Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/assets/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/assets/js/imagify-gulp.js |
/** * Library that handles the bulk optimization processes. * * @requires jQuery */ window.imagify = window.imagify || {}; /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle, consistent-this */ (function($, d, w) { /** * Construct the optimizer. * * @param {object} settings { * Optimizer settings: * * @type {string} groupID Group ID, like 'library' or 'custom-folders'. * @type {string} context Context within this group, like 'wp' or 'custom-folders' (yes, again). * @type {int} level Optimization level: 0 to 2. * @type {int} bufferSize Number of parallel optimizations: usually 4. * @type {string} ajaxUrl URL to request to optimize. * @type {object} files Files to optimize: media ID as key (prefixed with an underscore), file URL as value. * @type {string} defaultThumb A default thumbnail URL. * @type {string} doneEvent Name of the event to listen to know when optimizations end. * @type {array} imageExtensions A list of supported image extensions (only images). * } */ w.imagify.Optimizer = function ( settings ) { // Settings. this.groupID = settings.groupID; this.context = settings.context; this.level = settings.level; this.bufferSize = settings.bufferSize || 1; this.ajaxUrl = settings.ajaxUrl; this.files = settings.files; this.defaultThumb = settings.defaultThumb; this.doneEvent = settings.doneEvent; if ( settings.imageExtensions ) { this.imageExtensions = settings.imageExtensions; } else { this.imageExtensions = [ 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'png', 'gif' ]; } /** * An array of media IDs (prefixed with an underscore). */ this.prefixedMediaIDs = Object.keys( this.files ); /** * An array of medias currently being optimized: { * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * @type {string} filename The file name. * @type {string} thumbnail The file thumbnail URL. * } */ this.currentItems = []; // Internal counters. this.totalMedia = this.prefixedMediaIDs.length; this.processedMedia = 0; // Global stats. this.globalOriginalSize = 0; this.globalOptimizedSize = 0; this.globalGain = 0; this.globalPercent = 0; // Callbacks. this._before = function () {}; this._each = function () {}; this._done = function () {}; // Listen to the "optimization done" event. if ( this.totalMedia && this.doneEvent ) { $( w ).on( this.doneEvent, { _this: this }, this.processedCallback ); } }; /** * Callback to trigger before each media optimization. * * @param {callable} fnc A callback. * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.before = function( fnc ) { this._before = fnc; return this; }; /** * Callback to trigger after each media optimization. * * @param {callable} fnc A callback. * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.each = function( fnc ) { this._each = fnc; return this; }; /** * Callback to trigger all media optimizations have been done. * * @param {callable} fnc A callback. * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.done = function( fnc ) { this._done = fnc; return this; }; /** * Launch optimizations. * * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.run = function() { var chunkLength = this.prefixedMediaIDs.length > this.bufferSize ? this.bufferSize : this.prefixedMediaIDs.length, i; for ( i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++ ) { this.processNext(); } return this; }; /** * Launch next optimization. * * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.processNext = function() { if ( this.prefixedMediaIDs.length ) { this.process( this.prefixedMediaIDs.shift() ); } return this; }; /** * Launch an optimization. * * @param {string} prefixedId A media ID, prefixed with an underscore. * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.process = function( prefixedId ) { var _this = this, fileURL = this.files[ prefixedId ], data = { mediaID: parseInt( prefixedId.toString().substr( 1 ), 10 ), filename: this.files[ prefixedId ].split( '/' ).pop(), thumbnail: this.defaultThumb }, extension = data.filename.split( '.' ).pop().toLowerCase(), regexp = new RegExp( '^' + this.imageExtensions.join( '|' ).toLowerCase() + '$' ), image; if ( ! extension.match( regexp ) ) { // Not an image. this.currentItems.push( data ); this._before( data ); this.send( data ); return this; } // Create a thumbnail and send the ajax request. image = new Image(); image.onerror = function () { _this.currentItems.push( data ); _this._before( data ); _this.send( data ); }; image.onload = function () { var maxWidth = 33, maxHeight = 33, imageWidth = image.width, imageHeight = image.height, newHeight = 0, newWidth = 0, topOffset = 0, leftOffset = 0, canvas = null, ctx = null; if ( imageWidth < imageHeight ) { // Portrait. newWidth = maxWidth; newHeight = newWidth * imageHeight / imageWidth; topOffset = ( maxHeight - newHeight ) / 2; } else { // Landscape. newHeight = maxHeight; newWidth = newHeight * imageWidth / imageHeight; leftOffset = ( maxWidth - newWidth ) / 2; } canvas = d.createElement( 'canvas' ); canvas.width = maxWidth; canvas.height = maxHeight; ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' ); ctx.drawImage( this, leftOffset, topOffset, newWidth, newHeight ); try { data.thumbnail = canvas.toDataURL( 'image/jpeg' ); } catch ( e ) { data.thumbnail = _this.defaultThumb; } canvas = null; ctx = null; image = null; _this.currentItems.push( data ); _this._before( data ); _this.send( data ); }; image.src = fileURL; return this; }; /** * Do the ajax request. * * @param {object} data { * The data: * * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * @type {string} filename The file name. * @type {string} thumbnail The file thumbnail URL. * } * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.send = function( data ) { var _this = this, defaultResponse = { success: false, mediaID: data.mediaID, groupID: this.groupID, context: this.context, filename: data.filename, thumbnail: data.thumbnail, status: 'error', error: '' }; $.post( { url: this.ajaxUrl, data: { media_id: data.mediaID, context: this.context, optimization_level: this.level }, dataType: 'json' } ) .done( function( response ) { if ( response.success ) { return; } defaultResponse.error = response.data.error; _this.processed( defaultResponse ); } ) .fail( function( jqXHR ) { if ( 200 === jqXHR.status ) { defaultResponse.error = jqXHR.responseText.replace( /<h1>.*<\/h1>\n*/, '' ); } else { defaultResponse.error = jqXHR.statusText; } _this.processed( defaultResponse ); } ); return this; }; /** * Callback triggered when an optimization is complete. * * @param {object} e jQuery's Event object. * @param {object} item { * The response: * * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * @type {string} context The context. * } */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.processedCallback = function( e, item ) { var _this = e.data._this; if ( item.context !== _this.context ) { return; } if ( ! item.mediaID || typeof _this.files[ '_' + item.mediaID ] === 'undefined' ) { return; } item.groupID = _this.groupID; if ( ! _this.currentItems.length ) { // Trouble. _this.processed( item ); return; } $.each( _this.currentItems, function( i, mediaData ) { if ( item.mediaID === mediaData.mediaID ) { item.filename = mediaData.filename; item.thumbnail = mediaData.thumbnail; return false; } } ); _this.processed( item ); }; /** * After a media has been processed. * * @param {object} response { * The response: * * @type {bool} success Whether the optimization succeeded or not ("already optimized" is a success). * @type {int} mediaID The media ID. * @type {string} groupID The group ID. * @type {string} context The context. * @type {string} filename The file name. * @type {string} thumbnail The file thumbnail URL. * @type {string} status The status, like 'optimized', 'already-optimized', 'over-quota', 'error'. * @type {string} error The error message. * } * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.processed = function( response ) { var currentItems = this.currentItems; if ( currentItems.length ) { // Remove this media from the "current" list. $.each( currentItems, function( i, mediaData ) { if ( response.mediaID === mediaData.mediaID ) { currentItems.splice( i, 1 ); return false; } } ); this.currentItems = currentItems; } // Update stats. if ( response.success && 'already-optimized' !== response.status ) { this.globalOriginalSize += response.originalOverallSize; this.globalOptimizedSize += response.newOverallSize; this.globalGain += response.overallSaving; this.globalPercent = ( 100 - this.globalOptimizedSize / this.globalOptimizedSize * 100 ).toFixed( 2 ); } ++this.processedMedia; response.progress = Math.floor( this.processedMedia / this.totalMedia * 100 ); this._each( response ); if ( this.prefixedMediaIDs.length ) { this.processNext(); } else if ( this.totalMedia === this.processedMedia ) { this._done( { globalOriginalSize: this.globalOriginalSize, globalOptimizedSize: this.globalOptimizedSize, globalGain: this.globalGain } ); } return this; }; /** * Stop the process. * * @return this */ w.imagify.Optimizer.prototype.stopProcess = function() { this.files = {}; this.prefixedMediaIDs = []; this.currentItems = []; if ( this.doneEvent ) { $( w ).off( this.doneEvent, this.processedCallback ); } return this; }; } )(jQuery, document, window);