Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/class-imageframe.php |
<?php class FusionSC_Imageframe { private $imageframe_counter = 1; private $image_data = false; public static $args; /** * Initiate the shortcode */ public function __construct() { add_filter( 'fusion_attr_imageframe-shortcode', array( $this, 'attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_imageframe-shortcode-link', array( $this, 'link_attr' ) ); add_shortcode( 'imageframe', array( $this, 'render' ) ); } /** * Render the shortcode * @param array $args Shortcode paramters * @param string $content Content between shortcode * @return string HTML output */ function render( $args, $content = '') { global $smof_data; $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'align' => '', 'bordercolor' => '', 'borderradius' => intval( $smof_data['imageframe_border_radius'] ) . 'px', 'bordersize' => intval( $smof_data['imageframe_border_size'] ) . 'px', 'gallery_id' => '', 'hide_on_mobile' => 'no', 'lightbox' => 'no', 'lightbox_image' => '', 'link' => '', 'linktarget' => '_self', 'style' => '', 'style_type' => 'none', // deprecated 'stylecolor' => '', 'animation_type' => '', 'animation_direction' => 'left', 'animation_speed' => '', 'animation_offset' => Avada()->settings->get( 'animation_offset' ), 'hover_type' => 'none' ), $args ); $defaults['borderradius'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['borderradius'], 'px' ); $defaults['bordersize'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['bordersize'], 'px'); if( ! $defaults['style'] ) { $defaults['style'] = $defaults['style_type']; } if( $defaults['borderradius'] && $defaults['style'] == 'bottomshadow' ) { $defaults['borderradius'] = '0'; } if( $defaults['borderradius'] == 'round' ) { $defaults['borderradius'] = '50%'; } extract( $defaults ); self::$args = $defaults; // Add the needed styles to the img tag if ( ! $bordercolor ) { $bordercolor = $smof_data['imgframe_border_color']; } if ( ! $stylecolor ) { $stylecolor = $smof_data['imgframe_style_color']; } $rgb = FusionCore_Plugin::hex2rgb( $stylecolor ); $border_radius = $img_styles = ''; if ( $borderradius != '0' && $borderradius != '0px' ) { $border_radius .= "-webkit-border-radius:{$borderradius};-moz-border-radius:{$borderradius};border-radius:{$borderradius};"; } if ( $border_radius ) { $img_styles = sprintf( ' style="%s"', $border_radius ); } $img_classes = 'img-responsive'; // Get custom classes from the img tag preg_match( '/(class=["\'](.*?)["\'])/', $content, $classes ); if ( ! empty( $classes ) ) { $img_classes .= ' ' . $classes[2]; } $img_classes = sprintf( 'class="%s"', $img_classes ); // Add custom and responsive class and the needed styles to the img tag if( ! empty( $classes ) ) { $content = str_replace( $classes[0], $img_classes . $img_styles , $content ); } else { $content = str_replace( '/>', $img_classes . $img_styles . '/>', $content ); } // Alt tag $alt_tag = $image_url = ''; preg_match( '/(src=["\'](.*?)["\'])/', $content, $src ); if ( array_key_exists( '2', $src ) ) { $image_url = self::$args['pic_link'] = $src[2]; if ( self::$args['lightbox_image'] ) { $lightbox_image = self::$args['lightbox_image']; } else { $lightbox_image = self::$args['pic_link']; } $this->image_data = FusionCore_Plugin::get_attachment_data_from_url( $lightbox_image ); if ( $this->image_data ) { $content = str_replace( '/>', 'width="' . $this->image_data['width'] . '" height="' . $this->image_data['height'] . '"/>' , $content ); $alt_tag = sprintf( 'alt="%s"', $this->image_data['alt'] ); } if ( strpos( $content, 'alt=""' ) !== false && $alt_tag ) { $content = str_replace( 'alt=""', $alt_tag, $content ); } elseif ( strpos( $content, 'alt' ) === false && $alt_tag ) { $content = str_replace( '/> ', $alt_tag . ' />', $content ); } } // Set the lightbox image to the dedicated link if it is set if ( $lightbox_image ) { self::$args['pic_link'] = $lightbox_image; } $output = do_shortcode( $content ); if ( $lightbox == 'yes' || $link ) { $output = sprintf( '<a %s>%s</a>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'imageframe-shortcode-link' ), do_shortcode( $content ) ); } $html = sprintf( '<span %s>%s</span>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'imageframe-shortcode' ), $output ); if ( $hover_type == 'liftup' ) { $liftup_classes = 'imageframe-liftup'; $liftup_styles = ''; if ( $border_radius ) { $liftup_styles = sprintf( '<style scoped="scoped">.imageframe-liftup.imageframe-%s:before{%s}</style>', $this->imageframe_counter, $border_radius ); $liftup_classes .= sprintf( ' imageframe-%s', $this->imageframe_counter ); } $html = sprintf( '<div %s>%s%s</div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( $liftup_classes ), $liftup_styles, $html ); } if ( $align == 'center' ) { $html = sprintf( '<div %s>%s</div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'imageframe-align-center' ), $html ); } $this->imageframe_counter++; return $html; } function attr() { global $smof_data; $attr = array(); $attr['style'] = ''; $bordercolor = self::$args['bordercolor']; $stylecolor = self::$args['stylecolor']; $bordersize = self::$args['bordersize']; $borderradius = self::$args['borderradius']; $style = self::$args['style']; // Add the needed styles to the img tag if ( ! $bordercolor ) { $bordercolor = $smof_data['imgframe_border_color']; } if ( ! $stylecolor ) { $stylecolor = $smof_data['imgframe_style_color']; } $rgb = FusionCore_Plugin::hex2rgb( $stylecolor ); $img_styles = ''; if ( $bordersize != '0' && $bordersize != '0px' ) { $img_styles .= "border:{$bordersize} solid {$bordercolor};"; } if ( $borderradius != '0' && $borderradius != '0px' ) { $img_styles .= "-webkit-border-radius:{$borderradius};-moz-border-radius:{$borderradius};border-radius:{$borderradius};"; } if ( $style == 'glow' ) { $img_styles .= "-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]},.3);-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]},.3);box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]},.3);"; } if ( $style == 'dropshadow' ) { $img_styles .= "-moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px rgba({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]},.3);-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px rgba({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]},.3);box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px rgba({$rgb[0]},{$rgb[1]},{$rgb[2]},.3);"; } if ( $img_styles ) { $attr['style'] .= $img_styles; } $attr['class'] = sprintf( 'fusion-imageframe imageframe-%s imageframe-%s', self::$args['style'], $this->imageframe_counter ); if( self::$args['style'] == 'bottomshadow' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' element-bottomshadow'; } if( self::$args['align'] == 'left' ) { $attr['style'] .= 'margin-right:25px;float:left;'; } elseif( self::$args['align'] == 'right' ) { $attr['style'] .= 'margin-left:25px;float:right;'; } if( self::$args['hover_type'] != 'liftup' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' hover-type-' . self::$args['hover_type']; } if( self::$args['class'] ) { $attr['class'] .= ' ' . self::$args['class']; } if( self::$args['id'] ) { $attr['id'] = self::$args['id']; } if ( self::$args['animation_type'] ) { $animations = FusionCore_Plugin::animations( array( 'type' => self::$args['animation_type'], 'direction' => self::$args['animation_direction'], 'speed' => self::$args['animation_speed'], 'offset' => self::$args['animation_offset'], ) ); $attr = array_merge( $attr, $animations ); $attr['class'] .= ' ' . $attr['animation_class']; unset( $attr['animation_class'] ); } if( self::$args['hide_on_mobile'] == 'yes' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' fusion-hide-on-mobile'; } return $attr; } function link_attr() { $attr = array(); if ( self::$args['lightbox'] == 'yes' ) { $attr['href'] = self::$args['pic_link']; $attr['class'] = 'fusion-lightbox'; if ( self::$args['gallery_id'] || self::$args['gallery_id'] == '0' ) { $attr['data-rel'] = 'iLightbox[' . self::$args['gallery_id'] . ']'; } else { $attr['data-rel'] = 'iLightbox[' . substr( md5( self::$args['pic_link'] ), 13 ) . ']'; } if ( $this->image_data ) { $attr['data-caption'] = $this->image_data['caption']; $attr['data-title'] = $this->image_data['title']; } } elseif ( self::$args['link'] ) { $attr['class'] = 'fusion-no-lightbox'; $attr['href'] = self::$args['link']; $attr['target'] = self::$args['linktarget']; } return $attr; } } new FusionSC_Imageframe();