Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-force-ssl.old/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-force-ssl.old/js/wpfs-script.js |
/* * WP Force SSL * (c) WebFactory Ltd 2019 - 2022 */ (function ($) { $('#wfssl-tabs') .tabs({ create: function () { if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash != '#' && window.location.hash != '#open-pro-dialog') { $('#wfssl-tabs').tabs( 'option', 'active', $('a[href="' + location.hash + '"]') .parent() .index() ); window.location.hash = ''; } }, beforeActivate: function (event, ui) { if (ui.newTab.hasClass('wfssl-tab-pro')) { return false; } }, activate: function (event, ui) { localStorage.setItem('wfssl-tabs', $('#wfssl-tabs').tabs('option', 'active')); }, active: localStorage.getItem('wfssl-tabs') || 0, }) .show(); $(window).on('hashchange', function () { $('#wfssl-tabs').tabs( 'option', 'active', $('a[href="' + location.hash + '"]') .parent() .index() ); }); // helper for switching tabs & linking anchors in different tabs $('.settings_page_wpfs-settings').on('click', '.change-tab', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#wfssl-tabs').tabs('option', 'active', $(this).data('tab')); // get the link anchor and scroll to it target = this.href.split('#')[1]; if (target) { $.scrollTo('#' + target, 500, { offset: { top: -50, left: 0 } }); } $(this).blur(); return false; }); // jump to tab/anchor helper // helper for scrolling to anchor $('.settings_page_wpfs-settings').on('click', '.scrollto', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // get the link anchor and scroll to it target = this.href.split('#')[1]; if (target) { $.scrollTo('#' + target, 500, { offset: { top: -50, left: 0 } }); } $(this).blur(); return false; }); // scroll to anchor helper // display a loading message while an action is performed function block_ui(message) { tmp = swal({ text: message, type: false, imageUrl: wpfs.loading_icon_url, onOpen: () => { $(swal.getImage()).addClass('wfssl_flicker'); }, heightAuto: false, imageWidth: 100, imageHeight: 100, imageAlt: message, allowOutsideClick: false, allowEscapeKey: false, allowEnterKey: false, showConfirmButton: false, width: 600, }); return tmp; } // block_ui // test SSL certificate $('.wpfs_test_ssl').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var _ajax_nonce = wpfs.nonce_test_ssl; var action = 'wpfs_test_ssl'; var form_data = '_ajax_nonce=' + _ajax_nonce + '&action=' + action; block_ui(wpfs.testing); $.post({ url: wpfs.ajaxurl, data: form_data, }) .always(function (data) { swal.close(); }) .done(function (result) { if (typeof result.success != 'undefined' && result.success) { jQuery.get(wpfs.home_url).always(function (data, text, xhr) { wphe_changed = false; if (xhr.status.substr(0, 1) != '2') { swal({ type: 'error', heightAuto: false, title: wpfs.undocumented_error }); } else { swal({ type: 'success', heightAuto: false, title: wpfs.test_success, html: result.data, }); } }); } else if (typeof result.success != 'undefined' && !result.success) { swal({ heightAuto: false, type: 'error', title: wpfs.test_failed, html: result.data }); } else { swal({ heightAuto: false, type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error }); } }) .fail(function (data) { if (data.data) { swal({ type: 'error', heightAuto: false, title: wpfs.documented_error + ' ' + data.data, }); } else { swal({ heightAuto: false, type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error }); } }); return false; }); // test SSL certificate // save settings $('.settings_page_wpfs-settings').on('click', '.save-ssl-options', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var _ajax_nonce = wpfs.nonce_save_settings; var action = 'wpfs_save_settting'; var form_data = $('#wpfs_form').serialize() + '&_ajax_nonce=' + _ajax_nonce + '&action=' + action; block_ui(wpfs.saving); $.post({ url: wpfs.ajaxurl, data: form_data, }) .always(function (data) { swal.close(); }) .done(function (result) { if (typeof result.success != 'undefined' && result.success) { load_test_results(true); swal({ type: 'success', heightAuto: false, title: wpfs.save_success, showConfirmButton: false, timer: 1400, }); } else if (typeof result.success != 'undefined' && !result.success) { swal({ heightAuto: false, type: 'error', title: result.data }); } else { swal({ heightAuto: false, type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error }); } }) .fail(function (data) { if (data.data) { swal({ type: 'error', heightAuto: false, title: wpfs.documented_error + ' ' + data.data, }); } else { swal({ heightAuto: false, type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error }); } }); return false; }); load_test_results(false); $('.settings_page_wpfs-settings').on('click', '.run-tests', function () { load_test_results(true); }); function load_test_results(force) { $('#status_progress_wrapper').hide(); $('.run-tests').hide(); $('#status_tasks').hide(); $('#test-results-wrapper').html( '<div class="loading-wrapper"><img class="wfssl_flicker" src="' + wpfs.loading_icon_url + '" alt="Loading. Please wait." title="Loading. Please wait."><p>Loading. Please wait.</p></div>' ); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wpfs_run_tests', _ajax_nonce: wpfs.nonce_run_tests, force: force, }, }) .done(function (data) { if (data.success) { tests_total = 0; tests_pass = 0; tests_fail = 0; tests_warning = 0; tests_results = data.data; tests_results_html = '<table class="form-table">'; for (test in tests_results) { tests_total++; tests_results_html += '<tr data-status="' + tests_results[test].status + '"><td>'; switch (tests_results[test].status) { case 'fail': tests_results_html += '<div class="wfssl-badge wfssl-badge-red" title="Test failed">failed</div>'; tests_fail++; break; case 'warning': tests_results_html += '<div class="wfssl-badge wfssl-badge-yellow" title="Test warning">warning</div>'; tests_warning++; break; case 'pass': tests_results_html += '<div class="wfssl-badge wfssl-badge-green" title="Test passed">passed</div>'; tests_pass++; break; } tests_results_html += '</td>'; tests_results_html += '<td>' + tests_results[test].title + '<br /><small>' + tests_results[test].description + '</small></td>'; tests_results_html += '</tr>'; } tests_results_html += '</table>'; var progress = Math.floor(((tests_warning + tests_pass) / tests_total) * 100); $('#status_progress').css('width', progress + '%'); $('#status_progress_text').html(progress + '%'); $('#wfssl-failed-tests').html(tests_fail); $('#status_progress_wrapper').show(); $('#status_tasks').html( '<div class="status-tasks status-tasks-selected" data-tasks="all">All Tests (' + tests_total + ')</div><div class="status-tasks" data-tasks="pass">Passed (' + tests_pass + ')</div><div class="status-tasks" data-tasks="warning">Need Attention (' + tests_warning + ')</div><div class="status-tasks" data-tasks="fail">Failed (' + tests_fail + ')</div>' ); $('#status_tasks').show(); $('#test-results-wrapper').html(tests_results_html); $('.run-tests').show(); } else { swal.fire({ type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error, }); } }) .fail(function (data) { swal.fire({ type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error, }); }); } $('.settings_page_wpfs-settings').on('click', '.status-tasks', function (e) { $('.status-tasks').removeClass('status-tasks-selected'); $(this).addClass('status-tasks-selected'); var test_status = $(this).data('tasks'); if (test_status == 'all') { $('tr[data-status="pass"]').show(); $('tr[data-status="warning"]').show(); $('tr[data-status="fail"]').show(); } else if (test_status == 'pass') { $('tr[data-status="pass"]').show(); $('tr[data-status="warning"]').hide(); $('tr[data-status="fail"]').hide(); } else if (test_status == 'warning') { $('tr[data-status="pass"]').hide(); $('tr[data-status="warning"]').show(); $('tr[data-status="fail"]').hide(); } else if (test_status == 'fail') { $('tr[data-status="pass"]').hide(); $('tr[data-status="warning"]').hide(); $('tr[data-status="fail"]').show(); } }); // load SSL Certificate info load_ssl_cert_info(); $('.settings_page_wpfs-settings').on('click', '.refresh-certificate-info', function () { $('#ssl_cert_details').html( 'Loading certificate information ... <span class="wfssl-green wfssl_rotating dashicons dashicons-update"></span>' ); load_ssl_cert_info(true); }); function load_ssl_cert_info(force) { $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wpfs_test_ssl', _ajax_nonce: wpfs.nonce_test_ssl, force: force, }, }) .always(function (data) {}) .done(function (data) { if (data.success) { ssl_cert_info = data.data; ssl_cert_info_html = ''; if (ssl_cert_info.error == true) { ssl_cert_info_html += 'Your SSL certificate is <strong class="wfssl-red">NOT</strong> valid.'; ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="ssl_cert_error">' + ssl_cert_info.data + '</div>'; if (wpfs.is_localhost) { ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="clear"><br /><strong>The site is not publicly available. It\'s on a localhost.</strong></div>'; } ssl_cert_info_html += '<span class="wfssl-red dashicons dashicons-dismiss"></span>'; } else { ssl_cert_info_html += 'Your SSL certificate is <strong class="wfssl-green">VALID</strong>.'; ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="ssl_cert_info"><strong>Issued To:</strong> ' + ssl_cert_info.data.issued_to + '</div>'; ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="ssl_cert_info"><strong>Issuer:</strong> ' + ssl_cert_info.data.issuer + '</div>'; ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="ssl_cert_info"><strong>Valid From:</strong> ' + ssl_cert_info.data.valid_from + '</div>'; ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="ssl_cert_info"><strong>Valid To:</strong> ' + ssl_cert_info.data.valid_to + '</div>'; ssl_cert_info_html += '<span class="wfssl-green dashicons dashicons-yes-alt"></span>'; } ssl_cert_info_html += '<div class="button button-primary refresh-certificate-info" style="margin-top: 20px;">Refresh Certificate Info</div>'; $('#ssl_cert_details').html(ssl_cert_info_html); } else { swal.fire({ type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error, }); } }) .fail(function (data) { swal.fire({ type: 'error', title: wpfs.undocumented_error, }); }); } // PRO related stuff $('li.wfssl-tab-pro').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); open_upsell('tab'); return false; }); $('#wpwrap').on('click', '.open-pro-dialog', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).blur(); pro_feature = $(this).data('pro-feature'); if (!pro_feature) { pro_feature = $(this).parent('label').attr('for'); } open_upsell(pro_feature); return false; }); $('#wpfssl-pro-dialog').dialog({ dialogClass: 'wp-dialog wpfssl-pro-dialog', modal: true, resizable: false, width: 850, height: 'auto', show: 'fade', hide: 'fade', close: function (event, ui) {}, open: function (event, ui) { $(this).siblings().find('span.ui-dialog-title').html('WP Force SSL PRO is here!'); wpfssl_fix_dialog_close(event, ui); }, autoOpen: false, closeOnEscape: true, }); function clean_feature(feature) { feature = feature || 'free-plugin-unknown'; feature = feature.toLowerCase(); feature = feature.replace(' ', '-'); return feature; } function open_upsell(feature) { feature = clean_feature(feature); $('#wpfssl-pro-dialog').dialog('open'); $('#wpfssl-pro-table .button-buy').each(function (ind, el) { tmp = $(el).data('href-org'); tmp = tmp.replace('pricing-table', feature); $(el).attr('href', tmp); }); } // open_upsell if (window.localStorage.getItem('wpfssl_upsell_shown') != 'true') { open_upsell('welcome'); window.localStorage.setItem('wpfssl_upsell_shown', 'true'); window.localStorage.setItem('wpfssl_upsell_shown_timestamp', new Date().getTime()); } if (window.location.hash == '#open-pro-dialog') { open_upsell('url-hash'); window.location.hash = ''; } })(jQuery); function wpfssl_fix_dialog_close(event, ui) { jQuery('.ui-widget-overlay').bind('click', function () { jQuery('#' + event.target.id).dialog('close'); }); } // wpfssl_fix_dialog_close