Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/inc/functions/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/inc/functions/i18n.php |
<?php defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'Cheatin’ uh?' ); /** * Get all translations we can use with wp_localize_script(). * * @since 1.5 * @author Jonathan Buttigieg * * @param string $context The translation context. * @return array $translations The translations. */ function get_imagify_localize_script_translations( $context ) { global $post_id; $imagifybeat_actions = \Imagify\Imagifybeat\Actions::get_instance(); switch ( $context ) { case 'admin-bar': if ( is_admin() ) { return []; } return [ 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), ]; case 'notices': return [ 'labels' => [ /* translators: Don't use escaped HTML entities here (like ). */ 'signupTitle' => __( 'Let\'s get you started!', 'imagify' ), 'signupText' => __( 'Enter your email to get an API key:', 'imagify' ), 'signupConfirmButtonText' => __( 'Sign Up', 'imagify' ), 'signupErrorEmptyEmail' => __( 'You need to specify an email!', 'imagify' ), /* translators: Don't use escaped HTML entities here (like ). */ 'signupSuccessTitle' => __( 'Congratulations!', 'imagify' ), 'signupSuccessText' => __( 'Your account has been successfully created. Please check your mailbox, you are going to receive an email with API key.', 'imagify' ), /* translators: Don't use escaped HTML entities here (like ). */ 'saveApiKeyTitle' => __( 'Connect to Imagify!', 'imagify' ), 'saveApiKeyText' => __( 'Paste your API key below:', 'imagify' ), 'saveApiKeyConfirmButtonText' => __( 'Connect me', 'imagify' ), 'ApiKeyErrorEmpty' => __( 'You need to specify your API key!', 'imagify' ), 'ApiKeyCheckSuccessTitle' => __( 'Congratulations!', 'imagify' ), 'ApiKeyCheckSuccessText' => __( 'Your API key is valid. You can now configure the Imagify settings to optimize your images.', 'imagify' ), ], ]; case 'sweetalert': return [ 'labels' => [ 'cancelButtonText' => __( 'Cancel' ), ], ]; case 'options': $translations = [ 'getFilesTree' => imagify_can_optimize_custom_folders() ? get_imagify_admin_url( 'get-files-tree' ) : false, 'labels' => [ 'ValidApiKeyText' => __( 'Your API key is valid.', 'imagify' ), 'waitApiKeyCheckText' => __( 'Check in progress...', 'imagify' ), 'ApiKeyCheckSuccessTitle' => __( 'Congratulations!', 'imagify' ), 'ApiKeyCheckSuccessText' => __( 'Your API key is valid. You can now configure the Imagify settings to optimize your images.', 'imagify' ), 'noBackupTitle' => __( 'Don\'t Need a Parachute?', 'imagify' ), 'noBackupText' => __( 'If you keep this option deactivated, you won\'t be able to re-optimize your images to another compression level and restore your original images in case of need.', 'imagify' ), 'removeFolder' => _x( 'Remove', 'custom folder', 'imagify' ), 'filesTreeTitle' => __( 'Select Folders', 'imagify' ), 'filesTreeSubTitle' => __( 'Select one or several folders to optimize.', 'imagify' ), 'cleaningInfo' => __( 'Some folders that do not contain any images are hidden.', 'imagify' ), 'confirmFilesTreeBtn' => __( 'Select Folders', 'imagify' ), 'customFilesLegend' => __( 'Choose the folders to optimize', 'imagify' ), 'error' => __( 'Error', 'imagify' ), 'themesAdded' => __( 'Added! All Good!', 'imagify' ), ], ]; if ( \Imagify\Stats\OptimizedMediaWithoutWebp::get_instance()->get_cached_stat() ) { $contexts = imagify_get_context_names(); $translations['bulk'] = [ 'curlMissing' => ! Imagify_Requirements::supports_curl(), 'editorMissing' => ! Imagify_Requirements::supports_image_editor(), 'extHttpBlocked' => Imagify_Requirements::is_imagify_blocked(), 'apiDown' => ! Imagify_Requirements::is_api_up(), 'keyIsValid' => Imagify_Requirements::is_api_key_valid(), 'isOverQuota' => Imagify_Requirements::is_over_quota(), 'imagifybeatIDs' => [ 'queue' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'bulk_optimization_status' ), 'requirements' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'requirements' ), ], 'ajaxActions' => [ 'getMediaIds' => 'imagify_get_media_ids', 'bulkProcess' => 'imagify_bulk_optimize', ], 'ajaxNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'imagify-bulk-optimize' ), 'contexts' => $contexts, 'labels' => [ 'curlMissing' => __( 'cURL is not available on the server.', 'imagify' ), 'editorMissing' => sprintf( /* translators: %s is a "More info?" link. */ __( 'No php extensions are available to edit images on the server. ImageMagick or GD is required. %s', 'imagify' ), '<a href="' . esc_url( imagify_get_external_url( 'documentation-imagick-gd' ) ) . '" target="_blank">' . __( 'More info?', 'imagify' ) . '</a>' ), 'extHttpBlocked' => __( 'External HTTP requests are blocked.', 'imagify' ), 'apiDown' => __( 'Sorry, our servers are temporarily unavailable. Please, try again in a couple of minutes.', 'imagify' ), 'invalidAPIKeyTitle' => __( 'Your API key is not valid!', 'imagify' ), 'overQuotaTitle' => __( 'You have used all your credits!', 'imagify' ), 'processing' => __( 'Imagify is still processing. Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'imagify' ), 'nothingToDoTitle' => __( 'Hold on!', 'imagify' ), 'nothingToDoText' => __( 'All your optimized images already have a WebP version. Congratulations!', 'imagify' ), 'nothingToDoNoBackupText' => __( 'Because the selected images did not have a backup copy, Imagify was unable to create WebP versions.', 'imagify' ), 'error' => __( 'Error', 'imagify' ), 'ajaxErrorText' => __( 'The operation failed.', 'imagify' ), 'getUnoptimizedImagesErrorTitle' => __( 'Oops, There is something wrong!', 'imagify' ), 'getUnoptimizedImagesErrorText' => __( 'An unknown error occurred when we tried to get all your unoptimized media files. Try again and if the issue still persists, please contact us!', 'imagify' ), ], ]; /** * Filter the number of parallel queries generating WebP images by bulk method. * * @since 1.9 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @param int $bufferSize Number of parallel queries. */ $translations['bulk']['bufferSize'] = apply_filters( 'imagify_bulk_generate_webp_buffer_size', 4 ); $translations['bulk']['bufferSize'] = max( 1, (int) $translations['bulk']['bufferSize'] ); } return $translations; case 'pricing-modal': $translations = [ 'imagify_app_domain' => IMAGIFY_APP_DOMAIN, 'labels' => [ 'errorCouponAPI' => __( 'Error with checking this coupon.', 'imagify' ), /* translators: 1 is a percentage, 2 is a coupon code. */ 'successCouponAPI' => sprintf( _x( '%1$s off with %2$s', 'coupon validated', 'imagify' ), '<span class="imagify-coupon-offer"></span>', '<strong class="imagify-coupon-word"></strong>' ), 'errorPriceAPI' => __( 'Something went wrong with getting our updated offers. Please retry later.', 'imagify' ), 'defaultCouponLabel' => __( 'If you have a <strong>coupon code</strong><br> use it here:', 'imagify' ), 'errorCouponPlan' => __( 'This coupon is not valid with this plan.', 'imagify' ), ], ]; if ( Imagify_Requirements::is_api_key_valid() ) { $translations['userDataCache'] = [ 'deleteAction' => 'imagify_delete_user_data_cache', 'deleteNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'imagify_delete_user_data_cache' ), ]; } return $translations; case 'twentytwenty': $image = [ 'src' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, ]; if ( imagify_is_screen( 'attachment' ) && wp_attachment_is_image( $post_id ) ) { $process = imagify_get_optimization_process( $post_id, 'wp' ); if ( $process->is_valid() ) { $media = $process->get_media(); if ( $media->is_image() ) { $dimensions = $media->get_dimensions(); $image = [ 'src' => $media->get_fullsize_url(), 'width' => $dimensions['width'], 'height' => $dimensions['height'], ]; } } } return [ 'imageSrc' => $image['src'], 'imageWidth' => $image['width'], 'imageHeight' => $image['height'], 'widthLimit' => 360, // See _imagify_add_actions_to_media_list_row(). 'labels' => [ 'filesize' => __( 'File Size:', 'imagify' ), 'saving' => __( 'Original Saving:', 'imagify' ), 'close' => __( 'Close', 'imagify' ), 'originalL' => __( 'Original File', 'imagify' ), 'optimizedL' => __( 'Optimized File', 'imagify' ), 'compare' => __( 'Compare Original VS Optimized', 'imagify' ), 'optimize' => __( 'Optimize', 'imagify' ), ], ]; case 'beat': return \Imagify\Imagifybeat\Core::get_instance()->get_settings(); case 'media-modal': return [ 'imagifybeatID' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'library_optimization_status' ), ]; case 'library': return [ 'backupOption' => get_imagify_option( 'backup' ), 'labels' => [ 'bulkActionsOptimize' => __( 'Optimize', 'imagify' ), 'bulkActionsOptimizeMissingSizes' => __( 'Optimize Missing Sizes', 'imagify' ), 'bulkActionsRestore' => __( 'Restore Original', 'imagify' ), ], ]; case 'bulk': $translations = [ 'curlMissing' => ! Imagify_Requirements::supports_curl(), 'editorMissing' => ! Imagify_Requirements::supports_image_editor(), 'extHttpBlocked' => Imagify_Requirements::is_imagify_blocked(), 'apiDown' => Imagify_Requirements::is_imagify_blocked() || ! Imagify_Requirements::is_api_up(), 'keyIsValid' => ! Imagify_Requirements::is_imagify_blocked() && Imagify_Requirements::is_api_up() && Imagify_Requirements::is_api_key_valid(), 'isOverQuota' => ! Imagify_Requirements::is_imagify_blocked() && Imagify_Requirements::is_api_up() && Imagify_Requirements::is_api_key_valid() && Imagify_Requirements::is_over_quota(), 'imagifybeatIDs' => [ 'stats' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'bulk_optimization_stats' ), 'queue' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'bulk_optimization_status' ), 'requirements' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'requirements' ), ], 'waitImageUrl' => IMAGIFY_ASSETS_IMG_URL . 'popin-loader.svg', 'ajaxActions' => [ 'getMediaIds' => 'imagify_get_media_ids', 'bulkProcess' => 'imagify_bulk_optimize', 'getFolderData' => 'imagify_get_folder_type_data', 'bulkInfoSeen' => 'imagify_bulk_info_seen', ], 'ajaxNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'imagify-bulk-optimize' ), 'bufferSizes' => [ 'wp' => 4, 'custom-folders' => 4, ], 'labels' => [ 'overviewChartLabels' => [ 'unoptimized' => __( 'Unoptimized', 'imagify' ), 'optimized' => __( 'Optimized', 'imagify' ), 'error' => __( 'Error', 'imagify' ), ], 'curlMissing' => __( 'cURL is not available on the server.', 'imagify' ), 'editorMissing' => sprintf( /* translators: %s is a "More info?" link. */ __( 'No php extensions are available to edit images on the server. ImageMagick or GD is required. %s', 'imagify' ), '<a href="' . esc_url( imagify_get_external_url( 'documentation-imagick-gd' ) ) . '" target="_blank">' . __( 'More info?', 'imagify' ) . '</a>' ), 'extHttpBlocked' => __( 'External HTTP requests are blocked.', 'imagify' ), 'apiDown' => __( 'Sorry, our servers are temporarily unavailable. Please, try again in a couple of minutes.', 'imagify' ), 'invalidAPIKeyTitle' => __( 'Your API key is not valid!', 'imagify' ), 'overQuotaTitle' => __( 'You have used all your credits!', 'imagify' ), 'processing' => __( 'Imagify is still processing. Are you sure you want to leave this page?', 'imagify' ), 'waitTitle' => __( 'Please wait...', 'imagify' ), 'waitText' => __( 'We are trying to get your unoptimized media files, it may take time depending on the number of files.', 'imagify' ), 'nothingToDoTitle' => __( 'Hold on!', 'imagify' ), 'nothingToDoText' => [ 'optimize' => __( 'All your media files have been optimized by Imagify. Congratulations!', 'imagify' ), 'generate_webp' => __( 'All your optimized images already have a WebP version. Congratulations!', 'imagify' ), ], 'optimizing' => __( 'Optimizing', 'imagify' ), 'error' => __( 'Error', 'imagify' ), 'ajaxErrorText' => __( 'The operation failed.', 'imagify' ), 'complete' => _x( 'Complete', 'adjective', 'imagify' ), 'alreadyOptimized' => _x( 'Already Optimized', 'file', 'imagify' ), /* translators: %s is a number. Don't use %d. */ 'nbrFiles' => __( '%s file(s)', 'imagify' ), 'notice' => _x( 'Notice', 'noun', 'imagify' ), /* translators: %s is a number. Don't use %d. */ 'nbrErrors' => __( '%s error(s)', 'imagify' ), /* translators: 1 and 2 are file sizes. Don't use HTML entities here (like ). */ 'textToShare' => __( 'Discover @imagify, the new compression tool to optimize your images for free. I saved %1$s out of %2$s!', 'imagify' ), 'twitterShareURL' => imagify_get_external_url( 'share-twitter' ), 'getUnoptimizedImagesErrorTitle' => __( 'Oops, There is something wrong!', 'imagify' ), 'getUnoptimizedImagesErrorText' => __( 'An unknown error occurred when we tried to get all your unoptimized media files. Try again and if the issue still persists, please contact us!', 'imagify' ), 'waitingOtimizationsText' => __( 'Waiting other optimizations to finish.', 'imagify' ), /* translators: %s is a formatted number, dont use %d. */ 'imagesOptimizedText' => __( '%s Media File(s) Optimized', 'imagify' ), /* translators: %s is a formatted number, dont use %d. */ 'imagesErrorText' => __( '%s Error(s)', 'imagify' ), 'bulkInfoTitle' => __( 'Information', 'imagify' ), 'confirmBulk' => __( 'Start the optimization', 'imagify' ), ], ]; if ( get_transient( 'imagify_large_library' ) ) { // On huge media libraries, don't use Imagifybeat, and fetch stats only when the process ends. $translations['ajaxActions']['getStats'] = 'imagify_bulk_get_stats'; } if ( isset( $translations['bufferSizes']['wp'] ) ) { /** * Filter the number of parallel queries during the Bulk Optimization (library). * * @since 1.5.4 * @since 1.7 Deprecated * @deprecated * * @param int $buffer_size Number of parallel queries. */ $translations['bufferSizes']['wp'] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'imagify_bulk_buffer_size', [ $translations['bufferSizes']['wp'] ], '1.7', 'imagify_bulk_buffer_sizes' ); } /** * Filter the number of parallel queries during the Bulk Optimization. * * @since 1.7 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @param array $buffer_sizes An array of number of parallel queries, keyed by context. */ $translations['bufferSizes'] = apply_filters( 'imagify_bulk_buffer_sizes', $translations['bufferSizes'] ); return $translations; case 'files-list': return [ 'backupOption' => get_imagify_option( 'backup' ), 'context' => 'custom-folders', 'imagifybeatID' => $imagifybeat_actions->get_imagifybeat_id( 'custom_folders_optimization_status' ), 'labels' => [ 'bulkActionsOptimize' => __( 'Optimize', 'imagify' ), 'bulkActionsRestore' => __( 'Restore Original', 'imagify' ), ], ]; default: return []; } // End switch(). }