Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/server/ |
Current File : //var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/server/render.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.renderToHTML = renderToHTML; var _react = _interopRequireDefault(require("react")); var _styledJsx = require("styled-jsx"); var _constants = require("../lib/constants"); var _constants1 = require("../shared/lib/constants"); var _isSerializableProps = require("../lib/is-serializable-props"); var _ampMode = require("../shared/lib/amp-mode"); var _ampContext = require("../shared/lib/amp-context"); var _head = require("../shared/lib/head"); var _headManagerContext = require("../shared/lib/head-manager-context"); var _loadable = _interopRequireDefault(require("../shared/lib/loadable")); var _loadableContext = require("../shared/lib/loadable-context"); var _routerContext = require("../shared/lib/router-context"); var _isDynamic = require("../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic"); var _utils = require("../shared/lib/utils"); var _htmlContext = require("../shared/lib/html-context"); var _normalizePagePath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path"); var _denormalizePagePath = require("../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path"); var _requestMeta = require("./request-meta"); var _redirectStatus = require("../lib/redirect-status"); var _renderResult = _interopRequireDefault(require("./render-result")); var _isError = _interopRequireDefault(require("../lib/is-error")); var _nodeWebStreamsHelper = require("./node-web-streams-helper"); var _imageConfigContext = require("../shared/lib/image-config-context"); var _stripAnsi = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/strip-ansi")); var _utils1 = require("./utils"); var _internalUtils = require("./internal-utils"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } let tryGetPreviewData; let warn; let postProcessHTML; const DOCTYPE = "<!DOCTYPE html>"; const ReactDOMServer = _utils1.shouldUseReactRoot ? require("react-dom/server.browser") : require("react-dom/server"); if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") { require("./node-polyfill-web-streams"); tryGetPreviewData = require("./api-utils/node").tryGetPreviewData; warn = require("../build/output/log").warn; postProcessHTML = require("./post-process").postProcessHTML; } else { warn = console.warn.bind(console); postProcessHTML = async (_pathname, html)=>html; } function noRouter() { const message = 'No router instance found. you should only use "next/router" inside the client side of your app. https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-router-instance'; throw new Error(message); } class ServerRouter { constructor(pathname, query, as, { isFallback }, isReady, basePath, locale, locales, defaultLocale, domainLocales, isPreview, isLocaleDomain){ this.route = pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") || "/"; this.pathname = pathname; this.query = query; this.asPath = as; this.isFallback = isFallback; this.basePath = basePath; this.locale = locale; this.locales = locales; this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale; this.isReady = isReady; this.domainLocales = domainLocales; this.isPreview = !!isPreview; this.isLocaleDomain = !!isLocaleDomain; } push() { noRouter(); } replace() { noRouter(); } reload() { noRouter(); } back() { noRouter(); } prefetch() { noRouter(); } beforePopState() { noRouter(); } } function enhanceComponents(options, App, Component) { // For backwards compatibility if (typeof options === "function") { return { App, Component: options(Component) }; } return { App: options.enhanceApp ? options.enhanceApp(App) : App, Component: options.enhanceComponent ? options.enhanceComponent(Component) : Component }; } function renderPageTree(App, Component, props) { return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(App, Object.assign({ Component: Component }, props)); } const invalidKeysMsg = (methodName, invalidKeys)=>{ const docsPathname = `invalid-${methodName.toLocaleLowerCase()}-value`; return `Additional keys were returned from \`${methodName}\`. Properties intended for your component must be nested under the \`props\` key, e.g.:` + `\n\n\treturn { props: { title: 'My Title', content: '...' } }` + `\n\nKeys that need to be moved: ${invalidKeys.join(", ")}.` + `\nRead more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/${docsPathname}`; }; function checkRedirectValues(redirect, req, method) { const { destination , permanent , statusCode , basePath } = redirect; let errors = []; const hasStatusCode = typeof statusCode !== "undefined"; const hasPermanent = typeof permanent !== "undefined"; if (hasPermanent && hasStatusCode) { errors.push(`\`permanent\` and \`statusCode\` can not both be provided`); } else if (hasPermanent && typeof permanent !== "boolean") { errors.push(`\`permanent\` must be \`true\` or \`false\``); } else if (hasStatusCode && !_redirectStatus.allowedStatusCodes.has(statusCode)) { errors.push(`\`statusCode\` must undefined or one of ${[ ..._redirectStatus.allowedStatusCodes ].join(", ")}`); } const destinationType = typeof destination; if (destinationType !== "string") { errors.push(`\`destination\` should be string but received ${destinationType}`); } const basePathType = typeof basePath; if (basePathType !== "undefined" && basePathType !== "boolean") { errors.push(`\`basePath\` should be undefined or a false, received ${basePathType}`); } if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid redirect object returned from ${method} for ${req.url}\n` + errors.join(" and ") + "\n" + `See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/invalid-redirect-gssp`); } } function errorToJSON(err) { let source = "server"; if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") { source = require("next/dist/compiled/@next/react-dev-overlay/dist/middleware").getErrorSource(err) || "server"; } return { name: err.name, source, message: (0, _stripAnsi).default(err.message), stack: err.stack }; } function serializeError(dev, err) { if (dev) { return errorToJSON(err); } return { name: "Internal Server Error.", message: "500 - Internal Server Error.", statusCode: 500 }; } async function renderToHTML(req, res, pathname, query, renderOpts) { var ref, ref1; // In dev we invalidate the cache by appending a timestamp to the resource URL. // This is a workaround to fix https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/5860 // TODO: remove this workaround when https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=187726 is fixed. renderOpts.devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString = renderOpts.dev ? renderOpts.devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString || `?ts=${Date.now()}` : ""; // don't modify original query object query = Object.assign({}, query); const { err , dev =false , ampPath ="" , pageConfig ={} , buildManifest , reactLoadableManifest , ErrorDebug , getStaticProps , getStaticPaths , getServerSideProps , isDataReq , params , previewProps , basePath , devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString , supportsDynamicHTML , images , runtime: globalRuntime , App , } = renderOpts; let Document = renderOpts.Document; // Component will be wrapped by ServerComponentWrapper for RSC let Component = renderOpts.Component; const OriginComponent = Component; let serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream = null; const isFallback = !!query.__nextFallback; const notFoundSrcPage = query.__nextNotFoundSrcPage; // next internal queries should be stripped out (0, _internalUtils).stripInternalQueries(query); const callMiddleware = async (method, args, props = false)=>{ let results = props ? {} : []; if (Document[`${method}Middleware`]) { let middlewareFunc = await Document[`${method}Middleware`]; middlewareFunc = middlewareFunc.default || middlewareFunc; const curResults = await middlewareFunc(...args); if (props) { for (const result of curResults){ results = { ...results, ...result }; } } else { results = curResults; } } return results; }; const headTags = (...args)=>callMiddleware("headTags", args); const isSSG = !!getStaticProps; const isBuildTimeSSG = isSSG && renderOpts.nextExport; const defaultAppGetInitialProps = App.getInitialProps === App.origGetInitialProps; const hasPageGetInitialProps = !!((ref = Component) == null ? void 0 : ref.getInitialProps); const hasPageScripts = (ref1 = Component) == null ? void 0 : ref1.unstable_scriptLoader; const pageIsDynamic = (0, _isDynamic).isDynamicRoute(pathname); const defaultErrorGetInitialProps = pathname === "/_error" && Component.getInitialProps === Component.origGetInitialProps; if (renderOpts.nextExport && hasPageGetInitialProps && !defaultErrorGetInitialProps) { warn(`Detected getInitialProps on page '${pathname}'` + `while running "next export". It's recommended to use getStaticProps` + `which has a more correct behavior for static exporting.` + `\nRead more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/get-initial-props-export`); } const isAutoExport = !hasPageGetInitialProps && defaultAppGetInitialProps && !isSSG && !getServerSideProps; if (hasPageGetInitialProps && isSSG) { throw new Error(_constants.SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT + ` ${pathname}`); } if (hasPageGetInitialProps && getServerSideProps) { throw new Error(_constants.SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT + ` ${pathname}`); } if (getServerSideProps && isSSG) { throw new Error(_constants.SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT + ` ${pathname}`); } if (getStaticPaths && !pageIsDynamic) { throw new Error(`getStaticPaths is only allowed for dynamic SSG pages and was found on '${pathname}'.` + `\nRead more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/non-dynamic-getstaticpaths-usage`); } if (!!getStaticPaths && !isSSG) { throw new Error(`getStaticPaths was added without a getStaticProps in ${pathname}. Without getStaticProps, getStaticPaths does nothing`); } if (isSSG && pageIsDynamic && !getStaticPaths) { throw new Error(`getStaticPaths is required for dynamic SSG pages and is missing for '${pathname}'.` + `\nRead more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/invalid-getstaticpaths-value`); } let asPath = renderOpts.resolvedAsPath || req.url; if (dev) { const { isValidElementType } = require("next/dist/compiled/react-is"); if (!isValidElementType(Component)) { throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"`); } if (!isValidElementType(App)) { throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "/_app"`); } if (!isValidElementType(Document)) { throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "/_document"`); } if (isAutoExport || isFallback) { // remove query values except ones that will be set during export query = { ...query.amp ? { amp: query.amp } : {} }; asPath = `${pathname}${// ensure trailing slash is present for non-dynamic auto-export pages req.url.endsWith("/") && pathname !== "/" && !pageIsDynamic ? "/" : ""}`; req.url = pathname; } if (pathname === "/404" && (hasPageGetInitialProps || getServerSideProps)) { throw new Error(`\`pages/404\` ${_constants.STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR}`); } if (_constants1.STATIC_STATUS_PAGES.includes(pathname) && (hasPageGetInitialProps || getServerSideProps)) { throw new Error(`\`pages${pathname}\` ${_constants.STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR}`); } } for (const methodName of [ "getStaticProps", "getServerSideProps", "getStaticPaths", ]){ var ref2; if ((ref2 = Component) == null ? void 0 : ref2[methodName]) { throw new Error(`page ${pathname} ${methodName} ${_constants.GSSP_COMPONENT_MEMBER_ERROR}`); } } await _loadable.default.preloadAll() // Make sure all dynamic imports are loaded ; let isPreview; let previewData; if ((isSSG || getServerSideProps) && !isFallback && process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge") { // Reads of this are cached on the `req` object, so this should resolve // instantly. There's no need to pass this data down from a previous // invoke, where we'd have to consider server & serverless. previewData = tryGetPreviewData(req, res, previewProps); isPreview = previewData !== false; } // url will always be set const routerIsReady = !!(getServerSideProps || hasPageGetInitialProps || !defaultAppGetInitialProps && !isSSG); const router = new ServerRouter(pathname, query, asPath, { isFallback: isFallback }, routerIsReady, basePath, renderOpts.locale, renderOpts.locales, renderOpts.defaultLocale, renderOpts.domainLocales, isPreview, (0, _requestMeta).getRequestMeta(req, "__nextIsLocaleDomain")); let scriptLoader = {}; const jsxStyleRegistry = (0, _styledJsx).createStyleRegistry(); const ampState = { ampFirst: pageConfig.amp === true, hasQuery: Boolean(query.amp), hybrid: pageConfig.amp === "hybrid" }; // Disable AMP under the web environment const inAmpMode = process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME !== "edge" && (0, _ampMode).isInAmpMode(ampState); let head = (0, _head).defaultHead(inAmpMode); const reactLoadableModules = []; let initialScripts = {}; if (hasPageScripts) { initialScripts.beforeInteractive = [].concat(hasPageScripts()).filter((script)=>script.props.strategy === "beforeInteractive").map((script)=>script.props); } const AppContainer = ({ children })=>/*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_routerContext.RouterContext.Provider, { value: router }, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_ampContext.AmpStateContext.Provider, { value: ampState }, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_headManagerContext.HeadManagerContext.Provider, { value: { updateHead: (state)=>{ head = state; }, updateScripts: (scripts)=>{ scriptLoader = scripts; }, scripts: initialScripts, mountedInstances: new Set() } }, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_loadableContext.LoadableContext.Provider, { value: (moduleName)=>reactLoadableModules.push(moduleName) }, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_styledJsx.StyleRegistry, { registry: jsxStyleRegistry }, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_imageConfigContext.ImageConfigContext.Provider, { value: images }, children)))))); // The `useId` API uses the path indexes to generate an ID for each node. // To guarantee the match of hydration, we need to ensure that the structure // of wrapper nodes is isomorphic in server and client. // TODO: With `enhanceApp` and `enhanceComponents` options, this approach may // not be useful. // https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/22644 const Noop = ()=>null; const AppContainerWithIsomorphicFiberStructure = ({ children })=>{ return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_react.default.Fragment, null, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Noop, null), /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(AppContainer, null, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_react.default.Fragment, null, dev ? /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_react.default.Fragment, null, children, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Noop, null)) : children, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Noop, null)))); }; const ctx = { err, req: isAutoExport ? undefined : req, res: isAutoExport ? undefined : res, pathname, query, asPath, locale: renderOpts.locale, locales: renderOpts.locales, defaultLocale: renderOpts.defaultLocale, AppTree: (props)=>{ return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(AppContainerWithIsomorphicFiberStructure, null, renderPageTree(App, OriginComponent, { ...props, router })); }, defaultGetInitialProps: async (docCtx, options = {})=>{ const enhanceApp = (AppComp)=>{ return (props)=>/*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(AppComp, Object.assign({}, props)); }; const { html , head: renderPageHead } = await docCtx.renderPage({ enhanceApp }); const styles = jsxStyleRegistry.styles({ nonce: options.nonce }); jsxStyleRegistry.flush(); return { html, head: renderPageHead, styles }; } }; let props1; const nextExport = !isSSG && (renderOpts.nextExport || dev && (isAutoExport || isFallback)); const styledJsxFlushEffect = ()=>{ const styles = jsxStyleRegistry.styles(); jsxStyleRegistry.flush(); return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_react.default.Fragment, null, styles); }; props1 = await (0, _utils).loadGetInitialProps(App, { AppTree: ctx.AppTree, Component, router, ctx }); if ((isSSG || getServerSideProps) && isPreview) { props1.__N_PREVIEW = true; } if (isSSG) { props1[_constants1.STATIC_PROPS_ID] = true; } if (isSSG && !isFallback) { let data; try { data = await getStaticProps({ ...pageIsDynamic ? { params: query } : undefined, ...isPreview ? { preview: true, previewData: previewData } : undefined, locales: renderOpts.locales, locale: renderOpts.locale, defaultLocale: renderOpts.defaultLocale }); } catch (staticPropsError) { // remove not found error code to prevent triggering legacy // 404 rendering if (staticPropsError && staticPropsError.code === "ENOENT") { delete staticPropsError.code; } throw staticPropsError; } if (data == null) { throw new Error(_constants.GSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE); } const invalidKeys = Object.keys(data).filter((key)=>key !== "revalidate" && key !== "props" && key !== "redirect" && key !== "notFound"); if (invalidKeys.includes("unstable_revalidate")) { throw new Error(_constants.UNSTABLE_REVALIDATE_RENAME_ERROR); } if (invalidKeys.length) { throw new Error(invalidKeysMsg("getStaticProps", invalidKeys)); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (typeof data.notFound !== "undefined" && typeof data.redirect !== "undefined") { throw new Error(`\`redirect\` and \`notFound\` can not both be returned from ${isSSG ? "getStaticProps" : "getServerSideProps"} at the same time. Page: ${pathname}\nSee more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/gssp-mixed-not-found-redirect`); } } if ("notFound" in data && data.notFound) { if (pathname === "/404") { throw new Error(`The /404 page can not return notFound in "getStaticProps", please remove it to continue!`); } renderOpts.isNotFound = true; } if ("redirect" in data && data.redirect && typeof data.redirect === "object") { checkRedirectValues(data.redirect, req, "getStaticProps"); if (isBuildTimeSSG) { throw new Error(`\`redirect\` can not be returned from getStaticProps during prerendering (${req.url})\n` + `See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/gsp-redirect-during-prerender`); } data.props = { __N_REDIRECT: data.redirect.destination, __N_REDIRECT_STATUS: (0, _redirectStatus).getRedirectStatus(data.redirect) }; if (typeof data.redirect.basePath !== "undefined") { data.props.__N_REDIRECT_BASE_PATH = data.redirect.basePath; } renderOpts.isRedirect = true; } if ((dev || isBuildTimeSSG) && !renderOpts.isNotFound && !(0, _isSerializableProps).isSerializableProps(pathname, "getStaticProps", data.props)) { // this fn should throw an error instead of ever returning `false` throw new Error("invariant: getStaticProps did not return valid props. Please report this."); } if ("revalidate" in data) { if (typeof data.revalidate === "number") { if (!Number.isInteger(data.revalidate)) { throw new Error(`A page's revalidate option must be seconds expressed as a natural number for ${req.url}. Mixed numbers, such as '${data.revalidate}', cannot be used.` + `\nTry changing the value to '${Math.ceil(data.revalidate)}' or using \`Math.ceil()\` if you're computing the value.`); } else if (data.revalidate <= 0) { throw new Error(`A page's revalidate option can not be less than or equal to zero for ${req.url}. A revalidate option of zero means to revalidate after _every_ request, and implies stale data cannot be tolerated.` + `\n\nTo never revalidate, you can set revalidate to \`false\` (only ran once at build-time).` + `\nTo revalidate as soon as possible, you can set the value to \`1\`.`); } else if (data.revalidate > 31536000) { // if it's greater than a year for some reason error console.warn(`Warning: A page's revalidate option was set to more than a year for ${req.url}. This may have been done in error.` + `\nTo only run getStaticProps at build-time and not revalidate at runtime, you can set \`revalidate\` to \`false\`!`); } } else if (data.revalidate === true) { // When enabled, revalidate after 1 second. This value is optimal for // the most up-to-date page possible, but without a 1-to-1 // request-refresh ratio. data.revalidate = 1; } else if (data.revalidate === false || typeof data.revalidate === "undefined") { // By default, we never revalidate. data.revalidate = false; } else { throw new Error(`A page's revalidate option must be seconds expressed as a natural number. Mixed numbers and strings cannot be used. Received '${JSON.stringify(data.revalidate)}' for ${req.url}`); } } else { data.revalidate = false; } props1.pageProps = Object.assign({}, props1.pageProps, "props" in data ? data.props : undefined); renderOpts.revalidate = "revalidate" in data ? data.revalidate : undefined; renderOpts.pageData = props1; // this must come after revalidate is added to renderOpts if (renderOpts.isNotFound) { return null; } } if (getServerSideProps) { props1[_constants1.SERVER_PROPS_ID] = true; } if (getServerSideProps && !isFallback) { let data; let canAccessRes = true; let resOrProxy = res; let deferredContent = false; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { resOrProxy = new Proxy(res, { get: function(obj, prop, receiver) { if (!canAccessRes) { const message = `You should not access 'res' after getServerSideProps resolves.` + `\nRead more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/gssp-no-mutating-res`; if (deferredContent) { throw new Error(message); } else { warn(message); } } const value = Reflect.get(obj, prop, receiver); // since ServerResponse uses internal fields which // proxy can't map correctly we need to ensure functions // are bound correctly while being proxied if (typeof value === "function") { return value.bind(obj); } return value; } }); } try { data = await getServerSideProps({ req: req, res: resOrProxy, query, resolvedUrl: renderOpts.resolvedUrl, ...pageIsDynamic ? { params: params } : undefined, ...previewData !== false ? { preview: true, previewData: previewData } : undefined, locales: renderOpts.locales, locale: renderOpts.locale, defaultLocale: renderOpts.defaultLocale }); canAccessRes = false; } catch (serverSidePropsError) { // remove not found error code to prevent triggering legacy // 404 rendering if ((0, _isError).default(serverSidePropsError) && serverSidePropsError.code === "ENOENT") { delete serverSidePropsError.code; } throw serverSidePropsError; } if (data == null) { throw new Error(_constants.GSSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE); } if (data.props instanceof Promise) { deferredContent = true; } const invalidKeys = Object.keys(data).filter((key)=>key !== "props" && key !== "redirect" && key !== "notFound"); if (data.unstable_notFound) { throw new Error(`unstable_notFound has been renamed to notFound, please update the field to continue. Page: ${pathname}`); } if (data.unstable_redirect) { throw new Error(`unstable_redirect has been renamed to redirect, please update the field to continue. Page: ${pathname}`); } if (invalidKeys.length) { throw new Error(invalidKeysMsg("getServerSideProps", invalidKeys)); } if ("notFound" in data && data.notFound) { if (pathname === "/404") { throw new Error(`The /404 page can not return notFound in "getStaticProps", please remove it to continue!`); } renderOpts.isNotFound = true; return null; } if ("redirect" in data && typeof data.redirect === "object") { checkRedirectValues(data.redirect, req, "getServerSideProps"); data.props = { __N_REDIRECT: data.redirect.destination, __N_REDIRECT_STATUS: (0, _redirectStatus).getRedirectStatus(data.redirect) }; if (typeof data.redirect.basePath !== "undefined") { data.props.__N_REDIRECT_BASE_PATH = data.redirect.basePath; } renderOpts.isRedirect = true; } if (deferredContent) { data.props = await data.props; } if ((dev || isBuildTimeSSG) && !(0, _isSerializableProps).isSerializableProps(pathname, "getServerSideProps", data.props)) { // this fn should throw an error instead of ever returning `false` throw new Error("invariant: getServerSideProps did not return valid props. Please report this."); } props1.pageProps = Object.assign({}, props1.pageProps, data.props); renderOpts.pageData = props1; } if (!isSSG && !getServerSideProps && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Object.keys((props1 == null ? void 0 : props1.pageProps) || {}).includes("url")) { console.warn(`The prop \`url\` is a reserved prop in Next.js for legacy reasons and will be overridden on page ${pathname}\n` + `See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/reserved-page-prop`); } // Avoid rendering page un-necessarily for getServerSideProps data request // and getServerSideProps/getStaticProps redirects if (isDataReq && !isSSG || renderOpts.isRedirect) { return _renderResult.default.fromStatic(JSON.stringify(props1)); } // We don't call getStaticProps or getServerSideProps while generating // the fallback so make sure to set pageProps to an empty object if (isFallback) { props1.pageProps = {}; } // the response might be finished on the getInitialProps call if ((0, _utils).isResSent(res) && !isSSG) return null; // we preload the buildManifest for auto-export dynamic pages // to speed up hydrating query values let filteredBuildManifest = buildManifest; if (isAutoExport && pageIsDynamic) { const page = (0, _denormalizePagePath).denormalizePagePath((0, _normalizePagePath).normalizePagePath(pathname)); // This code would be much cleaner using `immer` and directly pushing into // the result from `getPageFiles`, we could maybe consider that in the // future. if (page in filteredBuildManifest.pages) { filteredBuildManifest = { ...filteredBuildManifest, pages: { ...filteredBuildManifest.pages, [page]: [ ...filteredBuildManifest.pages[page], ...filteredBuildManifest.lowPriorityFiles.filter((f)=>f.includes("_buildManifest")), ] }, lowPriorityFiles: filteredBuildManifest.lowPriorityFiles.filter((f)=>!f.includes("_buildManifest")) }; } } const Body = ({ children })=>{ return inAmpMode ? children : /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement("div", { id: "__next" }, children); }; /** * Rules of Static & Dynamic HTML: * * 1.) We must generate static HTML unless the caller explicitly opts * in to dynamic HTML support. * * 2.) If dynamic HTML support is requested, we must honor that request * or throw an error. It is the sole responsibility of the caller to * ensure they aren't e.g. requesting dynamic HTML for an AMP page. * * These rules help ensure that other existing features like request caching, * coalescing, and ISR continue working as intended. */ const generateStaticHTML = supportsDynamicHTML !== true; const renderDocument = async ()=>{ // For `Document`, there are two cases that we don't support: // 1. Using `Document.getInitialProps` in the Edge runtime. // 2. Using the class component `Document` with concurrent features. const BuiltinFunctionalDocument = Document[_constants1.NEXT_BUILTIN_DOCUMENT]; if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge" && Document.getInitialProps) { // In the Edge runtime, `Document.getInitialProps` isn't supported. // We throw an error here if it's customized. if (!BuiltinFunctionalDocument) { throw new Error("`getInitialProps` in Document component is not supported with the Edge Runtime."); } } if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge" && Document.getInitialProps) { if (BuiltinFunctionalDocument) { Document = BuiltinFunctionalDocument; } else { throw new Error("`getInitialProps` in Document component is not supported with React Server Components."); } } async function loadDocumentInitialProps(renderShell) { const renderPage = (options = {})=>{ if (ctx.err && ErrorDebug) { // Always start rendering the shell even if there's an error. if (renderShell) { renderShell(App, Component); } const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(/*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Body, null, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(ErrorDebug, { error: ctx.err }))); return { html, head }; } if (dev && (props1.router || props1.Component)) { throw new Error(`'router' and 'Component' can not be returned in getInitialProps from _app.js https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/cant-override-next-props`); } const { App: EnhancedApp , Component: EnhancedComponent } = enhanceComponents(options, App, Component); if (renderShell) { return renderShell(EnhancedApp, EnhancedComponent).then(async (stream)=>{ const forwardStream = (0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).readableStreamTee(stream)[1]; const html = await (0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).streamToString(forwardStream); return { html, head }; }); } const html1 = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(/*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Body, null, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(AppContainerWithIsomorphicFiberStructure, null, renderPageTree(EnhancedApp, EnhancedComponent, { ...props1, router })))); return { html: html1, head }; }; const documentCtx = { ...ctx, renderPage }; const docProps = await (0, _utils).loadGetInitialProps(Document, documentCtx); // the response might be finished on the getInitialProps call if ((0, _utils).isResSent(res) && !isSSG) return null; if (!docProps || typeof docProps.html !== "string") { const message = `"${(0, _utils).getDisplayName(Document)}.getInitialProps()" should resolve to an object with a "html" prop set with a valid html string`; throw new Error(message); } return { docProps, documentCtx }; } const renderContent = (_App, _Component)=>{ const EnhancedApp = _App || App; const EnhancedComponent = _Component || Component; return ctx.err && ErrorDebug ? /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Body, null, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(ErrorDebug, { error: ctx.err })) : /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Body, null, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(AppContainerWithIsomorphicFiberStructure, null, renderPageTree(EnhancedApp, EnhancedComponent, { ...props1, router }))); }; if (!process.env.__NEXT_REACT_ROOT) { // Enabling react legacy rendering mode: __NEXT_REACT_ROOT = false if (Document.getInitialProps) { const documentInitialProps = await loadDocumentInitialProps(); if (documentInitialProps === null) return null; const { docProps , documentCtx } = documentInitialProps; return { bodyResult: (suffix)=>(0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).streamFromArray([ docProps.html, suffix ]), documentElement: (htmlProps)=>/*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Document, Object.assign({}, htmlProps, docProps)), head: docProps.head, headTags: await headTags(documentCtx), styles: docProps.styles }; } else { const content = renderContent(App, Component); // for non-concurrent rendering we need to ensure App is rendered // before _document so that updateHead is called/collected before // rendering _document's head const result = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(content); const bodyResult = (suffix)=>(0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).streamFromArray([ result, suffix ]); const styles = jsxStyleRegistry.styles(); jsxStyleRegistry.flush(); return { bodyResult, documentElement: ()=>Document(), head, headTags: [], styles }; } } else { // Enabling react concurrent rendering mode: __NEXT_REACT_ROOT = true const renderShell = async (EnhancedApp, EnhancedComponent)=>{ const content = renderContent(EnhancedApp, EnhancedComponent); return await (0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).renderToInitialStream({ ReactDOMServer, element: content }); }; const createBodyResult = (initialStream, suffix)=>{ // this must be called inside bodyResult so appWrappers is // up to date when `wrapApp` is called const flushEffectHandler = ()=>{ const flushed = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(styledJsxFlushEffect()); return flushed; }; return (0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).continueFromInitialStream(initialStream, { suffix, dataStream: serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream == null ? void 0 : serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream.readable, generateStaticHTML, flushEffectHandler, flushEffectsToHead: false }); }; const hasDocumentGetInitialProps = !(process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge" || !Document.getInitialProps); let bodyResult; // If it has getInitialProps, we will render the shell in `renderPage`. // Otherwise we do it right now. let documentInitialPropsRes; if (hasDocumentGetInitialProps) { documentInitialPropsRes = await loadDocumentInitialProps(renderShell); if (documentInitialPropsRes === null) return null; const { docProps } = documentInitialPropsRes; // includes suffix in initial html stream bodyResult = (suffix)=>createBodyResult((0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).streamFromArray([ docProps.html, suffix ])); } else { const stream = await renderShell(App, Component); bodyResult = (suffix)=>createBodyResult(stream, suffix); documentInitialPropsRes = {}; } const { docProps } = documentInitialPropsRes || {}; const documentElement = (htmlProps)=>{ if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "edge") { return Document(); } else { return /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(Document, Object.assign({}, htmlProps, docProps)); } }; let styles; if (hasDocumentGetInitialProps) { styles = docProps.styles; head = docProps.head; } else { styles = jsxStyleRegistry.styles(); jsxStyleRegistry.flush(); } return { bodyResult, documentElement, head, headTags: [], styles }; } }; const documentResult = await renderDocument(); if (!documentResult) { return null; } const dynamicImportsIds = new Set(); const dynamicImports = new Set(); for (const mod of reactLoadableModules){ const manifestItem = reactLoadableManifest[mod]; if (manifestItem) { dynamicImportsIds.add(manifestItem.id); manifestItem.files.forEach((item)=>{ dynamicImports.add(item); }); } } const hybridAmp = ampState.hybrid; const docComponentsRendered = {}; const { assetPrefix , buildId , customServer , defaultLocale , disableOptimizedLoading , domainLocales , locale , locales , runtimeConfig , } = renderOpts; const htmlProps1 = { __NEXT_DATA__: { props: props1, page: pathname, query, buildId, assetPrefix: assetPrefix === "" ? undefined : assetPrefix, runtimeConfig, nextExport: nextExport === true ? true : undefined, autoExport: isAutoExport === true ? true : undefined, isFallback, dynamicIds: dynamicImportsIds.size === 0 ? undefined : Array.from(dynamicImportsIds), err: renderOpts.err ? serializeError(dev, renderOpts.err) : undefined, gsp: !!getStaticProps ? true : undefined, gssp: !!getServerSideProps ? true : undefined, customServer, gip: hasPageGetInitialProps ? true : undefined, appGip: !defaultAppGetInitialProps ? true : undefined, locale, locales, defaultLocale, domainLocales, isPreview: isPreview === true ? true : undefined, notFoundSrcPage: notFoundSrcPage && dev ? notFoundSrcPage : undefined }, buildManifest: filteredBuildManifest, docComponentsRendered, dangerousAsPath: router.asPath, canonicalBase: !renderOpts.ampPath && (0, _requestMeta).getRequestMeta(req, "__nextStrippedLocale") ? `${renderOpts.canonicalBase || ""}/${renderOpts.locale}` : renderOpts.canonicalBase, ampPath, inAmpMode, isDevelopment: !!dev, hybridAmp, dynamicImports: Array.from(dynamicImports), assetPrefix, // Only enabled in production as development mode has features relying on HMR (style injection for example) unstable_runtimeJS: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? pageConfig.unstable_runtimeJS : undefined, unstable_JsPreload: pageConfig.unstable_JsPreload, devOnlyCacheBusterQueryString, scriptLoader, locale, disableOptimizedLoading, head: documentResult.head, headTags: documentResult.headTags, styles: documentResult.styles, crossOrigin: renderOpts.crossOrigin, optimizeCss: renderOpts.optimizeCss, optimizeFonts: renderOpts.optimizeFonts, nextScriptWorkers: renderOpts.nextScriptWorkers, runtime: globalRuntime, largePageDataBytes: renderOpts.largePageDataBytes }; const document = /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_ampContext.AmpStateContext.Provider, { value: ampState }, /*#__PURE__*/ _react.default.createElement(_htmlContext.HtmlContext.Provider, { value: htmlProps1 }, documentResult.documentElement(htmlProps1))); const documentHTML = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(document); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { const nonRenderedComponents = []; const expectedDocComponents = [ "Main", "Head", "NextScript", "Html" ]; for (const comp of expectedDocComponents){ if (!docComponentsRendered[comp]) { nonRenderedComponents.push(comp); } } if (nonRenderedComponents.length) { const missingComponentList = nonRenderedComponents.map((e)=>`<${e} />`).join(", "); const plural = nonRenderedComponents.length !== 1 ? "s" : ""; console.warn(`Your custom Document (pages/_document) did not render all the required subcomponent${plural}.\n` + `Missing component${plural}: ${missingComponentList}\n` + "Read how to fix here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/missing-document-component"); } } const [renderTargetPrefix, renderTargetSuffix] = documentHTML.split("<next-js-internal-body-render-target></next-js-internal-body-render-target>"); const prefix = []; if (!documentHTML.startsWith(DOCTYPE)) { prefix.push(DOCTYPE); } prefix.push(renderTargetPrefix); if (inAmpMode) { prefix.push("<!-- __NEXT_DATA__ -->"); } const streams = [ (0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).streamFromArray(prefix), await documentResult.bodyResult(renderTargetSuffix), ]; const postOptimize = (html)=>postProcessHTML(pathname, html, renderOpts, { inAmpMode, hybridAmp }); if (generateStaticHTML) { const html = await (0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).streamToString((0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).chainStreams(streams)); const optimizedHtml = await postOptimize(html); return new _renderResult.default(optimizedHtml); } return new _renderResult.default((0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).chainStreams(streams).pipeThrough((0, _nodeWebStreamsHelper).createBufferedTransformStream(postOptimize))); } //# sourceMappingURL=render.js.map