Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/redirection/api/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/redirection/api/api-redirect.php |
<?php /** * @api {get} /redirection/v1/redirect Get redirects * @apiName GetRedirects * @apiDescription Get a paged list of redirects based after applying a set of filters and result ordering. * @apiGroup Redirect * * @apiUse RedirectQueryParams * * @apiUse RedirectList * @apiUse 401Error * @apiUse 404Error */ /** * @api {post} /redirection/v1/redirect Create redirect * @apiName CreateRedirect * @apiDescription Create a new redirect, and return a paged list of redirects. * @apiGroup Redirect * * @apiUse RedirectItem * @apiUse RedirectQueryParams * * @apiUse RedirectList * @apiUse 401Error * @apiUse 404Error * @apiError (Error 400) redirect_create_failed Failed to create redirect * @apiErrorExample {json} 404 Error Response: * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "code": "redirect_create_failed", * "message": "Failed to create redirect" * } */ /** * @api {post} /redirection/v1/redirect/:id Update redirect * @apiName UpdateRedirect * @apiDescription Update an existing redirect. * @apiGroup Redirect * * @apiParam (URL) {Integer} :id Redirect ID to update * * @apiUse RedirectItem * * @apiUse RedirectList * @apiUse 401Error * @apiUse 404Error * @apiError (Error 400) redirect_update_failed Failed to update redirect * @apiErrorExample {json} 404 Error Response: * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "code": "redirect_update_failed", * "message": "Failed to update redirect" * } */ /** * @api {post} /redirection/v1/bulk/redirect/:type Bulk action * @apiName BulkAction * @apiDescription Enable, disable, and delete a set of redirects. The endpoint will return the next page of results after. * performing the action, based on the supplied query parameters. This information can be used to refresh a list displayed to the client. * @apiGroup Redirect * * @apiParam (URL) {String="delete","enable","disable","reset"} :type Type of bulk action that is applied to every item. * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String[]} [items] Array of redirect IDs to perform the action on * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Boolean=false} [global] Perform action globally using the filter parameters * @apiUse RedirectQueryParams * * @apiUse RedirectList * @apiUse 401Error * @apiUse 404Error * @apiUse 400MissingError */ /** * @apiDefine RedirectItem Redirect * All data associated with a redirect * * @apiParam {String="enabled","disabled"} status Status of the redirect * @apiParam {Integer} position Redirect position, used to determine order multiple redirects occur * @apiParam {Object} match_data Additional match parameters * @apiParam {Object} match_data.source Match against the source * @apiParam {Boolean} match_data.source.flag_regex `true` for regular expression, `false` otherwise * @apiParam {String="ignore","exact","pass"} match_data.source.flag_query Which query parameter matching to use * @apiParam {Boolean} match_data.source.flag_case] `true` for case insensitive matches, `false` otherwise * @apiParam {Boolean} match_data.source.flag_trailing] `true` to ignore trailing slashes, `false` otherwise * @apiParam {Object} match_data.options Options for the redirect match * @apiParam {Boolean} match_data.options.log_exclude `true` to exclude this from any logs, `false` otherwise (default) * @apiParam {Boolean} regex True for regular expression, `false` otherwise * @apiParam {String} url The source URL * @apiParam {String="url","referrer","agent","login","header","custom","cookie","role","server","ip","page","language"} match_type What URL matching to use * @apiParam {String} [title] A descriptive title for the redirect, or empty for no title * @apiParam {Integer} group_id The group this redirect belongs to * @apiParam {String} action_type What to do when the URL is matched * @apiParam {Integer} action_code The HTTP code to return * @apiParam {Object} action_data Any data associated with the `action_type` and `match_type`. For example, the target URL */ /** * @apiDefine RedirectList A list of redirects * A list of redirects * * @apiSuccess {Object[]} items Array of redirect objects * @apiSuccess {Integer} items.id ID of redirect * @apiSuccess {String} items.url Source URL to match * @apiSuccess {String} items.match_url Match URL * @apiSuccess {Object} items.match_data Match against the source * @apiSuccess {String} items.match_type What URL matching to use * @apiSuccess {String} items.action_type What to do when the URL is matched * @apiSuccess {Integer} items.action_code The HTTP code to return * @apiSuccess {String} items.action_data Any data associated with the action_type. For example, the target URL * @apiSuccess {String} items.title Optional A descriptive title for the redirect, or empty for no title * @apiSuccess {String} items.hits Number of hits this redirect has received * @apiSuccess {String} items.regex True for regular expression, false otherwise * @apiSuccess {String} items.group_id The group this redirect belongs to * @apiSuccess {String} items.position Redirect position, used to determine order multiple redirects occur * @apiSuccess {String} items.last_access The date this redirect was last hit * @apiSuccess {String} items.status Status of the redirect * @apiSuccess {Integer} total Number of items * * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "items": [ * { * id: 3, * url: "/source", * match_url: "/source", * match_data: "", * action_code: "", * action_type: "", * action_data: "", * match_type: "url", * title: "Redirect title", * hits: 5, * regex: true, * group_id: 15, * position: 1, * last_access: "2019-01-01 01:01:01" * status: "enabled" * } * ], * "total": 1 * } */ /** * @apiDefine RedirectQueryParams * * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String="enabled","disabled"} [filterBy[status]] Filter the results by the supplied status * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String} [filterBy[url]] Filter the results by the supplied URL * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String="regular","plain"} [filterBy[url-match]] Filter the results by `regular` expressions or non regular expressions * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String} [filterBy[match]] Filter the results by the supplied match type * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String} [filterBy[action]] Filter the results by the supplied action type * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Integer} [filterBy[http]] Filter the results by the supplied redirect HTTP code * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String="year","month","all"} [filterBy[access]] Filter the results by how long the redirect was last accessed * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String} [filterBy[target]] Filter the results by the supplied redirect target * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String} [filterBy[title]] Filter the results by the supplied redirect title * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Integer} [filterBy[group]] Filter the results by the supplied redirect group ID * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Integer} [filterBy[id]] Filter the results to the redirect ID * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Integer="1","2","3"} [filterBy[module]] Filter the results by the supplied module ID * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String="source","last_count","last_access","position","id"} [orderby=id] Order in which results are returned * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {String="asc","desc"} [direction=desc] Direction to order the results by (ascending or descending) * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Integer{1...200}} [per_page=25] Number of results per request * @apiParam (Query Parameter) {Integer} [page=0] Current page of results */ /** * Redirect API endpoint */ class Redirection_Api_Redirect extends Redirection_Api_Filter_Route { /** * Redirect API endpoint constructor * * @param string $namespace Namespace. */ public function __construct( $namespace ) { $orders = [ 'source', 'last_count', 'last_access', 'position', 'id', '' ]; $filters = [ 'status', 'url-match', 'match', 'action', 'http', 'access', 'url', 'target', 'title', 'group', 'id' ]; register_rest_route( $namespace, '/redirect', array( 'args' => $this->get_filter_args( $orders, $filters ), $this->get_route( WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'route_list', [ $this, 'permission_callback_manage' ] ), $this->get_route( WP_REST_Server::EDITABLE, 'route_create', [ $this, 'permission_callback_add' ] ), ) ); register_rest_route( $namespace, '/redirect/(?P<id>[\d]+)', array( $this->get_route( WP_REST_Server::EDITABLE, 'route_update', [ $this, 'permission_callback_add' ] ), ) ); register_rest_route( $namespace, '/redirect/post', array( $this->get_route( WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'route_match_post', [ $this, 'permission_callback_manage' ] ), 'args' => [ 'text' => [ 'description' => 'Text to match', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ) ); register_rest_route( $namespace, '/bulk/redirect/(?P<bulk>delete|enable|disable|reset)', array( $this->get_route( WP_REST_Server::EDITABLE, 'route_bulk', [ $this, 'permission_callback_bulk' ] ), 'args' => array_merge( $this->get_filter_args( $orders, $filters ), [ 'global' => [ 'description' => 'Apply bulk action globally, as per filters', 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'items' => [ 'description' => 'Array of IDs to perform action on', 'type' => 'array', 'items' => [ 'description' => 'Item ID', 'type' => [ 'string', 'number' ], ], ], ] ), ) ); } /** * Checks a manage capability * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request. * @return Bool */ public function permission_callback_manage( WP_REST_Request $request ) { return Redirection_Capabilities::has_access( Redirection_Capabilities::CAP_REDIRECT_MANAGE ); } /** * Checks a bulk capability * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request. * @return Bool */ public function permission_callback_bulk( WP_REST_Request $request ) { if ( $request['bulk'] === 'delete' ) { return Redirection_Capabilities::has_access( Redirection_Capabilities::CAP_REDIRECT_DELETE ); } return $this->permission_callback_add( $request ); } /** * Checks a create capability * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request. * @return Bool */ public function permission_callback_add( WP_REST_Request $request ) { return Redirection_Capabilities::has_access( Redirection_Capabilities::CAP_REDIRECT_ADD ); } /** * Get redirect list * * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request. * @return WP_Error|array Return an array of results, or a WP_Error */ public function route_list( WP_REST_Request $request ) { return Red_Item::get_filtered( $request->get_params() ); } /** * Get redirect list * * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request. * @return WP_Error|array Return an array of results, or a WP_Error */ public function route_create( WP_REST_Request $request ) { $params = $request->get_params(); $urls = array(); if ( isset( $params['url'] ) ) { $urls = array( $params['url'] ); if ( is_array( $params['url'] ) ) { $urls = $params['url']; } // Remove duplicates $unique = []; foreach ( $urls as $url ) { $unique[ $url ] = $url; } foreach ( $unique as $url ) { $params['url'] = $url; // Data is sanitized in the create function $redirect = Red_Item::create( $params ); if ( is_wp_error( $redirect ) ) { return $this->add_error_details( $redirect, __LINE__ ); } } } return $this->route_list( $request ); } /** * Update redirect * * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request. * @return WP_Error|array Return an array of results, or a WP_Error */ public function route_update( WP_REST_Request $request ) { $params = $request->get_params(); $redirect = Red_Item::get_by_id( intval( $params['id'], 10 ) ); if ( $redirect ) { $result = $redirect->update( $params ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $this->add_error_details( $result, __LINE__ ); } return [ 'item' => $redirect->to_json() ]; } return $this->add_error_details( new WP_Error( 'redirect_update_failed', 'Invalid redirect details' ), __LINE__ ); } /** * Perform bulk action on redirects * * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request. * @return WP_Error|array Return an array of results, or a WP_Error */ public function route_bulk( WP_REST_Request $request ) { $params = $request->get_params(); $action = sanitize_text_field( $request['bulk'] ); if ( isset( $params['items'] ) && is_array( $params['items'] ) ) { $items = $params['items']; foreach ( $items as $item ) { $redirect = Red_Item::get_by_id( intval( $item, 10 ) ); if ( $redirect === false ) { return $this->add_error_details( new WP_Error( 'redirect_bulk_failed', 'Invalid redirect' ), __LINE__ ); } if ( $action === 'delete' ) { $redirect->delete(); } elseif ( $action === 'disable' ) { $redirect->disable(); } elseif ( $action === 'enable' ) { $redirect->enable(); } elseif ( $action === 'reset' ) { $redirect->reset(); } } } elseif ( isset( $params['global'] ) && $params['global'] ) { // Params are sanitized in the filter class if ( $action === 'delete' ) { Red_Item::delete_all( $params ); } elseif ( $action === 'reset' ) { Red_Item::reset_all( $params ); } elseif ( $action === 'enable' || $action === 'disable' ) { Red_Item::set_status_all( $action, $params ); } } return $this->route_list( $request ); } /** * Search for a post * * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request. * @return WP_Error|array Return an array of results, or a WP_Error */ public function route_match_post( WP_REST_Request $request ) { global $wpdb; $params = $request->get_params(); $search = sanitize_text_field( $params['text'] ); $results = []; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID,post_title,post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status='publish' AND (post_title LIKE %s OR post_name LIKE %s) " . "AND post_type IN ('post','page')", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $search ) . '%', '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $search ) . '%' ) ); foreach ( (array) $posts as $post ) { $title = $post->post_name; if ( strpos( $post->post_title, $search ) ) { $title = $post->post_title; } $results[] = [ 'title' => $title, 'value' => get_permalink( $post->ID ), ]; } return $results; } }