Direktori : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/envira-gallery-lite/assets/js/ |
Current File : /var/www/html/buggydubrovnik.com/wp-content/plugins/envira-gallery-lite/assets/js/media-manage.js |
/** * Handles: * - Selection and deselection of media in an Envira Gallery * - Toggling edit / delete button states when media is selected / deselected, * - Toggling the media list / grid view * - Storing the user's preferences for the list / grid view */ // Setup some vars var envira_gallery_output = '#envira-gallery-output', envira_gallery_shift_key_pressed = false, envira_gallery_last_selected_image = false; jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { // Toggle List / Grid View $( document ).on( 'click', 'nav.envira-tab-options a', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Get the view the user has chosen var envira_tab_nav = $( this ).closest( '.envira-tab-options' ), envira_tab_view = $( this ).data( 'view' ), envira_tab_view_style = $( this ).data( 'view-style' ); // If this view style is already displayed, don't do anything if ( $( envira_tab_view ).hasClass( envira_tab_view_style ) ) { return; } // Update the view class $( envira_tab_view ).removeClass( 'list' ).removeClass( 'grid' ).addClass( envira_tab_view_style ); // Mark the current view icon as selected $( 'a', envira_tab_nav ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $( this ).addClass( 'selected' ); // Send an AJAX request to store this user's preference for the view // This means when they add or edit any other Gallery, the image view will default to this setting $.ajax( { url: envira_gallery_metabox.ajax, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'envira_gallery_set_user_setting', name: 'envira_gallery_image_view', value: envira_tab_view_style, nonce: envira_gallery_metabox.set_user_setting_nonce }, success: function( response ) { }, error: function( xhr, textStatus, e ) { // Inject the error message into the tab settings area $( envira_gallery_output ).before( '<div class="error"><p>' + textStatus.responseText + '</p></div>' ); } } ); } ); // Toggle Select All / Deselect All $( document ).on( 'change', 'nav.envira-tab-options input', function( e ) { if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) { $( 'li', $( envira_gallery_output ) ).addClass( 'selected' ); $( 'nav.envira-select-options' ).fadeIn(); } else { $( 'li', $( envira_gallery_output ) ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $( 'nav.envira-select-options' ).fadeOut(); } } ); // Enable sortable functionality on images envira_gallery_sortable( $ ); // When the Gallery Type is changed, reinitialise the sortable $( document ).on( 'enviraGalleryType', function() { if ( $( envira_gallery_output ).length > 0 ) { // Re-enable sortable functionality on images, now we're viewing the default gallery type envira_gallery_sortable( $ ); } } ); // Select / deselect images $( document ).on( 'click', 'ul#envira-gallery-output li.envira-gallery-image > img, li.envira-gallery-image > div, li.envira-gallery-image > a.check', function( e ) { // Prevent default action e.preventDefault(); // Get the selected gallery item var gallery_item = $( this ).parent(); if ( $( gallery_item ).hasClass( 'selected' ) ) { $( gallery_item ).removeClass( 'selected' ); envira_gallery_last_selected_image = false; } else { // If the shift key is being held down, and there's another image selected, select every image between this clicked image // and the other selected image if ( envira_gallery_shift_key_pressed && envira_gallery_last_selected_image !== false ) { // Get index of the selected image and the last image var start_index = $( 'ul#envira-gallery-output li' ).index( $( envira_gallery_last_selected_image ) ), end_index = $( 'ul#envira-gallery-output li' ).index( $( gallery_item ) ), i = 0; // Select images within the range if ( start_index < end_index ) { for ( i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++ ) { $( 'ul#envira-gallery-output li:eq( ' + i + ')' ).addClass( 'selected' ); } } else { for ( i = end_index; i <= start_index; i++ ) { $( 'ul#envira-gallery-output li:eq( ' + i + ')' ).addClass( 'selected' ); } } } // Select the clicked image $( gallery_item ).addClass( 'selected' ); envira_gallery_last_selected_image = $( gallery_item ); } // Show/hide buttons depending on whether // any galleries have been selected if ( $( 'ul#envira-gallery-output > li.selected' ).length > 0 ) { $( 'nav.envira-select-options' ).fadeIn(); } else { $( 'nav.envira-select-options' ).fadeOut(); } } ); // Determine whether the shift key is pressed or not $( document ).on( 'keyup keydown', function( e ) { envira_gallery_shift_key_pressed = e.shiftKey; } ); } ); /** * Enables sortable functionality on a grid of Envira Gallery Images * * @since 1.5.0 */ function envira_gallery_sortable( $ ) { // Add sortable support to Envira Gallery Media items $( envira_gallery_output ).sortable( { containment: envira_gallery_output, items: 'li', cursor: 'move', forcePlaceholderSize: true, placeholder: 'dropzone', helper: function( e, item ) { // Basically, if you grab an unhighlighted item to drag, it will deselect (unhighlight) everything else if ( ! item.hasClass( 'selected' ) ) { item.addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } // Clone the selected items into an array var elements = item.parent().children( '.selected' ).clone(); // Add a property to `item` called 'multidrag` that contains the // selected items, then remove the selected items from the source list item.data( 'multidrag', elements ).siblings( '.selected' ).remove(); // Now the selected items exist in memory, attached to the `item`, // so we can access them later when we get to the `stop()` callback // Create the helper var helper = $( '<li/>' ); return helper.append( elements ); }, stop: function( e, ui ) { // Remove the helper so we just display the sorted items var elements = ui.item.data( 'multidrag' ); ui.item.after(elements).remove(); // Remove the selected class from everything $( 'li.selected', $( envira_gallery_output ) ).removeClass( 'selected' ); // Send AJAX request to store the new sort order $.ajax( { url: envira_gallery_metabox.ajax, type: 'post', async: true, cache: false, dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'envira_gallery_sort_images', order: $( envira_gallery_output ).sortable( 'toArray' ).toString(), post_id: envira_gallery_metabox.id, nonce: envira_gallery_metabox.sort }, success: function( response ) { // Repopulate the Envira Gallery Backbone Image Collection EnviraGalleryImagesUpdate( false ); return; }, error: function( xhr, textStatus, e ) { // Inject the error message into the tab settings area $( envira_gallery_output ).before( '<div class="error"><p>' + textStatus.responseText + '</p></div>' ); } } ); } } ); }