Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/export/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/export/worker.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = exportPage; require("../server/node-polyfill-fetch"); var _requireHook = _interopRequireDefault(require("../build/webpack/require-hook")); var _url = _interopRequireDefault(require("url")); var _path = require("path"); var _render = require("../server/render"); var _fs = require("fs"); var _amphtmlValidator = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/amphtml-validator")); var _loadComponents = require("../server/load-components"); var _isDynamic = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic"); var _routeMatcher = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher"); var _routeRegex = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/route-regex"); var _normalizePagePath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path"); var _constants = require("../lib/constants"); var _require = require("../server/require"); var _normalizeLocalePath = require("../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path"); var _trace = require("../trace"); var _ampMode = require("../shared/lib/amp-mode"); var _config = require("../server/config"); var _renderResult = _interopRequireDefault(require("../server/render-result")); var _isError = _interopRequireDefault(require("../lib/is-error")); var _requestMeta = require("../server/request-meta"); var _appPaths = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/app-paths"); async function exportPage({ parentSpanId , path , pathMap , distDir , outDir , pagesDataDir , renderOpts , buildExport , serverRuntimeConfig , subFolders , serverless , optimizeFonts , optimizeCss , disableOptimizedLoading , httpAgentOptions , serverComponents }) { (0, _config).setHttpAgentOptions(httpAgentOptions); const exportPageSpan = (0, _trace).trace("export-page-worker", parentSpanId); return exportPageSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const start = Date.now(); let results = { ampValidations: [] }; try { var ref3; const { query: originalQuery = {} } = pathMap; const { page } = pathMap; const isAppDir = pathMap._isAppDir; const filePath = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(path); const isDynamic = (0, _isDynamic).isDynamicRoute(page); const ampPath = `${filePath}.amp`; let renderAmpPath = ampPath; let query = { ...originalQuery }; let params; if (isAppDir) { outDir = (0, _path).join(distDir, "server/app"); } let updatedPath = query.__nextSsgPath || path; let locale = query.__nextLocale || renderOpts.locale; delete query.__nextLocale; delete query.__nextSsgPath; if (renderOpts.locale) { const localePathResult = (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(path, renderOpts.locales); if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) { updatedPath = localePathResult.pathname; locale = localePathResult.detectedLocale; if (locale === renderOpts.defaultLocale) { renderAmpPath = `${(0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(updatedPath)}.amp`; } } } // We need to show a warning if they try to provide query values // for an auto-exported page since they won't be available const hasOrigQueryValues = Object.keys(originalQuery).length > 0; const queryWithAutoExportWarn = ()=>{ if (hasOrigQueryValues) { throw new Error(`\nError: you provided query values for ${path} which is an auto-exported page. These can not be applied since the page can no longer be re-rendered on the server. To disable auto-export for this page add \`getInitialProps\`\n`); } }; // Check if the page is a specified dynamic route const nonLocalizedPath = (0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(path, renderOpts.locales).pathname; if (isDynamic && page !== nonLocalizedPath) { const normalizedPage = isAppDir ? (0, _appPaths).normalizeAppPath(page) : page; params = (0, _routeMatcher).getRouteMatcher((0, _routeRegex).getRouteRegex(normalizedPage))(updatedPath) || undefined; if (params) { // we have to pass these separately for serverless if (!serverless) { query = { ...query, ...params }; } } else { throw new Error(`The provided export path '${updatedPath}' doesn't match the '${page}' page.\nRead more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/export-path-mismatch`); } } const headerMocks = { headers: {}, getHeader: ()=>({}), setHeader: ()=>{}, hasHeader: ()=>false, removeHeader: ()=>{}, getHeaderNames: ()=>[] }; const req = { url: updatedPath, ...headerMocks }; const res = { ...headerMocks }; if (updatedPath === "/500" && page === "/_error") { res.statusCode = 500; } if (renderOpts.trailingSlash && !((ref3 = req.url) == null ? void 0 : ref3.endsWith("/"))) { req.url += "/"; } if (locale && buildExport && renderOpts.domainLocales && renderOpts.domainLocales.some((dl)=>{ var ref; return dl.defaultLocale === locale || ((ref = dl.locales) == null ? void 0 : ref.includes(locale || "")); })) { (0, _requestMeta).addRequestMeta(req, "__nextIsLocaleDomain", true); } envConfig.setConfig({ serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig: renderOpts.runtimeConfig }); const getHtmlFilename = (_path1)=>subFolders ? `${_path1}${_path.sep}index.html` : `${_path1}.html`; let htmlFilename = getHtmlFilename(filePath); // dynamic routes can provide invalid extensions e.g. /blog/[...slug] returns an // extension of `.slug]` const pageExt = isDynamic ? "" : (0, _path).extname(page); const pathExt = isDynamic ? "" : (0, _path).extname(path); // force output 404.html for backwards compat if (path === "/404.html") { htmlFilename = path; } else if (pageExt !== pathExt && pathExt !== "") { const isBuiltinPaths = [ "/500", "/404" ].some((p)=>p === path || p === path + ".html"); // If the ssg path has .html extension, and it's not builtin paths, use it directly // Otherwise, use that as the filename instead const isHtmlExtPath = !serverless && !isBuiltinPaths && path.endsWith(".html"); htmlFilename = isHtmlExtPath ? getHtmlFilename(path) : path; } else if (path === "/") { // If the path is the root, just use index.html htmlFilename = "index.html"; } const baseDir = (0, _path).join(outDir, (0, _path).dirname(htmlFilename)); let htmlFilepath = (0, _path).join(outDir, htmlFilename); await _fs.promises.mkdir(baseDir, { recursive: true }); let renderResult; let curRenderOpts = {}; let renderMethod = _render.renderToHTML; let inAmpMode = false, hybridAmp = false; const renderedDuringBuild = (getStaticProps)=>{ return !buildExport && getStaticProps && !(0, _isDynamic).isDynamicRoute(path); }; if (serverless) { const curUrl = _url.default.parse(req.url, true); req.url = _url.default.format({ ...curUrl, query: { ...curUrl.query, ...query } }); const { Component , ComponentMod , getServerSideProps , getStaticProps , pageConfig , } = await (0, _loadComponents).loadComponents({ distDir, pathname: page, serverless, hasServerComponents: !!serverComponents, isAppPath: isAppDir }); const ampState = { ampFirst: (pageConfig == null ? void 0 : pageConfig.amp) === true, hasQuery: Boolean(query.amp), hybrid: (pageConfig == null ? void 0 : pageConfig.amp) === "hybrid" }; inAmpMode = (0, _ampMode).isInAmpMode(ampState); hybridAmp = ampState.hybrid; if (getServerSideProps) { throw new Error(`Error for page ${page}: ${_constants.SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR}`); } // if it was auto-exported the HTML is loaded here if (typeof Component === "string") { renderResult = _renderResult.default.fromStatic(Component); queryWithAutoExportWarn(); } else { // for non-dynamic SSG pages we should have already // prerendered the file if (renderedDuringBuild(getStaticProps)) return { ...results, duration: Date.now() - start }; if (getStaticProps && !htmlFilepath.endsWith(".html")) { // make sure it ends with .html if the name contains a dot htmlFilename += ".html"; htmlFilepath += ".html"; } renderMethod = ComponentMod.renderReqToHTML; const result = await renderMethod(req, res, "export", { ampPath: renderAmpPath, /// @ts-ignore optimizeFonts, /// @ts-ignore optimizeCss, disableOptimizedLoading, distDir, fontManifest: optimizeFonts ? (0, _require).requireFontManifest(distDir, serverless) : null, locale: locale, locales: renderOpts.locales }, // @ts-ignore params); curRenderOpts = result.renderOpts || {}; renderResult = result.html; } if (!renderResult && !curRenderOpts.isNotFound) { throw new Error(`Failed to render serverless page`); } } else { var ref1, ref2; const components = await (0, _loadComponents).loadComponents({ distDir, pathname: page, serverless, hasServerComponents: !!serverComponents, isAppPath: isAppDir }); curRenderOpts = { ...components, ...renderOpts, ampPath: renderAmpPath, params, optimizeFonts, optimizeCss, disableOptimizedLoading, fontManifest: optimizeFonts ? (0, _require).requireFontManifest(distDir, serverless) : null, locale: locale }; // during build we attempt rendering app dir paths // and bail when dynamic dependencies are detected // only fully static paths are fully generated here if (isAppDir) { const { DynamicServerError , } = require("../client/components/hooks-server-context"); const { renderToHTMLOrFlight } = require("../server/app-render"); try { (_curRenderOpts = curRenderOpts).params || (_curRenderOpts.params = {}); const result = await renderToHTMLOrFlight(req, res, page, query, curRenderOpts, false, true); const html = result == null ? void 0 : result.toUnchunkedString(); const flightData = curRenderOpts.pageData; const revalidate = curRenderOpts.revalidate; results.fromBuildExportRevalidate = revalidate; if (revalidate !== 0) { await _fs.promises.writeFile(htmlFilepath, html, "utf8"); await _fs.promises.writeFile(htmlFilepath.replace(/\.html$/, ".rsc"), flightData); } } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof DynamicServerError)) { throw err; } } return { ...results, duration: Date.now() - start }; } const ampState = { ampFirst: ((ref1 = components.pageConfig) == null ? void 0 : ref1.amp) === true, hasQuery: Boolean(query.amp), hybrid: ((ref2 = components.pageConfig) == null ? void 0 : ref2.amp) === "hybrid" }; inAmpMode = (0, _ampMode).isInAmpMode(ampState); hybridAmp = ampState.hybrid; if (components.getServerSideProps) { throw new Error(`Error for page ${page}: ${_constants.SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR}`); } // for non-dynamic SSG pages we should have already // prerendered the file if (renderedDuringBuild(components.getStaticProps)) { return { ...results, duration: Date.now() - start }; } // TODO: de-dupe the logic here between serverless and server mode if (components.getStaticProps && !htmlFilepath.endsWith(".html")) { // make sure it ends with .html if the name contains a dot htmlFilepath += ".html"; htmlFilename += ".html"; } if (typeof components.Component === "string") { renderResult = _renderResult.default.fromStatic(components.Component); queryWithAutoExportWarn(); } else { /** * This sets environment variable to be used at the time of static export by head.tsx. * Using this from process.env allows targeting both serverless and SSR by calling * `process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS`. * TODO(prateekbh@): Remove this when experimental.optimizeFonts are being cleaned up. */ if (optimizeFonts) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS = JSON.stringify(optimizeFonts); } if (optimizeCss) { process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS = JSON.stringify(true); } renderResult = await renderMethod(req, res, page, query, // @ts-ignore curRenderOpts); } } results.ssgNotFound = curRenderOpts.isNotFound; const validateAmp = async (rawAmpHtml, ampPageName, validatorPath)=>{ const validator = await _amphtmlValidator.default.getInstance(validatorPath); const result = validator.validateString(rawAmpHtml); const errors = result.errors.filter((e)=>e.severity === "ERROR"); const warnings = result.errors.filter((e)=>e.severity !== "ERROR"); if (warnings.length || errors.length) { results.ampValidations.push({ page: ampPageName, result: { errors, warnings } }); } }; const html = renderResult ? renderResult.toUnchunkedString() : ""; if (inAmpMode && !curRenderOpts.ampSkipValidation) { if (!results.ssgNotFound) { await validateAmp(html, path, curRenderOpts.ampValidatorPath); } } else if (hybridAmp) { // we need to render the AMP version let ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}${_path.sep}index.html`; if (!subFolders) { ampHtmlFilename = `${ampPath}.html`; } const ampBaseDir = (0, _path).join(outDir, (0, _path).dirname(ampHtmlFilename)); const ampHtmlFilepath = (0, _path).join(outDir, ampHtmlFilename); try { await _fs.promises.access(ampHtmlFilepath); } catch (_) { // make sure it doesn't exist from manual mapping let ampRenderResult; if (serverless) { req.url += (req.url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + "amp=1"; // @ts-ignore ampRenderResult = (await renderMethod(req, res, "export", curRenderOpts, params)).html; } else { ampRenderResult = await renderMethod(req, res, page, // @ts-ignore { ...query, amp: "1" }, curRenderOpts); } const ampHtml = ampRenderResult ? ampRenderResult.toUnchunkedString() : ""; if (!curRenderOpts.ampSkipValidation) { await validateAmp(ampHtml, page + "?amp=1"); } await _fs.promises.mkdir(ampBaseDir, { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.writeFile(ampHtmlFilepath, ampHtml, "utf8"); } } if (curRenderOpts.pageData) { const dataFile = (0, _path).join(pagesDataDir, htmlFilename.replace(/\.html$/, ".json")); await _fs.promises.mkdir((0, _path).dirname(dataFile), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.writeFile(dataFile, JSON.stringify(curRenderOpts.pageData), "utf8"); if (hybridAmp) { await _fs.promises.writeFile(dataFile.replace(/\.json$/, ".amp.json"), JSON.stringify(curRenderOpts.pageData), "utf8"); } } results.fromBuildExportRevalidate = curRenderOpts.revalidate; if (!results.ssgNotFound) { // don't attempt writing to disk if getStaticProps returned not found await _fs.promises.writeFile(htmlFilepath, html, "utf8"); } } catch (error) { console.error(`\nError occurred prerendering page "${path}". Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/prerender-error\n` + ((0, _isError).default(error) && error.stack ? error.stack : error)); results.error = true; } return { ...results, duration: Date.now() - start }; }); } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var _curRenderOpts; (0, _requireHook).default(); const envConfig = require("../shared/lib/runtime-config"); global.__NEXT_DATA__ = { nextExport: true }; //# sourceMappingURL=worker.js.map