Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/class-tabs.php |
<?php class FusionSC_Tabs { private $tabs_counter = 1; private $tab_counter = 1; private $tabs = array(); private $active = false; public static $parent_args; public static $child_args; /** * Initiate the shortcode */ public function __construct() { add_filter( 'fusion_attr_tabs-shortcode', array( $this, 'attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_tabs-shortcode-link', array( $this, 'link_attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_tabs-shortcode-icon', array( $this, 'icon_attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_tabs-shortcode-tab', array( $this, 'tab_attr' ) ); add_shortcode( 'tabs', array( $this, 'render_parent' ) ); add_shortcode( 'tab', array( $this, 'render_child' ) ); add_shortcode( 'fusion_tabs', array( $this, 'fusion_tabs' ) ); add_shortcode( 'fusion_tab', array( $this, 'fusion_tab' ) ); } /** * Render the parent shortcode * @param array $args Shortcode paramters * @param string $content Content between shortcode * @return string HTML output */ function render_parent( $args, $content = '') { global $smof_data; $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'backgroundcolor' => $smof_data['tabs_bg_color'], 'bordercolor' => $smof_data['tabs_border_color'], 'design' => 'classic', 'inactivecolor' => $smof_data['tabs_inactive_color'], 'justified' => 'yes', 'layout' => 'horizontal', ), $args ); extract( $defaults ); self::$parent_args = $defaults; $justified_class = ''; if( $justified == 'yes' && $layout != 'vertical' ) { $justified_class = ' nav-justified'; } $styles = sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li a{border-top-color:%s;background-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['inactivecolor'], self::$parent_args['inactivecolor'] ); if( $design != 'clean' ) { $styles .= sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs{background-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['backgroundcolor'] ); $styles .= sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li.active a,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li.active a:hover,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li.active a:focus{border-right-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, $this->tabs_counter, $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['backgroundcolor'] ); } else { $styles = sprintf( '#wrapper .fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s.clean .nav-tabs li a{border-color:%s;}.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li a{background-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['bordercolor'], $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['inactivecolor'] ); } $styles .= sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li.active a,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li.active a:hover,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li.active a:focus{background-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, $this->tabs_counter, $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['backgroundcolor'] ); $styles .= sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs li a:hover{background-color:%s;border-top-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['backgroundcolor'], self::$parent_args['backgroundcolor'] ); $styles .= sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .tab-pane{background-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['backgroundcolor'] ); $styles .= sprintf( '.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .nav-tabs,.fusion-tabs.fusion-tabs-%s .tab-content .tab-pane{border-color:%s;}', $this->tabs_counter, $this->tabs_counter, $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['bordercolor'] ); $styles = sprintf( '<style type="text/css">%s</style>', $styles ); $html = sprintf( '<div %s>%s<div %s><ul %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'tabs-shortcode' ), $styles, FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'nav' ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'nav-tabs'.$justified_class ) ); $is_first_tab = true; if( empty( $this->tabs ) ) { $this->parse_tab_parameter( $content, 'tab', $args ); } if ( strpos( $content, 'fusion_tab' ) ) { preg_match_all( '/(\[fusion_tab (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/fusion_tab\])/s', $content, $matches ); } else { preg_match_all( '/(\[tab (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/tab\])/s', $content, $matches ); } $tab_content = ''; for( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->tabs ); $i++ ) { $icon = ''; if( $this->tabs[$i]['icon'] != 'none' ) { $icon = sprintf( '<i %s></i>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'tabs-shortcode-icon', array( 'index' => $i ) ) ); } if( $is_first_tab ) { $tab_nav = sprintf( '<li %s><a %s><h4 %s>%s%s</h4></a></li>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'active' ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'tabs-shortcode-link', array( 'index' => $i ) ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-tab-heading' ), $icon, $this->tabs[$i]['title'] ); $is_first_tab = false; } else { $tab_nav = sprintf( '<li><a %s><h4 %s>%s%s</h4></a></li>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'tabs-shortcode-link', array( 'index' => $i ) ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-tab-heading' ), $icon, $this->tabs[$i]['title'] ); } $html .= $tab_nav; $tab_content .= sprintf( '<div %s><ul %s>%s</ul></div>%s', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'nav fusion-mobile-tab-nav' ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'nav-tabs'.$justified_class ), $tab_nav, do_shortcode($matches[1][$i]) ); } $html .= ''; $html .= sprintf( '</ul></div><div %s>%s</div></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'tab-content' ), $tab_content ); $this->tabs_counter++; $this->tab_counter = 1; $this->active = false; unset( $this->tabs ); return $html; } function attr() { $attr = array(); $attr['class'] = sprintf( 'fusion-tabs fusion-tabs-%s %s', $this->tabs_counter, self::$parent_args['design'] ); if( self::$parent_args['justified'] != 'yes' && self::$parent_args['layout'] != 'vertical' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' nav-not-justified'; } if( self::$parent_args['class'] ) { $attr['class'] .= ' ' .self::$parent_args['class']; } if( self::$parent_args['layout'] == 'vertical' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' vertical-tabs'; } else { $attr['class'] .= ' horizontal-tabs'; } if( self::$parent_args['id'] ) { $attr['id'] = self::$parent_args['id']; } return $attr; } function link_attr( $atts ) { $attr = array(); $index = $atts['index']; $attr['class'] = 'tab-link'; $attr['id'] = 'fusion-tab-' . strtolower( preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $this->tabs[$index]['title'] ) ); $attr['href'] = '#' . $this->tabs[$index]['unique_id']; $attr['data-toggle'] = 'tab'; return $attr; } function icon_attr( $atts ) { $attr = array(); $index = $atts['index']; $attr['class'] = sprintf( 'fa fontawesome-icon %s', FusionCore_Plugin::font_awesome_name_handler( $this->tabs[$index]['icon'] ) ); return $attr; } /** * Render the child shortcode * @param array $args Shortcode paramters * @param string $content Content between shortcode * @return string HTML output */ function render_child( $args, $content = '') { $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'icon' => 'none', 'id' => '', 'fusion_tab' => 'no' ), $args ); extract( $defaults ); self::$child_args = $defaults; $html = sprintf( '<div %s>%s</div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'tabs-shortcode-tab' ), do_shortcode( $content ) ); return $html; } function tab_attr() { $attr = array(); if( ! isset( $this->active ) ) { $this->active = false; } if( ! $this->active ) { $attr['class'] = 'tab-pane fade in active'; $this->active = true; } else { $attr['class'] = 'tab-pane fade'; } if( self::$child_args['fusion_tab'] == 'yes' ) { $attr['id'] = self::$child_args['id']; } else { $index = self::$child_args['id'] - 1; $attr['id'] = $this->tabs[$index]['unique_id']; } return $attr; } function fusion_tabs( $atts, $content = null ) { global $smof_data; $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'backgroundcolor' => $smof_data['tabs_bg_color'], 'bordercolor' => $smof_data['tabs_border_color'], 'design' => 'classic', 'inactivecolor' => $smof_data['tabs_inactive_color'], 'justified' => 'yes', 'layout' => 'horizontal', ), $atts ); extract( $defaults ); $atts = $defaults; $content = preg_replace('/tab\][^\[]*/','tab]', $content); $content = preg_replace('/^[^\[]*\[/','[', $content); $this->parse_tab_parameter( $content, 'fusion_tab' ); $shortcode_wrapper = '[tabs design="' . $atts['design'] . '" layout="' . $atts['layout'] . '" justified="' . $atts['justified'] . '" backgroundcolor="' . $atts['backgroundcolor'] . '" inactivecolor="' . $atts['inactivecolor'] . '" bordercolor="' . $atts['bordercolor'] .'" class="' . $atts['class'] . '" id="' . $atts['id'] . '"]'; $shortcode_wrapper .= $content; $shortcode_wrapper .= '[/tabs]'; return do_shortcode($shortcode_wrapper); } function fusion_tab( $atts, $content = null) { $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'id' => '', 'icon' => '', 'title' => '', ), $atts ); extract( $defaults ); $atts = $defaults; // create unique tab id for linking $sanitized_title = hash("md5", $title, false); $sanitized_title = 'tab'. str_replace( '-', '_', $sanitized_title ); $unique_id = 'tab-' . substr( md5( get_the_ID() . '-' . $this->tabs_counter . '-' . $this->tab_counter . '-' . $sanitized_title), 13 ); $shortcode_wrapper = sprintf( '[tab id="%s" icon="%s" fusion_tab="yes"]%s[/tab]', $unique_id, $icon, do_shortcode( $content ) ); $this->tab_counter++; return do_shortcode( $shortcode_wrapper ); } function parse_tab_parameter( $content, $shortcode, $args = null ) { $preg_match_tabs_single = preg_match_all( FusionCore_Plugin::get_shortcode_regex( $shortcode ), $content, $tabs_single ); if( is_array( $tabs_single[0] ) ) { foreach( $tabs_single[0] as $key => $tab ) { if( is_array( $args ) ) { $preg_match_titles = preg_match_all( '/' . $shortcode . ' id=([0-9]+)/i', $tab, $ids ); if( array_key_exists( '0', $ids[1] ) ) { $id = $ids[1][0]; } else { $title = 'default'; } foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) { if( $key == $shortcode . $id ) { $title = $value; } } } else { $preg_match_titles = preg_match_all( '/' . $shortcode . ' title="([^\"]+)"/i', $tab, $titles ); if( array_key_exists( '0', $titles[1] ) ) { $title = $titles[1][0]; } else { $title = 'default'; } } $preg_match_icons = preg_match_all( '/' . $shortcode . '( id=[0-9]+| title="[^\"]+")? icon="([^\"]+)"/i', $tab, $icons ); if( array_key_exists( '0', $icons[2] ) ) { $icon = $icons[2][0]; } else { $icon = 'none'; } // create unique tab id for linking $sanitized_title = hash("md5", $title, false); $sanitized_title = 'tab'. str_replace( '-', '_', $sanitized_title ); $unique_id = 'tab-' . substr( md5( get_the_ID() . '-' . $this->tabs_counter . '-' . $this->tab_counter . '-' . $sanitized_title), 13 ); // create array for every single tab shortcode $this->tabs[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'icon' => $icon, 'unique_id' => $unique_id ); $this->tab_counter++; } $this->tab_counter = 1; } } } new FusionSC_Tabs();