Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/server/api-utils/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/server/api-utils/node.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.tryGetPreviewData = tryGetPreviewData; exports.parseBody = parseBody; exports.apiResolver = apiResolver; var _ = require("."); var _bytes = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/bytes")); var _jsonwebtoken = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/jsonwebtoken")); var _cryptoUtils = require("../crypto-utils"); var _etag = require("../lib/etag"); var _sendPayload = require("../send-payload"); var _stream = require("stream"); var _contentType = require("next/dist/compiled/content-type"); var _isError = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../lib/is-error")); var _utils = require("../../shared/lib/utils"); var _interopDefault = require("../../lib/interop-default"); var _index = require("./index"); var _mockRequest = require("../lib/mock-request"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function tryGetPreviewData(req, res, options) { // if an On-Demand revalidation is being done preview mode // is disabled if (options && (0, _).checkIsManualRevalidate(req, options).isManualRevalidate) { return false; } // Read cached preview data if present if (_index.SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA in req) { return req[_index.SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA]; } const getCookies = (0, _index).getCookieParser(req.headers); let cookies; try { cookies = getCookies(); } catch { // TODO: warn return false; } const hasBypass = _index.COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS in cookies; const hasData = _index.COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA in cookies; // Case: neither cookie is set. if (!(hasBypass || hasData)) { return false; } // Case: one cookie is set, but not the other. if (hasBypass !== hasData) { (0, _index).clearPreviewData(res); return false; } // Case: preview session is for an old build. if (cookies[_index.COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS] !== options.previewModeId) { (0, _index).clearPreviewData(res); return false; } const tokenPreviewData = cookies[_index.COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA]; let encryptedPreviewData; try { encryptedPreviewData = _jsonwebtoken.default.verify(tokenPreviewData, options.previewModeSigningKey); } catch { // TODO: warn (0, _index).clearPreviewData(res); return false; } const decryptedPreviewData = (0, _cryptoUtils).decryptWithSecret(Buffer.from(options.previewModeEncryptionKey), encryptedPreviewData.data); try { // TODO: strict runtime type checking const data = JSON.parse(decryptedPreviewData); // Cache lookup Object.defineProperty(req, _index.SYMBOL_PREVIEW_DATA, { value: data, enumerable: false }); return data; } catch { return false; } } /** * Parse `JSON` and handles invalid `JSON` strings * @param str `JSON` string */ function parseJson(str) { if (str.length === 0) { // special-case empty json body, as it's a common client-side mistake return {}; } try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { throw new _index.ApiError(400, "Invalid JSON"); } } async function parseBody(req, limit) { let contentType; try { contentType = (0, _contentType).parse(req.headers["content-type"] || "text/plain"); } catch { contentType = (0, _contentType).parse("text/plain"); } const { type , parameters } = contentType; const encoding = parameters.charset || "utf-8"; let buffer; try { const getRawBody = require("next/dist/compiled/raw-body"); buffer = await getRawBody(req, { encoding, limit }); } catch (e) { if ((0, _isError).default(e) && e.type === "entity.too.large") { throw new _index.ApiError(413, `Body exceeded ${limit} limit`); } else { throw new _index.ApiError(400, "Invalid body"); } } const body = buffer.toString(); if (type === "application/json" || type === "application/ld+json") { return parseJson(body); } else if (type === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { const qs = require("querystring"); return qs.decode(body); } else { return body; } } function getMaxContentLength(responseLimit) { if (responseLimit && typeof responseLimit !== "boolean") { return _bytes.default.parse(responseLimit); } return _index.RESPONSE_LIMIT_DEFAULT; } /** * Send `any` body to response * @param req request object * @param res response object * @param body of response */ function sendData(req, res, body) { if (body === null || body === undefined) { res.end(); return; } // strip irrelevant headers/body if (res.statusCode === 204 || res.statusCode === 304) { res.removeHeader("Content-Type"); res.removeHeader("Content-Length"); res.removeHeader("Transfer-Encoding"); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && body) { console.warn(`A body was attempted to be set with a 204 statusCode for ${req.url}, this is invalid and the body was ignored.\n` + `See more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/invalid-api-status-body`); } res.end(); return; } const contentType = res.getHeader("Content-Type"); if (body instanceof _stream.Stream) { if (!contentType) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); } body.pipe(res); return; } const isJSONLike = [ "object", "number", "boolean" ].includes(typeof body); const stringifiedBody = isJSONLike ? JSON.stringify(body) : body; const etag = (0, _etag).generateETag(stringifiedBody); if ((0, _sendPayload).sendEtagResponse(req, res, etag)) { return; } if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { if (!contentType) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); } res.setHeader("Content-Length", body.length); res.end(body); return; } if (isJSONLike) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } res.setHeader("Content-Length", Buffer.byteLength(stringifiedBody)); res.end(stringifiedBody); } /** * Send `JSON` object * @param res response object * @param jsonBody of data */ function sendJson(res, jsonBody) { // Set header to application/json res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); // Use send to handle request res.send(JSON.stringify(jsonBody)); } function isNotValidData(str) { return typeof str !== "string" || str.length < 16; } function setPreviewData(res, data, options) { if (isNotValidData(options.previewModeId)) { throw new Error("invariant: invalid previewModeId"); } if (isNotValidData(options.previewModeEncryptionKey)) { throw new Error("invariant: invalid previewModeEncryptionKey"); } if (isNotValidData(options.previewModeSigningKey)) { throw new Error("invariant: invalid previewModeSigningKey"); } const payload = _jsonwebtoken.default.sign({ data: (0, _cryptoUtils).encryptWithSecret(Buffer.from(options.previewModeEncryptionKey), JSON.stringify(data)) }, options.previewModeSigningKey, { algorithm: "HS256", ...options.maxAge !== undefined ? { expiresIn: options.maxAge } : undefined }); // limit preview mode cookie to 2KB since we shouldn't store too much // data here and browsers drop cookies over 4KB if (payload.length > 2048) { throw new Error(`Preview data is limited to 2KB currently, reduce how much data you are storing as preview data to continue`); } const { serialize } = require("next/dist/compiled/cookie"); const previous = res.getHeader("Set-Cookie"); res.setHeader(`Set-Cookie`, [ ...typeof previous === "string" ? [ previous ] : Array.isArray(previous) ? previous : [], serialize(_index.COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_BYPASS, options.previewModeId, { httpOnly: true, sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development" ? "none" : "lax", secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development", path: "/", ...options.maxAge !== undefined ? { maxAge: options.maxAge } : undefined, ...options.path !== undefined ? { path: options.path } : undefined }), serialize(_index.COOKIE_NAME_PRERENDER_DATA, payload, { httpOnly: true, sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development" ? "none" : "lax", secure: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development", path: "/", ...options.maxAge !== undefined ? { maxAge: options.maxAge } : undefined, ...options.path !== undefined ? { path: options.path } : undefined }), ]); return res; } async function revalidate(urlPath, opts, req, context) { if (typeof urlPath !== "string" || !urlPath.startsWith("/")) { throw new Error(`Invalid urlPath provided to revalidate(), must be a path e.g. /blog/post-1, received ${urlPath}`); } const revalidateHeaders = { [_index.PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_HEADER]: context.previewModeId, ...opts.unstable_onlyGenerated ? { [_.PRERENDER_REVALIDATE_ONLY_GENERATED_HEADER]: "1" } : {} }; try { if (context.trustHostHeader) { const res = await fetch(`https://${req.headers.host}${urlPath}`, { method: "HEAD", headers: { ...revalidateHeaders, cookie: req.headers.cookie || "" } }); // we use the cache header to determine successful revalidate as // a non-200 status code can be returned from a successful revalidate // e.g. notFound: true returns 404 status code but is successful const cacheHeader = res.headers.get("x-vercel-cache") || res.headers.get("x-nextjs-cache"); if ((cacheHeader == null ? void 0 : cacheHeader.toUpperCase()) !== "REVALIDATED" && !(res.status === 404 && opts.unstable_onlyGenerated)) { throw new Error(`Invalid response ${res.status}`); } } else if (context.revalidate) { const { req: mockReq , res: mockRes , streamPromise , } = (0, _mockRequest).mockRequest(urlPath, revalidateHeaders, "GET"); await context.revalidate(mockReq, mockRes); await streamPromise; if (mockRes.getHeader("x-nextjs-cache") !== "REVALIDATED" && !(mockRes.statusCode === 404 && opts.unstable_onlyGenerated)) { throw new Error(`Invalid response ${mockRes.statusCode}`); } } else { throw new Error(`Invariant: required internal revalidate method not passed to api-utils`); } } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Failed to revalidate ${urlPath}: ${(0, _isError).default(err) ? err.message : err}`); } } async function apiResolver(req, res, query, resolverModule, apiContext, propagateError, dev, page) { const apiReq = req; const apiRes = res; try { var ref, ref1, ref2; if (!resolverModule) { res.statusCode = 404; res.end("Not Found"); return; } const config = resolverModule.config || {}; const bodyParser = ((ref = config.api) == null ? void 0 : ref.bodyParser) !== false; var ref3; const responseLimit = (ref3 = (ref1 = config.api) == null ? void 0 : ref1.responseLimit) != null ? ref3 : true; const externalResolver = ((ref2 = config.api) == null ? void 0 : ref2.externalResolver) || false; // Parsing of cookies (0, _index).setLazyProp({ req: apiReq }, "cookies", (0, _index).getCookieParser(req.headers)); // Parsing query string apiReq.query = query; // Parsing preview data (0, _index).setLazyProp({ req: apiReq }, "previewData", ()=>tryGetPreviewData(req, res, apiContext)); // Checking if preview mode is enabled (0, _index).setLazyProp({ req: apiReq }, "preview", ()=>apiReq.previewData !== false ? true : undefined); // Parsing of body if (bodyParser && !apiReq.body) { apiReq.body = await parseBody(apiReq, config.api && config.api.bodyParser && config.api.bodyParser.sizeLimit ? config.api.bodyParser.sizeLimit : "1mb"); } let contentLength = 0; const maxContentLength = getMaxContentLength(responseLimit); const writeData = apiRes.write; const endResponse = apiRes.end; apiRes.write = (...args)=>{ contentLength += Buffer.byteLength(args[0] || ""); return writeData.apply(apiRes, args); }; apiRes.end = (...args)=>{ if (args.length && typeof args[0] !== "function") { contentLength += Buffer.byteLength(args[0] || ""); } if (responseLimit && contentLength >= maxContentLength) { console.warn(`API response for ${req.url} exceeds ${_bytes.default.format(maxContentLength)}. API Routes are meant to respond quickly. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/api-routes-response-size-limit`); } endResponse.apply(apiRes, args); }; apiRes.status = (statusCode)=>(0, _index).sendStatusCode(apiRes, statusCode); apiRes.send = (data)=>sendData(apiReq, apiRes, data); apiRes.json = (data)=>sendJson(apiRes, data); apiRes.redirect = (statusOrUrl, url)=>(0, _index).redirect(apiRes, statusOrUrl, url); apiRes.setPreviewData = (data, options = {})=>setPreviewData(apiRes, data, Object.assign({}, apiContext, options)); apiRes.clearPreviewData = (options = {})=>(0, _index).clearPreviewData(apiRes, options); apiRes.revalidate = (urlPath, opts)=>revalidate(urlPath, opts || {}, req, apiContext); // TODO: remove in next minor (current v12.2) apiRes.unstable_revalidate = ()=>{ throw new Error(`"unstable_revalidate" has been renamed to "revalidate" see more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/data-fetching/incremental-static-regeneration#on-demand-revalidation`); }; const resolver = (0, _interopDefault).interopDefault(resolverModule); let wasPiped = false; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { // listen for pipe event and don't show resolve warning res.once("pipe", ()=>wasPiped = true); } // Call API route method await resolver(req, res); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !externalResolver && !(0, _utils).isResSent(res) && !wasPiped) { console.warn(`API resolved without sending a response for ${req.url}, this may result in stalled requests.`); } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof _index.ApiError) { (0, _index).sendError(apiRes, err.statusCode, err.message); } else { if (dev) { if ((0, _isError).default(err)) { err.page = page; } throw err; } console.error(err); if (propagateError) { throw err; } (0, _index).sendError(apiRes, 500, "Internal Server Error"); } } } //# sourceMappingURL=node.js.map