Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/server/web/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/server/web/next-url.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _detectDomainLocale = require("../../shared/lib/i18n/detect-domain-locale"); var _formatNextPathnameInfo = require("../../shared/lib/router/utils/format-next-pathname-info"); var _getHostname = require("../../shared/lib/get-hostname"); var _getNextPathnameInfo = require("../../shared/lib/router/utils/get-next-pathname-info"); const FLIGHT_PARAMETERS = [ "__flight__", "__flight_router_state_tree__", "__flight_prefetch__", ]; const REGEX_LOCALHOST_HOSTNAME = /(?!^https?:\/\/)(127(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}|::1|localhost)/; function parseURL(url, base) { return new URL(String(url).replace(REGEX_LOCALHOST_HOSTNAME, "localhost"), base && String(base).replace(REGEX_LOCALHOST_HOSTNAME, "localhost")); } function parseFlightParameters(searchParams) { let flightSearchParameters = {}; let flightSearchParametersUpdated = false; for (const name of FLIGHT_PARAMETERS){ const value = searchParams.get(name); if (value === null) { continue; } flightSearchParameters[name] = value; flightSearchParametersUpdated = true; } if (!flightSearchParametersUpdated) { return undefined; } return flightSearchParameters; } const Internal = Symbol("NextURLInternal"); class NextURL { constructor(input, baseOrOpts, opts){ let base; let options; if (typeof baseOrOpts === "object" && "pathname" in baseOrOpts || typeof baseOrOpts === "string") { base = baseOrOpts; options = opts || {}; } else { options = opts || baseOrOpts || {}; } this[Internal] = { url: parseURL(input, base != null ? base : options.base), options: options, basePath: "" }; this.analyzeUrl(); } analyzeUrl() { var ref, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; const pathnameInfo = (0, _getNextPathnameInfo).getNextPathnameInfo(this[Internal].url.pathname, { nextConfig: this[Internal].options.nextConfig, parseData: !process.env.__NEXT_NO_MIDDLEWARE_URL_NORMALIZE }); this[Internal].domainLocale = (0, _detectDomainLocale).detectDomainLocale((ref = this[Internal].options.nextConfig) == null ? void 0 : (ref1 = ref.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref1.domains, (0, _getHostname).getHostname(this[Internal].url, this[Internal].options.headers)); const defaultLocale = ((ref2 = this[Internal].domainLocale) == null ? void 0 : ref2.defaultLocale) || ((ref3 = this[Internal].options.nextConfig) == null ? void 0 : (ref4 = ref3.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref4.defaultLocale); this[Internal].url.pathname = pathnameInfo.pathname; this[Internal].defaultLocale = defaultLocale; var _basePath; this[Internal].basePath = (_basePath = pathnameInfo.basePath) != null ? _basePath : ""; this[Internal].buildId = pathnameInfo.buildId; var _locale; this[Internal].locale = (_locale = pathnameInfo.locale) != null ? _locale : defaultLocale; this[Internal].trailingSlash = pathnameInfo.trailingSlash; this[Internal].flightSearchParameters = parseFlightParameters(this[Internal].url.searchParams); } formatPathname() { return (0, _formatNextPathnameInfo).formatNextPathnameInfo({ basePath: this[Internal].basePath, buildId: this[Internal].buildId, defaultLocale: !this[Internal].options.forceLocale ? this[Internal].defaultLocale : undefined, locale: this[Internal].locale, pathname: this[Internal].url.pathname, trailingSlash: this[Internal].trailingSlash }); } formatSearch() { const flightSearchParameters = this[Internal].flightSearchParameters; // If no flight parameters are set, return the search string as is. // This is a fast path to ensure URLSearchParams only has to be recreated on Flight requests. if (!flightSearchParameters) { return this[Internal].url.search; } // Create separate URLSearchParams to ensure the original search string is not modified. const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(this[Internal].url.searchParams); // If any exist this loop is always limited to the amount of FLIGHT_PARAMETERS. for(const name in flightSearchParameters){ searchParams.set(name, flightSearchParameters[name]); } const params = searchParams.toString(); return params === "" ? "" : `?${params}`; } get buildId() { return this[Internal].buildId; } set buildId(buildId) { this[Internal].buildId = buildId; } get flightSearchParameters() { return this[Internal].flightSearchParameters; } set flightSearchParameters(flightSearchParams) { if (flightSearchParams) { for (const name of FLIGHT_PARAMETERS){ // Ensure only the provided values are set if (flightSearchParams[name]) { this[Internal].url.searchParams.set(name, flightSearchParams[name]); } else { // Delete the ones that are not provided as flightData should be overridden. this[Internal].url.searchParams.delete(name); } } } else { for (const name of FLIGHT_PARAMETERS){ this[Internal].url.searchParams.delete(name); } } this[Internal].flightSearchParameters = flightSearchParams; } get locale() { var _locale; return (_locale = this[Internal].locale) != null ? _locale : ""; } set locale(locale) { var ref, ref5; if (!this[Internal].locale || !((ref = this[Internal].options.nextConfig) == null ? void 0 : (ref5 = ref.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref5.locales.includes(locale))) { throw new TypeError(`The NextURL configuration includes no locale "${locale}"`); } this[Internal].locale = locale; } get defaultLocale() { return this[Internal].defaultLocale; } get domainLocale() { return this[Internal].domainLocale; } get searchParams() { return this[Internal].url.searchParams; } get host() { return this[Internal].url.host; } set host(value) { this[Internal].url.host = value; } get hostname() { return this[Internal].url.hostname; } set hostname(value) { this[Internal].url.hostname = value; } get port() { return this[Internal].url.port; } set port(value) { this[Internal].url.port = value; } get protocol() { return this[Internal].url.protocol; } set protocol(value) { this[Internal].url.protocol = value; } get href() { const pathname = this.formatPathname(); const search = this.formatSearch(); return `${this.protocol}//${this.host}${pathname}${search}`; } set href(url) { this[Internal].url = parseURL(url); this.analyzeUrl(); } get origin() { return this[Internal].url.origin; } get pathname() { return this[Internal].url.pathname; } set pathname(value) { this[Internal].url.pathname = value; } get hash() { return this[Internal].url.hash; } set hash(value) { this[Internal].url.hash = value; } get search() { return this[Internal].url.search; } set search(value) { this[Internal].url.search = value; } get password() { return this[Internal].url.password; } set password(value) { this[Internal].url.password = value; } get username() { return this[Internal].url.username; } set username(value) { this[Internal].url.username = value; } get basePath() { return this[Internal].basePath; } set basePath(value) { this[Internal].basePath = value.startsWith("/") ? value : `/${value}`; } toString() { return this.href; } toJSON() { return this.href; } [Symbol.for("edge-runtime.inspect.custom")]() { return { href: this.href, origin: this.origin, protocol: this.protocol, username: this.username, password: this.password, host: this.host, hostname: this.hostname, port: this.port, pathname: this.pathname, search: this.search, searchParams: this.searchParams, hash: this.hash }; } clone() { return new NextURL(String(this), this[Internal].options); } } exports.NextURL = NextURL; //# sourceMappingURL=next-url.js.map