Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/assets/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/imagify/assets/js/bulk.js |
window.imagify = window.imagify || {}; (function( $, undefined ) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names var jqPropHookChecked = $.propHooks.checked; // Force `.prop()` to trigger a `change` event. $.propHooks.checked = { set: function( elem, value, name ) { var ret; if ( undefined === jqPropHookChecked ) { ret = ( elem[ name ] = value ); } else { ret = jqPropHookChecked( elem, value, name ); } $( elem ).trigger( 'change.imagify' ); return ret; } }; // Custom jQuery functions ===================================================================== /** * Hide element(s). * * @param {int} duration A duration in ms. * @param {function} callback A callback to execute once the element is hidden. * @return {element} The jQuery element(s). */ $.fn.imagifyHide = function( duration, callback ) { if ( duration && duration > 0 ) { this.hide( duration, function() { $( this ).addClass( 'hidden' ).css( 'display', '' ); if ( undefined !== callback ) { callback(); } } ); } else { this.addClass( 'hidden' ); if ( undefined !== callback ) { callback(); } } return this.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); }; /** * Show element(s). * * @param {int} duration A duration in ms. * @param {function} callback A callback to execute before starting to display the element. * @return {element} The jQuery element(s). */ $.fn.imagifyShow = function( duration, callback ) { if ( undefined !== callback ) { callback(); } if ( duration && duration > 0 ) { this.show( duration, function() { $( this ).removeClass( 'hidden' ).css( 'display', '' ); } ); } else { this.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } return this.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); }; }( jQuery )); (function($, d, w, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars, no-shadow, no-shadow-restricted-names w.imagify.bulk = { // Properties ============================================================================== charts: { overview: { canvas: false, donut: false, data: { // Order: unoptimized, optimized, error. labels: [ imagifyBulk.labels.overviewChartLabels.unoptimized, imagifyBulk.labels.overviewChartLabels.optimized, imagifyBulk.labels.overviewChartLabels.error ], datasets: [ { data: [], backgroundColor: [ '#10121A', '#46B1CE', '#C51162' ], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, files: { donuts: {} }, share: { canvas: false, donut: false } }, /** * Folder types in queue. * An array of objects: { * @type {string} groupID The group ID, like 'library'. * @type {string} context The context, like 'wp'. * @type {int} level The optimization level: 0, 1, or 2. * } */ folderTypesQueue: [], /** * Status of each folder type. Type IDs are used as keys. * Each object contains: { * @type {bool} isError Tell if the status is considered as an error. * @type {string} id ID of the status, like 'waiting', 'fetching', or 'optimizing'. * } */ status: {}, // Tell if the message displayed when retrieving the image IDs has been shown once. displayedWaitMessage: false, // Tell how many rows are available. hasMultipleRows: true, // The action to perform (like 'optimize'). imagifyAction: '', // Set to true to stop the whole thing. processIsStopped: false, // List of medias being processed. processingMedia: [], // Global stats. globalGain: 0, globalOriginalSize: 0, globalOptimizedSize: 0, /** * Folder types used in the page. * * @var {object} { * An object of objects. The keys are like: {groupID|context}. * * @type {string} groupID The group ID. * @type {string} context The context. * @type {int} level The optimization. * @type {string} optimizeURL The URL to ping to optimize a file. * @type {array} mediaIDs A list of file IDs. * @type {object} files File IDs as keys (prefixed by an underscore), File URLs as values. * } */ folderTypesData: {}, // Default thumbnail. defaultThumb: '', // Methods ================================================================================= /* * Init. */ init: function () { var $document = $( d ); // Overview chart. this.drawOverviewChart(); this.hasMultipleRows = $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]' ).length > 1; // Selectors (like the level selectors). $( '.imagify-selector-button' ) .on( 'click.imagify', this.openSelectorFromButton ); $( '.imagify-selector-list input' ) .on( 'change.imagify init.imagify', this.syncSelectorFromRadio ) .filter( ':checked' ) .trigger( 'init.imagify' ); $document .on( 'keypress.imagify click.imagify', this.closeSelectors ); // Other buttons/UI. $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]' ) .on( 'change.imagify init.imagify', this.toggleOptimizationButton ) .trigger( 'init.imagify' ); $( '.imagify-show-table-details' ) .on( 'click.imagify open.imagify close.imagify', this.toggleOptimizationDetails ); $( '#imagify-bulk-action' ) .on( 'click.imagify', this.maybeLaunchAllProcesses ); $( '.imagify-share-networks a' ) .on( 'click.imagify', this.share ); // Optimization events. $( w ) .on( 'processQueue.imagify', this.processQueue ) .on( 'optimizeFiles.imagify', this.optimizeFiles ) .on( 'queueEmpty.imagify', this.queueEmpty ); if ( imagifyBulk.ajaxActions.getStats && $( '.imagify-bulk-table [data-group-id="library"][data-context="wp"]' ).length ) { // On large WP library, don't request stats periodically, only when everything is done. imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.stats = false; } if ( imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.stats ) { // Imagifybeat for stats. $document .on( 'imagifybeat-send', this.addStatsImagifybeat ) .on( 'imagifybeat-tick', this.processStatsImagifybeat ); } // Imagifybeat for optimization queue. $document .on( 'imagifybeat-send', this.addQueueImagifybeat ) .on( 'imagifybeat-tick', this.processQueueImagifybeat ); // Imagifybeat for requirements. $document .on( 'imagifybeat-send', this.addRequirementsImagifybeat ) .on( 'imagifybeat-tick', this.processRequirementsImagifybeat ); }, /* * Get the URL used for ajax requests. * * @param {string} action An ajax action, or part of it. * @param {object} item The current item. * @return {string} */ getAjaxUrl: function ( action, item ) { var url = ajaxurl + w.imagify.concat + '_wpnonce=' + imagifyBulk.ajaxNonce + '&action=' + imagifyBulk.ajaxActions[ action ]; if ( item && item.context ) { url += '&context=' + item.context; } if ( 'getMediaIds' === action || 'bulkProcess' === action ) { url += '&imagify_action=' + w.imagify.bulk.imagifyAction; } return url; }, /** * Get folder types used in the page. * * @see this.folderTypesData * @return {object} */ getFolderTypes: function () { if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesData ) ) { return w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesData; } $( '.imagify-row-folder-type' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ), data = { groupID: $this.data( 'group-id' ), context: $this.data( 'context' ) }, key = data.groupID + '|' + data.context; w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesData[ key ] = data; } ); return w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesData; }, /* * Get the message displayed to the user when (s)he leaves the page. * * @return {string} */ getConfirmMessage: function () { return imagifyBulk.labels.processing; }, /* * Close the given optimization level selector. * * @param {object} $lists A jQuery object. * @param {int} timer Timer in ms to close the selector. */ closeLevelSelector: function ( $lists, timer ) { if ( ! $lists || ! $lists.length ) { return; } if ( undefined !== timer && timer > 0 ) { w.setTimeout( function() { w.imagify.bulk.closeLevelSelector( $lists ); }, timer ); return; } $lists.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); }, /* * Stop everything and update the current item status as an error. * * @param {string} errorId An error ID. * @param {object} item The current item. */ stopProcess: function ( errorId, item ) { this.processIsStopped = true; w.imagify.bulk.status[ item.groupID ] = { isError: true, id: errorId }; $( w ).trigger( 'queueEmpty.imagify' ); }, /* * Tell if we have a blocking error. Can also display an error message in a swal. * * @param {bool} displayErrorMessage False to not display any error message. * @return {bool} */ hasBlockingError: function ( displayErrorMessage ) { displayErrorMessage = undefined !== displayErrorMessage && displayErrorMessage; if ( imagifyBulk.curlMissing ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { html: imagifyBulk.labels.curlMissing } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyBulk.editorMissing ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { html: imagifyBulk.labels.editorMissing } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyBulk.extHttpBlocked ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { html: imagifyBulk.labels.extHttpBlocked } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyBulk.apiDown ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { html: imagifyBulk.labels.apiDown } ); } return true; } if ( ! imagifyBulk.keyIsValid ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { title: imagifyBulk.labels.invalidAPIKeyTitle, type: 'info' } ); } return true; } if ( imagifyBulk.isOverQuota ) { if ( displayErrorMessage ) { w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { title: imagifyBulk.labels.overQuotaTitle, html: $( '#tmpl-imagify-overquota-alert' ).html(), type: 'info', customClass: 'imagify-swal-has-subtitle imagify-swal-error-header', showConfirmButton: false } ); } return true; } return false; }, /* * Display an error message in a modal. * * @param {string} title The modal title. * @param {string} text The modal text. * @param {object} args Other less common args. */ displayError: function ( title, text, args ) { var def = { title: '', html: '', type: 'error', customClass: '', width: 620, padding: 0, showCloseButton: true, showConfirmButton: true }; if ( $.isPlainObject( title ) ) { args = $.extend( {}, def, title ); } else { args = args || {}; args = $.extend( {}, def, { title: title || '', html: text || '' }, args ); } args.title = args.title || imagifyBulk.labels.error; args.customClass += ' imagify-sweet-alert'; swal( args ).catch( swal.noop ); }, /* * Display an error message in a file row. * * @param {function} $row The row template. * @param {string} text The error text. * @return {element} The row jQuery element. */ displayErrorInRow: function ( $row, text ) { var $toReplace, colspan; $row = $( $row() ); $toReplace = $row.find( '.imagify-cell-status ~ td' ); colspan = $toReplace.length; text = text || ''; $toReplace.remove(); $row.find( '.imagify-cell-status' ).after( '<td colspan="' + colspan + '">' + text + '</td>' ); return $row; }, /* * Display one of the 3 "folder" rows. * * @param {string} state One of the 3 states: 'resting' (it's the "normal" row), 'waiting' (waiting for other optimizations to finish), and 'working'. * @param {element} $row jQuery element of the "normal" row. */ displayFolderRow: function ( state, $row ) { var $newRow, spinnerTemplate, spinnerColor, text; if ( 'resting' === state ) { $row.next( '.imagify-row-waiting, .imagify-row-working' ).remove(); $row.imagifyShow(); return; } // This part won't work to display multiple $newRow. $newRow = $row.next( '.imagify-row-waiting, .imagify-row-working' ); if ( 'waiting' === state ) { spinnerColor = '#d2d3d6'; text = imagifyBulk.labels.waitingOtimizationsText; } else { spinnerColor = '#40b1d0'; text = imagifyBulk.labels.imagesOptimizedText.replace( '%s', '<span>0</span>' ); } if ( $newRow.length ) { if ( ! $newRow.hasClass( 'imagify-row-' + state ) ) { // Should happen when switching from 'waiting' to 'working'. $newRow.attr( 'class', 'imagify-row-' + state ); $newRow.find( '.imagify-cell-checkbox svg' ).attr( 'fill', spinnerColor ); $newRow.children( '.imagify-cell-count-optimized' ).html( text ); } $row.imagifyHide(); $newRow.imagifyShow(); return; } // Build the new row, based on a clone of the original one. $newRow = $row.clone().attr( { 'class': 'imagify-row-' + state, 'aria-hidden': 'false' } ); spinnerTemplate = w.imagify.template( 'imagify-spinner' ); $newRow.children( '.imagify-cell-checkbox' ).html( spinnerTemplate() ).find( 'svg' ).attr( 'fill', spinnerColor ); $newRow.children( '.imagify-cell-title' ).html( '<span class="imagify-cell-label">' + $newRow.children( '.imagify-cell-title' ).text() + '</span>' ); $newRow.children( '.imagify-cell-count-optimized' ).html( text ); $newRow.children( '.imagify-cell-count-errors, .imagify-cell-optimized-size, .imagify-cell-original-size, .imagify-cell-level' ).text( '' ); $row.imagifyHide().after( $newRow ); }, /* * Display the share box. */ displayShareBox: function () { var text2share = imagifyBulk.labels.textToShare, percent, gainHuman, originalSizeHuman, $complete; if ( ! this.globalGain || this.folderTypesQueue.length ) { this.globalGain = 0; this.globalOriginalSize = 0; this.globalOptimizedSize = 0; return; } percent = ( 100 - 100 * ( this.globalOptimizedSize / this.globalOriginalSize ) ).toFixed( 2 ); gainHuman = w.imagify.humanSize( this.globalGain, 1 ); originalSizeHuman = w.imagify.humanSize( this.globalOriginalSize, 1 ); text2share = text2share.replace( '%1$s', gainHuman ); text2share = text2share.replace( '%2$s', originalSizeHuman ); text2share = encodeURIComponent( text2share ); $complete = $( '.imagify-row-complete' ); $complete.find( '.imagify-ac-rt-total-gain' ).html( gainHuman ); $complete.find( '.imagify-ac-rt-total-original' ).html( originalSizeHuman ); $complete.find( '.imagify-ac-chart' ).attr( 'data-percent', percent ); $complete.find( '.imagify-sn-twitter' ).attr( 'href', imagifyBulk.labels.twitterShareURL + '&text=' + text2share ); // Chart. this.drawShareChart(); $complete.addClass( 'done' ).imagifyShow(); $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: $complete.offset().top }, 200 ); // Reset the stats. this.globalGain = 0; this.globalOriginalSize = 0; this.globalOptimizedSize = 0; }, /** * Print optimization stats. * * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ updateStats: function ( data ) { var donutData; if ( ! data || ! $.isPlainObject( data ) ) { return; } if ( w.imagify.bulk.charts.overview.donut.data ) { donutData = w.imagify.bulk.charts.overview.donut.data.datasets[0].data; if ( data.unoptimized_attachments === donutData[0] && data.optimized_attachments === donutData[1] && data.errors_attachments === donutData[2] ) { return; } } /** * User account. */ data.unconsumed_quota = data.unconsumed_quota.toFixed( 1 ); // A mystery where a float rounded on php side is not rounded here anymore. JavaScript is fun, it always surprises you in a manner you didn't expect. $( '.imagify-meteo-icon' ).html( data.quota_icon ); $( '.imagify-unconsumed-percent' ).html( data.unconsumed_quota + '%' ); $( '.imagify-unconsumed-bar' ).css( 'width', data.unconsumed_quota + '%' ).parent().attr( 'class', data.quota_class ); /** * Global chart. */ $( '#imagify-overview-chart-percent' ).html( data.optimized_attachments_percent + '<span>%</span>' ); $( '.imagify-total-percent' ).html( data.optimized_attachments_percent + '%' ); w.imagify.bulk.drawOverviewChart( [ data.unoptimized_attachments, data.optimized_attachments, data.errors_attachments ] ); /** * Stats block. */ // The total optimized images. $( '#imagify-total-optimized-attachments' ).html( data.already_optimized_attachments ); // The original bar. $( '#imagify-original-bar' ).find( '.imagify-barnb' ).html( data.original_human ); // The optimized bar. $( '#imagify-optimized-bar' ).css( 'width', ( 100 - data.optimized_percent ) + '%' ).find( '.imagify-barnb' ).html( data.optimized_human ); // The Percent data. $( '#imagify-total-optimized-attachments-pct' ).html( data.optimized_percent + '%' ); }, // Event callbacks ========================================================================= /* * Selector (like optimization level selector): on button click, open the dropdown and focus the current radio input. * The dropdown must be open or the focus event won't be triggered. * * @param {object} e jQuery's Event object. */ openSelectorFromButton: function ( e ) { var $list = $( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'aria-controls' ) ); // Stop click event from bubbling: this will allow to close the selector list if anything else id clicked. e.stopPropagation(); // Close other lists. $( '.imagify-selector-list' ).not( $list ).attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ); // Open the corresponding list and focus the radio. $list.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ).find( ':checked' ).trigger( 'focus.imagify' ); }, /* * Selector: on radio change, make the row "current" and update the button text. */ syncSelectorFromRadio: function () { var $row = $( this ).closest( '.imagify-selector-choice' ); // Update rows attributes. $row.addClass( 'imagify-selector-current-value' ).attr( 'aria-current', 'true' ).siblings( '.imagify-selector-choice' ).removeClass( 'imagify-selector-current-value' ).attr( 'aria-current', 'false' ); // Change the button text. $row.closest( '.imagify-selector-list' ).siblings( '.imagify-selector-button' ).find( '.imagify-selector-current-value-info' ).html( $row.find( 'label' ).html() ); }, /* * Selector: on Escape or Enter kaystroke, close the dropdown. * * @param {object} e jQuery's Event object. */ closeSelectors: function ( e ) { if ( 'keypress' === e.type && 27 !== e.keyCode && 13 !== e.keyCode ) { return; } w.imagify.bulk.closeLevelSelector( $( '.imagify-selector-list[aria-hidden="false"]' ) ); }, /* * Enable or disable the Optimization button depending on the checked checkboxes. * Also, if there is only 1 checkbox in the page, don't allow it to be unchecked. */ toggleOptimizationButton: function () { // Prevent uncheck if there is only one checkbox. if ( ! w.imagify.bulk.hasMultipleRows && ! this.checked ) { $( this ).prop( 'checked', true ); return; } // Enable or disable the Optimization button. if ( $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]:checked' ).length ) { $( '#imagify-bulk-action' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); } else { $( '#imagify-bulk-action' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); } }, /* * Display/Hide optimization details. * * @param {object} e jQuery's Event object. */ toggleOptimizationDetails: function ( e ) { var $button = $( this ), $details = $button.closest( '.imagify-bulk-table' ).find( '.imagify-bulk-table-details' ), openDetails; if ( 'open' === e.type ) { openDetails = true; } else if ( 'close' === e.type ) { openDetails = false; } else { openDetails = $details.hasClass( 'hidden' ); } if ( openDetails ) { $button.html( $button.data( 'label-hide' ) + '<span class="dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></span>' ); $details.imagifyShow(); } else { $button.html( $button.data( 'label-show' ) + '<span class="dashicons dashicons-menu"></span>' ); $details.imagifyHide(); } }, /* * Maybe display a modal, then launch all processes. */ maybeLaunchAllProcesses: function () { var $infosModal; if ( $( this ).prop('disabled') ) { return; } if ( ! $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]:checked' ).length ) { return; } if ( w.imagify.bulk.hasBlockingError( true ) ) { return; } $infosModal = $( '#tmpl-imagify-bulk-infos' ); if ( ! $infosModal.length ) { w.imagify.bulk.launchAllProcesses(); return; } // Swal Information before loading the optimize process. swal( { title: imagifyBulk.labels.bulkInfoTitle, html: $infosModal.html(), type: '', customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert imagify-swal-has-subtitle imagify-before-bulk-infos', showCancelButton: true, padding: 0, width: 554, confirmButtonText: imagifyBulk.labels.confirmBulk, cancelButtonText: imagifySwal.labels.cancelButtonText, reverseButtons: true } ).then( function() { var $row = $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]:checked' ).first().closest( '.imagify-row-folder-type' ); $.get( w.imagify.bulk.getAjaxUrl( 'bulkInfoSeen', { context: $row.data( 'context' ) } ) ); $infosModal.remove(); w.imagify.bulk.launchAllProcesses(); } ).catch( swal.noop ); }, /* * Build the queue and launch all processes. */ launchAllProcesses: function () { var $w = $( w ), $button = $( '#imagify-bulk-action' ), skip = true; // Disable the button. $button.prop( 'disabled', true ).find( '.dashicons' ).addClass( 'rotate' ); // Add a message to be displayed when the user wants to quit the page. $w.on( 'beforeunload', this.getConfirmMessage ); // Hide the "Complete" message. $( '.imagify-row-complete' ).imagifyHide( 200, function() { $( this ).removeClass( 'done' ); } ); // Close the optimization details. $( '.imagify-show-table-details' ).trigger( 'close.imagify' ); // Make sure to reset properties. this.folderTypesQueue = []; this.status = {}; this.displayedWaitMessage = false; this.processIsStopped = false; this.imagifyAction = 'optimize'; this.globalGain = 0; this.globalOriginalSize = 0; this.globalOptimizedSize = 0; $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]:checked' ).each( function() { var $checkbox = $( this ), $row = $checkbox.closest( '.imagify-row-folder-type' ), groupID = $row.data( 'group-id' ), context = $row.data( 'context' ), level = $row.find( '.imagify-cell-level [name="level[' + groupID + ']"]:checked' ).val(); // Build the queue. w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesQueue.push( { groupID: groupID, context: context, level: undefined === level ? -1 : parseInt( level, 10 ) } ); // Set the status. w.imagify.bulk.status[ groupID ] = { isError: false, id: 'waiting' }; // Display a "waiting" message + spinner into the folder rows. if ( skip ) { // No need to do that for the first one, we'll display a "working" row instead. skip = false; return true; } // Display the "waiting" folder row and hide the "normal" one. w.imagify.bulk.displayFolderRow( 'waiting', $row ); } ); // Fasten Imagifybeat: 1 tick every 15 seconds, and disable suspend. w.imagify.beat.interval( 15 ); w.imagify.beat.disableSuspend(); // Process the queue. $w.trigger( 'processQueue.imagify' ); }, /* * Process the first item in the queue. */ processQueue: function () { var $row, item; if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } if ( ! w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesQueue.length ) { $( w ).trigger( 'queueEmpty.imagify' ); return; } if ( ! w.imagify.bulk.displayedWaitMessage ) { // Display an alert to wait. swal( { title: imagifyBulk.labels.waitTitle, html: imagifyBulk.labels.waitText, showConfirmButton: false, padding: 0, imageUrl: imagifyBulk.waitImageUrl, customClass: 'imagify-sweet-alert' } ).catch( swal.noop ); w.imagify.bulk.displayedWaitMessage = true; } /** * Fetch files for the first folder type in the queue. */ item = w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesQueue.shift(); $row = $( '#cb-select-' + item.groupID ).closest( '.imagify-row-folder-type' ); // Update status. w.imagify.bulk.status[ item.groupID ].id = 'fetching'; // Display the "working" folder row and hide the "normal" one. w.imagify.bulk.displayFolderRow( 'working', $row ); // Fetch image IDs. $.get( w.imagify.bulk.getAjaxUrl( 'getMediaIds', item ) ) .done( function( response ) { var errorMessage; swal.close(); if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } if ( response.data && response.data.message ) { errorMessage = response.data.message; } else { errorMessage = imagifyBulk.ajaxErrorText; } if ( ! response.success ) { // Error. w.imagify.bulk.stopProcess( errorMessage, item ); return; } if ( ! response.data || ! ( $.isPlainObject( response.data ) || $.isArray( response.data ) ) ) { // Error: should be an array if empty, or an object otherwize. w.imagify.bulk.stopProcess( errorMessage, item ); return; } // Success. if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( response.data ) ) { // Optimize the files. $( w ).trigger( 'optimizeFiles.imagify', [ item, response.data ] ); return; } // No images. w.imagify.bulk.status[ item.groupID ].id = 'no-images'; if ( w.imagify.bulk.hasMultipleRows ) { $( '#cb-select-' + item.groupID ).prop( 'checked', false ); } if ( ! w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesQueue.length ) { $( w ).trigger( 'queueEmpty.imagify' ); return; } // Reset the folder row. w.imagify.bulk.displayFolderRow( 'resting', $row ); $( w ).trigger( 'processQueue.imagify' ); } ) .fail( function() { // Error. w.imagify.bulk.stopProcess( 'get-unoptimized-images', item ); } ); }, /* * Optimize files. * * @param {object} e jQuery's Event object. * @param {object} item Current folder type (from the queue). * @param {object} files A list of file IDs (keys, the IDs are prefixed by an underscore) and URLs (values). */ optimizeFiles: function ( e, item, files ) { var $row, $workingRow, $optimizedCount, $errorsCount, $table, $progressBar, $progress, $resultsContainer, optimizedCount, errorsCount, Optimizer, defaultsTemplate = { groupID: item.groupID, mediaID: 0, thumbnail: '', // Preview thumbnail src. filename: '', status: '', icon: '', label: '', thumbnailsCount: '', originalSizeHuman: '', newSizeHuman: '', percentHuman: '', overallSavingHuman: '' }; if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } $row = $( '#cb-select-' + item.groupID ).closest( '.imagify-row-folder-type' ); $workingRow = $row.next( '.imagify-row-working' ); $errorsCount = $workingRow.find( '.imagify-cell-count-errors span' ); errorsCount = parseInt( $errorsCount.text(), 10 ); $table = $row.closest( '.imagify-bulk-table' ); $progressBar = $table.find( '.imagify-row-progress' ); $progress = $progressBar.find( '.bar' ); if ( 'optimize' === w.imagify.bulk.imagifyAction ) { $optimizedCount = $workingRow.find( '.imagify-cell-count-optimized span' ); optimizedCount = parseInt( $optimizedCount.text(), 10 ); } // Update folder status. w.imagify.bulk.status[ item.groupID ].id = 'optimizing'; // Fill in the result table header. $table.find( '.imagify-bulk-table-details thead' ).html( $( '#tmpl-imagify-file-header-' + item.groupID ).html() ); // Empty the result table body. $resultsContainer = $table.find( '.imagify-bulk-table-details tbody' ).text( '' ); // Reset and display the progress bar. $progress.css( 'width', '0%' ).find( '.percent' ).text( '0%' ); $progressBar.slideDown().attr( 'aria-hidden', 'false' ); // Optimize the files. Optimizer = new w.imagify.Optimizer( { groupID: item.groupID, context: item.context, level: item.level, bufferSize: imagifyBulk.bufferSizes[ item.context ], ajaxUrl: w.imagify.bulk.getAjaxUrl( 'bulkProcess', item ), files: files, defaultThumb: w.imagify.bulk.defaultThumb, doneEvent: 'mediaProcessed.imagify' } ); // Before each media optimization, add a file row displaying the optimization process. Optimizer.before( function( data ) { var template; if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } template = w.imagify.template( 'imagify-file-row-' + item.groupID ); w.imagify.bulk.processingMedia.push( { context: item.context, mediaID: data.mediaID } ); $resultsContainer.prepend( template( $.extend( {}, defaultsTemplate, data, { status: 'compressing', icon: 'admin-generic rotate', label: imagifyBulk.labels.optimizing } ) ) ); } ); // After each media optimization. Optimizer.each( function( data ) { var template, $fileRow; if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } template = w.imagify.template( 'imagify-file-row-' + item.groupID ); $fileRow = $( '#' + item.groupID + '-' + data.mediaID ); $.each( w.imagify.bulk.processingMedia, function( i, v ) { if ( v.context !== item.context || v.mediaID !== data.mediaID ) { return true; } w.imagify.bulk.processingMedia.splice( i, 1 ); return false; } ); // Update the progress bar. $progress.css( 'width', data.progress + '%' ).find( '.percent' ).html( data.progress + '%' ); if ( data.success ) { if ( 'already-optimized' !== data.status ) { // Image successfully optimized. $fileRow.replaceWith( template( $.extend( {}, defaultsTemplate, data, { status: 'complete', icon: 'yes', label: imagifyBulk.labels.complete } ) ) ); w.imagify.bulk.drawFileChart( $( '#' + item.groupID + '-' + data.mediaID ).find( '.imagify-cell-percentage canvas' ) ); // Don't use $fileRow, its DOM is not refreshed with the new values. } else { // The image was already optimized. $fileRow.replaceWith( w.imagify.bulk.displayErrorInRow( template( $.extend( {}, defaultsTemplate, data, { status: 'complete', icon: 'yes', label: imagifyBulk.labels.alreadyOptimized } ) ), data.error ) ); } // Update the optimized images counter. if ( 'optimize' === w.imagify.bulk.imagifyAction ) { optimizedCount += 1; $optimizedCount.text( optimizedCount ); } return; } // Display the error in the file row. $fileRow.replaceWith( w.imagify.bulk.displayErrorInRow( template( $.extend( {}, defaultsTemplate, data, { status: 'error', icon: 'dismiss', label: imagifyBulk.labels.error } ) ), data.error || data ) ); // Update the "working" folder row. if ( ! $errorsCount.length ) { errorsCount = 1; $errorsCount = $workingRow.find( '.imagify-cell-count-errors' ).html( imagifyBulk.labels.imagesErrorText.replace( '%s', '<span>1</span>' ) ).find( 'span' ); } else { errorsCount += 1; $errorsCount.text( errorsCount ); } if ( 'over-quota' === data.status ) { // No more data, stop everything. Optimizer.stopProcess(); w.imagify.bulk.stopProcess( data.status, item ); } } ); // After all image optimizations. Optimizer.done( function( data ) { // Uncheck the checkbox. if ( w.imagify.bulk.hasMultipleRows ) { $( '#cb-select-' + item.groupID ).prop( 'checked', false ); } if ( data.globalOriginalSize ) { w.imagify.bulk.globalGain += parseInt( data.globalGain, 10 ); w.imagify.bulk.globalOriginalSize += parseInt( data.globalOriginalSize, 10 ); w.imagify.bulk.globalOptimizedSize += parseInt( data.globalOptimizedSize, 10 ); } if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } // Reset Imagifybeat interval and enable suspend. w.imagify.beat.resetInterval(); w.imagify.beat.enableSuspend(); // Update folder type status. if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( w.imagify.bulk.status ) && ! w.imagify.bulk.status[ item.groupID ].isError ) { w.imagify.bulk.status[ item.groupID ].id = 'done'; } // Update the folder row. $row.addClass( 'updating' ); $.get( w.imagify.bulk.getAjaxUrl( 'getFolderData', item ) ) .done( function( response ) { if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } if ( response.success ) { $.each( response.data, function( dataName, dataHtml ) { $row.children( '.imagify-cell-' + dataName ).html( dataHtml ); } ); } w.imagify.bulk.displayFolderRow( 'resting', $row ); } ) .always( function() { if ( w.imagify.bulk.processIsStopped ) { return; } $row.removeClass( 'updating' ); if ( ! w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesQueue.length ) { $( w ).trigger( 'queueEmpty.imagify' ); } else { $( w ).trigger( 'processQueue.imagify' ); } } ); } ); // Run. Optimizer.run(); }, /* * End. */ queueEmpty: function () { var $tables = $( '.imagify-bulk-table' ), errorArgs = {}, hasError = false, noImages = true, errorMsg = ''; // Reset Imagifybeat interval and enable suspend. w.imagify.beat.resetInterval(); w.imagify.beat.enableSuspend(); // Display the share box. w.imagify.bulk.displayShareBox(); // Reset the queue. w.imagify.bulk.folderTypesQueue = []; // Fetch and display generic stats if stats via Imagifybeat are disabled. if ( ! imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.stats ) { $.get( w.imagify.bulk.getAjaxUrl( 'getStats' ), { types: w.imagify.bulk.getFolderTypes() } ) .done( function( response ) { if ( response.success ) { w.imagify.bulk.updateStats( response.data ); } } ); } // Maybe display error. if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( w.imagify.bulk.status ) ) { $.each( w.imagify.bulk.status, function( groupID, typeStatus ) { if ( typeStatus.isError ) { // One error is enough to display a message. hasError = typeStatus.id; noImages = false; return false; } if ( 'no-images' !== typeStatus.id ) { // All groups must have this ID. noImages = false; return false; } } ); if ( hasError ) { if ( 'invalid-api-key' === hasError ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyBulk.labels.invalidAPIKeyTitle, type: 'info' }; } else if ( 'over-quota' === hasError ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyBulk.labels.overQuotaTitle, html: $( '#tmpl-imagify-overquota-alert' ).html(), type: 'info', customClass: 'imagify-swal-has-subtitle imagify-swal-error-header', showConfirmButton: false }; } else if ( 'get-unoptimized-images' === hasError || 'consumed-all-data' === hasError ) { errorArgs = { title: imagifyBulk.labels.getUnoptimizedImagesErrorTitle, html: imagifyBulk.labels.getUnoptimizedImagesErrorText, type: 'info' }; } w.imagify.bulk.displayError( errorArgs ); } else if ( noImages ) { if ( imagifyBulk.labels.nothingToDoText.hasOwnProperty( w.imagify.bulk.imagifyAction ) ) { errorMsg = imagifyBulk.labels.nothingToDoText[ w.imagify.bulk.imagifyAction ]; } else { errorMsg = imagifyBulk.labels.nothingToDoText.optimize; } w.imagify.bulk.displayError( { title: imagifyBulk.labels.nothingToDoTitle, html: errorMsg, type: 'info' } ); } } // Reset status. w.imagify.bulk.status = {}; // Unlink the message displayed when the user wants to quit the page. $( w ).off( 'beforeunload', w.imagify.bulk.getConfirmMessage ); // Display the "normal" folder rows (the values of the last one should being updated via ajax, don't display it for now). w.imagify.bulk.displayFolderRow( 'resting', $tables.find( '.imagify-row-folder-type' ).not( '.updating' ) ); // Reset the progress bars. $tables.find( '.imagify-row-progress' ).slideUp().attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' ).find( '.bar' ).removeAttr( 'style' ).find( '.percent' ).text( '0%' ); // Enable (or not) the main button. if ( $( '.imagify-bulk-table [name="group[]"]:checked' ).length ) { $( '#imagify-bulk-action' ).prop( 'disabled', false ).find( '.dashicons' ).removeClass( 'rotate' ); } else { $( '#imagify-bulk-action' ).find( '.dashicons' ).removeClass( 'rotate' ); } }, /** * Open a popup window when the user clicks on a share link. * * @param {object} e jQuery Event object. */ share: function ( e ) { var width = 700, height = 290, clientLeft, clientTop; e.preventDefault(); if ( w.innerWidth ) { clientLeft = ( w.innerWidth - width ) / 2; clientTop = ( w.innerHeight - height ) / 2; } else { clientLeft = ( d.body.clientWidth - width ) / 2; clientTop = ( d.body.clientHeight - height ) / 2; } w.open( this.href, '', 'status=no, scrollbars=no, menubar=no, top=' + clientTop + ', left=' + clientLeft + ', width=' + width + ', height=' + height ); }, // Imagifybeat ============================================================================= /** * Add a Imagifybeat ID for global stats on "imagifybeat-send" event. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ addStatsImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.stats ] = Object.keys( w.imagify.bulk.getFolderTypes() ); }, /** * Listen for the custom event "imagifybeat-tick" on $(document). * It allows to update various data periodically. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ processStatsImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( typeof data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.stats ] !== 'undefined' ) { w.imagify.bulk.updateStats( data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.stats ] ); } }, /** * Add a Imagifybeat ID on "imagifybeat-send" event to sync the optimization queue. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ addQueueImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( w.imagify.bulk.processingMedia.length ) { data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.queue ] = w.imagify.bulk.processingMedia; } }, /** * Listen for the custom event "imagifybeat-tick" on $(document). * It allows to update various data periodically. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ processQueueImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( typeof data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.queue ] !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.queue ], function ( i, mediaData ) { $( w ).trigger( 'mediaProcessed.imagify', [ mediaData ] ); } ); } }, /** * Add a Imagifybeat ID for requirements on "imagifybeat-send" event. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ addRequirementsImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.requirements ] = 1; }, /** * Listen for the custom event "imagifybeat-tick" on $(document). * It allows to update requirements status periodically. * * @param {object} e Event object. * @param {object} data Object containing all Imagifybeat IDs. */ processRequirementsImagifybeat: function ( e, data ) { if ( typeof data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.requirements ] === 'undefined' ) { return; } data = data[ imagifyBulk.imagifybeatIDs.requirements ]; imagifyBulk.curlMissing = data.curl_missing; imagifyBulk.editorMissing = data.editor_missing; imagifyBulk.extHttpBlocked = data.external_http_blocked; imagifyBulk.apiDown = data.api_down; imagifyBulk.keyIsValid = data.key_is_valid; imagifyBulk.isOverQuota = data.is_over_quota; }, // Charts ================================================================================== /** * Overview chart. * Used for the big overview chart. */ drawOverviewChart: function ( data ) { var initData, legend; if ( ! this.charts.overview.canvas ) { this.charts.overview.canvas = d.getElementById( 'imagify-overview-chart' ); if ( ! this.charts.overview.canvas ) { return; } } data = data && $.isArray( data ) ? data : []; if ( this.charts.overview.donut ) { // Update existing donut. if ( data.length ) { if ( data.reduce( function( a, b ) { return a + b; }, 0 ) === 0 ) { data[0] = 1; } this.charts.overview.donut.data.datasets[0].data = data; this.charts.overview.donut.update(); } return; } // Create new donut. this.charts.overview.data.datasets[0].data = [ parseInt( this.charts.overview.canvas.getAttribute( 'data-unoptimized' ), 10 ), parseInt( this.charts.overview.canvas.getAttribute( 'data-optimized' ), 10 ), parseInt( this.charts.overview.canvas.getAttribute( 'data-errors' ), 10 ) ]; initData = $.extend( {}, this.charts.overview.data ); if ( data.length ) { initData.datasets[0].data = data; } if ( initData.datasets[0].data.reduce( function( a, b ) { return a + b; }, 0 ) === 0 ) { initData.datasets[0].data[0] = 1; } this.charts.overview.donut = new w.imagify.Chart( this.charts.overview.canvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: initData, options: { legend: { display: false }, events: [], animation: { easing: 'easeOutBounce' }, tooltips: { displayColors: false, callbacks: { label: function( tooltipItem, localData ) { return localData.datasets[ tooltipItem.datasetIndex ].data[ tooltipItem.index ]; } } }, responsive: false, cutoutPercentage: 85 } } ); // Then generate the legend and insert it to your page somewhere. legend = '<ul class="imagify-doughnut-legend">'; $.each( initData.labels, function( i, label ) { legend += '<li><span style="background-color:' + initData.datasets[0].backgroundColor[ i ] + '"></span>' + label + '</li>'; } ); legend += '</ul>'; d.getElementById( 'imagify-overview-chart-legend' ).innerHTML = legend; }, /** * Mini chart. * Used for the charts on each file row. * * @param {element} canvas A jQuery canvas element. */ drawFileChart: function ( canvas ) { var donuts = this.charts.files.donuts; canvas.each( function() { var value = parseInt( $( this ).closest( '.imagify-chart' ).next( '.imagipercent' ).text().replace( '%', '' ), 10 ); if ( undefined !== donuts[ this.id ] ) { // Update existing donut. donuts[ this.id ].data.datasets[0].data[0] = value; donuts[ this.id ].data.datasets[0].data[1] = 100 - value; donuts[ this.id ].update(); return; } // Create new donut. donuts[ this.id ] = new w.imagify.Chart( this, { type: 'doughnut', data: { datasets: [{ data: [ value, 100 - value ], backgroundColor: [ '#00B3D3', '#D8D8D8' ], borderColor: '#fff', borderWidth: 1 }] }, options: { legend: { display: false }, events: [], animation: { easing: 'easeOutBounce' }, tooltips: { enabled: false }, responsive: false } } ); } ); this.charts.files.donuts = donuts; }, /* * Share Chart. * Used for the chart in the share box. */ drawShareChart: function () { var value; if ( ! this.charts.share.canvas ) { this.charts.share.canvas = d.getElementById( 'imagify-ac-chart' ); if ( ! this.charts.share.canvas ) { return; } } value = parseInt( $( this.charts.share.canvas ).closest( '.imagify-ac-chart' ).attr( 'data-percent' ), 10 ); if ( this.charts.share.donut ) { // Update existing donut. this.charts.share.donut.data.datasets[0].data[0] = value; this.charts.share.donut.data.datasets[0].data[1] = 100 - value; this.charts.share.donut.update(); return; } // Create new donut. this.charts.share.donut = new w.imagify.Chart( this.charts.share.canvas, { type: 'doughnut', data: { datasets: [{ data: [ value, 100 - value ], backgroundColor: [ '#40B1D0', '#FFFFFF' ], borderWidth: 0 }] }, options: { legend: { display: false }, events: [], animation: { easing: 'easeOutBounce' }, tooltips: { enabled: false }, responsive: false, cutoutPercentage: 70 } } ); } }; w.imagify.bulk.init(); } )(jQuery, document, window);