Direktori : /var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/plugins/ |
Current File : //var/www/html/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.handleWebpackExtenalForEdgeRuntime = handleWebpackExtenalForEdgeRuntime; exports.default = void 0; var _routeRegex = require("../../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-regex"); var _getModuleBuildInfo = require("../loaders/get-module-build-info"); var _utils = require("../../../shared/lib/router/utils"); var _webpack = require("next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack"); var _micromatch = require("next/dist/compiled/micromatch"); var _constants = require("../../../shared/lib/constants"); var _getPageStaticInfo = require("../../analysis/get-page-static-info"); var _shared = require("../../../trace/shared"); class MiddlewarePlugin { constructor({ dev , sriEnabled , allowMiddlewareResponseBody }){ this.dev = dev; this.sriEnabled = sriEnabled; this.allowMiddlewareResponseBody = allowMiddlewareResponseBody; } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(NAME, (compilation, params)=>{ const { hooks } = params.normalModuleFactory; /** * This is the static code analysis phase. */ const codeAnalyzer = getCodeAnalyzer({ dev: this.dev, compiler, compilation, allowMiddlewareResponseBody: this.allowMiddlewareResponseBody }); hooks.parser.for("javascript/auto").tap(NAME, codeAnalyzer); hooks.parser.for("javascript/dynamic").tap(NAME, codeAnalyzer); hooks.parser.for("javascript/esm").tap(NAME, codeAnalyzer); /** * Extract all metadata for the entry points in a Map object. */ const metadataByEntry = new Map(); compilation.hooks.finishModules.tapPromise(NAME, getExtractMetadata({ compilation, compiler, dev: this.dev, metadataByEntry })); /** * Emit the middleware manifest. */ compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap({ name: "NextJsMiddlewareManifest", stage: _webpack.webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS }, getCreateAssets({ compilation, metadataByEntry, opts: { sriEnabled: this.sriEnabled } })); }); } } exports.default = MiddlewarePlugin; const NAME = "MiddlewarePlugin"; /** * Checks the value of usingIndirectEval and when it is a set of modules it * check if any of the modules is actually being used. If the value is * simply truthy it will return true. */ function isUsingIndirectEvalAndUsedByExports(args) { const { moduleGraph , runtime , module , usingIndirectEval , wp } = args; if (typeof usingIndirectEval === "boolean") { return usingIndirectEval; } const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module); for (const exportName of usingIndirectEval){ if (exportsInfo.getUsed(exportName, runtime) !== wp.UsageState.Unused) { return true; } } return false; } function getEntryFiles(entryFiles, meta, opts) { const files = []; if (meta.edgeSSR) { if (meta.edgeSSR.isServerComponent) { files.push(`server/${_constants.FLIGHT_MANIFEST}.js`); files.push(`server/${_constants.FLIGHT_SERVER_CSS_MANIFEST}.js`); if (opts.sriEnabled) { files.push(`server/${_constants.SUBRESOURCE_INTEGRITY_MANIFEST}.js`); } files.push(...entryFiles.filter((file)=>file.startsWith("pages/") && !file.endsWith(".hot-update.js")).map((file)=>"server/" + // TODO-APP: seems this should be removed. file.replace(".js", _constants.NEXT_CLIENT_SSR_ENTRY_SUFFIX + ".js"))); } files.push(`server/${_constants.MIDDLEWARE_BUILD_MANIFEST}.js`, `server/${_constants.MIDDLEWARE_REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST}.js`); } files.push(...entryFiles.filter((file)=>!file.endsWith(".hot-update.js")).map((file)=>"server/" + file)); return files; } function getCreateAssets(params) { const { compilation , metadataByEntry , opts } = params; return (assets)=>{ const middlewareManifest = { sortedMiddleware: [], middleware: {}, functions: {}, version: 2 }; for (const entrypoint of compilation.entrypoints.values()){ var ref, ref1, ref2, ref3; if (!entrypoint.name) { continue; } // There should always be metadata for the entrypoint. const metadata = metadataByEntry.get(entrypoint.name); const page = (metadata == null ? void 0 : (ref = metadata.edgeMiddleware) == null ? void 0 : ref.page) || (metadata == null ? void 0 : (ref1 = metadata.edgeSSR) == null ? void 0 : ref1.page) || (metadata == null ? void 0 : (ref2 = metadata.edgeApiFunction) == null ? void 0 : ref2.page); if (!page) { continue; } const { namedRegex } = (0, _routeRegex).getNamedMiddlewareRegex(page, { catchAll: !metadata.edgeSSR && !metadata.edgeApiFunction }); var ref4; const matchers = (ref4 = metadata == null ? void 0 : (ref3 = metadata.edgeMiddleware) == null ? void 0 : ref3.matchers) != null ? ref4 : [ { regexp: namedRegex }, ]; const edgeFunctionDefinition = { env: Array.from(metadata.env), files: getEntryFiles(entrypoint.getFiles(), metadata, opts), name: entrypoint.name, page: page, matchers, wasm: Array.from(metadata.wasmBindings, ([name, filePath])=>({ name, filePath })), assets: Array.from(metadata.assetBindings, ([name, filePath])=>({ name, filePath })), ...metadata.regions && { regions: metadata.regions } }; if (metadata.edgeApiFunction || metadata.edgeSSR) { middlewareManifest.functions[page] = edgeFunctionDefinition; } else { middlewareManifest.middleware[page] = edgeFunctionDefinition; } } middlewareManifest.sortedMiddleware = (0, _utils).getSortedRoutes(Object.keys(middlewareManifest.middleware)); assets[_constants.MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST] = new _webpack.sources.RawSource(JSON.stringify(middlewareManifest, null, 2)); }; } function buildWebpackError({ message , loc , compilation , entryModule , parser }) { const error = new compilation.compiler.webpack.WebpackError(message); error.name = NAME; const module = entryModule != null ? entryModule : parser == null ? void 0 : parser.state.current; if (module) { error.module = module; } error.loc = loc; return error; } function isInMiddlewareLayer(parser) { var ref; return ((ref = parser.state.module) == null ? void 0 : ref.layer) === "middleware"; } function isInMiddlewareFile(parser) { var ref, ref5; return ((ref = parser.state.current) == null ? void 0 : ref.layer) === "middleware" && /middleware\.\w+$/.test((ref5 = parser.state.current) == null ? void 0 : ref5.rawRequest); } function isNullLiteral(expr) { return expr.value === null; } function isUndefinedIdentifier(expr) { return expr.name === "undefined"; } function isProcessEnvMemberExpression(memberExpression) { var ref, ref6, ref7; return ((ref = memberExpression.object) == null ? void 0 : ref.type) === "Identifier" && memberExpression.object.name === "process" && (((ref6 = memberExpression.property) == null ? void 0 : ref6.type) === "Literal" && memberExpression.property.value === "env" || ((ref7 = memberExpression.property) == null ? void 0 : ref7.type) === "Identifier" && memberExpression.property.name === "env"); } function isNodeJsModule(moduleName) { return require("module").builtinModules.includes(moduleName); } function isDynamicCodeEvaluationAllowed(fileName, edgeFunctionConfig, rootDir) { const name = fileName.replace(rootDir != null ? rootDir : "", ""); var ref; return (0, _micromatch).isMatch(name, (ref = edgeFunctionConfig == null ? void 0 : edgeFunctionConfig.unstable_allowDynamicGlobs) != null ? ref : []); } function buildUnsupportedApiError({ apiName , loc , ...rest }) { return buildWebpackError({ message: `A Node.js API is used (${apiName} at line: ${loc.start.line}) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/edge-runtime`, loc, ...rest }); } function registerUnsupportedApiHooks(parser, compilation) { for (const expression of _constants.EDGE_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_APIS){ const warnForUnsupportedApi = (node)=>{ if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return; } compilation.warnings.push(buildUnsupportedApiError({ compilation, parser, apiName: expression, ...node })); return true; }; parser.hooks.call.for(expression).tap(NAME, warnForUnsupportedApi); parser.hooks.expression.for(expression).tap(NAME, warnForUnsupportedApi); parser.hooks.callMemberChain.for(expression).tap(NAME, warnForUnsupportedApi); parser.hooks.expressionMemberChain.for(expression).tap(NAME, warnForUnsupportedApi); } const warnForUnsupportedProcessApi = (node, [callee])=>{ if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser) || callee === "env") { return; } compilation.warnings.push(buildUnsupportedApiError({ compilation, parser, apiName: `process.${callee}`, ...node })); return true; }; parser.hooks.callMemberChain.for("process").tap(NAME, warnForUnsupportedProcessApi); parser.hooks.expressionMemberChain.for("process").tap(NAME, warnForUnsupportedProcessApi); } function getCodeAnalyzer(params) { return (parser)=>{ const { dev , compiler: { webpack: wp } , compilation , allowMiddlewareResponseBody , } = params; const { hooks } = parser; /** * For an expression this will check the graph to ensure it is being used * by exports. Then it will store in the module buildInfo a boolean to * express that it contains dynamic code and, if it is available, the * module path that is using it. */ const handleExpression = ()=>{ if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return; } wp.optimize.InnerGraph.onUsage(parser.state, (used = true)=>{ const buildInfo = (0, _getModuleBuildInfo).getModuleBuildInfo(parser.state.module); if (buildInfo.usingIndirectEval === true || used === false) { return; } if (!buildInfo.usingIndirectEval || used === true) { buildInfo.usingIndirectEval = used; return; } buildInfo.usingIndirectEval = new Set([ ...Array.from(buildInfo.usingIndirectEval), ...Array.from(used), ]); }); }; /** * This expression handler allows to wrap a dynamic code expression with a * function call where we can warn about dynamic code not being allowed * but actually execute the expression. */ const handleWrapExpression = (expr)=>{ if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return; } const { ConstDependency } = wp.dependencies; const dep1 = new ConstDependency("__next_eval__(function() { return ", expr.range[0]); dep1.loc = expr.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep1); const dep2 = new ConstDependency("})", expr.range[1]); dep2.loc = expr.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep2); handleExpression(); return true; }; /** * This expression handler allows to wrap a WebAssembly.compile invocation with a * function call where we can warn about WASM code generation not being allowed * but actually execute the expression. */ const handleWrapWasmCompileExpression = (expr)=>{ if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return; } const { ConstDependency } = wp.dependencies; const dep1 = new ConstDependency("__next_webassembly_compile__(function() { return ", expr.range[0]); dep1.loc = expr.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep1); const dep2 = new ConstDependency("})", expr.range[1]); dep2.loc = expr.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep2); handleExpression(); }; /** * This expression handler allows to wrap a WebAssembly.instatiate invocation with a * function call where we can warn about WASM code generation not being allowed * but actually execute the expression. * * Note that we don't update `usingIndirectEval`, i.e. we don't abort a production build * since we can't determine statically if the first parameter is a module (legit use) or * a buffer (dynamic code generation). */ const handleWrapWasmInstantiateExpression = (expr)=>{ if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return; } if (dev) { const { ConstDependency } = wp.dependencies; const dep1 = new ConstDependency("__next_webassembly_instantiate__(function() { return ", expr.range[0]); dep1.loc = expr.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep1); const dep2 = new ConstDependency("})", expr.range[1]); dep2.loc = expr.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep2); } }; /** * Declares an environment variable that is being used in this module * through this static analysis. */ const addUsedEnvVar = (envVarName)=>{ const buildInfo = (0, _getModuleBuildInfo).getModuleBuildInfo(parser.state.module); if (buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars === undefined) { buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars = new Set(); } buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars.add(envVarName); }; /** * A handler for calls to `process.env` where we identify the name of the * ENV variable being assigned and store it in the module info. */ const handleCallMemberChain = (_, members)=>{ if (members.length >= 2 && members[0] === "env") { addUsedEnvVar(members[1]); if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return true; } } }; /** * A handler for calls to `new Response()` so we can fail if user is setting the response's body. */ const handleNewResponseExpression = (node)=>{ var ref; const firstParameter = node == null ? void 0 : (ref = node.arguments) == null ? void 0 : ref[0]; if (isInMiddlewareFile(parser) && firstParameter && !isNullLiteral(firstParameter) && !isUndefinedIdentifier(firstParameter)) { const error = buildWebpackError({ message: `Middleware is returning a response body (line: ${node.loc.start.line}), which is not supported. Learn more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/returning-response-body-in-middleware`, compilation, parser, ...node }); if (dev) { compilation.warnings.push(error); } else { compilation.errors.push(error); } } }; /** * Handler to store original source location of static and dynamic imports into module's buildInfo. */ const handleImport = (node)=>{ var ref; if (isInMiddlewareLayer(parser) && ((ref = node.source) == null ? void 0 : ref.value) && (node == null ? void 0 : node.loc)) { var ref8; const { module , source } = parser.state; const buildInfo = (0, _getModuleBuildInfo).getModuleBuildInfo(module); if (!buildInfo.importLocByPath) { buildInfo.importLocByPath = new Map(); } const importedModule = (ref8 = node.source.value) == null ? void 0 : ref8.toString(); buildInfo.importLocByPath.set(importedModule, { sourcePosition: { ...node.loc.start, source: module.identifier() }, sourceContent: source.toString() }); if (!dev && isNodeJsModule(importedModule)) { compilation.warnings.push(buildWebpackError({ message: `A Node.js module is loaded ('${importedModule}' at line ${node.loc.start.line}) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/node-module-in-edge-runtime`, compilation, parser, ...node })); } } }; /** * A noop handler to skip analyzing some cases. * Order matters: for it to work, it must be registered first */ const skip = ()=>isInMiddlewareLayer(parser) ? true : undefined; for (const prefix of [ "", "global." ]){ hooks.expression.for(`${prefix}Function.prototype`).tap(NAME, skip); hooks.expression.for(`${prefix}Function.bind`).tap(NAME, skip); hooks.call.for(`${prefix}eval`).tap(NAME, handleWrapExpression); hooks.call.for(`${prefix}Function`).tap(NAME, handleWrapExpression); hooks.new.for(`${prefix}Function`).tap(NAME, handleWrapExpression); hooks.expression.for(`${prefix}eval`).tap(NAME, handleExpression); hooks.expression.for(`${prefix}Function`).tap(NAME, handleExpression); hooks.call.for(`${prefix}WebAssembly.compile`).tap(NAME, handleWrapWasmCompileExpression); hooks.call.for(`${prefix}WebAssembly.instantiate`).tap(NAME, handleWrapWasmInstantiateExpression); } if (!allowMiddlewareResponseBody) { hooks.new.for("Response").tap(NAME, handleNewResponseExpression); hooks.new.for("NextResponse").tap(NAME, handleNewResponseExpression); } hooks.callMemberChain.for("process").tap(NAME, handleCallMemberChain); hooks.expressionMemberChain.for("process").tap(NAME, handleCallMemberChain); hooks.importCall.tap(NAME, handleImport); hooks.import.tap(NAME, handleImport); /** * Support static analyzing environment variables through * destructuring `process.env` or `process["env"]`: * * const { MY_ENV, "MY-ENV": myEnv } = process.env * ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ */ hooks.declarator.tap(NAME, (declarator)=>{ var ref, ref9; if (((ref = declarator.init) == null ? void 0 : ref.type) === "MemberExpression" && isProcessEnvMemberExpression(declarator.init) && ((ref9 = declarator.id) == null ? void 0 : ref9.type) === "ObjectPattern") { for (const property of declarator.id.properties){ if (property.type === "RestElement") continue; if (property.key.type === "Literal" && typeof property.key.value === "string") { addUsedEnvVar(property.key.value); } else if (property.key.type === "Identifier") { addUsedEnvVar(property.key.name); } } if (!isInMiddlewareLayer(parser)) { return true; } } }); if (!dev) { // do not issue compilation warning on dev: invoking code will provide details registerUnsupportedApiHooks(parser, compilation); } }; } async function findEntryEdgeFunctionConfig(entryDependency, resolver) { var ref; if (entryDependency == null ? void 0 : (ref = entryDependency.request) == null ? void 0 : ref.startsWith("next-")) { var ref10; const absolutePagePath = (ref10 = new URL(entryDependency.request, "http://example.org").searchParams.get("absolutePagePath")) != null ? ref10 : ""; const pageFilePath = await new Promise((resolve)=>resolver.resolve({}, "/", absolutePagePath, {}, (err, path)=>resolve(err || path))); if (typeof pageFilePath === "string") { return { file: pageFilePath, config: (await (0, _getPageStaticInfo).getPageStaticInfo({ nextConfig: {}, pageFilePath, isDev: false })).middleware }; } } } function getExtractMetadata(params) { const { dev , compilation , metadataByEntry , compiler } = params; const { webpack: wp } = compiler; return async ()=>{ metadataByEntry.clear(); const resolver = compilation.resolverFactory.get("normal"); const telemetry = _shared.traceGlobals.get("telemetry"); for (const [entryName, entry] of compilation.entries){ var ref; if (entry.options.runtime !== _constants.EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK) { continue; } const entryDependency = (ref = entry.dependencies) == null ? void 0 : ref[0]; const edgeFunctionConfig = await findEntryEdgeFunctionConfig(entryDependency, resolver); const { rootDir } = (0, _getModuleBuildInfo).getModuleBuildInfo(compilation.moduleGraph.getResolvedModule(entryDependency)); const { moduleGraph } = compilation; const modules = new Set(); const addEntriesFromDependency = (dependency)=>{ const module = moduleGraph.getModule(dependency); if (module) { modules.add(module); } }; entry.dependencies.forEach(addEntriesFromDependency); entry.includeDependencies.forEach(addEntriesFromDependency); const entryMetadata = { env: new Set(), wasmBindings: new Map(), assetBindings: new Map() }; for (const module1 of modules){ var ref11; const buildInfo = (0, _getModuleBuildInfo).getModuleBuildInfo(module1); /** * When building for production checks if the module is using `eval` * and in such case produces a compilation error. The module has to * be in use. */ if (!dev && buildInfo.usingIndirectEval && isUsingIndirectEvalAndUsedByExports({ module: module1, moduleGraph, runtime: wp.util.runtime.getEntryRuntime(compilation, entryName), usingIndirectEval: buildInfo.usingIndirectEval, wp })) { var ref12; const id = module1.identifier(); if (/node_modules[\\/]regenerator-runtime[\\/]runtime\.js/.test(id)) { continue; } if (edgeFunctionConfig == null ? void 0 : (ref12 = edgeFunctionConfig.config) == null ? void 0 : ref12.unstable_allowDynamicGlobs) { telemetry.record({ eventName: "NEXT_EDGE_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_USED", payload: { ...edgeFunctionConfig, file: edgeFunctionConfig.file.replace(rootDir != null ? rootDir : "", ""), fileWithDynamicCode: module1.userRequest.replace(rootDir != null ? rootDir : "", "") } }); } if (!isDynamicCodeEvaluationAllowed(module1.userRequest, edgeFunctionConfig == null ? void 0 : edgeFunctionConfig.config, rootDir)) { compilation.errors.push(buildWebpackError({ message: `Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime ${typeof buildInfo.usingIndirectEval !== "boolean" ? `\nUsed by ${Array.from(buildInfo.usingIndirectEval).join(", ")}` : ""}\nLearn More: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/edge-dynamic-code-evaluation`, entryModule: module1, compilation })); } } if (edgeFunctionConfig == null ? void 0 : (ref11 = edgeFunctionConfig.config) == null ? void 0 : ref11.regions) { entryMetadata.regions = edgeFunctionConfig.config.regions; } /** * The entry module has to be either a page or a middleware and hold * the corresponding metadata. */ if (buildInfo == null ? void 0 : buildInfo.nextEdgeSSR) { entryMetadata.edgeSSR = buildInfo.nextEdgeSSR; } else if (buildInfo == null ? void 0 : buildInfo.nextEdgeMiddleware) { entryMetadata.edgeMiddleware = buildInfo.nextEdgeMiddleware; } else if (buildInfo == null ? void 0 : buildInfo.nextEdgeApiFunction) { entryMetadata.edgeApiFunction = buildInfo.nextEdgeApiFunction; } /** * If there are env vars found in the module, append them to the set * of env vars for the entry. */ if ((buildInfo == null ? void 0 : buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars) !== undefined) { for (const envName of buildInfo.nextUsedEnvVars){ entryMetadata.env.add(envName); } } /** * If the module is a WASM module we read the binding information and * append it to the entry wasm bindings. */ if (buildInfo == null ? void 0 : buildInfo.nextWasmMiddlewareBinding) { entryMetadata.wasmBindings.set(buildInfo.nextWasmMiddlewareBinding.name, buildInfo.nextWasmMiddlewareBinding.filePath); } if (buildInfo == null ? void 0 : buildInfo.nextAssetMiddlewareBinding) { entryMetadata.assetBindings.set(buildInfo.nextAssetMiddlewareBinding.name, buildInfo.nextAssetMiddlewareBinding.filePath); } /** * Append to the list of modules to process outgoingConnections from * the module that is being processed. */ for (const conn of moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module1)){ if (conn.module) { modules.add(conn.module); } } } metadataByEntry.set(entryName, entryMetadata); } }; } async function handleWebpackExtenalForEdgeRuntime({ request , context , contextInfo , getResolve }) { if (contextInfo.issuerLayer === "middleware" && isNodeJsModule(request)) { // allows user to provide and use their polyfills, as we do with buffer. try { await getResolve()(context, request); } catch { return `root globalThis.__import_unsupported('${request}')`; } } } //# sourceMappingURL=middleware-plugin.js.map