Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/tinymce/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/tinymce/js/popup.js |
// start the popup specefic scripts // safe to use $ var old_tb_remove = window.tb_remove; var using_text_editor = false; var text_editor_toggle; var html_editor_toggle; var editor_area; var cursor_position = 0; fusion_popup = function ( a, params ) { var popup = 'shortcode-generator'; if(typeof params != 'undefined' && params.identifier) { popup = params.identifier; } // load thickbox tb_show("Fusion Shortcodes", ajaxurl + "?action=fusion_shortcodes_popup&popup=" + popup); jQuery('#TB_window').hide(); }; jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var tb_remove = function() { // check if text editor shortcode button was used; if so return to it if ( using_text_editor ) { using_text_editor = false; window.switchEditors.go( 'content' ); } old_tb_remove(); }; window.avada_tb_height = (92 / 100) * jQuery(window).height(); window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height = (71 / 100) * jQuery(window).height(); if(window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height > 550) { window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height = (74 / 100) * jQuery(window).height(); } jQuery(window).resize(function() { window.avada_tb_height = (92 / 100) * jQuery(window).height(); window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height = (71 / 100) * jQuery(window).height(); if(window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height > 550) { window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height = (74 / 100) * jQuery(window).height(); } }); themefusion_shortcodes = { loadVals: function() { var shortcode = $('#_fusion_shortcode').text(), uShortcode = shortcode; // fill in the gaps eg {{param}} $('.fusion-input').each(function() { var input = $(this), id = input.attr('id'), id = id.replace('fusion_', ''), // gets rid of the fusion_ prefix re = new RegExp("{{"+id+"}}","g"); var value = input.val(); if(value == null) { value = ''; } uShortcode = uShortcode.replace(re, value); }); // adds the filled-in shortcode as hidden input $('#_fusion_ushortcode').remove(); $('#fusion-sc-form-table').prepend('<div id="_fusion_ushortcode" class="hidden">' + uShortcode + '</div>'); }, cLoadVals: function() { var shortcode = $('#_fusion_cshortcode').text(), pShortcode = ''; if(shortcode.indexOf("<li>") < 0) { shortcodes = '<br />'; } else { shortcodes = ''; } // fill in the gaps eg {{param}} $('.fusion-shortcodes-popup .child-clone-row').each(function() { var row = $(this), rShortcode = shortcode; if($(this).find('#fusion_slider_type').length >= 1) { if($(this).find('#fusion_slider_type').val() == 'image') { rShortcode = '[slide type="{{slider_type}}" link="{{image_url}}" linktarget="{{image_target}}" lightbox="{{image_lightbox}}"]{{image_content}}[/slide]'; } else if($(this).find('#fusion_slider_type').val() == 'video') { rShortcode = '[slide type="{{slider_type}}"]{{video_content}}[/slide]'; } } $('.fusion-cinput', this).each(function() { var input = $(this), id = input.attr('id'), id = id.replace('fusion_', '') // gets rid of the fusion_ prefix re = new RegExp("{{"+id+"}}","g"); var value = input.val(); if(value == null) { value = ''; } rShortcode = rShortcode.replace(re, input.val()); }); if(shortcode.indexOf("<li>") < 0) { shortcodes = shortcodes + rShortcode + '<br />'; } else { shortcodes = shortcodes + rShortcode; } }); // adds the filled-in shortcode as hidden input $('#_fusion_cshortcodes').remove(); $('.fusion-shortcodes-popup .child-clone-rows').prepend('<div id="_fusion_cshortcodes" class="hidden">' + shortcodes + '</div>'); // add to parent shortcode this.loadVals(); pShortcode = $('#_fusion_ushortcode').html().replace('{{child_shortcode}}', shortcodes); // add updated parent shortcode $('#_fusion_ushortcode').remove(); $('#fusion-sc-form-table').prepend('<div id="_fusion_ushortcode" class="hidden">' + pShortcode + '</div>'); }, children: function() { // assign the cloning plugin $('.fusion-shortcodes-popup .child-clone-rows').appendo({ subSelect: '> div.child-clone-row:last-child', allowDelete: false, focusFirst: false, onAdd: function(row) { // Get Upload ID var prev_upload_id = jQuery(row).prev().find('.fusion-upload-button').data('upid'); var new_upload_id = prev_upload_id + 1; jQuery(row).find('.fusion-upload-button').attr('data-upid', new_upload_id); // activate chosen jQuery('.fusion-form-multiple-select').chosen({ width: '100%', placeholder_text_multiple: 'Select Options or Leave Blank for All' }); // activate color picker jQuery('.wp-color-picker-field').wpColorPicker({ change: function(event, ui) { themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); } }); // changing slide type var type = $(row).find('#fusion_slider_type').val(); if(type == 'video') { $(row).find('#fusion_image_content, #fusion_image_url, #fusion_image_target, #fusion_image_lightbox').closest('li').hide(); $(row).find('#fusion_video_content').closest('li').show(); $(row).find('#_fusion_cshortcode').text('[slide type="{{slider_type}}"]{{video_content}}[/slide]'); } if(type == 'image') { $(row).find('#fusion_image_content, #fusion_image_url, #fusion_image_target, #fusion_image_lightbox').closest('li').show(); $(row).find('#fusion_video_content').closest('li').hide(); $(row).find('#_fusion_cshortcode').text('[slide type="{{slider_type}}" link="{{image_url}}" linktarget="{{image_target}}" lightbox="{{image_lightbox}}"]{{image_content}}[/slide]'); } themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); } }); // remove button $('.fusion-shortcodes-popup .child-clone-row-remove').live('click', function() { var btn = $(this), row = btn.parent(); if( $('.fusion-shortcodes-popup .child-clone-row').size() > 1 ) { row.remove(); } else { alert('You need a minimum of one row'); } return false; }); // assign jUI sortable $( ".fusion-shortcodes-popup .child-clone-rows" ).sortable({ placeholder: "sortable-placeholder", items: '.child-clone-row', cancel: 'div.iconpicker, input, select, textarea, a' }); }, resizeTB: function() { var ajaxCont = $('#TB_ajaxContent'), tbWindow = $('#TB_window'), fusionPopup = $('#fusion-popup'); tbWindow.css({ height: window.avada_tb_height, width: fusionPopup.outerWidth(), marginLeft: -(fusionPopup.outerWidth()/2) }); ajaxCont.css({ paddingTop: 0, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0, height: window.avada_tb_height, overflow: 'auto', // IMPORTANT width: fusionPopup.outerWidth() }); tbWindow.show(); $('#fusion-popup').addClass('no_preview'); $('#fusion-sc-form-wrap #fusion-sc-form').height(window.avada_fusion_shortcodes_height); }, load: function() { var fusion = this, popup = $('#fusion-popup'), form = $('#fusion-sc-form', popup), shortcode = $('#_fusion_shortcode', form).text(), popupType = $('#_fusion_popup', form).text(), uShortcode = ''; // if its the shortcode selection popup if($('#_fusion_popup').text() == 'shortcode-generator') { $('.fusion-sc-form-button').hide(); } // resize TB themefusion_shortcodes.resizeTB(); $(window).resize(function() { themefusion_shortcodes.resizeTB() }); // initialise themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.children(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); // update on children value change $('.fusion-cinput', form).live('change', function() { themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }); // update on value change $('.fusion-input', form).live('change', function() { themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); }); // change shortcode when a user selects a shortcode from choose a dropdown field $('#fusion_select_shortcode').change(function() { var name = $(this).val(); var label = $(this).text(); if(name != 'select') { fusion_popup(false, { title: label, identifier: name }); $('#TB_window').hide(); } }); // activate chosen $('.fusion-form-multiple-select').chosen({ width: '100%', placeholder_text_multiple: 'Select Options' }); // update upload button ID jQuery('.fusion-upload-button:not(:first)').each(function() { var prev_upload_id = jQuery(this).data('upid'); var new_upload_id = prev_upload_id + 1; jQuery(this).attr('data-upid', new_upload_id); }); } } // run $('#fusion-popup').livequery(function() { themefusion_shortcodes.load(); $('#fusion-popup').closest('#TB_window').addClass('fusion-shortcodes-popup'); $('#fusion_video_content').closest('li').hide(); // activate color picker $('.wp-color-picker-field').wpColorPicker({ change: function(event, ui) { setTimeout(function() { themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }, 1); } }); }); // when insert is clicked $('.fusion-insert').live('click', function() { if( using_text_editor ) { if( $('#fusion_select_shortcode').val() != 'table' ) { using_text_editor = false; // switch back to text editor mode window.switchEditors.go( 'content', html_editor_toggle ); var html = $('#_fusion_ushortcode').html().replace( /<br>/g, '' ); // inserting the new shortcode at the correct position in the text editor content field editor_area.val( [ editor_area.val().slice(0, cursor_position), html, editor_area.val().slice(cursor_position)].join( '' ) ); tb_remove(); } } else if(window.tinyMCE) { window.tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, $('#_fusion_ushortcode').html()); tb_remove(); } }); //tinymce.init(tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit['fusion_content']); //tinymce.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, 'fusion_content'); //quicktags({id: 'fusion_content'}); // activate upload button $('.fusion-upload-button').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); upid = $(this).attr('data-upid'); if($(this).hasClass('remove-image')) { $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').parent().find('img').attr('src', '').hide(); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').parent().find('input').attr('value', ''); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').text('Upload').removeClass('remove-image'); return; } var file_frame = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: 'Select Image', button: { text: 'Select Image', }, frame: 'post', multiple: false // Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected }); file_frame.open(); $('.media-menu a:contains(Insert from URL)').remove(); file_frame.on( 'select', function() { var selection = file_frame.state().get('selection'); selection.map( function( attachment ) { attachment = attachment.toJSON(); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').parent().find('img').attr('src', attachment.url).show(); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').parent().find('input').attr('value', attachment.url); themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').text('Remove').addClass('remove-image'); $('.media-modal-close').trigger('click'); }); file_frame.on( 'insert', function() { var selection = file_frame.state().get('selection'); var size = jQuery('.attachment-display-settings .size').val(); selection.map( function( attachment ) { attachment = attachment.toJSON(); if(!size) { attachment.url = attachment.url; } else { attachment.url = attachment.sizes[size].url; } $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').parent().find('img').attr('src', attachment.url).show(); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').parent().find('input').attr('value', attachment.url); themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }); $('.fusion-upload-button[data-upid="' + upid + '"]').text('Remove').addClass('remove-image'); $('.media-modal-close').trigger('click'); }); }); // activate iconpicker $('.iconpicker i').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var iconWithPrefix = $(this).attr('class'); var fontName = $(this).attr('data-name'); if($(this).hasClass('active')) { $(this).parent().find('.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().parent().find('input').attr('value', ''); } else { $(this).parent().find('.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).parent().parent().find('input').attr('value', fontName); } themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }); // table shortcode $('#fusion-sc-form-table .fusion-insert').live('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var shortcodeType = $('#fusion_select_shortcode').val(); if(shortcodeType == 'table') { var type = $('#fusion-sc-form-table #fusion_type').val(); var columns = $('#fusion-sc-form-table #fusion_columns').val(); var text = '<div class="fusion-table table-' + type + '"><table width="100%"><thead><tr>'; for(var i=0;i<columns;i++) { text += '<th>Column ' + (i + 1) + '</th>'; } text += '</tr></thead><tbody>'; for(var i=0;i<columns;i++) { text += '<tr>'; if(columns >= 1) { text += '<td>Item #' + (i + 1) + '</td>'; } if(columns >= 2) { text += '<td>Description</td>'; } if(columns >= 3) { text += '<td>Discount:</td>'; } if(columns >= 4) { text += '<td>$' + (i + 1) + '.00</td>'; } if(columns >= 5) { text += '<td>$ 0.' + (i + 1) + '0</td>'; } if(columns >= 6) { text += '<td>$ 0.' + (i + 1) + '0</td>'; } text += '</tr>'; } text += '<tr>'; if(columns >= 1) { text += '<td><strong>All Items</strong></td>'; } if(columns >= 2) { text += '<td><strong>Description</strong></td>'; } if(columns >= 3) { text += '<td><strong>Your Total:</strong></td>'; } if(columns >= 4) { text += '<td><strong>$10.00</strong></td>'; } if(columns >= 5) { text += '<td><strong>Tax: $10.00</strong></td>'; } if(columns >= 6) { text += '<td><strong>Gross: $10.00</strong></td>'; } text += '</tr>'; text += '</tbody></table></div>'; if( using_text_editor ) { using_text_editor = false; // switch back to text editor mode window.switchEditors.go( 'content', html_editor_toggle ); // inserting the new shortcode at the correct position in the text editor content field editor_area.val( [ editor_area.val().slice(0, cursor_position), text, editor_area.val().slice(cursor_position)].join( '' ) ); tb_remove(); } else if(window.tinyMCE) { window.tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, text); tb_remove(); } } }); // slider shortcode $('#fusion_slider_type').live('change', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var type = $(this).val(); if(type == 'video') { $(this).parents('ul').find('#fusion_image_content, #fusion_image_url, #fusion_image_target, #fusion_image_lightbox').closest('li').hide(); $(this).parents('ul').find('#fusion_video_content').closest('li').show(); $('#_fusion_cshortcode').text('[slide type="{{slider_type}}"]{{video_content}}[/slide]'); } if(type == 'image') { $(this).parents('ul').find('#fusion_image_content, #fusion_image_url, #fusion_image_target, #fusion_image_lightbox').closest('li').show(); $(this).parents('ul').find('#fusion_video_content').closest('li').hide(); $('#_fusion_cshortcode').text('[slide type="{{slider_type}}" link="{{image_url}}" linktarget="{{image_target}}" lightbox="{{image_lightbox}}"]{{image_content}}[/slide]'); } }); $('.fusion-add-video-shortcode').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var shortcode = $(this).attr('href'); var content = $(this).parents('ul').find('#fusion_video_content'); content.val(content.val() + shortcode); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }); $('#fusion-popup textarea').live('focus', function() { var text = $(this).val(); if(text == 'Your Content Goes Here') { $(this).val(''); } }); $('.fusion-gallery-button').live('click', function(e) { var gallery_file_frame; e.preventDefault(); alert('To add images to this post or page for attachments layout, navigate to "Upload Files" tab in media manager and upload new images.'); gallery_file_frame = wp.media.frames.gallery_file_frame = wp.media({ title: 'Attach Images to Post/Page', button: { text: 'Go Back to Shortcode', }, frame: 'post', multiple: true // Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected }); gallery_file_frame.open(); $('.media-menu a:contains(Insert from URL)').remove(); $('.media-menu-item:contains("Upload Files")').trigger('click'); gallery_file_frame.on( 'select', function() { $('.media-modal-close').trigger('click'); themefusion_shortcodes.loadVals(); themefusion_shortcodes.cLoadVals(); }); }); // text editor shortcode button was used jQuery(window).resize(function() { $('.quicktags-toolbar input[id*=fusion_shortcodes_text_mode]').addClass( 'fusion-shortcode-generator-button' ); }); $( '.switch-html, .fusion-expand-child' ).live('click', function(e) { $('.quicktags-toolbar input[id*=fusion_shortcodes_text_mode]').addClass( 'fusion-shortcode-generator-button' ); }); $('.quicktags-toolbar input[id*="fusion_shortcodes_text_mode"]').each(function() { $(this).addClass( 'fusion-shortcode-generator-button' ); }) $('.quicktags-toolbar input[id*=fusion_shortcodes_text_mode]').live('click', function(e) { var popup = 'shortcode-generator'; // set the flag for text editor, change to visual editor using_text_editor = true; text_editor_toggle = 'tmce'; html_editor_toggle = 'html'; editor_area = $( this ).parents( '.wp-editor-container' ).find( '.wp-editor-area' ); cursor_position = editor_area.getCursorPosition(); window.switchEditors.go( 'content' ); // load thickbox tb_show("Fusion Shortcodes", ajaxurl + "?action=fusion_shortcodes_popup&popup=" + popup); jQuery('#TB_window').hide(); }); }); // Helper function to check the cursor position of text editor content field before the shortcode generator is opened (function($, undefined) { $.fn.getCursorPosition = function() { var el = $(this).get(0); var pos = 0; if ('selectionStart' in el) { pos = el.selectionStart; } else if ('selection' in document) { el.focus(); var Sel = document.selection.createRange(); var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length; Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length); pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength; } return pos; } })(jQuery);