = defaultRegistry ? defaultRegistry : useStyleRegistry(); // If `registry` does not exist, we do nothing here. if (!registry) { return null; } if (typeof window === "undefined") { registry.add(props); return null; } useInsertionEffect(function() { registry.add(props); return function() { registry.remove(props); }; // props.children can be string[], will be striped since id is identical }, [ props.id, String(props.dynamic) ]); return null; }JSXStyle.dynamic = function(info) { return info.map(function(tagInfo) { var baseId = tagInfo[0]; var props = tagInfo[1]; return computeId(baseId, props); }).join(" "); }; exports.StyleRegistry = StyleRegistry; exports.createStyleRegistry = createStyleRegistry; exports.style = JSXStyle; exports.useStyleRegistry = useStyleRegistry;