Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/build/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = build; var _env = require("@next/env"); var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/chalk")); var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(require("crypto")); var _micromatch = require("next/dist/compiled/micromatch"); var _fs = require("fs"); var _jestWorker = require("next/dist/compiled/jest-worker"); var _worker = require("../lib/worker"); var _devalue = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/devalue")); var _escapeRegexp = require("../shared/lib/escape-regexp"); var _findUp = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/find-up")); var _indexCjs = require("next/dist/compiled/nanoid/index.cjs"); var _pathToRegexp = require("next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp"); var _path = _interopRequireWildcard(require("path")); var _formatWebpackMessages = _interopRequireDefault(require("../client/dev/error-overlay/format-webpack-messages")); var _constants = require("../lib/constants"); var _fileExists = require("../lib/file-exists"); var _findPagesDir = require("../lib/find-pages-dir"); var _loadCustomRoutes = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../lib/load-custom-routes")); var _redirectStatus = require("../lib/redirect-status"); var _nonNullable = require("../lib/non-nullable"); var _recursiveDelete = require("../lib/recursive-delete"); var _verifyAndLint = require("../lib/verifyAndLint"); var _verifyPartytownSetup = require("../lib/verify-partytown-setup"); var _constants1 = require("../shared/lib/constants"); var _utils = require("../shared/lib/router/utils"); var _config = _interopRequireDefault(require("../server/config")); var _utils1 = require("../server/utils"); var _normalizePagePath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path"); var _require = require("../server/require"); var ciEnvironment = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../telemetry/ci-info")); var _events = require("../telemetry/events"); var _storage = require("../telemetry/storage"); var _compiler = require("./compiler"); var _getPageStaticInfo = require("./analysis/get-page-static-info"); var _entries = require("./entries"); var _generateBuildId = require("./generate-build-id"); var _isWriteable = require("./is-writeable"); var Log = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./output/log")); var _spinner = _interopRequireDefault(require("./spinner")); var _trace = require("../trace"); var _utils2 = require("./utils"); var _webpackConfig = _interopRequireDefault(require("./webpack-config")); var _writeBuildId = require("./write-build-id"); var _normalizeLocalePath = require("../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path"); var _isError = _interopRequireDefault(require("../lib/is-error")); var _telemetryPlugin = require("./webpack/plugins/telemetry-plugin"); var _recursiveCopy = require("../lib/recursive-copy"); var _recursiveReaddir = require("../lib/recursive-readdir"); var _swc = require("./swc"); var _flightClientEntryPlugin = require("./webpack/plugins/flight-client-entry-plugin"); var _routeRegex = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/route-regex"); var _flatReaddir = require("../lib/flat-readdir"); var _swcPlugins = require("../telemetry/events/swc-plugins"); var _appPaths = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/app-paths"); async function build(dir, conf = null, reactProductionProfiling = false, debugOutput = false, runLint = true) { try { const nextBuildSpan = (0, _trace).trace("next-build", undefined, { version: "12.3.4" }); const buildResult = await nextBuildSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ var ref7, ref1; // attempt to load global env values so they are available in next.config.js const { loadedEnvFiles } = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("load-dotenv").traceFn(()=>(0, _env).loadEnvConfig(dir, false, Log)); const config = await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("load-next-config").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _config).default(_constants1.PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD, dir, conf)); const distDir = _path.default.join(dir, config.distDir); (0, _trace).setGlobal("phase", _constants1.PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD); (0, _trace).setGlobal("distDir", distDir); // We enable concurrent features (Fizz-related rendering architecture) when // using React 18 or experimental. const hasReactRoot = !!process.env.__NEXT_REACT_ROOT; const hasServerComponents = hasReactRoot && !!config.experimental.serverComponents; const { target } = config; const buildId = await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("generate-buildid").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _generateBuildId).generateBuildId(config.generateBuildId, _indexCjs.nanoid)); const customRoutes = await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("load-custom-routes").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _loadCustomRoutes).default(config)); const { headers , rewrites , redirects } = customRoutes; const cacheDir = _path.default.join(distDir, "cache"); if (ciEnvironment.isCI && !ciEnvironment.hasNextSupport) { const hasCache = await (0, _fileExists).fileExists(cacheDir); if (!hasCache) { // Intentionally not piping to stderr in case people fail in CI when // stderr is detected. console.log(`${Log.prefixes.warn} No build cache found. Please configure build caching for faster rebuilds. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-cache`); } } const telemetry = new _storage.Telemetry({ distDir }); (0, _trace).setGlobal("telemetry", telemetry); const publicDir = _path.default.join(dir, "public"); const { pages: pagesDir , appDir } = (0, _findPagesDir).findPagesDir(dir, config.experimental.appDir); const hasPublicDir = await (0, _fileExists).fileExists(publicDir); telemetry.record((0, _events).eventCliSession(dir, config, { webpackVersion: 5, cliCommand: "build", isSrcDir: !!pagesDir && _path.default.relative(dir, pagesDir).startsWith("src") || !!appDir && _path.default.relative(dir, appDir).startsWith("src"), hasNowJson: !!await (0, _findUp).default("now.json", { cwd: dir }), isCustomServer: null })); (0, _events).eventNextPlugins(_path.default.resolve(dir)).then((events)=>telemetry.record(events)); (0, _swcPlugins).eventSwcPlugins(_path.default.resolve(dir), config).then((events)=>telemetry.record(events)); const ignoreTypeScriptErrors = Boolean(config.typescript.ignoreBuildErrors); const ignoreESLint = Boolean(config.eslint.ignoreDuringBuilds); const eslintCacheDir = _path.default.join(cacheDir, "eslint/"); const shouldLint = !ignoreESLint && runLint; if (ignoreTypeScriptErrors) { Log.info("Skipping validation of types"); } if (runLint && ignoreESLint) { // only print log when build requre lint while ignoreESLint is enabled Log.info("Skipping linting"); } let typeCheckingAndLintingSpinnerPrefixText; let typeCheckingAndLintingSpinner; if (!ignoreTypeScriptErrors && shouldLint) { typeCheckingAndLintingSpinnerPrefixText = "Linting and checking validity of types"; } else if (!ignoreTypeScriptErrors) { typeCheckingAndLintingSpinnerPrefixText = "Checking validity of types"; } else if (shouldLint) { typeCheckingAndLintingSpinnerPrefixText = "Linting"; } // we will not create a spinner if both ignoreTypeScriptErrors and ignoreESLint are // enabled, but we will still verifying project's tsconfig and dependencies. if (typeCheckingAndLintingSpinnerPrefixText) { typeCheckingAndLintingSpinner = (0, _spinner).default({ prefixText: `${Log.prefixes.info} ${typeCheckingAndLintingSpinnerPrefixText}` }); } const typeCheckStart = process.hrtime(); try { const [[verifyResult, typeCheckEnd]] = await Promise.all([ nextBuildSpan.traceChild("verify-typescript-setup").traceAsyncFn(()=>verifyTypeScriptSetup(dir, [ pagesDir, appDir ].filter(Boolean), !ignoreTypeScriptErrors, config.typescript.tsconfigPath, config.images.disableStaticImages, cacheDir, config.experimental.cpus, config.experimental.workerThreads).then((resolved)=>{ const checkEnd = process.hrtime(typeCheckStart); return [ resolved, checkEnd ]; })), shouldLint && nextBuildSpan.traceChild("verify-and-lint").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ var ref; await (0, _verifyAndLint).verifyAndLint(dir, eslintCacheDir, (ref = config.eslint) == null ? void 0 : ref.dirs, config.experimental.cpus, config.experimental.workerThreads, telemetry, !!config.experimental.appDir); }), ]); typeCheckingAndLintingSpinner == null ? void 0 : typeCheckingAndLintingSpinner.stopAndPersist(); if (!ignoreTypeScriptErrors && verifyResult) { var ref2, ref3, ref4; telemetry.record((0, _events).eventTypeCheckCompleted({ durationInSeconds: typeCheckEnd[0], typescriptVersion: verifyResult.version, inputFilesCount: (ref2 = verifyResult.result) == null ? void 0 : ref2.inputFilesCount, totalFilesCount: (ref3 = verifyResult.result) == null ? void 0 : ref3.totalFilesCount, incremental: (ref4 = verifyResult.result) == null ? void 0 : ref4.incremental })); } } catch (err1) { // prevent showing jest-worker internal error as it // isn't helpful for users and clutters output if ((0, _isError).default(err1) && err1.message === "Call retries were exceeded") { process.exit(1); } throw err1; } const buildLintEvent = { featureName: "build-lint", invocationCount: shouldLint ? 1 : 0 }; telemetry.record({ eventName: _events.EVENT_BUILD_FEATURE_USAGE, payload: buildLintEvent }); const buildSpinner = (0, _spinner).default({ prefixText: `${Log.prefixes.info} Creating an optimized production build` }); const isLikeServerless = (0, _utils1).isTargetLikeServerless(target); const pagesPaths = pagesDir ? await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("collect-pages").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _recursiveReaddir).recursiveReadDir(pagesDir, new RegExp(`\\.(?:${config.pageExtensions.join("|")})$`))) : []; let appPaths; if (appDir) { appPaths = await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("collect-app-paths").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _recursiveReaddir).recursiveReadDir(appDir, new RegExp(`page\\.(?:${config.pageExtensions.join("|")})$`))); } const middlewareDetectionRegExp = new RegExp(`^${_constants.MIDDLEWARE_FILENAME}\\.(?:${config.pageExtensions.join("|")})$`); const rootPaths = pagesDir ? (await (0, _flatReaddir).flatReaddir((0, _path).join(pagesDir, ".."), middlewareDetectionRegExp)).map((absoluteFile)=>absoluteFile.replace(dir, "")) : []; // needed for static exporting since we want to replace with HTML // files const allStaticPages = new Set(); let allPageInfos = new Map(); const previewProps = { previewModeId: _crypto.default.randomBytes(16).toString("hex"), previewModeSigningKey: _crypto.default.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"), previewModeEncryptionKey: _crypto.default.randomBytes(32).toString("hex") }; const mappedPages = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("create-pages-mapping").traceFn(()=>(0, _entries).createPagesMapping({ isDev: false, pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions, pagesType: "pages", pagePaths: pagesPaths, pagesDir })); let mappedAppPages; if (appPaths && appDir) { mappedAppPages = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("create-app-mapping").traceFn(()=>(0, _entries).createPagesMapping({ pagePaths: appPaths, isDev: false, pagesType: "app", pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions, pagesDir: pagesDir })); } let mappedRootPaths = {}; if (rootPaths.length > 0) { mappedRootPaths = (0, _entries).createPagesMapping({ isDev: false, pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions, pagePaths: rootPaths, pagesType: "root", pagesDir: pagesDir }); } const entrypoints = await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("create-entrypoints").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _entries).createEntrypoints({ buildId, config, envFiles: loadedEnvFiles, isDev: false, pages: mappedPages, pagesDir, previewMode: previewProps, target, rootDir: dir, rootPaths: mappedRootPaths, appDir, appPaths: mappedAppPages, pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions })); const pageKeys = { pages: Object.keys(mappedPages), app: mappedAppPages ? Object.keys(mappedAppPages).map((key)=>(0, _appPaths).normalizeAppPath(key) || "/") : undefined }; const conflictingPublicFiles = []; const hasPages404 = (ref7 = mappedPages["/404"]) == null ? void 0 : ref7.startsWith(_constants.PAGES_DIR_ALIAS); const hasCustomErrorPage = mappedPages["/_error"].startsWith(_constants.PAGES_DIR_ALIAS); if (hasPublicDir) { const hasPublicUnderScoreNextDir = await (0, _fileExists).fileExists(_path.default.join(publicDir, "_next")); if (hasPublicUnderScoreNextDir) { throw new Error(_constants.PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT); } } await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("public-dir-conflict-check").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ // Check if pages conflict with files in `public` // Only a page of public file can be served, not both. for(const page in mappedPages){ const hasPublicPageFile = await (0, _fileExists).fileExists(_path.default.join(publicDir, page === "/" ? "/index" : page), "file"); if (hasPublicPageFile) { conflictingPublicFiles.push(page); } } const numConflicting = conflictingPublicFiles.length; if (numConflicting) { throw new Error(`Conflicting public and page file${numConflicting === 1 ? " was" : "s were"} found. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/conflicting-public-file-page\n${conflictingPublicFiles.join("\n")}`); } }); const nestedReservedPages = pageKeys.pages.filter((page)=>{ return page.match(/\/(_app|_document|_error)$/) && _path.default.dirname(page) !== "/"; }); if (nestedReservedPages.length) { Log.warn(`The following reserved Next.js pages were detected not directly under the pages directory:\n` + nestedReservedPages.join("\n") + `\nSee more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/nested-reserved-page\n`); } const restrictedRedirectPaths = [ "/_next" ].map((p)=>config.basePath ? `${config.basePath}${p}` : p); const buildCustomRoute = (r, type)=>{ const keys = []; const routeRegex = (0, _pathToRegexp).pathToRegexp(r.source, keys, { strict: true, sensitive: false, delimiter: "/" }); let regexSource = routeRegex.source; if (!r.internal) { regexSource = (0, _redirectStatus).modifyRouteRegex(routeRegex.source, type === "redirect" ? restrictedRedirectPaths : undefined); } return { ...r, ...type === "redirect" ? { statusCode: (0, _redirectStatus).getRedirectStatus(r), permanent: undefined } : {}, regex: (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex(regexSource) }; }; const routesManifestPath = _path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.ROUTES_MANIFEST); const routesManifest = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("generate-routes-manifest").traceFn(()=>{ var _app; const sortedRoutes = (0, _utils).getSortedRoutes([ ...pageKeys.pages, ...(_app = pageKeys.app) != null ? _app : [], ]); const dynamicRoutes = []; const staticRoutes = []; for (const route of sortedRoutes){ if ((0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(route)) { dynamicRoutes.push(pageToRoute(route)); } else if (!(0, _utils2).isReservedPage(route)) { staticRoutes.push(pageToRoute(route)); } } return { version: 3, pages404: true, basePath: config.basePath, redirects: redirects.map((r)=>buildCustomRoute(r, "redirect")), headers: headers.map((r)=>buildCustomRoute(r, "header")), dynamicRoutes, staticRoutes, dataRoutes: [], i18n: config.i18n || undefined, skipMiddlewareUrlNormalize: config.experimental.skipMiddlewareUrlNormalize }; }); if (rewrites.beforeFiles.length === 0 && rewrites.fallback.length === 0) { routesManifest.rewrites = rewrites.afterFiles.map((r)=>buildCustomRoute(r, "rewrite")); } else { routesManifest.rewrites = { beforeFiles: rewrites.beforeFiles.map((r)=>buildCustomRoute(r, "rewrite")), afterFiles: rewrites.afterFiles.map((r)=>buildCustomRoute(r, "rewrite")), fallback: rewrites.fallback.map((r)=>buildCustomRoute(r, "rewrite")) }; } const combinedRewrites = [ ...rewrites.beforeFiles, ...rewrites.afterFiles, ...rewrites.fallback, ]; const distDirCreated = await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("create-dist-dir").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ try { await _fs.promises.mkdir(distDir, { recursive: true }); return true; } catch (err) { if ((0, _isError).default(err) && err.code === "EPERM") { return false; } throw err; } }); if (!distDirCreated || !await (0, _isWriteable).isWriteable(distDir)) { throw new Error("> Build directory is not writeable. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/build-dir-not-writeable"); } if (config.cleanDistDir) { await (0, _recursiveDelete).recursiveDelete(distDir, /^cache/); } // Ensure commonjs handling is used for files in the distDir (generally .next) // Files outside of the distDir can be "type": "module" await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, "package.json"), '{"type": "commonjs"}'); // We need to write the manifest with rewrites before build // so serverless can import the manifest await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("write-routes-manifest").traceAsyncFn(()=>_fs.promises.writeFile(routesManifestPath, JSON.stringify(routesManifest), "utf8")); const serverDir = isLikeServerless ? _constants1.SERVERLESS_DIRECTORY : _constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY; const manifestPath = _path.default.join(distDir, serverDir, _constants1.PAGES_MANIFEST); const requiredServerFiles = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("generate-required-server-files").traceFn(()=>({ version: 1, config: { ...config, configFile: undefined, experimental: { ...config.experimental, trustHostHeader: ciEnvironment.hasNextSupport } }, appDir: dir, files: [ _constants1.ROUTES_MANIFEST, _path.default.relative(distDir, manifestPath), _constants1.BUILD_MANIFEST, _constants1.PRERENDER_MANIFEST, _path.default.join(_constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST), ...hasServerComponents ? [ _path.default.join(_constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.FLIGHT_MANIFEST + ".js"), _path.default.join(_constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.FLIGHT_MANIFEST + ".json"), _path.default.join(_constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.FLIGHT_SERVER_CSS_MANIFEST + ".js"), _path.default.join(_constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, _constants1.FLIGHT_SERVER_CSS_MANIFEST + ".json"), ] : [], _constants1.REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST, config.optimizeFonts ? _path.default.join(serverDir, _constants1.FONT_MANIFEST) : null, _constants1.BUILD_ID_FILE, appDir ? _path.default.join(serverDir, _constants1.APP_PATHS_MANIFEST) : null, ].filter(_nonNullable.nonNullable).map((file)=>_path.default.join(config.distDir, file)), ignore: [] })); let result = { warnings: [], errors: [], stats: [] }; let webpackBuildStart; let telemetryPlugin; await (async ()=>{ var ref; // IIFE to isolate locals and avoid retaining memory too long const runWebpackSpan = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("run-webpack-compiler"); const commonWebpackOptions = { buildId, config, hasReactRoot, pagesDir, reactProductionProfiling, rewrites, runWebpackSpan, target, appDir, middlewareMatchers: entrypoints.middlewareMatchers }; const configs = await runWebpackSpan.traceChild("generate-webpack-config").traceAsyncFn(()=>Promise.all([ (0, _webpackConfig).default(dir, { ...commonWebpackOptions, compilerType: _constants1.COMPILER_NAMES.client, entrypoints: entrypoints.client }), (0, _webpackConfig).default(dir, { ...commonWebpackOptions, compilerType: _constants1.COMPILER_NAMES.server, entrypoints: entrypoints.server }), (0, _webpackConfig).default(dir, { ...commonWebpackOptions, compilerType: _constants1.COMPILER_NAMES.edgeServer, entrypoints: entrypoints.edgeServer }), ])); const clientConfig = configs[0]; if (clientConfig.optimization && (clientConfig.optimization.minimize !== true || clientConfig.optimization.minimizer && clientConfig.optimization.minimizer.length === 0)) { Log.warn(`Production code optimization has been disabled in your project. Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/minification-disabled`); } webpackBuildStart = process.hrtime(); // We run client and server compilation separately to optimize for memory usage await runWebpackSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ // If we are under the serverless build, we will have to run the client // compiler first because the server compiler depends on the manifest // files that are created by the client compiler. // Otherwise, we run the server compilers first and then the client // compiler to track the boundary of server/client components. let clientResult = null; let serverResult = null; let edgeServerResult = null; if (isLikeServerless) { if (config.experimental.serverComponents) { throw new Error("Server Components are not supported in serverless mode."); } // Build client first clientResult = await (0, _compiler).runCompiler(clientConfig, { runWebpackSpan }); // Only continue if there were no errors if (!clientResult.errors.length) { serverResult = await (0, _compiler).runCompiler(configs[1], { runWebpackSpan }); edgeServerResult = configs[2] ? await (0, _compiler).runCompiler(configs[2], { runWebpackSpan }) : null; } } else { // During the server compilations, entries of client components will be // injected to this set and then will be consumed by the client compiler. _flightClientEntryPlugin.injectedClientEntries.clear(); serverResult = await (0, _compiler).runCompiler(configs[1], { runWebpackSpan }); edgeServerResult = configs[2] ? await (0, _compiler).runCompiler(configs[2], { runWebpackSpan }) : null; // Only continue if there were no errors if (!serverResult.errors.length && !(edgeServerResult == null ? void 0 : edgeServerResult.errors.length)) { _flightClientEntryPlugin.injectedClientEntries.forEach((value, key)=>{ clientConfig.entry[key] = value; }); clientResult = await (0, _compiler).runCompiler(clientConfig, { runWebpackSpan }); } } result = { warnings: [].concat(clientResult == null ? void 0 : clientResult.warnings, serverResult == null ? void 0 : serverResult.warnings, edgeServerResult == null ? void 0 : edgeServerResult.warnings).filter(_nonNullable.nonNullable), errors: [].concat(clientResult == null ? void 0 : clientResult.errors, serverResult == null ? void 0 : serverResult.errors, edgeServerResult == null ? void 0 : edgeServerResult.errors).filter(_nonNullable.nonNullable), stats: [ clientResult == null ? void 0 : clientResult.stats, serverResult == null ? void 0 : serverResult.stats, edgeServerResult == null ? void 0 : edgeServerResult.stats, ] }; }); result = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("format-webpack-messages").traceFn(()=>(0, _formatWebpackMessages).default(result, true)); telemetryPlugin = (ref = clientConfig.plugins) == null ? void 0 : ref.find(isTelemetryPlugin); })(); const webpackBuildEnd = process.hrtime(webpackBuildStart); if (buildSpinner) { buildSpinner.stopAndPersist(); } if (result.errors.length > 0) { // Only keep the first few errors. Others are often indicative // of the same problem, but confuse the reader with noise. if (result.errors.length > 5) { result.errors.length = 5; } let error = result.errors.filter(Boolean).join("\n\n"); console.error(_chalk.default.red("Failed to compile.\n")); if (error.indexOf("private-next-pages") > -1 && error.indexOf("does not contain a default export") > -1) { const page_name_regex = /'private-next-pages\/(?<page_name>[^']*)'/; const parsed = page_name_regex.exec(error); const page_name = parsed && parsed.groups && parsed.groups.page_name; throw new Error(`webpack build failed: found page without a React Component as default export in pages/${page_name}\n\nSee https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/page-without-valid-component for more info.`); } console.error(error); console.error(); if (error.indexOf("private-next-pages") > -1 || error.indexOf("__next_polyfill__") > -1) { const err = new Error("webpack config.resolve.alias was incorrectly overridden. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/invalid-resolve-alias"); err.code = "INVALID_RESOLVE_ALIAS"; throw err; } const err = new Error("Build failed because of webpack errors"); err.code = "WEBPACK_ERRORS"; throw err; } else { telemetry.record((0, _events).eventBuildCompleted(pagesPaths, { durationInSeconds: webpackBuildEnd[0] })); if (result.warnings.length > 0) { Log.warn("Compiled with warnings\n"); console.warn(result.warnings.filter(Boolean).join("\n\n")); console.warn(); } else { Log.info("Compiled successfully"); } } const postCompileSpinner = (0, _spinner).default({ prefixText: `${Log.prefixes.info} Collecting page data` }); const buildManifestPath = _path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.BUILD_MANIFEST); const appBuildManifestPath = _path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.APP_BUILD_MANIFEST); const ssgPages = new Set(); const ssgStaticFallbackPages = new Set(); const ssgBlockingFallbackPages = new Set(); const staticPages = new Set(); const invalidPages = new Set(); const hybridAmpPages = new Set(); const serverPropsPages = new Set(); const additionalSsgPaths = new Map(); const additionalSsgPathsEncoded = new Map(); const appStaticPaths = new Map(); const appStaticPathsEncoded = new Map(); const appNormalizedPaths = new Map(); const appDynamicParamPaths = new Set(); const appDefaultConfigs = new Map(); const pageTraceIncludes = new Map(); const pageTraceExcludes = new Map(); const pageInfos = new Map(); const pagesManifest = JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(manifestPath, "utf8")); const buildManifest = JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(buildManifestPath, "utf8")); const appBuildManifest = appDir ? JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(appBuildManifestPath, "utf8")) : undefined; const timeout = config.staticPageGenerationTimeout || 0; const sharedPool = config.experimental.sharedPool || false; const staticWorker = sharedPool ? require.resolve("./worker") : require.resolve("./utils"); let infoPrinted = false; let appPathsManifest = {}; const appPathRoutes = {}; if (appDir) { appPathsManifest = JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(_path.default.join(distDir, serverDir, _constants1.APP_PATHS_MANIFEST), "utf8")); Object.keys(appPathsManifest).forEach((entry)=>{ appPathRoutes[entry] = (0, _appPaths).normalizeAppPath(entry) || "/"; }); await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.APP_PATH_ROUTES_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(appPathRoutes, null, 2)); } process.env.NEXT_PHASE = _constants1.PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD; const staticWorkers = new _worker.Worker(staticWorker, { timeout: timeout * 1000, onRestart: (method, [arg], attempts)=>{ if (method === "exportPage") { const { path: pagePath } = arg; if (attempts >= 3) { throw new Error(`Static page generation for ${pagePath} is still timing out after 3 attempts. See more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/static-page-generation-timeout`); } Log.warn(`Restarted static page generation for ${pagePath} because it took more than ${timeout} seconds`); } else { const pagePath = arg; if (attempts >= 2) { throw new Error(`Collecting page data for ${pagePath} is still timing out after 2 attempts. See more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/page-data-collection-timeout`); } Log.warn(`Restarted collecting page data for ${pagePath} because it took more than ${timeout} seconds`); } if (!infoPrinted) { Log.warn("See more info here https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/static-page-generation-timeout"); infoPrinted = true; } }, numWorkers: config.experimental.cpus, enableWorkerThreads: config.experimental.workerThreads, exposedMethods: sharedPool ? [ "hasCustomGetInitialProps", "isPageStatic", "getNamedExports", "exportPage", ] : [ "hasCustomGetInitialProps", "isPageStatic", "getNamedExports" ] }); const analysisBegin = process.hrtime(); const staticCheckSpan = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("static-check"); const { customAppGetInitialProps , namedExports , isNextImageImported: isNextImageImported1 , hasSsrAmpPages: hasSsrAmpPages1 , hasNonStaticErrorPage , } = await staticCheckSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const { configFileName , publicRuntimeConfig , serverRuntimeConfig } = config; const runtimeEnvConfig = { publicRuntimeConfig, serverRuntimeConfig }; const nonStaticErrorPageSpan = staticCheckSpan.traceChild("check-static-error-page"); const errorPageHasCustomGetInitialProps = nonStaticErrorPageSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>hasCustomErrorPage && await staticWorkers.hasCustomGetInitialProps("/_error", distDir, isLikeServerless, runtimeEnvConfig, false)); const errorPageStaticResult = nonStaticErrorPageSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ var ref, ref8; return hasCustomErrorPage && staticWorkers.isPageStatic({ page: "/_error", distDir, serverless: isLikeServerless, configFileName, runtimeEnvConfig, httpAgentOptions: config.httpAgentOptions, locales: (ref = config.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref.locales, defaultLocale: (ref8 = config.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref8.defaultLocale, pageRuntime: config.experimental.runtime }); }); // we don't output _app in serverless mode so use _app export // from _error instead const appPageToCheck = isLikeServerless ? "/_error" : "/_app"; const customAppGetInitialPropsPromise = staticWorkers.hasCustomGetInitialProps(appPageToCheck, distDir, isLikeServerless, runtimeEnvConfig, true); const namedExportsPromise = staticWorkers.getNamedExports(appPageToCheck, distDir, isLikeServerless, runtimeEnvConfig); // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow let isNextImageImported; // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow let hasSsrAmpPages = false; const computedManifestData = await (0, _utils2).computeFromManifest({ build: buildManifest, app: appBuildManifest }, distDir, config.experimental.gzipSize); await Promise.all(Object.entries(pageKeys).reduce((acc, [key, files])=>{ if (!files) { return acc; } const pageType = key; for (const page of files){ acc.push({ pageType, page }); } return acc; }, []).map(({ pageType , page })=>{ const checkPageSpan = staticCheckSpan.traceChild("check-page", { page }); return checkPageSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const actualPage = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(page); const [selfSize, allSize] = await (0, _utils2).getJsPageSizeInKb(pageType, actualPage, distDir, buildManifest, appBuildManifest, config.experimental.gzipSize, computedManifestData); let isSsg = false; let isStatic = false; let isServerComponent = false; let isHybridAmp = false; let ssgPageRoutes = null; let pagePath = ""; if (pageType === "pages") { pagePath = pagesPaths.find((p)=>p.startsWith(actualPage + ".") || p.startsWith(actualPage + "/index.")) || ""; } let originalAppPath; if (pageType === "app" && mappedAppPages) { for (const [originalPath, normalizedPath] of Object.entries(appPathRoutes)){ if (normalizedPath === page) { pagePath = mappedAppPages[originalPath].replace(/^private-next-app-dir/, ""); originalAppPath = originalPath; break; } } } const staticInfo = pagePath ? await (0, _getPageStaticInfo).getPageStaticInfo({ pageFilePath: (0, _path).join((pageType === "pages" ? pagesDir : appDir) || "", pagePath), nextConfig: config }) : undefined; const pageRuntime = staticInfo == null ? void 0 : staticInfo.runtime; isServerComponent = pageType === "app" && (staticInfo == null ? void 0 : staticInfo.rsc) !== _constants1.RSC_MODULE_TYPES.client; if (!(0, _utils2).isReservedPage(page)) { try { let edgeInfo; if (pageRuntime === _constants.SERVER_RUNTIME.edge) { const manifest = require((0, _path).join(distDir, serverDir, _constants1.MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST)); const manifestKey = pageType === "pages" ? page : (0, _path).join(page, "page"); edgeInfo = manifest.functions[manifestKey]; } let isPageStaticSpan = checkPageSpan.traceChild("is-page-static"); let workerResult = await isPageStaticSpan.traceAsyncFn(()=>{ var ref, ref9; return staticWorkers.isPageStatic({ page, originalAppPath, distDir, serverless: isLikeServerless, configFileName, runtimeEnvConfig, httpAgentOptions: config.httpAgentOptions, locales: (ref = config.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref.locales, defaultLocale: (ref9 = config.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref9.defaultLocale, parentId: isPageStaticSpan.id, pageRuntime, edgeInfo, pageType, hasServerComponents }); }); if (pageType === "app" && originalAppPath) { appNormalizedPaths.set(originalAppPath, page); // TODO-APP: handle prerendering with edge // runtime if (pageRuntime === "experimental-edge") { return; } if (workerResult.encodedPrerenderRoutes && workerResult.prerenderRoutes) { appStaticPaths.set(originalAppPath, workerResult.prerenderRoutes); appStaticPathsEncoded.set(originalAppPath, workerResult.encodedPrerenderRoutes); } if (!(0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(page)) { appStaticPaths.set(originalAppPath, [ page ]); appStaticPathsEncoded.set(originalAppPath, [ page ]); } if (workerResult.prerenderFallback) { // whether or not to allow requests for paths not // returned from generateStaticParams appDynamicParamPaths.add(originalAppPath); } appDefaultConfigs.set(originalAppPath, workerResult.appConfig || {}); return; } if (pageRuntime === _constants.SERVER_RUNTIME.edge) { if (workerResult.hasStaticProps) { console.warn(`"getStaticProps" is not yet supported fully with "experimental-edge", detected on ${page}`); } // TODO: add handling for statically rendering edge // pages and allow edge with Prerender outputs workerResult.isStatic = false; workerResult.hasStaticProps = false; } if (config.outputFileTracing) { pageTraceIncludes.set(page, workerResult.traceIncludes || []); pageTraceExcludes.set(page, workerResult.traceExcludes || []); } if (workerResult.isStatic === false && (workerResult.isHybridAmp || workerResult.isAmpOnly)) { hasSsrAmpPages = true; } if (workerResult.isHybridAmp) { isHybridAmp = true; hybridAmpPages.add(page); } if (workerResult.isNextImageImported) { isNextImageImported = true; } if (workerResult.hasStaticProps) { ssgPages.add(page); isSsg = true; if (workerResult.prerenderRoutes && workerResult.encodedPrerenderRoutes) { additionalSsgPaths.set(page, workerResult.prerenderRoutes); additionalSsgPathsEncoded.set(page, workerResult.encodedPrerenderRoutes); ssgPageRoutes = workerResult.prerenderRoutes; } if (workerResult.prerenderFallback === "blocking") { ssgBlockingFallbackPages.add(page); } else if (workerResult.prerenderFallback === true) { ssgStaticFallbackPages.add(page); } } else if (workerResult.hasServerProps) { serverPropsPages.add(page); } else if (workerResult.isStatic && !isServerComponent && await customAppGetInitialPropsPromise === false) { staticPages.add(page); isStatic = true; } else if (isServerComponent) { // This is a static server component page that doesn't have // gSP or gSSP. We still treat it as a SSG page. ssgPages.add(page); isSsg = true; } if (hasPages404 && page === "/404") { if (!workerResult.isStatic && !workerResult.hasStaticProps) { throw new Error(`\`pages/404\` ${_constants.STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR}`); } // we need to ensure the 404 lambda is present since we use // it when _app has getInitialProps if (await customAppGetInitialPropsPromise && !workerResult.hasStaticProps) { staticPages.delete(page); } } if (_constants1.STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(page) && !workerResult.isStatic && !workerResult.hasStaticProps) { throw new Error(`\`pages${page}\` ${_constants.STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR}`); } } catch (err) { if (!(0, _isError).default(err) || err.message !== "INVALID_DEFAULT_EXPORT") throw err; invalidPages.add(page); } } pageInfos.set(page, { size: selfSize, totalSize: allSize, static: isStatic, isSsg, isHybridAmp, ssgPageRoutes, initialRevalidateSeconds: false, runtime: pageRuntime, pageDuration: undefined, ssgPageDurations: undefined }); }); })); const errorPageResult = await errorPageStaticResult; const nonStaticErrorPage = await errorPageHasCustomGetInitialProps || errorPageResult && errorPageResult.hasServerProps; const returnValue = { customAppGetInitialProps: await customAppGetInitialPropsPromise, namedExports: await namedExportsPromise, isNextImageImported, hasSsrAmpPages, hasNonStaticErrorPage: nonStaticErrorPage }; if (!sharedPool) staticWorkers.end(); return returnValue; }); if (customAppGetInitialProps) { console.warn(_chalk.default.bold.yellow(`Warning: `) + _chalk.default.yellow(`You have opted-out of Automatic Static Optimization due to \`getInitialProps\` in \`pages/_app\`. This does not opt-out pages with \`getStaticProps\``)); console.warn("Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/opt-out-auto-static-optimization\n"); } if (!hasSsrAmpPages1) { requiredServerFiles.ignore.push(_path.default.relative(dir, _path.default.join(_path.default.dirname(require.resolve("next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer")), "**/*"))); } if (config.outputFileTracing) { const { nodeFileTrace } = require("next/dist/compiled/@vercel/nft"); const includeExcludeSpan = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("apply-include-excludes"); await includeExcludeSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const globOrig = require("next/dist/compiled/glob"); const glob = (pattern)=>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ globOrig(pattern, { cwd: dir }, (err, files)=>{ if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(files); }); }); }; for (let page of pageKeys.pages){ await includeExcludeSpan.traceChild("include-exclude", { page }).traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ const includeGlobs = pageTraceIncludes.get(page); const excludeGlobs = pageTraceExcludes.get(page); page = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(page); if (!(includeGlobs == null ? void 0 : includeGlobs.length) && !(excludeGlobs == null ? void 0 : excludeGlobs.length)) { return; } const traceFile = _path.default.join(distDir, "server/pages", `${page}.js.nft.json`); const pageDir = _path.default.dirname(traceFile); const traceContent = JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(traceFile, "utf8")); let includes = []; if (includeGlobs == null ? void 0 : includeGlobs.length) { for (const includeGlob of includeGlobs){ const results = await glob(includeGlob); includes.push(...results.map((file)=>{ return _path.default.relative(pageDir, _path.default.join(dir, file)); })); } } const combined = new Set([ ...traceContent.files, ...includes ]); if (excludeGlobs == null ? void 0 : excludeGlobs.length) { const resolvedGlobs = excludeGlobs.map((exclude)=>_path.default.join(dir, exclude)); combined.forEach((file)=>{ if ((0, _micromatch).isMatch(_path.default.join(pageDir, file), resolvedGlobs)) { combined.delete(file); } }); } await _fs.promises.writeFile(traceFile, JSON.stringify({ version: traceContent.version, files: [ ...combined ] })); }); } }); // TODO: move this inside of webpack so it can be cached // between builds. Should only need to be re-run on lockfile change await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("trace-next-server").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ let cacheKey; // consider all lockFiles in tree in case user accidentally // has both package-lock.json and yarn.lock const lockFiles = (await Promise.all([ "package-lock.json", "yarn.lock", "pnpm-lock.yaml" ].map((file)=>(0, _findUp).default(file, { cwd: dir })))).filter(Boolean)// TypeScript doesn't like this filter ; const nextServerTraceOutput = _path.default.join(distDir, "next-server.js.nft.json"); const cachedTracePath = _path.default.join(distDir, "cache/next-server.js.nft.json"); if (lockFiles.length > 0) { const cacheHash = require("crypto").createHash("sha256"); cacheHash.update(require("next/package").version); cacheHash.update(hasSsrAmpPages1 + ""); cacheHash.update(ciEnvironment.hasNextSupport + ""); await Promise.all(lockFiles.map(async (lockFile)=>{ cacheHash.update(await _fs.promises.readFile(lockFile)); })); cacheKey = cacheHash.digest("hex"); try { const existingTrace = JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(cachedTracePath, "utf8")); if (existingTrace.cacheKey === cacheKey) { await _fs.promises.copyFile(cachedTracePath, nextServerTraceOutput); return; } } catch (_) {} } const root = config.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot || dir; const toTrace = [ require.resolve("next/dist/server/next-server") ]; // ensure we trace any dependencies needed for custom // incremental cache handler if (config.experimental.incrementalCacheHandlerPath) { toTrace.push(require.resolve(config.experimental.incrementalCacheHandlerPath)); } const serverResult = await nodeFileTrace(toTrace, { base: root, processCwd: dir, ignore: [ "**/next/dist/pages/**/*", "**/next/dist/compiled/webpack/(bundle4|bundle5).js", "**/node_modules/webpack5/**/*", "**/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm", ...ciEnvironment.hasNextSupport ? [ // only ignore image-optimizer code when // this is being handled outside of next-server "**/next/dist/server/image-optimizer.js", "**/node_modules/sharp/**/*", ] : [], ...!hasSsrAmpPages1 ? [ "**/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*" ] : [], ] }); const tracedFiles = new Set(); serverResult.fileList.forEach((file)=>{ tracedFiles.add(_path.default.relative(distDir, _path.default.join(root, file)).replace(/\\/g, "/")); }); await _fs.promises.writeFile(nextServerTraceOutput, JSON.stringify({ version: 1, cacheKey, files: [ ...tracedFiles ] })); await _fs.promises.unlink(cachedTracePath).catch(()=>{}); await _fs.promises.copyFile(nextServerTraceOutput, cachedTracePath).catch(()=>{}); }); } if (serverPropsPages.size > 0 || ssgPages.size > 0) { // We update the routes manifest after the build with the // data routes since we can't determine these until after build routesManifest.dataRoutes = (0, _utils).getSortedRoutes([ ...serverPropsPages, ...ssgPages, ]).map((page)=>{ const pagePath = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(page); const dataRoute = _path.default.posix.join("/_next/data", buildId, `${pagePath}.json`); let dataRouteRegex; let namedDataRouteRegex; let routeKeys; if ((0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(page)) { const routeRegex = (0, _routeRegex).getNamedRouteRegex(dataRoute.replace(/\.json$/, "")); dataRouteRegex = (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex(routeRegex.re.source.replace(/\(\?:\\\/\)\?\$$/, `\\.json$`)); namedDataRouteRegex = routeRegex.namedRegex.replace(/\(\?:\/\)\?\$$/, `\\.json$`); routeKeys = routeRegex.routeKeys; } else { dataRouteRegex = (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex(new RegExp(`^${_path.default.posix.join("/_next/data", (0, _escapeRegexp).escapeStringRegexp(buildId), `${pagePath}.json`)}$`).source); } return { page, routeKeys, dataRouteRegex, namedDataRouteRegex }; }); await _fs.promises.writeFile(routesManifestPath, JSON.stringify(routesManifest), "utf8"); } // Since custom _app.js can wrap the 404 page we have to opt-out of static optimization if it has getInitialProps // Only export the static 404 when there is no /_error present const useStatic404 = !customAppGetInitialProps && (!hasNonStaticErrorPage || hasPages404); if (invalidPages.size > 0) { const err = new Error(`Build optimization failed: found page${invalidPages.size === 1 ? "" : "s"} without a React Component as default export in \n${[ ...invalidPages ].map((pg)=>`pages${pg}`).join("\n")}\n\nSee https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/page-without-valid-component for more info.\n`); err.code = "BUILD_OPTIMIZATION_FAILED"; throw err; } await (0, _writeBuildId).writeBuildId(distDir, buildId); if (config.experimental.optimizeCss) { const globOrig = require("next/dist/compiled/glob"); const cssFilePaths = await new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ globOrig("**/*.css", { cwd: (0, _path).join(distDir, "static") }, (err, files)=>{ if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(files); }); }); requiredServerFiles.files.push(...cssFilePaths.map((filePath)=>_path.default.join(config.distDir, "static", filePath))); } const features = [ { featureName: "experimental/optimizeCss", invocationCount: config.experimental.optimizeCss ? 1 : 0 }, { featureName: "experimental/nextScriptWorkers", invocationCount: config.experimental.nextScriptWorkers ? 1 : 0 }, { featureName: "optimizeFonts", invocationCount: config.optimizeFonts ? 1 : 0 }, ]; telemetry.record(features.map((feature)=>{ return { eventName: _events.EVENT_BUILD_FEATURE_USAGE, payload: feature }; })); await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.SERVER_FILES_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(requiredServerFiles), "utf8"); const middlewareManifest = JSON.parse(await _fs.promises.readFile(_path.default.join(distDir, serverDir, _constants1.MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST), "utf8")); const outputFileTracingRoot = config.experimental.outputFileTracingRoot || dir; if (config.output === "standalone") { await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("copy-traced-files").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ await (0, _utils2).copyTracedFiles(dir, distDir, pageKeys.pages, outputFileTracingRoot, requiredServerFiles.config, middlewareManifest); }); } const finalPrerenderRoutes = {}; const finalDynamicRoutes = {}; const tbdPrerenderRoutes = []; let ssgNotFoundPaths = []; if (postCompileSpinner) postCompileSpinner.stopAndPersist(); const { i18n } = config; const usedStaticStatusPages = _constants1.STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.filter((page)=>mappedPages[page] && mappedPages[page].startsWith("private-next-pages")); usedStaticStatusPages.forEach((page)=>{ if (!ssgPages.has(page) && !customAppGetInitialProps) { staticPages.add(page); } }); const hasPages500 = usedStaticStatusPages.includes("/500"); const useDefaultStatic500 = !hasPages500 && !hasNonStaticErrorPage && !customAppGetInitialProps; const combinedPages = [ ...staticPages, ...ssgPages ]; // we need to trigger automatic exporting when we have // - static 404/500 // - getStaticProps paths // - experimental app is enabled if (combinedPages.length > 0 || useStatic404 || useDefaultStatic500 || config.experimental.appDir) { const staticGenerationSpan = nextBuildSpan.traceChild("static-generation"); await staticGenerationSpan.traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ (0, _utils2).detectConflictingPaths([ ...combinedPages, ...pageKeys.pages.filter((page)=>!combinedPages.includes(page)), ], ssgPages, additionalSsgPaths); const exportApp = require("../export").default; const exportOptions = { silent: false, buildExport: true, threads: config.experimental.cpus, pages: combinedPages, outdir: _path.default.join(distDir, "export"), statusMessage: "Generating static pages", exportPageWorker: sharedPool ? staticWorkers.exportPage.bind(staticWorkers) : undefined, endWorker: sharedPool ? async ()=>{ await staticWorkers.end(); } : undefined, appPaths }; const exportConfig = { ...config, initialPageRevalidationMap: {}, pageDurationMap: {}, ssgNotFoundPaths: [], // Default map will be the collection of automatic statically exported // pages and incremental pages. // n.b. we cannot handle this above in combinedPages because the dynamic // page must be in the `pages` array, but not in the mapping. exportPathMap: (defaultMap)=>{ // Dynamically routed pages should be prerendered to be used as // a client-side skeleton (fallback) while data is being fetched. // This ensures the end-user never sees a 500 or slow response from the // server. // // Note: prerendering disables automatic static optimization. ssgPages.forEach((page)=>{ if ((0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(page)) { tbdPrerenderRoutes.push(page); if (ssgStaticFallbackPages.has(page)) { // Override the rendering for the dynamic page to be treated as a // fallback render. if (i18n) { defaultMap[`/${i18n.defaultLocale}${page}`] = { page, query: { __nextFallback: true } }; } else { defaultMap[page] = { page, query: { __nextFallback: true } }; } } else { // Remove dynamically routed pages from the default path map when // fallback behavior is disabled. delete defaultMap[page]; } } }); // Append the "well-known" routes we should prerender for, e.g. blog // post slugs. additionalSsgPaths.forEach((routes, page)=>{ const encodedRoutes = additionalSsgPathsEncoded.get(page); routes.forEach((route, routeIdx)=>{ defaultMap[route] = { page, query: { __nextSsgPath: encodedRoutes == null ? void 0 : encodedRoutes[routeIdx] } }; }); }); if (useStatic404) { defaultMap["/404"] = { page: hasPages404 ? "/404" : "/_error" }; } if (useDefaultStatic500) { defaultMap["/500"] = { page: "/_error" }; } // TODO: output manifest specific to app paths and their // revalidate periods and dynamicParams settings appStaticPaths.forEach((routes, originalAppPath)=>{ const encodedRoutes = appStaticPathsEncoded.get(originalAppPath); routes.forEach((route, routeIdx)=>{ defaultMap[route] = { page: originalAppPath, query: { __nextSsgPath: encodedRoutes == null ? void 0 : encodedRoutes[routeIdx] }, _isAppDir: true }; }); }); if (i18n) { for (const page of [ ...staticPages, ...ssgPages, ...useStatic404 ? [ "/404" ] : [], ...useDefaultStatic500 ? [ "/500" ] : [], ]){ const isSsg = ssgPages.has(page); const isDynamic = (0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(page); const isFallback = isSsg && ssgStaticFallbackPages.has(page); for (const locale of i18n.locales){ var ref; // skip fallback generation for SSG pages without fallback mode if (isSsg && isDynamic && !isFallback) continue; const outputPath = `/${locale}${page === "/" ? "" : page}`; defaultMap[outputPath] = { page: ((ref = defaultMap[page]) == null ? void 0 : ref.page) || page, query: { __nextLocale: locale } }; if (isFallback) { defaultMap[outputPath].query.__nextFallback = true; } } if (isSsg) { // remove non-locale prefixed variant from defaultMap delete defaultMap[page]; } } } return defaultMap; } }; await exportApp(dir, exportOptions, nextBuildSpan, exportConfig); const postBuildSpinner = (0, _spinner).default({ prefixText: `${Log.prefixes.info} Finalizing page optimization` }); ssgNotFoundPaths = exportConfig.ssgNotFoundPaths; // remove server bundles that were exported for (const page2 of staticPages){ const serverBundle = (0, _require).getPagePath(page2, distDir, isLikeServerless); await _fs.promises.unlink(serverBundle); } for (const [originalAppPath1, routes1] of appStaticPaths){ const page = appNormalizedPaths.get(originalAppPath1) || ""; const appConfig = appDefaultConfigs.get(originalAppPath1) || {}; let hasDynamicData = appConfig.revalidate === 0; routes1.forEach((route)=>{ let revalidate = exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[route]; if (typeof revalidate === "undefined") { revalidate = typeof appConfig.revalidate !== "undefined" ? appConfig.revalidate : false; } if (revalidate !== 0) { const normalizedRoute = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(route); const dataRoute = _path.default.posix.join(`${normalizedRoute}.rsc`); finalPrerenderRoutes[route] = { initialRevalidateSeconds: revalidate, srcRoute: page, dataRoute }; } else { hasDynamicData = true; } }); if (!hasDynamicData && (0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(originalAppPath1)) { const normalizedRoute = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(page); const dataRoute = _path.default.posix.join(`${normalizedRoute}.rsc`); // TODO: create a separate manifest to allow enforcing // dynamicParams for non-static paths? finalDynamicRoutes[page] = { routeRegex: (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex((0, _routeRegex).getNamedRouteRegex(page).re.source), dataRoute, // if dynamicParams are enabled treat as fallback: // 'blocking' if not it's fallback: false fallback: appDynamicParamPaths.has(originalAppPath1) ? null : false, dataRouteRegex: (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex((0, _routeRegex).getNamedRouteRegex(dataRoute.replace(/\.rsc$/, "")).re.source.replace(/\(\?:\\\/\)\?\$$/, "\\.rsc$")) }; } } const moveExportedPage = async (originPage, page, file, isSsg, ext, additionalSsgFile = false)=>{ return staticGenerationSpan.traceChild("move-exported-page").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ file = `${file}.${ext}`; const orig = _path.default.join(exportOptions.outdir, file); const pagePath = (0, _require).getPagePath(originPage, distDir, isLikeServerless); const relativeDest = _path.default.relative(_path.default.join(distDir, serverDir), _path.default.join(_path.default.join(pagePath, // strip leading / and then recurse number of nested dirs // to place from base folder originPage.slice(1).split("/").map(()=>"..").join("/")), file)).replace(/\\/g, "/"); if (!isSsg && !// don't add static status page to manifest if it's // the default generated version e.g. no pages/500 (_constants1.STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(page) && !usedStaticStatusPages.includes(page))) { pagesManifest[page] = relativeDest; } const dest = _path.default.join(distDir, serverDir, relativeDest); const isNotFound = ssgNotFoundPaths.includes(page); // for SSG files with i18n the non-prerendered variants are // output with the locale prefixed so don't attempt moving // without the prefix if ((!i18n || additionalSsgFile) && !isNotFound) { await _fs.promises.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(dest), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.rename(orig, dest); } else if (i18n && !isSsg) { // this will be updated with the locale prefixed variant // since all files are output with the locale prefix delete pagesManifest[page]; } if (i18n) { if (additionalSsgFile) return; for (const locale of i18n.locales){ const curPath = `/${locale}${page === "/" ? "" : page}`; const localeExt = page === "/" ? _path.default.extname(file) : ""; const relativeDestNoPages = relativeDest.slice("pages/".length); if (isSsg && ssgNotFoundPaths.includes(curPath)) { continue; } const updatedRelativeDest = _path.default.join("pages", locale + localeExt, // if it's the top-most index page we want it to be locale.EXT // instead of locale/index.html page === "/" ? "" : relativeDestNoPages).replace(/\\/g, "/"); const updatedOrig = _path.default.join(exportOptions.outdir, locale + localeExt, page === "/" ? "" : file); const updatedDest = _path.default.join(distDir, serverDir, updatedRelativeDest); if (!isSsg) { pagesManifest[curPath] = updatedRelativeDest; } await _fs.promises.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(updatedDest), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.rename(updatedOrig, updatedDest); } } }); }; // Only move /404 to /404 when there is no custom 404 as in that case we don't know about the 404 page if (!hasPages404 && useStatic404) { await moveExportedPage("/_error", "/404", "/404", false, "html"); } if (useDefaultStatic500) { await moveExportedPage("/_error", "/500", "/500", false, "html"); } for (const page1 of combinedPages){ const isSsg = ssgPages.has(page1); const isStaticSsgFallback = ssgStaticFallbackPages.has(page1); const isDynamic = (0, _utils).isDynamicRoute(page1); const hasAmp = hybridAmpPages.has(page1); const file = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(page1); const pageInfo = pageInfos.get(page1); const durationInfo = exportConfig.pageDurationMap[page1]; if (pageInfo && durationInfo) { // Set Build Duration if (pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes) { pageInfo.ssgPageDurations = pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes.map((pagePath)=>durationInfo[pagePath]); } pageInfo.pageDuration = durationInfo[page1]; } // The dynamic version of SSG pages are only prerendered if the // fallback is enabled. Below, we handle the specific prerenders // of these. const hasHtmlOutput = !(isSsg && isDynamic && !isStaticSsgFallback); if (hasHtmlOutput) { await moveExportedPage(page1, page1, file, isSsg, "html"); } if (hasAmp && (!isSsg || isSsg && !isDynamic)) { const ampPage = `${file}.amp`; await moveExportedPage(page1, ampPage, ampPage, isSsg, "html"); if (isSsg) { await moveExportedPage(page1, ampPage, ampPage, isSsg, "json"); } } if (isSsg) { // For a non-dynamic SSG page, we must copy its data file // from export, we already moved the HTML file above if (!isDynamic) { await moveExportedPage(page1, page1, file, isSsg, "json"); if (i18n) { // TODO: do we want to show all locale variants in build output for (const locale of i18n.locales){ const localePage = `/${locale}${page1 === "/" ? "" : page1}`; finalPrerenderRoutes[localePage] = { initialRevalidateSeconds: exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[localePage], srcRoute: null, dataRoute: _path.default.posix.join("/_next/data", buildId, `${file}.json`) }; } } else { finalPrerenderRoutes[page1] = { initialRevalidateSeconds: exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[page1], srcRoute: null, dataRoute: _path.default.posix.join("/_next/data", buildId, `${file}.json`) }; } // Set Page Revalidation Interval if (pageInfo) { pageInfo.initialRevalidateSeconds = exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[page1]; } } else { // For a dynamic SSG page, we did not copy its data exports and only // copy the fallback HTML file (if present). // We must also copy specific versions of this page as defined by // `getStaticPaths` (additionalSsgPaths). const extraRoutes = additionalSsgPaths.get(page1) || []; for (const route of extraRoutes){ const pageFile = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(route); await moveExportedPage(page1, route, pageFile, isSsg, "html", true); await moveExportedPage(page1, route, pageFile, isSsg, "json", true); if (hasAmp) { const ampPage = `${pageFile}.amp`; await moveExportedPage(page1, ampPage, ampPage, isSsg, "html", true); await moveExportedPage(page1, ampPage, ampPage, isSsg, "json", true); } finalPrerenderRoutes[route] = { initialRevalidateSeconds: exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[route], srcRoute: page1, dataRoute: _path.default.posix.join("/_next/data", buildId, `${(0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(route)}.json`) }; // Set route Revalidation Interval if (pageInfo) { pageInfo.initialRevalidateSeconds = exportConfig.initialPageRevalidationMap[route]; } } } } } // remove temporary export folder await (0, _recursiveDelete).recursiveDelete(exportOptions.outdir); await _fs.promises.rmdir(exportOptions.outdir); await _fs.promises.writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(pagesManifest, null, 2), "utf8"); if (postBuildSpinner) postBuildSpinner.stopAndPersist(); console.log(); }); } // ensure the worker is not left hanging staticWorkers.close(); const analysisEnd = process.hrtime(analysisBegin); var ref5; telemetry.record((0, _events).eventBuildOptimize(pagesPaths, { durationInSeconds: analysisEnd[0], staticPageCount: staticPages.size, staticPropsPageCount: ssgPages.size, serverPropsPageCount: serverPropsPages.size, ssrPageCount: pagesPaths.length - (staticPages.size + ssgPages.size + serverPropsPages.size), hasStatic404: useStatic404, hasReportWebVitals: (ref5 = namedExports == null ? void 0 : namedExports.includes("reportWebVitals")) != null ? ref5 : false, rewritesCount: combinedRewrites.length, headersCount: headers.length, redirectsCount: redirects.length - 1, headersWithHasCount: headers.filter((r)=>!!r.has).length, rewritesWithHasCount: combinedRewrites.filter((r)=>!!r.has).length, redirectsWithHasCount: redirects.filter((r)=>!!r.has).length, middlewareCount: Object.keys(rootPaths).length > 0 ? 1 : 0 })); if (telemetryPlugin) { const events = (0, _events).eventBuildFeatureUsage(telemetryPlugin); telemetry.record(events); telemetry.record((0, _events).eventPackageUsedInGetServerSideProps(telemetryPlugin)); } if (ssgPages.size > 0 || appDir) { var ref6; tbdPrerenderRoutes.forEach((tbdRoute)=>{ const normalizedRoute = (0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(tbdRoute); const dataRoute = _path.default.posix.join("/_next/data", buildId, `${normalizedRoute}.json`); finalDynamicRoutes[tbdRoute] = { routeRegex: (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex((0, _routeRegex).getNamedRouteRegex(tbdRoute).re.source), dataRoute, fallback: ssgBlockingFallbackPages.has(tbdRoute) ? null : ssgStaticFallbackPages.has(tbdRoute) ? `${normalizedRoute}.html` : false, dataRouteRegex: (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex((0, _routeRegex).getNamedRouteRegex(dataRoute.replace(/\.json$/, "")).re.source.replace(/\(\?:\\\/\)\?\$$/, "\\.json$")) }; }); const prerenderManifest = { version: 3, routes: finalPrerenderRoutes, dynamicRoutes: finalDynamicRoutes, notFoundRoutes: ssgNotFoundPaths, preview: previewProps }; await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.PRERENDER_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(prerenderManifest), "utf8"); await generateClientSsgManifest(prerenderManifest, { distDir, buildId, locales: ((ref6 = config.i18n) == null ? void 0 : ref6.locales) || [] }); } else { const prerenderManifest = { version: 3, routes: {}, dynamicRoutes: {}, preview: previewProps, notFoundRoutes: [] }; await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.PRERENDER_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(prerenderManifest), "utf8"); } const images = { ...config.images }; const { deviceSizes , imageSizes } = images; images.sizes = [ ...deviceSizes, ...imageSizes ]; var _pathname; images.remotePatterns = ((config == null ? void 0 : (ref1 = config.images) == null ? void 0 : ref1.remotePatterns) || []).map((p)=>({ // Should be the same as matchRemotePattern() protocol: p.protocol, hostname: (0, _micromatch).makeRe(p.hostname).source, port: p.port, pathname: (0, _micromatch).makeRe((_pathname = p.pathname) != null ? _pathname : "**").source })); await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.IMAGES_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify({ version: 1, images }), "utf8"); await _fs.promises.writeFile(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.EXPORT_MARKER), JSON.stringify({ version: 1, hasExportPathMap: typeof config.exportPathMap === "function", exportTrailingSlash: config.trailingSlash === true, isNextImageImported: isNextImageImported1 === true }), "utf8"); await _fs.promises.unlink(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.EXPORT_DETAIL)).catch((err)=>{ if (err.code === "ENOENT") { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.reject(err); }); if (config.output === "standalone") { for (const file of [ ...requiredServerFiles.files, _path.default.join(config.distDir, _constants1.SERVER_FILES_MANIFEST), ...loadedEnvFiles.reduce((acc, envFile)=>{ if ([ ".env", ".env.production" ].includes(envFile.path)) { acc.push(envFile.path); } return acc; }, []), ]){ const filePath = _path.default.join(dir, file); const outputPath = _path.default.join(distDir, "standalone", _path.default.relative(outputFileTracingRoot, filePath)); await _fs.promises.mkdir(_path.default.dirname(outputPath), { recursive: true }); await _fs.promises.copyFile(filePath, outputPath); } await (0, _recursiveCopy).recursiveCopy(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, "pages"), _path.default.join(distDir, "standalone", _path.default.relative(outputFileTracingRoot, distDir), _constants1.SERVER_DIRECTORY, "pages"), { overwrite: true }); } staticPages.forEach((pg)=>allStaticPages.add(pg)); pageInfos.forEach((info, key)=>{ allPageInfos.set(key, info); }); await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("print-tree-view").traceAsyncFn(()=>(0, _utils2).printTreeView(pageKeys, allPageInfos, isLikeServerless, { distPath: distDir, buildId: buildId, pagesDir, useStatic404, pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions, appBuildManifest, buildManifest, middlewareManifest, gzipSize: config.experimental.gzipSize })); if (debugOutput) { nextBuildSpan.traceChild("print-custom-routes").traceFn(()=>(0, _utils2).printCustomRoutes({ redirects, rewrites, headers })); } if (config.analyticsId) { console.log(_chalk.default.bold.green("Next.js Analytics") + " is enabled for this production build. " + "You'll receive a Real Experience Score computed by all of your visitors."); console.log(""); } if (Boolean(config.experimental.nextScriptWorkers)) { await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("verify-partytown-setup").traceAsyncFn(async ()=>{ await (0, _verifyPartytownSetup).verifyPartytownSetup(dir, (0, _path).join(distDir, _constants1.CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH)); }); } await nextBuildSpan.traceChild("telemetry-flush").traceAsyncFn(()=>telemetry.flush()); }); return buildResult; } finally{ // Ensure we wait for lockfile patching if present await _swc.lockfilePatchPromise.cur; // Ensure all traces are flushed before finishing the command await (0, _trace).flushAllTraces(); (0, _swc).teardownTraceSubscriber(); (0, _swc).teardownCrashReporter(); } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function() { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for(var key in obj){ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } /** * typescript will be loaded in "next/lib/verifyTypeScriptSetup" and * then passed to "next/lib/typescript/runTypeCheck" as a parameter. * * Since it is impossible to pass a function from main thread to a worker, * instead of running "next/lib/typescript/runTypeCheck" in a worker, * we will run entire "next/lib/verifyTypeScriptSetup" in a worker instead. */ function verifyTypeScriptSetup(dir, intentDirs, typeCheckPreflight, tsconfigPath, disableStaticImages, cacheDir, numWorkers, enableWorkerThreads) { const typeCheckWorker = new _jestWorker.Worker(require.resolve("../lib/verifyTypeScriptSetup"), { numWorkers, enableWorkerThreads, maxRetries: 0 }); typeCheckWorker.getStdout().pipe(process.stdout); typeCheckWorker.getStderr().pipe(process.stderr); return typeCheckWorker.verifyTypeScriptSetup({ dir, intentDirs, typeCheckPreflight, tsconfigPath, disableStaticImages, cacheDir }).then((result)=>{ typeCheckWorker.end(); return result; }); } function generateClientSsgManifest(prerenderManifest, { buildId , distDir , locales }) { const ssgPages = new Set([ ...Object.entries(prerenderManifest.routes)// Filter out dynamic routes .filter(([, { srcRoute }])=>srcRoute == null).map(([route])=>(0, _normalizeLocalePath).normalizeLocalePath(route, locales).pathname), ...Object.keys(prerenderManifest.dynamicRoutes), ].sort()); const clientSsgManifestContent = `self.__SSG_MANIFEST=${(0, _devalue).default(ssgPages)};self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB&&self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB()`; (0, _fs).writeFileSync(_path.default.join(distDir, _constants1.CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH, buildId, "_ssgManifest.js"), clientSsgManifestContent); } function isTelemetryPlugin(plugin) { return plugin instanceof _telemetryPlugin.TelemetryPlugin; } function pageToRoute(page) { const routeRegex = (0, _routeRegex).getNamedRouteRegex(page); return { page, regex: (0, _loadCustomRoutes).normalizeRouteRegex(routeRegex.re.source), routeKeys: routeRegex.routeKeys, namedRegex: routeRegex.namedRegex }; } //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map