Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/class-fullwidth.php |
<?php class FusionSC_FullWidth { public static $args; public static $bg_type = 'image'; private static $parallaxID = 1; private $fwc_counter = 1; /** * Initiate the shortcode */ public function __construct() { add_filter( 'fusion_attr_fullwidth-shortcode', array( $this, 'attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_fullwidth-shortcode-fusion-row', array( $this, 'fusion_row' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_fullwidth-overlay', array( $this, 'overlay_attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_fullwidth-parallax', array( $this, 'parallax_attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_fullwidth-faded', array( $this, 'faded_attr' ) ); add_shortcode( 'fullwidth', array( $this, 'render' ) ); // Add plugin specific filters and actions here add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'ie9Detector' ) ); } public function ie9Detector() { echo "<!--[if IE 9]> <script>var _fusionParallaxIE9 = true;</script> <![endif]-->"; } /** * Render the shortcode * * @param array $args Shortcode paramters * @param string $content Content between shortcode * * @return string HTML output */ function render( $args, $content = '' ) { global $smof_data; $args = $this->deprecated_args( $args ); $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'background_parallax' => 'none', 'background_color' => $smof_data['full_width_bg_color'], 'background_image' => '', 'background_position' => 'center center', 'background_repeat' => 'no-repeat', 'border_color' => $smof_data['full_width_border_color'], 'border_size' => intval( $smof_data['full_width_border_size'] ) . 'px', 'border_style' => 'solid', 'equal_height_columns' => 'no', 'enable_mobile' => 'no', 'fade' => 'no', 'hundred_percent' => 'no', 'menu_anchor' => '', 'hide_on_mobile' => 'no', 'overlay_color' => '', 'break_parents' => '0', 'parallax_speed' => '0.3', 'overlay_opacity' => '0.5', 'opacity' => '100', 'padding_bottom' => '0px', 'padding_left' => '', 'padding_right' => '', 'padding_top' => '0px', 'video_loop' => 'yes', 'video_loop_refinement' => '', 'video_mp4' => '', 'video_mute' => 'yes', 'video_ogg' => '', 'video_ogv' => '', // Deprecated 'video_preview_image' => '', 'video_url' => '', 'data-bg-height' => '', 'data-bg-width' => '', 'video_aspect_ratio' => '', 'video_webm' => '', ), $args ); $defaults['border_size'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['border_size'], 'px' ); $defaults['padding_bottom'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['padding_bottom'], 'px' ); $defaults['padding_left'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['padding_left'], 'px' ); $defaults['padding_right'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['padding_right'], 'px' ); $defaults['padding_top'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['padding_top'], 'px' ); if ( $defaults['video_ogv'] ) { $defaults['video_ogg'] = $defaults['video_ogv']; } $object_id = get_queried_object_id(); $c_pageID = FusionCore_Plugin::c_pageID(); $width_100 = false; $page_template = ''; if ( function_exists( 'is_woocommerce' ) ) { if( is_woocommerce() ) { $custom_fields = get_post_custom_values( '_wp_page_template', $c_pageID ); $page_template = ( is_array( $custom_fields ) && ! empty( $custom_fields ) ) ? $custom_fields[0] : ''; } } if ( is_page_template( '100-width.php' ) || is_page_template( 'blank.php' ) || ( '1' == fusion_get_option( 'portfolio_width_100', 'portfolio_width_100', $c_pageID ) || 'yes' == fusion_get_option( 'portfolio_width_100', 'portfolio_width_100', $c_pageID ) && 'avada_portfolio' == get_post_type( $c_pageID ) ) || ( avada_is_portfolio_template() && 'yes' == get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_portfolio_width_100', true ) ) || '100-width.php' == $page_template ) { $width_100 = true; } if ( empty( $defaults['padding_left'] ) && $defaults['padding_left'] != '0' && $width_100 == true ) { $c_pageID = FusionCore_Plugin::c_pageID(); if ( get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_hundredp_padding', true ) || get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_hundredp_padding', true ) == '0' ) { $defaults['padding_left'] = get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_hundredp_padding', true ); } else if ( $smof_data[ 'hundredp_padding'] || $smof_data['hundredp_padding'] == '0' ) { $defaults['padding_left'] = $smof_data['hundredp_padding']; } else { $defaults['padding_left'] = '0px'; } // Set the correct paddings and negative margins for the "100% Width Left/Right Padding" option $hundredplr_padding = Avada_Sanitize::size( $defaults['padding_left'] ); $hundredplr_padding_value = Avada_Sanitize::number( $hundredplr_padding ); $hundredplr_padding_unit = Avada_Sanitize::get_unit( $hundredplr_padding ); if ( $hundredplr_padding_unit == '%' ) { $fullwidth_max_width = 100 - 2 * $hundredplr_padding_value; $defaults['padding_left'] = $hundredplr_padding_value / $fullwidth_max_width * 100 . $hundredplr_padding_unit; } } if ( empty( $defaults['padding_right'] ) && $defaults['padding_right'] != '0' && $width_100 == true ) { $c_pageID = FusionCore_Plugin::c_pageID(); if ( get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_hundredp_padding', true ) || get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_hundredp_padding', true ) == '0' ) { $defaults['padding_right'] = get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_hundredp_padding', true ); } else if ( $smof_data[ 'hundredp_padding'] || $smof_data['hundredp_padding'] == '0' ) { $defaults['padding_right'] = $smof_data['hundredp_padding']; } else { $defaults['padding_right'] = '0px'; } // Set the correct paddings and negative margins for the "100% Width Left/Right Padding" option $hundredplr_padding = Avada_Sanitize::size( $defaults['padding_right'] ); $hundredplr_padding_value = Avada_Sanitize::number( $hundredplr_padding ); $hundredplr_padding_unit = Avada_Sanitize::get_unit( $hundredplr_padding ); if ( $hundredplr_padding_unit == '%' ) { $fullwidth_max_width = 100 - 2 * $hundredplr_padding_value; $defaults['padding_right'] = $hundredplr_padding_value / $fullwidth_max_width * 100 . $hundredplr_padding_unit; } } if( strpos( $defaults['padding_left'], '%' ) === false && strpos( $defaults['padding_left'], 'px' ) === false ) { $defaults['padding_left'] = $defaults['padding_left'] . 'px'; } if( strpos( $defaults['padding_right'], '%' ) === false && strpos( $defaults['padding_right'], 'px' ) === false ) { $defaults['padding_right'] = $defaults['padding_right'] . 'px'; } if( strpos( $defaults['padding_top'], '%' ) === false && strpos( $defaults['padding_top'], 'px' ) === false ) { $defaults['padding_top'] = $defaults['padding_top'] . 'px'; } if( strpos( $defaults['padding_bottom'], '%' ) === false && strpos( $defaults['padding_bottom'], 'px' ) === false ) { $defaults['padding_bottom'] = $defaults['padding_bottom'] . 'px'; } self::$args = $defaults; extract( $defaults ); $outer_html = ''; self::$bg_type = "image"; if ( ! empty( self::$args['video_url'] ) || ! empty( self::$args['video_mp4'] ) || ! empty( self::$args['video_webm'] ) || ! empty( self::$args['video_ogv'] ) ) { self::$bg_type = "video"; } if ( wp_is_mobile() && self::$bg_type == 'video' && ! empty( self::$args['video_url'] ) ) { if ( $video_preview_image ) { $video_preview_image_style = sprintf( 'background-image:url(%s);', $video_preview_image ); $outer_html .= sprintf( '<div class="%s" style="%s"></div>', 'fullwidth-video-image', $video_preview_image_style ); } } elseif ( self::$bg_type == 'video' && ! empty( self::$args['video_url'] ) ) { $video_url = self::get_video_provider( self::$args['video_url'] ); if ( $video_url['type'] == 'youtube' ) { $outer_html .= "<div style='visibility: hidden' id='video-" . self::$parallaxID ++ . "' data-youtube-video-id='" . $video_url['id'] . "' data-mute='" . self::$args['video_mute'] . "' data-loop='" . ( self::$args['video_loop'] == 'yes' ? 1 : 0 ) . "' data-loop-adjustment='" . self::$args['video_loop_refinement'] . "' data-video-aspect-ratio='" . self::$args['video_aspect_ratio'] . "' data-overlay-opacity='" . self::$args['overlay_opacity'] . "'><div id='video-" . self::$parallaxID ++ . "-inner'></div></div>"; } else if ( $video_url['type'] == 'vimeo' ) { $outer_html .= '<div id="video-' . self::$parallaxID . '" data-vimeo-video-id="' . $video_url['id'] . '" data-mute="' . self::$args['video_mute'] . '" data-video-aspect-ratio="' . self::$args['video_aspect_ratio'] . '" style="visibility:hidden;"><iframe id="video-iframe-' . self::$parallaxID . '" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/' . $video_url['id'] . '?api=1&player_id=video-iframe-' . self::$parallaxID ++ . '&html5=1&autopause=0&autoplay=1&badge=0&byline=0&loop=' . ( self::$args['video_loop'] == 'yes' ? '1' : '0' ) . '&title=0" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>'; } if ( $overlay_color ) { $outer_html .= sprintf( '<div %s></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fullwidth-overlay' ) ); } } elseif ( self::$bg_type == 'video' && empty( self::$args['video_url'] ) ) { $video_attributes = 'preload="auto" autoplay'; $video_src = ''; if ( $video_loop == 'yes' ) { $video_attributes .= ' loop'; } if ( $video_mute == 'yes' ) { $video_attributes .= ' muted'; } if ( $video_mp4 ) { $video_src .= sprintf( '<source src="%s" type="video/mp4">', $video_mp4 ); } if ( $video_ogg ) { $video_src .= sprintf( '<source src="%s" type="video/ogg">', $video_ogg ); } if ( $video_webm ) { $video_src .= sprintf( '<source src="%s" type="video/webm">', $video_webm ); } if ( $overlay_color ) { $outer_html .= sprintf( '<div %s></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fullwidth-overlay' ) ); } $outer_html .= sprintf( '<div class="%s"><video %s>%s</video></div>', 'fullwidth-video', $video_attributes, $video_src ); if ( $video_preview_image ) { $video_preview_image_style = sprintf( 'background-image:url(%s);', $video_preview_image ); $outer_html .= sprintf( '<div class="%s" style="%s"></div>', 'fullwidth-video-image', $video_preview_image_style ); } } if ( self::$args['fade'] == 'yes' && self::$bg_type == "image" ) { self::$bg_type = 'faded'; $outer_html .= sprintf( '<div %s></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fullwidth-faded' ) ); } $parallax_helper = ''; if ( self::$args['background_parallax'] != 'none' && self::$args['background_parallax'] != 'fixed' ) { $parallax_helper = sprintf( '<div %s></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fullwidth-parallax' ) ); } if( strpos( $smof_data['site_width'], '%' ) === false && strpos( $smof_data['site_width'], 'px' ) === false ) { $smof_data['site_width'] = $smof_data['site_width'] . 'px'; } $site_width = (int) $smof_data['site_width']; $site_width_percent = false; if( strpos( $smof_data['site_width'], '%' ) !== false ) { $site_width_percent = true; } $int_left_padding = (int) self::$args['padding_left']; $int_right_padding = (int) self::$args['padding_right']; $styles = ''; if( $defaults['hundred_percent'] == 'yes' && $width_100 == true ) { $styles .= '<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">'; $styles .= '.fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . ', .fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . '.fusion-section-separator { padding-left: ' . self::$args['padding_left'] . ' !important; padding-right: ' . self::$args['padding_right'] . ' !important; }'; if( ! $site_width_percent ) { $styles .= '@media only screen and (max-width: ' . $smof_data['site_width'] . ') {'; if( $int_left_padding != 0 && $int_right_padding != 0 ) { $styles .= '.fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . ', .fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . '.fusion-section-separator { margin-left: -' . self::$args['padding_left'] . ' !important; margin-right: -' . self::$args['padding_right'] . ' !important; }'; } elseif ( $int_left_padding == 0 && $int_right_padding != 0 ) { $styles .= '.fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . ', .fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . '.fusion-section-separator { margin-right: -' . self::$args['padding_right'] . ' !important; }'; } elseif ( $int_left_padding != 0 && $int_right_padding == 0 ) { $styles .= '.fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . ', .fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . '.fusion-section-separator { margin-left: -' . self::$args['padding_left'] . ' !important; }'; } $styles .= '}'; } $styles .= '</style>'; } else { if( ! $site_width_percent ) { $styles .= '<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">'; $styles .= '.fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . ' { padding-left: ' . self::$args['padding_left'] . ' !important; padding-right: ' . self::$args['padding_right'] . ' !important; }'; $styles .= '</style>'; } } $html = sprintf( '%s<div %s>%s<div %s>%s</div></div>', $parallax_helper, FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fullwidth-shortcode' ), $styles . $outer_html, FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fullwidth-shortcode-fusion-row' ), do_shortcode( $content ) ); if ( $defaults['menu_anchor'] ) { $html = sprintf( '<div id="%s">%s</div>', $defaults['menu_anchor'], $html ); } $this->fwc_counter++; return $html; } function attr() { global $smof_data; if( strpos( $smof_data['site_width'], '%' ) === false && strpos( $smof_data['site_width'], 'px' ) === false ) { $smof_data['site_width'] = $smof_data['site_width'] . 'px'; } $site_width = (int) $smof_data['site_width']; $site_width_percent = false; if( strpos( $smof_data['site_width'], '%' ) !== false ) { $site_width_percent = true; } $int_left_padding = (int) self::$args['padding_left']; $int_right_padding = (int) self::$args['padding_right']; $object_id = get_queried_object_id(); $c_pageID = FusionCore_Plugin::c_pageID(); $width_100 = false; $page_template = ''; if ( function_exists( 'is_woocommerce' ) ) { if( is_woocommerce() ) { $custom_fields = get_post_custom_values( '_wp_page_template', $c_pageID ); $page_template = ( is_array( $custom_fields ) && ! empty( $custom_fields ) ) ? $custom_fields[0] : ''; } } if ( is_page_template( '100-width.php' ) || is_page_template( 'blank.php' ) || ( '1' == fusion_get_option( 'portfolio_width_100', 'portfolio_width_100', $c_pageID ) || 'yes' == fusion_get_option( 'portfolio_width_100', 'portfolio_width_100', $c_pageID ) && 'avada_portfolio' == get_post_type( $c_pageID ) ) || ( avada_is_portfolio_template() && 'yes' == get_post_meta( $c_pageID, 'pyre_portfolio_width_100', true ) ) || '100-width.php' == $page_template ) { $width_100 = true; } $attr['class'] = 'fusion-fullwidth fullwidth-box fusion-fullwidth-' . $this->fwc_counter . ' '; $attr['style'] = ''; $attr['class'] .= sprintf( ' fusion-parallax-%s', self::$args['background_parallax'] ); if ( self::$args['hundred_percent'] == 'yes' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' hundred-percent-fullwidth'; if ( (int) self::$args['padding_left'] > 0 || (int) self::$args['padding_right'] > 0 ) { $attr['class'] .= ' fusion-nonzero-padding'; } } else { $attr['class'] .= ' nonhundred-percent-fullwidth'; } if ( self::$bg_type == 'video' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' video-background'; } else if ( self::$bg_type == 'faded' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' faded-background'; } if ( self::$args['equal_height_columns'] == 'yes' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' fusion-equal-height-columns'; } if ( self::$args['border_color'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'border-color:%s;', self::$args['border_color'] ); } if ( self::$args['border_size'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'border-bottom-width: %s;border-top-width: %s;', self::$args['border_size'], self::$args['border_size'] ); } if ( self::$args['border_style'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'border-bottom-style: %s;border-top-style: %s;', self::$args['border_style'], self::$args['border_style'] ); } if ( self::$args['padding_bottom'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'padding-bottom:%s;', Avada_Sanitize::get_value_with_unit( self::$args['padding_bottom'] ) ); } if ( self::$args['padding_top'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'padding-top:%s;', Avada_Sanitize::get_value_with_unit( self::$args['padding_top'] ) ); } if ( self::$args['padding_left'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'padding-left:%s;', Avada_Sanitize::get_value_with_unit( self::$args['padding_left'] ) ); } if ( self::$args['padding_right'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'padding-right:%s;', Avada_Sanitize::get_value_with_unit( self::$args['padding_right'] ) ); } if ( self::$args['hundred_percent'] == 'no' && (int) self::$args['padding_left'] > 0 && $width_100 == true ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'padding-left:%s !important;', Avada_Sanitize::get_value_with_unit( self::$args['padding_left'] ) ); } if ( self::$args['hundred_percent'] == 'no' && (int) self::$args['padding_right'] > 0 && $width_100 == true ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'padding-right:%s !important;', Avada_Sanitize::get_value_with_unit( self::$args['padding_right'] ) ); } if ( self::$args['id'] ) { $attr['id'] = self::$args['id']; } if ( self::$args['class'] ) { $attr['class'] .= ' ' . self::$args['class']; } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_parallax'] == 'fixed' ) { $attr['style'] .= 'background-attachment:fixed;'; } if ( self::$args['background_parallax'] == "none" || self::$args['background_parallax'] == "fixed" ) { if ( self::$args['background_color'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-color:%s;', self::$args['background_color'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_position'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-position:%s;', self::$args['background_position'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_repeat'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-repeat:%s;', self::$args['background_repeat'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_repeat'] == 'no-repeat' ) { $attr['style'] .= '-webkit-background-size:cover;-moz-background-size:cover;-o-background-size:cover;background-size:cover;'; // IE 8 background-size: cover filter if ( self::$args['background_image'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( '-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'%s\', sizingMethod=\'scale\')";', self::$args['background_image'] ); } } if ( self::$bg_type != 'faded' ) { if ( self::$args['background_image'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-image: url(%s);', self::$args['background_image'] ); } } } if( self::$args['hide_on_mobile'] == 'yes' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' fusion-hide-on-mobile'; } return $attr; } function fusion_row() { $attr = array(); $attr['class'] = 'fusion-row'; return $attr; } function resizeImage( $attachmentID, $direction, $velocity, $size = 'cover' ) { if ( $size != 'cover' ) { return wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachmentID, $size ); } if ( strtolower( $direction ) != 'none' ) { if ( strtolower( $direction ) == 'up' || strtolower( $direction ) == 'down' ) { $width = 1600; $height = 1000 + 500 * $velocity; } else { $width = 1600 + 500 * $velocity; $height = 1000; } return wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachmentID, array( $width, $height ) ); } return wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachmentID, 'full' ); } function get_attachment_id_from_src( $image_src ) { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE guid='$image_src'"; $id = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); return $id; } function parallax_attr() { $attr['class'] = 'fusion-bg-parallax'; $attr['data-bg-align'] = esc_attr( self::$args['background_position'] ); $attr['data-direction'] = self::$args['background_parallax']; $attr['data-mute'] = self::$args['video_mute']; $attr['data-opacity'] = esc_attr( self::$args['opacity'] ); $attr['data-velocity'] = esc_attr( (float) self::$args['parallax_speed'] * -1 ); $attr['data-mobile-enabled'] = ( self::$args['enable_mobile'] == 'yes' ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $attr['data-break-parents'] = esc_attr( self::$args['break_parents'] ); $attr['data-bg-height'] = esc_attr( self::$args['data-bg-height'] ); $attr['data-bg-width'] = esc_attr( self::$args['data-bg-width'] ); $attr['data-bg-image'] = esc_attr( self::$args['background_image'] ); $attr['data-bg-repeat'] = esc_attr( isset( self::$args['background_repeat'] ) && self::$args['background_repeat'] != "no-repeat" ? 'true' : 'false' ); return $attr; } function overlay_attr() { $attr['class'] = 'fullwidth-overlay'; $attr['style'] = ''; if ( self::$args['overlay_color'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-color:%s;', self::$args['overlay_color'] ); } if ( self::$args['overlay_opacity'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'opacity:%s;', self::$args['overlay_opacity'] ); } return $attr; } function faded_attr() { $attr['class'] = 'fullwidth-faded'; $attr['style'] = ''; if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_parallax'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-attachment:%s;', self::$args['background_parallax'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_color'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-color:%s;', self::$args['background_color'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_image'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-image: url(%s);', self::$args['background_image'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_position'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-position:%s;', self::$args['background_position'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_repeat'] ) { $attr['style'] .= sprintf( 'background-repeat:%s;', self::$args['background_repeat'] ); } if ( self::$args['background_image'] && self::$args['background_repeat'] == 'no-repeat' ) { $attr['style'] .= '-webkit-background-size:cover;-moz-background-size:cover;-o-background-size:cover;background-size:cover;'; } return $attr; } /** * Gets the Video ID & Provider from a video URL or ID * * @param $video_string string The URL or ID of a video * * @return array container whether the video is a YouTube video or a Vimeo video along with the video ID * @since 3.0 */ protected static function get_video_provider( $video_string ) { $video_string = trim( $video_string ); /* * Check for YouTube */ $videoID = false; if ( preg_match( '/youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([^\&\?\/]+)/', $video_string, $id ) ) { if ( count( $id > 1 ) ) { $videoID = $id[1]; } } else if ( preg_match( '/youtube\.com\/embed\/([^\&\?\/]+)/', $video_string, $id ) ) { if ( count( $id > 1 ) ) { $videoID = $id[1]; } } else if ( preg_match( '/youtube\.com\/v\/([^\&\?\/]+)/', $video_string, $id ) ) { if ( count( $id > 1 ) ) { $videoID = $id[1]; } } else if ( preg_match( '/youtu\.be\/([^\&\?\/]+)/', $video_string, $id ) ) { if ( count( $id > 1 ) ) { $videoID = $id[1]; } } if ( ! empty( $videoID ) ) { return array( 'type' => 'youtube', 'id' => $videoID ); } /* * Check for Vimeo */ if ( preg_match( '/vimeo\.com\/(\w*\/)*(\d+)/', $video_string, $id ) ) { if ( count( $id > 1 ) ) { $videoID = $id[ count( $id ) - 1 ]; } } if ( ! empty( $videoID ) ) { return array( 'type' => 'vimeo', 'id' => $videoID ); } /* * Non-URL form */ if ( preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $video_string ) ) { return array( 'type' => 'vimeo', 'id' => $video_string ); } return array( 'type' => 'youtube', 'id' => $video_string ); } public function deprecated_args( $args ) { $param_mapping = array( 'backgroundposition' => 'background_position', 'backgroundattachment' => 'background_parallax', 'background_attachment' => 'background_parallax', 'bordersize' => 'border_size', 'bordercolor' => 'border_color', 'borderstyle' => 'border_style', 'paddingtop' => 'padding_top', 'paddingbottom' => 'padding_bottom', 'paddingleft' => 'padding_left', 'paddingright' => 'padding_right', 'backgroundcolor' => 'background_color', 'backgroundimage' => 'background_image', 'backgroundrepeat' => 'background_repeat', 'paddingBottom' => 'padding_bottom', 'paddingTop' => 'padding_top', ); if ( ! is_array( $args ) ) { $args = array(); } if ( ( array_key_exists( 'backgroundattachment', $args ) && $args['backgroundattachment'] == 'scroll' ) || ( array_key_exists( 'background_attachment', $args ) && $args['background_attachment'] == 'scroll' ) ) { $args['backgroundattachment'] = $args['background_attachment'] = 'none'; } foreach ( $param_mapping as $old => $new ) { if ( ! isset( $args[ $new ] ) && isset( $args[ $old ] ) ) { $args[ $new ] = $args[ $old ]; unset( $args[ $old ] ); } } return $args; } } new FusionSC_FullWidth();