Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/assets/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/assets/js/pricing-modal.js |
// Imagify tabs ==================================================================================== (function ($, d, w, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names /** * @Markup: * ul.imagify-tabs * li.imagify-tab.imagify-current * a[href="#target"] * div.imagify-tabs-contents * div.imagify-tab-content#target */ $(d).on('click.imagify', '.imagify-tab', function (e) { var $_this = $(this), curr_class = 'imagify-current', target; e.preventDefault(); if ($_this.hasClass('imagify-current')) { return; } target = $_this.find('a').attr('href') || '#' + $_this.find('a').attr('aria-controls'); // Show right tab content. $_this.closest('.imagify-tabs').next('.imagify-tabs-contents').find('.imagify-tab-content').hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); $(target).fadeIn(275).attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); // Change active tabs. $_this.closest('.imagify-tabs').find('.imagify-tab').removeClass(curr_class).attr('aria-selected', 'false'); $_this.addClass(curr_class).attr('aria-selected', 'true'); }); })(jQuery, document, window); // Imagify payment modal =========================================================================== (function ($, d, w, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names /** * Payment Modal. * * @since 1.6 * @since 1.6.3 include discount campaign * @author Geoffrey */ var imagifyModal = {}; if (! $('#imagify-pricing-modal').length) { return; } imagifyModal = { $modal: $('#imagify-pricing-modal'), $checkboxes: $('.imagify-offer-line .imagify-checkbox'), $radios: $('.imagify-payment-modal .imagify-radio-line input'), // Plans selection view & payment process view hidden by default. $preView: $('#imagify-pre-checkout-view'), $plansView: $('#imagify-plans-selection-view').hide(), $paymentView: $('#imagify-payment-process-view').hide(), $successView: $('#imagify-success-view').hide(), $anotherBtn: $('.imagify-choose-another-plan'), speedFadeIn: 300, getHtmlPrice: function (content, period) { var monthly, yearly, m, y, output; if (! period) { period = null; } if (typeof content !== 'object') { content += ''; // Be sure content is a string. content = content.split('.'); content[1] = content[1].length === 1 ? content[1] + '0' : ('' + content[1]).substring(0, 2); output = '<span class="imagify-price-big">' + content[0] + '</span> '; output += '<span class="imagify-price-mini">.' + content[1] + '</span>'; return output; } monthly = content.monthly + ''; yearly = content.yearly + ''; m = '0' === monthly ? ['0', '00'] : monthly.split('.'); y = '0' === yearly ? ['0', '00'] : yearly.split('.'); output = '<span class="imagify-switch-my">'; /* eslint-disable indent */ output += '<span aria-hidden="' + (period === 'monthly' ? 'false' : 'true') + '" class="imagify-monthly">'; output += '<span class="imagify-price-big">' + m[0] + '</span> '; output += '<span class="imagify-price-mini">.' + (m[1].length === 1 ? m[1] + '0' : ('' + m[1]).substring(0, 2)) + '</span>'; output += '</span> '; output += '<span aria-hidden="' + (period === 'yearly' ? 'false' : 'true') + '" class="imagify-yearly">'; output += '<span class="imagify-price-big">' + y[0] + '</span> '; output += '<span class="imagify-price-mini">.' + (y[1].length === 1 ? y[1] + '0' : ('' + y[1]).substring(0, 2)) + '</span>'; output += '</span>'; /* eslint-enable indent */ output += '</span>'; return output; }, getHtmlDiscountPrice: function (content, period) { var monthly, yearly, output = ''; if (! period) { period = null; } if (typeof content === 'object') { monthly = content.monthly + ''; yearly = content.yearly + ''; output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount">'; /* eslint-disable indent */ output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount-dollar">$</span>'; output += '<span class="imagify-switch-my">'; output += '<span aria-hidden="' + (period === 'monthly' ? 'false' : 'true') + '" class="imagify-monthly">'; output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount-number">' + monthly + '</span>'; output += '</span>'; output += '<span aria-hidden="' + (period === 'yearly' ? 'false' : 'true') + '" class="imagify-yearly">'; output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount-number">' + yearly + '</span>'; output += '</span>'; output += '</span>'; /* eslint-enable indent */ output += '</span>'; } else { content += ''; // Be sure content is a string. output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount">'; /* eslint-disable indent */ output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount-dollar">$</span>'; output += '<span class="imagify-price-discount-number">' + content + '</span>'; /* eslint-enable indent */ output += '</span>'; } return output; }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.getHtmlPrice() * @uses imagifyModal.getHtmlDiscountPrice() */ populateOffer: function ($offer, datas, type, classes) { var promo = w.imagify_discount_datas, add = datas.additional_gb, // 4 (monthly) ann = datas.annual_cost, // 49.9 (monthly) id = datas.id, // 3 (monthly/onetime) lab = datas.label, // 'lite' (monthly/onetime) mon = datas.monthly_cost, // 4.99 (monthly) quo = datas.quota, // 1000 (MB) - 5000 images (monthly/onetime) cos = datas.cost, // 3.49 (onetime) name = -1 === quo ? 'Unlimited' : (quo >= 1000 ? quo / 1000 + ' GB' : quo + ' MB'), pcs = 'monthly' === type ? {monthly: mon, yearly: Math.round(ann / 12 * 100) / 100} : cos, pcsd = pcs, // Used if discount is active. percent, $datas_c, datas_content, applies_to = []; applies_to = imagifyModal.getPromoAppliesTo(promo); // Change pricing value only if discount in percentage is active and if offer is a monthly and not a onetime. if ( promo.is_active && 'percentage' === promo.coupon_type && 'monthly' === type && (0 < mon) && (applies_to.includes(lab) || 'all' === applies_to[0]) ) { percent = (100 - promo.coupon_value) / 100; pcs = 'monthly' === type ? { monthly: mon * percent, yearly: Math.round((ann * percent) / 12 * 100) / 100 } : cos * percent; } if (typeof classes !== 'undefined') { $offer.addClass('imagify-' + type + '-' + lab + classes); } // Name. $offer.find('.imagify-offer-size').text(name); // Main prices (pcs can be an object or a string). $offer.find('.imagify-number-block').html(imagifyModal.getHtmlPrice(pcs, 'monthly')); // discount prices $offer.find('.imagify-price-block').prev('.imagify-price-discount').remove(); if ( promo.is_active && 'percentage' === promo.coupon_type && 'monthly' === type && (0 < mon) && (applies_to.includes(lab) || 'all' === applies_to[0]) ) { $offer.find('.imagify-price-block').before(imagifyModal.getHtmlDiscountPrice(pcsd, 'monthly')); } // Nb images. $offer.find('.imagify-approx-nb').text(quo * 5); if ('monthly' === type) { // Additional price. $offer.find('.imagify-price-add-data').text('$' + add); } // Button data-offer attr. $datas_c = $offer.find('.imagify-payment-btn-select-plan').length ? $offer.find('.imagify-payment-btn-select-plan') : $offer; if ('monthly' === type) { datas_content = '{"' + lab + '":{"id":' + id + ',"name":"' + name + '","label":"' + lab + '","data":' + quo + ',"dataf":"' + name + '","imgs":' + (quo * 5) + ',"prices":{"monthly":' + pcs.monthly + ',"yearly":' + pcs.yearly + ',"add":' + add + '}}}'; } else { datas_content = '{"ot' + lab + '":{"id":' + id + ',"name":"' + name + '","label":"' + lab + '","data":' + quo + ',"dataf":"' + name + '","imgs":' + (quo * 5) + ',"price":' + pcs + '}}'; } $datas_c.attr('data-offer', datas_content); return $offer; }, populatePayBtn: function () { var $monthlyOffer = $('.imagify-offer-monthly'), $onetimeOffer = $('.imagify-offer-onetime'), pl_datas, ot_datas, price = 0, price_pl = 0, price_ot = 0; if ($monthlyOffer.length) { pl_datas = JSON.parse($monthlyOffer.attr('data-offer')); // Calculate price_pl only if that offer is selected. if ($monthlyOffer.hasClass('imagify-offer-selected')) { if ($('#imagify-subscription-monthly').filter(':checked').length) { price_pl = pl_datas[Object.keys(pl_datas)[0]].prices.monthly; } else { price_pl = pl_datas[Object.keys(pl_datas)[0]].prices.yearly * 12; } } } if ($onetimeOffer.length) { ot_datas = JSON.parse($onetimeOffer.attr('data-offer')); // Calculate price_ot only if that offer is selected. if ($onetimeOffer.hasClass('imagify-offer-selected')) { price_ot = ot_datas[Object.keys(ot_datas)[0]].price; } } // Calculate price. price = parseFloat(price_ot + price_pl).toFixed(2); // Edit button price. //$( '.imagify-global-amount' ).text( price ); // Not used. if ('0.00' === price || 0 === price) { $('#imagify-modal-checkout-btn').prop('disabled', true).addClass('imagify-button-disabled'); } else { $('#imagify-modal-checkout-btn').prop('disabled', false).removeClass('imagify-button-disabled'); } }, checkCoupon: function () { var code = $('#imagify-coupon-code').val(), $cptext, $label, $section, nonce; $cptext = $('.imagify-coupon-text'); $label = $cptext.find('label'); $section = $('.imagify-coupon-section'); if ('' === code) { $section.removeClass('validated').removeClass('invalid'); $label.html(imagifyPricingModal.labels.defaultCouponLabel); return; } nonce = $('#imagify-get-pricing-modal').data('nonce'); $cptext.addClass('checking'); // Get the true prices. $.post(ajaxurl, {action: 'imagify_check_coupon', coupon: code, imagifynonce: nonce}, function (response) { var coupon_value; $cptext.removeClass('checking'); // Error during the request. if (! response.success) { $section.removeClass('validated').addClass('invalid'); $label.text(imagifyPricingModal.labels.errorCouponAPI); } else if (response.data.success) { coupon_value = 'percentage' === response.data.coupon_type ? response.data.value + '%' : '$' + response.data.value; var $selected_plan_line = $('.imagify-pre-checkout-view .imagify-pre-checkout-offers .imagify-offer-line'); var offer_data = JSON.parse($selected_plan_line.attr('data-offer')); var applies_to = imagifyModal.getPromoAppliesTo(response.data); if ( applies_to.includes(offer_data[Object.keys(offer_data)[0]].label ) || "all" === applies_to[0] ){ $section.removeClass('invalid').addClass('validated'); $label.html(imagifyPricingModal.labels.successCouponAPI); $label.find('.imagify-coupon-offer').text(coupon_value); $label.find('.imagify-coupon-word').text(code); } else { $section.removeClass('validated').addClass('invalid'); $label.html(imagifyPricingModal.labels.errorCouponPlan); $('#imagify-coupon-code').val(''); } } else { $section.removeClass('validated').addClass('invalid'); $label.text(response.data.detail); } }); }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.populateOffer() * @uses imagifyModal.populatePayBtn() * @uses imagifyModal.checkCoupon() */ getPricing: function ($button) { var nonce = $button.data('nonce'), prices_rq_datas = { action: 'imagify_get_prices', imagifynonce: nonce }, imgs_rq_datas = { action: 'imagify_get_images_counts', imagifynonce: nonce }, prices_rq_discount = { action: 'imagify_get_discount', imagifynonce: nonce }; imagifyModal.$modal.find('.imagify-modal-loader').hide().show(); imagifyModal.$modal.addClass('imagify-modal-loading'); /** * TODO: change the way to waterfall requests. * Use setInterval + counter instead. */ // Get the true prices. $.post(ajaxurl, prices_rq_datas, function (prices_response) { if (! prices_response.success) { // TODO: replace modal content by any information. // An error occurred. // Populate Pay button. imagifyModal.populatePayBtn(); return; } // get the image estimates sizes $.post(ajaxurl, imgs_rq_datas, function (imgs_response) { if (! imgs_response.success) { // TODO: replace modal content by any information. // An error occurred. return; } // Get the discount informations. $.post(ajaxurl, prices_rq_discount, function (discount_response) { var images_datas, prices_datas, promo_datas, offers, consumption, suggested, freeQuota = 25, ot_html = '', mo_html = '', $mo_tpl, $ot_tpl, ot_clone, mo_clone, $estim_block, $offers_block, $banners, date_end, plan_names, promo, discount; if (! discount_response.success) { // TODO: replace modal content by any information. // An error occurred. return; } images_datas = imgs_response.data; prices_datas = prices_response.data; promo_datas = discount_response.data; offers = { mo: [], ot: [] }; consumption = { month: images_datas.average_month_size.raw / Math.pow(1024, 2), // Bytes to MB. total: images_datas.total_library_size.raw / Math.pow(1024, 2) // Bytes to MB. }; $mo_tpl = $('#imagify-offer-monthly-template'); $ot_tpl = $('#imagify-offer-onetime-template'); ot_clone = $ot_tpl.html(); mo_clone = $mo_tpl.html(); $estim_block = $('.imagify-estimation-block'); // Remove inactive offers. $.each(prices_datas.monthlies, function (index, value) { if ('undefined' === typeof value.active || ('undefined' !== typeof value.active && true === value.active) ) { if ('free' === value.label) { freeQuota = value.quota; } offers.mo.push(value); } }); $.each(prices_datas.onetimes, function (index, value) { if ('undefined' === typeof value.active || ('undefined' !== typeof value.active && true === value.active) ) { offers.ot.push(value); } }); // Refresh Analyzing block. $estim_block.removeClass('imagify-analyzing'); $estim_block.find('.average-month-size').text(images_datas.average_month_size.human); $estim_block.find('.total-library-size').text(images_datas.total_library_size.human); // Switch offers title if < 25mb. if (consumption.total + consumption.month < freeQuota) { $('.imagify-pre-checkout-offers .imagify-modal-title').addClass('imagify-enough-free'); } else { $('.imagify-enough-free').removeClass('imagify-enough-free'); } // Reset offer selection. $('.imagify-offer-selected').removeClass('imagify-offer-selected').find('.imagify-checkbox').prop('checked', false); // Don't create prices table if something went wrong during request. if (null === offers.mo || null === offers.ot) { $offers_block = $('.imagify-pre-checkout-offers'); // Hide main content. $offers_block.hide().attr('aria-hidden', true); // Show error message. $offers_block.closest('.imagify-modal-views').find('.imagify-popin-message').remove(); $offers_block.after('<div class="imagify-popin-message imagify-error"><p>' + imagifyPricingModal.labels.errorPriceAPI + '</p></div>'); // Show the modal content. imagifyModal.$modal.find('.imagify-modal-loader').fadeOut(300); imagifyModal.$modal.removeClass('imagify-modal-loading'); return; } // Autofill coupon code & Show banner if discount is active. w.imagify_discount_datas = promo_datas; if (promo_datas.is_active) { if (promo_datas.applies_to instanceof Array) { plan_names = []; var plan_list = []; for (var plan_infos = 0; plan_infos < promo_datas.applies_to.length; plan_infos++) { plan_list.push(promo_datas.applies_to[plan_infos].plan_name); } plan_list.forEach(function (item) { if (! plan_names.includes(item)) { plan_names.push(item); } }); plan_names = plan_names.join(', '); } else { plan_names = promo_datas.applies_to; } $banners = $('.imagify-modal-promotion'); date_end = promo_datas.date_end.split('T')[0]; promo = promo_datas.coupon_value; discount = 'percentage' === promo_datas.coupon_type ? promo + '%' : '$' + promo; // Show banners. $banners.addClass('active').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); // Populate banners. $banners.find('.imagify-promotion-number').text(discount); $banners.find('.imagify-promotion-plan-name').text(plan_names); $banners.find('.imagify-promotion-date').text(date_end); } /** * Find which plan(s) should be pre-selected. */ suggested = imagifyModal.getSuggestedOffers(offers, consumption, freeQuota); /** * Below lines will build Plan and Onetime offers lists. * It will also pre-select a Plan and/or Onetime in both of views: pre-checkout and pricing tables. */ if (0 === offers.mo.length) { $('.imagify-pre-checkout-offers .imagify-offer-monthly').remove(); $('.imagify-tabs').remove(); $('.imagify-pricing-tab-monthly').remove(); } else { // Now, do the MONTHLIES Markup. $.each(offers.mo, function (index, value) { var $tpl, $offer, classes = ''; // If offer is too big (far) than estimated needs, don't show the offer. if ((index - suggested.mo.index) > 2) { return true; } if (index === suggested.mo.index) { // It's the one to display. $offer = $('.imagify-pre-checkout-offers .imagify-offer-monthly'); if (suggested.mo.selected) { classes = ' imagify-offer-selected'; // Add this offer as pre-selected item in pre-checkout view. $offer.addClass('imagify-offer-selected').find('.imagify-checkbox').prop('checked', true); } // Populate the Pre-checkout view depending on user_cons. imagifyModal.populateOffer($offer, value, 'monthly'); } // Populate each offer. $tpl = $(mo_clone).clone(); $tpl = imagifyModal.populateOffer($tpl, value, 'monthly', classes); // Complete Monthlies HTML. mo_html += $tpl[0].outerHTML; }); } if (0 === offers.ot.length) { $('.imagify-pre-checkout-offers .imagify-offer-onetime').remove(); $('.imagify-tabs').remove(); $('.imagify-pricing-tab-onetime').remove(); } else { // Do the ONETIMES Markup. $.each(offers.ot, function (index, value) { var $tpl, $offer, classes = ''; // Parent classes. if (index === suggested.ot.index) { $offer = $('.imagify-pre-checkout-offers .imagify-offer-onetime'); if (suggested.ot.selected) { classes = ' imagify-offer-selected'; // Add this offer as pre-selected item in pre-checkout view. $offer.addClass('imagify-offer-selected').find('.imagify-checkbox').prop('checked', true); } // Populate the Pre-checkout view depending on user_cons. imagifyModal.populateOffer($offer, value, 'onetime'); } // Populate each offer. $tpl = $(ot_clone).clone(); $tpl = imagifyModal.populateOffer($tpl, value, 'onetime', classes); // complete Onetimes HTML ot_html += $tpl[0].outerHTML; }); } if (promo_datas){ var applies_to = imagifyModal.getPromoAppliesTo(promo_datas); if ( applies_to.includes(suggested.mo.plan_label) || applies_to.includes(suggested.ot.plan_label) || 'all' === applies_to[0]){ $('#imagify-coupon-code').val(promo_datas.label); } if (promo_datas.is_active) { imagifyModal.checkCoupon(); } } // Fill pricing tables. if ($mo_tpl.parent().find('.imagify-offer-line')) { $mo_tpl.parent().find('.imagify-offer-line').remove(); } $mo_tpl.before(mo_html); if ($ot_tpl.parent().find('.imagify-offer-line')) { $ot_tpl.parent().find('.imagify-offer-line').remove(); } $ot_tpl.before(ot_html); // Show the content. imagifyModal.$modal.find('.imagify-modal-loader').fadeOut(300); imagifyModal.$modal.removeClass('imagify-modal-loading'); }); // Third AJAX request to get discount information. }); // Second AJAX request for image estimation sizes. // Populate Pay button. imagifyModal.populatePayBtn(); }); // End $.post. }, /** * Tell which offer(s) should be pre-selected. * * @param object offers { * An object build like this: * * @type array mo Monthly offers. The most important data being 'quota' (MBytes). * @type array ot One-Time offers. The most important data being 'quota' (MBytes). * } * @param object consumption { * An object build like this: * * @type array month Average image size uploaded each month on the site (MBytes). * @type array total Total image size in the library (MBytes). * } * @param int freeQuota Quota of the free monthly offer (MBytes). Currently 25. * @return object { * An object build like this: * * @type object mo An object containing the index of the suggested monthly offer, and if it should be selected. * @type object ot An object containing the index of the suggested one-time offer, and if it should be selected. * } */ getSuggestedOffers: function (offers, consumption, freeQuota) { var tmpMB = consumption.total + consumption.month, plan, biggestPlan = { quota: 0 }, unlimitedPlan, suggested = { mo: false, ot: false }; if (0 > offers.ot.length){ var last_ot_plan_id = offers.ot[offers.ot.length - 1].id; var last_ot_plan_label = offers.ot[offers.ot.length - 1].label; } if (0 > offers.ot.length){ var last_mo_plan_id = offers.mo[offers.mo.length - 1].id; var last_mo_plan_label = offers.mo[offers.mo.length - 1].label; } /** * Paid monthly plan. */ $.each(offers.mo, function (index, value) { // if this is the unlimited plan, save it; we may need to come back to it. if (0 > value.quota) { unlimitedPlan = { index: index, selected: 1, plan_id: value.id, plan_label: value.label }; } // This is the biggest plan we've seen so far. Save it in case we need it later. if (value.quota > biggestPlan.quota) { biggestPlan = { index: index, selected: 1, quota: value.quota, plan_id: value.id, plan_label: value.label }; } // Skip the free plan. if ((0 === value.monthly_cost) && (0 === value.annual_cost)) { return true; } // For all except unlimited plan: Rule out this plan if quota is less than either library size or monthly usage. if ((0 >= value.quota) && (consumption.month > value.quota) || (consumption.total > value.quota)) { return true; } // For all except unlimited plan: Consider this plan if its quota meets consumption needs. if ((0 <= value.quota) && (consumption.month < value.quota) && (consumption.total < value.quota)) { // Select this one when (1) we haven't yet selected a plan, or (2) when this plan is less quota than the current one. if (('undefined' === typeof plan) || (plan.quota > value.quota)) { plan = value; suggested.mo = { index: index, selected: (freeQuota > consumption.month) && (freeQuota > consumption.total) ? 0 : 1, plan_id: value.id, plan_label: value.label }; } return true; } return true; }); // If we don't have a plan selected by the time we get here, we need the infinite plan, or the biggest if infinite isn't available. if (false === suggested.mo) { if ('undefined' !== typeof unlimitedPlan) { suggested.mo = unlimitedPlan; } else { suggested.mo = biggestPlan; } } // Remaining MB. tmpMB -= offers.mo[suggested.mo.index].quota; // If we don't have active onetime plans, we're done. if (0 === offers.ot.length) { return suggested; } if (tmpMB <= 0) { /** * The monthly plan is big enough to optimize all the images that already are in the library. * We'll display a One-Time plan that is able to optimize the whole library, in case the user doesn't want a monthly plan, but it won't be pre-selected. */ $.each(offers.ot, function (index, value) { if (value.quota < consumption.total) { // This plan is not big enough for the user needs. return true; } // Suggested monthly plan. suggested.ot = { index: index, selected: 0, plan_id: value.id, plan_label: value.label }; return false; }); if (false === suggested.ot) { suggested.ot = { index: offers.ot.length - 1, selected: 0, plan_id: last_ot_plan_id, plan_label: last_ot_plan_label }; } return suggested; } /** * The monthly plan is not big enough to optimize all the images that already are in the library. * We need to select a One-Time plan. */ $.each(offers.ot, function (index, value) { if (value.quota < tmpMB) { // This plan is not big enough for the user needs. return true; } // Suggested one-time plan. suggested.ot = { index: index, selected: 1, plan_id: value.id, plan_label: value.label }; return false; }); if (false !== suggested.ot) { // OK, we have all we need. return suggested; } /** * If nothing is selected, that means no OT plan is big enough for the user. * In that case we fallback to the biggest available, and we need to increase the monthly plan. */ suggested.ot = { index: offers.ot.length - 1, selected: 1, plan_id: last_ot_plan_id, plan_label: last_ot_plan_label }; // Reset monthly plan. suggested.mo = false; // Reset the remaining MB and subtract the OT plan quota. tmpMB = consumption.total + consumption.month - offers.ot[suggested.ot.index].quota; // Search for a new monthly plan. $.each(offers.mo, function (index, value) { if (value.quota < tmpMB) { // This plan is not big enough for the user needs. return true; } // Suggested monthly plan. suggested.mo = { index: index, selected: 1, plan_id: value.id, plan_label: value.label }; return false; }); if (false === suggested.mo) { /** * If nothing is selected, that means no monthly plan is big enough for the user's monthly consumption. * In that case we fallback to the biggest available. */ suggested.mo = { index: offers.mo.length - 1, selected: 1, plan_id: last_mo_plan_id, plan_label: last_mo_plan_label }; } return suggested; }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.populatePayBtn() */ checkCheckbox: function ($checkbox) { var sel_class = 'imagify-offer-selected'; $checkbox.each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.is(':checked')) { $this.closest('.imagify-offer-line').addClass(sel_class); } else { $this.closest('.imagify-offer-line').removeClass(sel_class); } }); // Update pay button. imagifyModal.populatePayBtn(); }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.populatePayBtn() */ checkRadio: function ($radio) { var year_class = 'imagify-year-selected', month_class = 'imagify-month-selected'; $radio.each(function () { // To handle modal pricing & modal suggestion. var $_this = $(this), $parent, $to_switch; if ($_this.parent('.imagify-cart-list-switcher').length) { $parent = $_this.closest('.imagify-cart'); } else if ($_this.parent('.imagify-small-options').length) { $parent = $_this.parent('.imagify-small-options').next('.imagify-pricing-table'); } else { $parent = $_this.closest('.imagify-offer-line'); } $to_switch = $parent.find('.imagify-switch-my'); if ($_this.val() === 'yearly') { $parent.addClass(year_class).removeClass(month_class); $to_switch.find('.imagify-monthly').attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); $to_switch.find('.imagify-yearly').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } else { $parent.addClass(month_class).removeClass(year_class); $to_switch.find('.imagify-monthly').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); $to_switch.find('.imagify-yearly').attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } }); // Update Pay button information. imagifyModal.populatePayBtn(); return $radio; }, /** * Currently not used. * @uses imagifyModal.populatePayBtn() */ populateBtnPrice: setInterval(function () { imagifyModal.populatePayBtn(); }, 1000), /** * 1) Modal Payment change/select plan * 2) Checkout selection(s) * 3) Payment process */ getPeriod: function () { return $('.imagify-offer-monthly').hasClass('imagify-month-selected') ? 'monthly' : 'yearly'; }, getApiKey: function () { return $('#imagify-payment-iframe').data('imagify-api'); }, switchToView: function ($view, data) { var viewId = $view.attr('id'), $modalContent = imagifyModal.$modal.children('.imagify-modal-content'); $view.siblings('.imagify-modal-views').hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); // Plans view has tabs: display the right one. if (data && data.tab) { $view.find('a[href="#' + data.tab + '"]').trigger('click.imagify'); } // Payment view: it's an iframe. if ('imagify-payment-process-view' === viewId) { $modalContent.addClass('imagify-iframe-viewing'); } else { $modalContent.removeClass('imagify-iframe-viewing'); } // Success view: some tweaks. if ('imagify-success-view' === viewId) { $modalContent.addClass('imagify-success-viewing'); imagifyModal.$modal.attr('aria-labelledby', 'imagify-success-view'); } else { $modalContent.removeClass('imagify-success-viewing'); imagifyModal.$modal.removeAttr('aria-labelledby'); } $view.fadeIn(imagifyModal.speedFadeIn).attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.getApiKey() */ iframeSetSrc: function (params) { /** * params = { * 'monthly': { * 'lite': { * name: 'something', * id: '' * } * }, * 'onetime': { * 'recommended': { * name: 'Recommend', * id: '' * } * }, * 'period': 'monthly'|'yearly' * } */ var $iframe = $('#imagify-payment-iframe'), iframe_src = $iframe.attr('src'), pay_src = $iframe.data('src'), monthly_id = 0, onetime_id = 0, // Stop it ESLint, you're drunk. key, amount, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars rt_onetime, rt_yearly, rt_monthly, coupon, rt_coupon, $iframeClone, tofind; // If we only change monthly/yearly payment mode. if (typeof params === 'string' && '' !== iframe_src) { tofind = 'monthly' === params ? 'yearly' : 'monthly'; iframe_src = iframe_src.replace(tofind, params); $iframe.attr('src', iframe_src); return; } // If we get new informations about products. if (typeof params !== 'object') { return; } if (params.monthly) { monthly_id = params.monthly[Object.keys(params.monthly)[0]].id; } if (params.onetime) { onetime_id = params.onetime[Object.keys(params.onetime)[0]].id; // If onetime ID === 999 it's a custom plan, send datas instead. onetime_id = (onetime_id + '' === '999' ? params.onetime[Object.keys(params.onetime)[0]].data : onetime_id); } if (! params.period) { w.imagify.info('No period defined'); return; } key = imagifyModal.getApiKey(); rt_onetime = onetime_id; rt_yearly = 'yearly' === params.period ? monthly_id : 0; rt_monthly = 'monthly' === params.period ? monthly_id : 0; coupon = $('#imagify-coupon-code').val(); rt_coupon = '' === coupon ? 'none' : coupon; // Not used but... amount = parseFloat($('.imagify-global-amount').text()).toFixed(2); // Compose route. // pay_src + :ontimeplan(0)/:monthlyplan(0)/:yearlyplan(0)/:coupon(none)/ pay_src = pay_src + rt_onetime + '/' + rt_monthly + '/' + rt_yearly + '/' + rt_coupon + '/'; // iFrame sort of cache fix. $iframeClone = $iframe.remove().attr('src', pay_src); imagifyModal.$paymentView.html($iframeClone); }, /** * Public function triggered by payement iframe. */ paymentClose: function () { $('.imagify-iframe-viewing .close-btn').trigger('click.imagify'); $('.imagify-iframe-viewing').removeClass('imagify-iframe-viewing'); }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.switchToView() */ paymentBack: function () { imagifyModal.switchToView(imagifyModal.$preView); }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.switchToView() */ paymentSuccess: function () { imagifyModal.switchToView(imagifyModal.$successView); }, /** * @uses imagifyModal.paymentClose() * @uses imagifyModal.paymentBack() * @uses imagifyModal.paymentSuccess() */ checkPluginMessage: function (e) { var origin = e.origin || e.originalEvent.origin; // eslint-disable-line no-shadow if ( imagifyPricingModal.imagify_app_domain !== origin ) { return; } switch (e.data) { case 'cancel': imagifyModal.paymentClose(); break; case 'back': imagifyModal.paymentBack(); break; case 'success': imagifyModal.paymentSuccess(); break; } }, getPromoAppliesTo: function(promo){ var applies_to = []; if (promo.applies_to instanceof Array) { var plan_list = []; for (var plan_infos = 0; plan_infos < promo.applies_to.length; plan_infos++) { plan_list.push(promo.applies_to[plan_infos].plan_name); } plan_list.forEach(function (item) { if (! applies_to.includes(item)) { applies_to.push(item); } }); } else { applies_to = [promo.applies_to]; } return applies_to; } }; /** * INIT. */ // Check all boxes on load. imagifyModal.checkCheckbox(imagifyModal.$checkboxes); imagifyModal.checkRadio(imagifyModal.$radios.filter(':checked')); // Check coupon onload. imagifyModal.checkCoupon(); // Check the changed box. imagifyModal.$checkboxes.on('change.imagify', function () { imagifyModal.checkCheckbox($(this)); }); // Check the radio box. imagifyModal.$radios.on('change.imagify', function () { imagifyModal.checkRadio($(this)); }); /** * Get pricings on modal opening. * Build the pricing tables inside modal. */ $('#imagify-get-pricing-modal').on('click.imagify-ajax', function () { imagifyModal.getPricing($(this)); }); /** * Reset the modal on close. */ $(d).on('modalClosed.imagify', '.imagify-payment-modal', function () { // Reset viewing class & aria-labelledby. $('#imagify-coupon-code').val(''); $(this).find('.imagify-modal-content').removeClass('imagify-success-viewing imagify-iframe-viewing'); // Reset first view after fadeout ~= 300 ms. setTimeout(function () { $('.imagify-modal-views').hide(); $('#imagify-pre-checkout-view').show(); }, 300); //delay scrolltop top to avoid flickering setTimeout(function () { $('.imagify-payment-modal').find('.imagify-modal-content').scrollTop(0); }, 400); }); /** * Get validation for Coupon Code * - On blur * - On Enter or Spacebar press * - On click OK button * * @since 1.6.3 Only if field hasn't readonly attribute (discount auto-applied). */ $('#imagify-coupon-code').on('blur.imagify', function () { if (! $(this).attr('readonly')) { imagifyModal.checkCoupon(); } }).on('keydown.imagify', function (e) { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('readonly')) { return; } if (13 === e.keyCode || 32 === e.keyCode) { imagifyModal.checkCoupon(); return false; } if ($this.val().length >= 3) { $this.closest('.imagify-coupon-input').addClass('imagify-canbe-validate'); } else { $this.closest('.imagify-coupon-input').removeClass('imagify-canbe-validate'); } }); $('#imagify-coupon-validate').on('click.imagify', function () { imagifyModal.checkCoupon(); $(this).closest('.imagify-canbe-validate').removeClass('imagify-canbe-validate'); }); /** * View game, step by step. */ // 1) when you decide to choose another plan. /** * 1.a) on click, display choices. * * @uses imagifyModal.switchToView() */ imagifyModal.$anotherBtn.on('click.imagify', function (e) { var type = $(this).data('imagify-choose'), tab = 'imagify-pricing-tab-' + ('plan' === type ? 'monthly' : 'onetime'); e.preventDefault(); imagifyModal.switchToView(imagifyModal.$plansView, {tab: tab}); }); /** * 1.b) on click in a choice, return to pre-checkout step. * * @uses imagifyModal.getHtmlPrice() * @uses imagifyModal.switchToView() * @uses imagifyModal.populatePayBtn() */ imagifyModal.$modal.on('click.imagify', '.imagify-payment-btn-select-plan', function (e) { var $_this = $(this), $offer_line = $_this.closest('.imagify-offer-line'), datas = $_this.data('offer'), datas_str = $_this.attr('data-offer'), is_onetime = $_this.closest('.imagify-tab-content').attr('id') !== 'imagify-pricing-tab-monthly', $target_line = is_onetime ? imagifyModal.$preView.find('.imagify-offer-onetime') : imagifyModal.$preView.find('.imagify-offer-monthly'), period = is_onetime ? null : ($_this.closest('.imagify-pricing-table').hasClass('imagify-month-selected') ? 'monthly' : 'yearly'), price = is_onetime ? imagifyModal.getHtmlPrice(datas[Object.keys(datas)[0]].price) : imagifyModal.getHtmlPrice(datas[Object.keys(datas)[0]].prices, period), monthly_txt = is_onetime ? '' : '<span class="imagify-price-by">' + $offer_line.find('.imagify-price-by').text() + '</span>', discount = $offer_line.find('.imagify-price-discount').html(), imgs = $offer_line.find('.imagify-approx-nb').text(), offer_size = $offer_line.find('.imagify-offer-size').text(), $coupon_input = $('#imagify-coupon-code'); e.preventDefault(); // Change views to go back pre-checkout. imagifyModal.switchToView(imagifyModal.$preView); // Change price (+ "/month" if found in monthly plans). $target_line.find('.imagify-number-block').html(price + monthly_txt); // Change discount. if (discount) { if ($target_line.find('.imagify-price-discount').length <= 0) { $target_line.find('.imagify-col-price').prepend('<span class="imagify-price-discount"></span>'); } $target_line.find('.imagify-price-discount').html(discount); $target_line.find('.imagify-price-discount').show(); } else { $target_line.find('.imagify-price-discount').hide(); } // Change approx images nb. $target_line.find('.imagify-approx-nb').text(imgs); // Change offer size name. $target_line.find('.imagify-offer-size').text(offer_size); // Change datas (json). $target_line.attr('data-offer', datas_str); if (! is_onetime) { $target_line.find('.imagify-price-add-data').text($offer_line.find('.imagify-price-add-data').text()); // Trigger period selected from offer selection view to pre-checkout view. if ('monthly' === period) { $target_line.find('#imagify-subscription-monthly').trigger('click.imagify'); } else { $target_line.find('#imagify-subscription-yearly').trigger('click.imagify'); } $target_line.find('.imagify-inline-options').find('input:radio:checked').trigger('change.imagify'); } $coupon_input = $('#imagify-coupon-code'); $coupon_input.val(''); if ( w.imagify_discount_datas ){ var applies_to = imagifyModal.getPromoAppliesTo(w.imagify_discount_datas); if ( applies_to.includes(datas[Object.keys(datas)[0]].label ) || "all" === applies_to[0] ){ $coupon_input.val(w.imagify_discount_datas.label); } } imagifyModal.checkCoupon(); // Update price information in button. imagifyModal.populatePayBtn(); }); /** * 2) when you checkout. * * @uses imagifyModal.switchToView() * @uses imagifyModal.getPeriod() * @uses imagifyModal.iframeSetSrc() */ $('#imagify-modal-checkout-btn').on('click.imagify', function (e) { var $monthly_offer, $onetime_offer, checkout_datas; e.preventDefault(); // Do nothing if button disabled. if ($(this).hasClass('imagify-button-disabled')) { return; } $monthly_offer = $('.imagify-offer-monthly'); $onetime_offer = $('.imagify-offer-onetime'); checkout_datas = {}; // If user choose a monthly plan. if ($monthly_offer.hasClass('imagify-offer-selected')) { checkout_datas.monthly = JSON.parse($monthly_offer.attr('data-offer')); } // If user choose a One Time plan. if ($onetime_offer.hasClass('imagify-offer-selected')) { checkout_datas.onetime = JSON.parse($onetime_offer.attr('data-offer')); } // Clear user account cache. if (imagifyPricingModal.userDataCache) { $.post(ajaxurl, { action: imagifyPricingModal.userDataCache.deleteAction, _wpnonce: imagifyPricingModal.userDataCache.deleteNonce }); } // Change views to go to checkout/payment view. imagifyModal.switchToView(imagifyModal.$paymentView); checkout_datas.period = imagifyModal.getPeriod(); imagifyModal.iframeSetSrc(checkout_datas); }); /** * Go back to previous step ("Choose Another Plan" links). */ $('.imagify-back-to-plans').on('click.imagify', function (e) { var $_this = $(this), is_onetime = $_this.closest('.imagify-cart-item').hasClass('imagify-cart-item-onetime'); e.preventDefault(); if (is_onetime) { $('.imagify-offer-onetime').find('.imagify-choose-another-plan').trigger('click.imagify'); } else { $('.imagify-offer-monthly').find('.imagify-choose-another-plan').trigger('click.imagify'); } }); // Message/communication API. w.addEventListener('message', imagifyModal.checkPluginMessage, true); })(jQuery, document, window);