Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/fusion-core/shortcodes/class-blog.php |
<?php class FusionSC_Blog { private $blog_sc_counter = 1; private $post_count = 1; private $post_id = 0; private $post_month = null; private $post_year = null; private $meta_info_settings = array(); private $header = array(); private $query = ''; public static $args; /** * Initiate the shortcode */ public function __construct() { // containers add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_before_loop', array( $this, 'before_loop' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_before_loop_timeline', array( $this, 'before_loop_timeline' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_after_loop', array( $this, 'after_loop' ) ); // post / loop basic structure add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_header', array( $this, 'loop_header' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_footer', array( $this, 'loop_footer' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_content', array( $this, 'loop_content' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_content', array( $this, 'page_links' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop', array( $this, 'loop' ) ); // special blog layout structure add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_wrap_loop_open', array( $this, 'wrap_loop_open' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_wrap_loop_close', array( $this, 'wrap_loop_close' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_date_and_format', array( $this, 'add_date_box' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_date_and_format', array( $this, 'add_format_box' ) ); add_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_timeline_date', array( $this, 'timeline_date' ) ); // element attributes add_filter( 'fusion_attr_blog-shortcode', array( $this, 'attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_blog-shortcode-posts-container', array( $this, 'posts_container_attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_blog-shortcode-loop', array( $this, 'loop_attr' ) ); add_filter( 'fusion_attr_blog-shortcode-post-title', array( $this, 'post_title_attr' ) ); add_shortcode( 'blog', array( $this, 'render' ) ); } /** * Render the shortcode * @param array $args Shortcode paramters * @param string $content Content between shortcode * @return string HTML output */ function render( $args, $content = '') { global $smof_data; $defaults = FusionCore_Plugin::set_shortcode_defaults( array( 'class' => '', 'id' => '', 'blog_grid_column_spacing' => '40', 'blog_grid_columns' => '3', 'cat_slug' => '', 'excerpt' => 'yes', 'excerpt_length' => '', 'exclude_cats' => '', 'layout' => 'large', 'meta_all' => 'yes', 'meta_author' => 'yes', 'meta_categories' => 'yes', 'meta_comments' => 'yes', 'meta_date' => 'yes', 'meta_link' => 'yes', 'meta_read' => 'yes', 'meta_tags' => 'no', 'number_posts' => '6', 'offset' => '', 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'date', 'paging' => 'yes', 'show_title' => 'yes', 'scrolling' => 'infinite', 'strip_html' => 'yes', 'thumbnail' => 'yes', 'title_link' => 'yes', 'posts_per_page' => '-1', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'excerpt_words' => '50', //deprecated 'title' => '', // deprecated ), $args ); $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'] = FusionCore_Plugin::validate_shortcode_attr_value( $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'], '' ); extract( $defaults ); // Since WP 4.4 'title' param is reserved if ( $defaults['title'] ) { $defaults['show_title'] = $defaults['title']; } unset( $defaults['title'] ); if ( is_front_page() || is_home() ) { $paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : ( ( get_query_var( 'page' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'page' ) : 1 ); } else { $paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1; } $defaults['paged'] = $paged; // covert all attributes to correct values for WP query if ( $defaults['number_posts'] ) { $defaults['posts_per_page'] = $defaults['number_posts']; } if ( $defaults['posts_per_page'] == -1 ) { $defaults['paging'] = 'no'; } // Add hyphens for alternate layout options if ( $defaults['layout'] == 'large alternate' ) { $defaults['layout'] = 'large-alternate'; } elseif ( $defaults['layout'] == 'medium alternate' ) { $defaults['layout'] = 'medium-alternate'; } $defaults['load_more'] = FALSE; if ( $defaults['scrolling'] != 'pagination' ) { $defaults['paging'] = TRUE; if ( $defaults['scrolling'] == 'load_more_button' ) { $defaults['load_more'] = TRUE; } $defaults['scrolling'] = 'infinite'; } ( $defaults['meta_all'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_all'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['meta_all'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['meta_author'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_author'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['meta_author'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['meta_categories'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_categories'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['meta_categories'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['meta_comments'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_comments'] = TRUE) : ( $defaults['meta_comments'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['meta_date'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_date'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['meta_date'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['meta_link'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_link'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['meta_link'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['meta_tags'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['meta_tags'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['meta_tags'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['paging'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['paging'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['paging'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['strip_html'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['strip_html'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['strip_html'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['thumbnail'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['thumbnail'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['thumbnail'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['show_title'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['show_title'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['show_title'] = FALSE ); ( $defaults['title_link'] == "yes" ) ? ( $defaults['title_link'] = TRUE ) : ( $defaults['title_link'] = FALSE ); if ( $defaults['excerpt_length'] || $defaults['excerpt_length'] === '0' ) { $defaults['excerpt_words'] = $defaults['excerpt_length']; } // Combine meta info into one variable $defaults['meta_info_combined'] = $defaults['meta_all'] * ( $defaults['meta_author'] + $defaults['meta_date'] + $defaults['meta_categories'] + $defaults['meta_tags'] + $defaults['meta_comments'] + $defaults['meta_link'] ); // Create boolean that holds info whether content should be excerpted $defaults['is_zero_excerpt'] = ( $defaults['excerpt'] == 'yes' && $defaults['excerpt_words'] < 1 ) ? 1 : 0; //check for cats to exclude; needs to be checked via exclude_cats param and '-' prefixed cats on cats param //exclution via exclude_cats param $cats_to_exclude = explode( ',' , $defaults['exclude_cats'] ); $cats_id_to_exclude = array(); if ( $cats_to_exclude ) { foreach ( $cats_to_exclude as $cat_to_exclude ) { $id_obj = get_category_by_slug( $cat_to_exclude ); if ( $id_obj ) { $cats_id_to_exclude[] = $id_obj->term_id; } } if ( $cats_id_to_exclude ) { $defaults['category__not_in'] = $cats_id_to_exclude; } } //setting up cats to be used and exclution using '-' prefix on cats param; transform slugs to ids $cat_ids =''; $categories = explode( ',' , $defaults['cat_slug'] ); if ( isset( $categories ) && $categories ) { foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $id_obj = get_category_by_slug( $category ); if ( $id_obj ) { if ( strpos( $category, '-' ) === 0 ) { $cat_ids .= '-' . $id_obj->cat_ID . ','; } else { $cat_ids .= $id_obj->cat_ID . ','; } } } } $defaults['cat'] = substr( $cat_ids, 0, -1 ); if ( $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'] === '0' ) { $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'] = '0.0'; } $defaults['blog_sc_query'] = TRUE; self::$args = $defaults; // Set the meta info settings for later use $this->meta_info_settings['post_meta'] = $defaults['meta_all']; $this->meta_info_settings['post_meta_author'] = $defaults['meta_author']; $this->meta_info_settings['post_meta_date'] = $defaults['meta_date']; $this->meta_info_settings['post_meta_cats'] = $defaults['meta_categories']; $this->meta_info_settings['post_meta_tags'] = $defaults['meta_tags']; $this->meta_info_settings['post_meta_comments'] = $defaults['meta_comments']; $fusion_query = new WP_Query( $defaults ); $this->query = $fusion_query; //prepare needed wrapping containers $html = ''; $html .= sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'blog-shortcode' ) ); if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' && self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing'] ) { $html .= sprintf( '<style type="text/css">.fusion-blog-shortcode-%s .fusion-blog-layout-grid .fusion-post-grid{padding:%spx;}.fusion-blog-shortcode-%s .fusion-posts-container{margin-left: -%spx !important; margin-right:-%spx !important;}</style>', $this->blog_sc_counter, $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'] / 2, $this->blog_sc_counter, $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'] / 2, $defaults['blog_grid_column_spacing'] / 2 ); } $html .= sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'blog-shortcode-posts-container' ) ); ob_start(); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_wrap_loop_open' ); $wrap_loop_open = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $wrap_loop_open; // Initialize the time stamps for timeline month/year check if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $this->post_count = 1; $prev_post_timestamp = null; $prev_post_month = null; $prev_post_year = null; $first_timeline_loop = false; } //do the loop if ( $fusion_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $fusion_query->have_posts() ) : $fusion_query->the_post(); $this->post_id = get_the_ID(); if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { // Set the time stamps for timeline month/year check $post_timestamp = get_the_time( 'U' ); $this->post_month = date( 'n', $post_timestamp ); $this->post_year = get_the_date( 'Y' ); $current_date = get_the_date( 'Y-n' ); $date_params['prev_post_month'] = $prev_post_month; $date_params['post_month'] = $this->post_month; $date_params['prev_post_year'] = $prev_post_year; $date_params['post_year'] = $this->post_year; // Set the timeline month label ob_start(); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_timeline_date', $date_params ); $timeline_date = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $timeline_date; } ob_start(); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_before_loop' ); $before_loop_action = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $before_loop_action; if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' || self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $html .= sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-post-wrapper' ) ); } $this->header = array( 'title_link' => true, ); ob_start(); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_header' ); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_content' ); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_loop_footer' ); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_after_loop' ); $loop_actions = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $loop_actions; if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $prev_post_timestamp = $post_timestamp; $prev_post_month = $this->post_month; $prev_post_year = $this->post_year; $this->post_count++; } endwhile; else: endif; ob_start(); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_wrap_loop_close' ); $wrap_loop_close_action = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $wrap_loop_close_action; $html .= '</div>'; if ( self::$args['paging'] ) { ob_start(); fusion_pagination( $this->query->max_num_pages, $range = 2, $this->query ); $pagination = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $pagination; } // If infinite scroll with "load more" button is used if ( self::$args['load_more'] && self::$args['posts_per_page'] != -1 ) { $html .= sprintf( '<div class="fusion-load-more-button fusion-blog-button fusion-clearfix">%s</div>', apply_filters( 'avada_load_more_posts_name', __( 'Load More Posts', 'fusion-core' ) ) ); } $html .= '</div>'; wp_reset_query(); $this->blog_sc_counter++; return $html; } function attr() { $attr = array(); // Set the correct layout class $blog_layout = ''; if( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $blog_layout = 'fusion-blog-layout-timeline-wrapper'; } elseif ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' ) { $blog_layout = 'fusion-blog-layout-grid-wrapper'; } else { $blog_layout = sprintf( 'fusion-blog-layout-%s', self::$args['layout'] ); } $attr['class'] = sprintf( 'fusion-blog-shortcode fusion-blog-shortcode-%s fusion-blog-archive %s fusion-blog-%s', $this->blog_sc_counter, $blog_layout, self::$args['scrolling'] ); if ( ! self::$args['thumbnail'] ) { $attr['class'] .= ' fusion-blog-no-images'; } if ( self::$args['class'] ) { $attr['class'] .= ' ' . self::$args['class']; } if ( self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing'] == '0' || self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing'] == '0px' ) { $attr['class'] .= ' fusion-no-col-space'; } if ( self::$args['id'] ) { $attr['id'] = self::$args['id']; } return $attr; } function posts_container_attr() { global $post; $attr = array(); $load_more = ''; if ( self::$args['load_more'] ) { $load_more = ' fusion-posts-container-load-more'; } $attr['class'] = sprintf( 'fusion-posts-container fusion-posts-container-%s%s', self::$args['scrolling'], $load_more ); $attr['data-pages'] = $this->query->max_num_pages; if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' ) { $attr['class'] .= sprintf( ' fusion-blog-layout-grid fusion-blog-layout-grid-%s isotope', self::$args['blog_grid_columns'] ); if ( self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing'] || self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing'] === '0' ) { $attr['data-grid-col-space'] = self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing']; } $negative_margin = ( -1 ) * self::$args['blog_grid_column_spacing'] / 2; $attr['style'] = sprintf( 'margin: %spx %spx 0;height:500px;', $negative_margin, $negative_margin ); } return $attr; } function wrap_loop_open() { global $post; $wrapper = $class_timeline_icon = ''; if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $wrapper = sprintf( '<div %s><i %s></i></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-timeline-icon' . $class_timeline_icon ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-icon-bubbles' ) ); $wrapper .= sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-blog-layout-timeline fusion-clearfix' ) ); $wrapper .= '<div class="fusion-timeline-line"></div>'; } echo $wrapper; } // end wrap_loop_open() function wrap_loop_close() { $wrapper = ''; if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { if ( $this->post_count > 1 ) { $wrapper = '</div>'; } $wrapper .= '</div>'; } if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' ) { $wrapper .= '<div class="fusion-clearfix"></div>'; } echo $wrapper; } // end wrap_loop_close() function before_loop() { echo sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'blog-shortcode-loop' ) ) . "\n"; } // end before_loop() function after_loop() { echo '</div>' . "\n"; if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' || self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { echo '</div>' . "\n"; } } // end after_loop() function loop_attr() { global $smof_data; $defaults = array( 'post_id' => '', 'post_count' => '', ); $attr['id'] = 'post-' . $this->post_id; $extra_classes = array(); // On timeline and grid layouts, hide hide the full post item when there is no post content and no post meta data and no featured image if ( ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' || self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) && self::$args['meta_info_combined'] == 0 && self::$args['is_zero_excerpt'] && ! has_post_thumbnail() && ! get_post_meta( $this->post_id, 'pyre_video', true ) ) { $attr['style'] = 'display:none;'; // In any other case, add the correct post class } else { $extra_classes[] = sprintf( 'fusion-post-%s', self::$args['layout'] ); } // Set the correct column class for every post if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { if ( ( $this->post_count % 2 ) > 0 ) { $timeline_align = ' fusion-left-column'; } else { $timeline_align = ' fusion-right-column'; } $extra_classes[] = 'fusion-clearfix' . $timeline_align; } // Set the has-post-thumbnail if a video is used. This is needed if no featured image is present. if ( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'pyre_video', true ) ) { $extra_classes[] = 'has-post-thumbnail'; } $post_class = get_post_class( $extra_classes, $this->post_id ); if ( $post_class && is_array( $post_class ) ) { $classes = implode( ' ', get_post_class( $extra_classes, $this->post_id ) ); $attr['class'] = $classes; } return $attr; } // end loop_attr(); function get_slideshow() { global $smof_data; $html = ''; if ( ! post_password_required( get_the_ID() ) && class_exists( 'Avada_Init' ) ) { $slideshow = array( 'images' => $this->get_post_thumbnails( get_the_ID(), $smof_data['posts_slideshow_number'] ) ); if ( get_post_meta( $this->post_id, 'pyre_video', true) ) { $slideshow['video'] = get_post_meta( $this->post_id, 'pyre_video', true ); } if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'medium' || self::$args['layout'] == 'medium alternate' ) { $slideshow['size'] = 'blog-medium'; } ob_start(); $atts = self::$args; include( locate_template( 'new-slideshow-blog-shortcode.php', false ) ); $post_slideshow_action = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $html .= $post_slideshow_action; } return $html; } function get_post_thumbnails( $post_id, $count = '' ) { global $smof_data; $attachment_ids = array(); if ( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ) ) { $attachment_ids[] = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ); } $i = 2; while ( $i <= $smof_data['posts_slideshow_number'] ) { if ( kd_mfi_get_featured_image_id( 'featured-image-' . $i, 'post' ) ) { $attachment_ids[] = kd_mfi_get_featured_image_id( 'featured-image-' . $i, 'post' ); } $i++; } if ( isset( $count ) && $count >= 1 ) { $attachment_ids = array_slice( $attachment_ids, 0, $count ); } return $attachment_ids; } // end get_post_thumbnails() function loop_header() { $defaults = array( 'title_link' => false, ); $args = wp_parse_args( $this->header, $defaults ); $pre_title_content = $meta_data = $content_sep = $link = ''; if ( self::$args['thumbnail'] && self::$args['layout'] != 'medium-alternate' ) { $pre_title_content = $this->get_slideshow(); } if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'medium-alternate' || self::$args['layout'] == 'large-alternate' ) { $pre_title_content .= sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-date-and-formats' ) ); ob_start(); do_action( 'fusion_blog_shortcode_date_and_format' ); $pre_title_content .= ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); $pre_title_content .= '</div>'; if ( self::$args['thumbnail'] && self::$args['layout'] == 'medium-alternate' ) { $pre_title_content .= $this->get_slideshow(); } if ( self::$args['meta_all'] ) { $meta_data .= avada_render_post_metadata( 'alternate', $this->meta_info_settings ); } } if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' || self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $content_wrapper_styles = ''; if ( self::$args['meta_info_combined'] > 0 && ! self::$args['is_zero_excerpt'] ) { $content_sep = sprintf( '<div %s></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes('fusion-content-sep' ) ); } if ( ! self::$args['meta_info_combined'] && self::$args['is_zero_excerpt'] && ! self::$args['show_title'] ) { $content_wrapper_styles = 'style="display:none;"'; } if ( self::$args['meta_all'] ) { $meta_data .= avada_render_post_metadata( 'grid_timeline', $this->meta_info_settings ); } $pre_title_content .= sprintf( '<div %s%s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-post-content-wrapper' ), $content_wrapper_styles ); } $pre_title_content .= sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-post-content post-content' ) ); if ( self::$args['show_title'] ) { if ( self::$args['title_link'] ) { $link_target = ''; if( fusion_get_page_option( 'link_icon_target', get_the_ID() ) == 'yes' || fusion_get_page_option( 'post_links_target', get_the_ID() ) == 'yes' ) { $link_target = ' target="_blank"'; } $link = sprintf( '<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>', get_permalink(), $link_target, get_the_title() ); } else { $link = get_the_title(); } } if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $pre_title_content .= sprintf( '<div %s></div><div %s></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-timeline-circle' ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-timeline-arrow' ) ); } $html = sprintf( '%s<h2 %s>%s</h2>%s%s', $pre_title_content, FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'blog-shortcode-post-title' ), $link, $meta_data, $content_sep ); echo $html; } // end loop_header() function post_title_attr() { global $smof_data; $attr = array(); if ( $smof_data['disable_date_rich_snippet_pages'] ) { $attr['class'] = 'entry-title'; } return $attr; } // end post_title_attr(); function loop_footer() { if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' || self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { echo '</div>'; if ( self::$args['meta_info_combined'] > 0 ) { $inner_content = $this->read_more(); $inner_content .= $this->grid_timeline_comments(); echo sprintf( '<div class="fusion-meta-info">%s</div>', $inner_content ); } } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="fusion-clearfix"></div>'; if ( self::$args['meta_info_combined'] > 0 && self::$args['layout'] == 'large' || self::$args['meta_info_combined'] > 0 && self::$args['layout'] == 'medium' ) { echo sprintf( '<div class="fusion-meta-info">%s%s</div>', avada_render_post_metadata( 'standard', $this->meta_info_settings ), $this->read_more() ); } if ( self::$args['meta_all'] && self::$args['layout'] == 'large-alternate' || self::$args['meta_all'] && self::$args['layout'] == 'medium-alternate' ) { echo $this->read_more(); } } // end loop_footer() function add_date_box() { global $smof_data; $inner_content = sprintf( '<div %s>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-date-box updated' ) ); $inner_content .= sprintf( '<span %s>%s</span>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-date' ), get_the_time( $smof_data['alternate_date_format_day'] ) ); $inner_content .= sprintf( '<span %s>%s</span>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-month-year' ), get_the_time( $smof_data['alternate_date_format_month_year'] ) ); $inner_content .= '</div>'; echo $inner_content; } // end add_date_box() function add_format_box() { switch( get_post_format() ) { case 'gallery': $format_class = 'images'; break; case 'link': $format_class = 'link'; break; case 'image': $format_class = 'image'; break; case 'quote': $format_class = 'quotes-left'; break; case 'video': $format_class = 'film'; break; case 'audio': $format_class = 'headphones'; break; case 'chat': $format_class = 'bubbles'; break; default: $format_class = 'pen'; break; } $inner_content = sprintf( '<div %s> <i %s></i> </div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-format-box' ), FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-icon-' . $format_class ) ); echo $inner_content; } // end add_format_box() function timeline_date( $date_params ) { global $smof_data; $defaults = array( 'prev_post_month' => null, 'post_month' => null, 'prev_post_year' => null, 'post_year' => null ); $args = wp_parse_args( $date_params, $defaults ); $inner_content = ''; if ( $args['prev_post_month'] != $args['post_month'] || $args['prev_post_year'] != $args['post_year'] ) { if ( $this->post_count > 1 ) { $inner_content = '</div>'; } $inner_content .= sprintf( '<h3 %s>%s</h3>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-timeline-date' ), get_the_date( $smof_data['timeline_date_format'] ) ); $inner_content .= '<div class="fusion-collapse-month">'; } echo $inner_content; } // end timeline_date() function grid_timeline_comments() { if ( self::$args['meta_comments'] ) { $comments_icon = sprintf( '<i %s></i> ', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-icon-bubbles' ) ); if ( ! post_password_required( get_the_ID() ) ) { ob_start(); comments_popup_link( $comments_icon . __( '0', 'fusion-core' ), $comments_icon . __( '1', 'fusion-core' ), $comments_icon . __( '%', 'fusion-core' ) ); $comments = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); } else { $comments = sprintf( '<i class="fusion-icon-bubbles"></i> %s', __( 'Protected', 'fusion-core' ) ); } $inner_content = sprintf( '<div %s>%s</div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( 'fusion-alignright' ), $comments ); return $inner_content; } } // end grid_timeline_comments() function read_more() { if ( self::$args['meta_link'] ) { $inner_content = ''; if ( self::$args['meta_read'] ) { if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'grid' || self::$args['layout'] == 'timeline' ) { $read_more_wrapper_class = 'fusion-alignleft'; } else { $read_more_wrapper_class = 'fusion-alignright'; } $link_target = ''; if( fusion_get_page_option( 'link_icon_target', get_the_ID() ) == 'yes' || fusion_get_page_option( 'post_links_target', get_the_ID() ) == 'yes' ) { $link_target = ' target="_blank"'; } $inner_content .= sprintf( '<div %s><a class="fusion-read-more" href="%s"%s>%s</a></div>', FusionCore_Plugin::attributes( $read_more_wrapper_class ), get_permalink(), $link_target, apply_filters( 'avada_read_more_name', __( 'Read More', 'fusion-core' ) ) ); if ( self::$args['layout'] == 'large-alternate' || self::$args['layout'] == 'medium-alternate' ) { $inner_content = sprintf( '<div class="fusion-meta-info">%s</div>', $inner_content ); } } return $inner_content; } } // end read_more() function loop_content() { $content = fusion_get_post_content( '', self::$args['excerpt'], self::$args['excerpt_words'], self::$args['strip_html'] ); $content = sprintf( '<div class="fusion-post-content-container">%s</div>', $content ); echo $content; } // end loop_content() function page_links() { avada_link_pages(); } // end page_links() } new FusionSC_Blog(); // Add needed action and filter to make sure queries with offset have correct pagination add_action('pre_get_posts', 'fusion_query_offset', 1 ); function fusion_query_offset( &$query ) { // Check if we are in a blog shortcode query and if offset is set if ( isset( $query ) && is_array( $query->query ) && ! array_key_exists( 'blog_sc_query', $query->query ) || ! $query->query['offset'] ) { return; } // The query is paged if ( $query->is_paged ) { // Manually determine page query offset (offset + ( current page - 1 ) x posts per page ) $page_offset = $query->query['offset'] + ( ( $query->query_vars['paged'] - 1 ) * $query->query['posts_per_page'] ); // Apply adjusted page offset $query->set( 'offset', $page_offset ); // This is the first page, so we can just use the offset } else { $query->set( 'offset', $query->query['offset'] ); } } add_filter('found_posts', 'fusion_adjust_offset_pagination', 1, 2 ); function fusion_adjust_offset_pagination( $found_posts, $query ) { // Modification only in a blog shortcode query with set offset if ( array_key_exists( 'blog_sc_query', $query->query ) && $query->query['offset'] ) { //Reduce found_posts count by the offset return $found_posts - $query->query['offset']; } return $found_posts; } // Make sure that the blog pagination also works on front page add_filter( 'redirect_canonical', 'fusion_blog_redirect_canonical' ); function fusion_blog_redirect_canonical( $redirect_url ) { global $wp_rewrite, $wp_query; if ( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) { // Check the query var if ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) { $paged = get_query_var( 'paged' ); // Check query paged } elseif ( ! empty( $wp_query->query['paged'] ) ) { $paged = $wp_query->query['paged']; } else { $paged = 1; } if ( 1 < $paged ) { return false; } } return $redirect_url; }