Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/Daemon.js |
/** * Copyright 2013-2022 the PM2 project authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a license that * can be found in the LICENSE file. */ var debug = require('debug')('pm2:daemon'); var pkg = require('../package.json'); var cst = require('../constants.js'); var rpc = require('pm2-axon-rpc'); var axon = require('pm2-axon'); var domain = require('domain'); var Utility = require('./Utility.js'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); var God = require('./God'); var eachLimit = require('async/eachLimit'); var fmt = require('./tools/fmt.js'); var semver = require('semver'); var Daemon = module.exports = function(opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; this.ignore_signals = opts.ignore_signals || false; this.rpc_socket_ready = false; this.pub_socket_ready = false; this.pub_socket_file = opts.pub_socket_file || cst.DAEMON_PUB_PORT; this.rpc_socket_file = opts.rpc_socket_file || cst.DAEMON_RPC_PORT; this.pid_path = opts.pid_file || cst.PM2_PID_FILE_PATH; }; Daemon.prototype.start = function() { var that = this; var d = domain.create(); d.once('error', function(err) { fmt.sep(); fmt.title('PM2 global error caught'); fmt.field('Time', new Date()); console.error(err.message); console.error(err.stack); fmt.sep(); console.error('[PM2] Resurrecting PM2'); var path = cst.IS_WINDOWS ? __dirname + '/../bin/pm2' : process.env['_']; var fork_new_pm2 = require('child_process').spawn('node', [path, 'update'], { detached: true, windowsHide: true, stdio: 'inherit' }); fork_new_pm2.on('close', function() { console.log('PM2 successfully forked'); process.exit(0); }) }); d.run(function() { that.innerStart(); }); } Daemon.prototype.innerStart = function(cb) { var that = this; if (!cb) cb = function() { fmt.sep(); fmt.title('New PM2 Daemon started'); fmt.field('Time', new Date()); fmt.field('PM2 version', pkg.version); fmt.field('Node.js version', process.versions.node); fmt.field('Current arch', process.arch); fmt.field('PM2 home', cst.PM2_HOME); fmt.field('PM2 PID file', that.pid_path); fmt.field('RPC socket file', that.rpc_socket_file); fmt.field('BUS socket file', that.pub_socket_file); fmt.field('Application log path', cst.DEFAULT_LOG_PATH); fmt.field('Worker Interval', cst.WORKER_INTERVAL); fmt.field('Process dump file', cst.DUMP_FILE_PATH); fmt.field('Concurrent actions', cst.CONCURRENT_ACTIONS); fmt.field('SIGTERM timeout', cst.KILL_TIMEOUT); fmt.sep(); }; // Write Daemon PID into file try { fs.writeFileSync(that.pid_path, process.pid.toString()); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); } if (this.ignore_signals != true) this.handleSignals(); /** * Pub system for real time notifications */ this.pub = axon.socket('pub-emitter'); this.pub_socket = this.pub.bind(this.pub_socket_file); this.pub_socket.once('bind', function() { fs.chmod(that.pub_socket_file, '775', function(e) { if (e) console.error(e); try { if (process.env.PM2_SOCKET_USER && process.env.PM2_SOCKET_GROUP) fs.chown(that.pub_socket_file, parseInt(process.env.PM2_SOCKET_USER), parseInt(process.env.PM2_SOCKET_GROUP), function(e) { if (e) console.error(e); }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); that.pub_socket_ready = true; that.sendReady(cb); }); /** * Rep/Req - RPC system to interact with God */ this.rep = axon.socket('rep'); var server = new rpc.Server(this.rep); this.rpc_socket = this.rep.bind(this.rpc_socket_file); this.rpc_socket.once('bind', function() { fs.chmod(that.rpc_socket_file, '775', function(e) { if (e) console.error(e); try { if (process.env.PM2_SOCKET_USER && process.env.PM2_SOCKET_GROUP) fs.chown(that.rpc_socket_file, parseInt(process.env.PM2_SOCKET_USER), parseInt(process.env.PM2_SOCKET_GROUP), function(e) { if (e) console.error(e); }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }); that.rpc_socket_ready = true; that.sendReady(cb); }); /** * Memory Snapshot */ function profile(type, msg, cb) { if (semver.satisfies(process.version, '< 8')) return cb(null, { error: 'Node.js is not on right version' }) var cmd if (type === 'cpu') { cmd = { enable: 'Profiler.enable', start: 'Profiler.start', stop: 'Profiler.stop', disable: 'Profiler.disable' } } if (type == 'mem') { cmd = { enable: 'HeapProfiler.enable', start: 'HeapProfiler.startSampling', stop: 'HeapProfiler.stopSampling', disable: 'HeapProfiler.disable' } } const inspector = require('inspector') var session = new inspector.Session() session.connect() var timeout = msg.timeout || 5000 session.post(cmd.enable, (err, data) => { if (err) return cb(null, { error: err.message || err }) console.log(`Starting ${cmd.start}`) session.post(cmd.start, (err, data) => { if (err) return cb(null, { error: err.message || err }) setTimeout(() => { session.post(cmd.stop, (err, data) => { if (err) return cb(null, { error: err.message || err }) const profile = data.profile console.log(`Stopping ${cmd.stop}`) session.post(cmd.disable) fs.writeFile(msg.pwd, JSON.stringify(profile), (err) => { if (err) return cb(null, { error: err.message || err }) return cb(null, { file : msg.pwd }) }) }) }, timeout) }) }) } server.expose({ killMe : that.close.bind(this), profileCPU : profile.bind(this, 'cpu'), profileMEM : profile.bind(this, 'mem'), prepare : God.prepare, getMonitorData : God.getMonitorData, startProcessId : God.startProcessId, stopProcessId : God.stopProcessId, restartProcessId : God.restartProcessId, deleteProcessId : God.deleteProcessId, sendLineToStdin : God.sendLineToStdin, softReloadProcessId : God.softReloadProcessId, reloadProcessId : God.reloadProcessId, duplicateProcessId : God.duplicateProcessId, resetMetaProcessId : God.resetMetaProcessId, stopWatch : God.stopWatch, startWatch : God.startWatch, toggleWatch : God.toggleWatch, notifyByProcessId : God.notifyByProcessId, notifyKillPM2 : God.notifyKillPM2, monitor : God.monitor, unmonitor : God.unmonitor, msgProcess : God.msgProcess, sendDataToProcessId : God.sendDataToProcessId, sendSignalToProcessId : God.sendSignalToProcessId, sendSignalToProcessName : God.sendSignalToProcessName, ping : God.ping, getVersion : God.getVersion, getReport : God.getReport, reloadLogs : God.reloadLogs }); this.startLogic(); } Daemon.prototype.close = function(opts, cb) { var that = this; God.bus.emit('pm2:kill', { status : 'killed', msg : 'pm2 has been killed via CLI' }); if (God.system_infos_proc !== null) God.system_infos_proc.kill() /** * Cleanly kill pm2 */ that.rpc_socket.close(function() { that.pub_socket.close(function() { // notify cli that the daemon is shuting down (only under unix since windows doesnt handle signals) if (cst.IS_WINDOWS === false) { try { process.kill(parseInt(opts.pid), 'SIGQUIT'); } catch(e) { console.error('Could not send SIGQUIT to CLI'); } } try { fs.unlinkSync(that.pid_path); } catch(e) {} console.log('PM2 successfully stopped'); setTimeout(function() { process.exit(cst.SUCCESS_EXIT); }, 2); }); }); } Daemon.prototype.handleSignals = function() { var that = this; process.on('SIGTERM', that.gracefullExit.bind(this)); process.on('SIGINT', that.gracefullExit.bind(this)); process.on('SIGHUP', function() {}); process.on('SIGQUIT', that.gracefullExit.bind(this)); process.on('SIGUSR2', function() { God.reloadLogs({}, function() {}); }); } Daemon.prototype.sendReady = function(cb) { // Send ready message to Client if (this.rpc_socket_ready == true && this.pub_socket_ready == true) { cb(null, { pid : process.pid, pm2_version : pkg.version }); if (typeof(process.send) != 'function') return false; process.send({ online : true, success : true, pid : process.pid, pm2_version : pkg.version }); }; } Daemon.prototype.gracefullExit = function() { var that = this; // never execute multiple gracefullExit simultaneously // this can lead to loss of some apps in dump file if (this.isExiting) return this.isExiting = true God.bus.emit('pm2:kill', { status : 'killed', msg : 'pm2 has been killed by SIGNAL' }); console.log('pm2 has been killed by signal, dumping process list before exit...'); if (God.system_infos_proc !== null) God.system_infos_proc.kill() God.dumpProcessList(function() { var processes = God.getFormatedProcesses(); eachLimit(processes, 1, function(proc, next) { console.log('Deleting process %s', proc.pm2_env.pm_id); God.deleteProcessId(proc.pm2_env.pm_id, function() { return next(); }); }, function(err) { try { fs.unlinkSync(that.pid_path); } catch(e) {} setTimeout(function() { that.isExiting = false console.log('Exited peacefully'); process.exit(cst.SUCCESS_EXIT); }, 2); }); }); } Daemon.prototype.startLogic = function() { var that = this; /** * Action treatment specifics * Attach actions to pm2_env.axm_actions variables (name + options) */ God.bus.on('axm:action', function axmActions(msg) { var pm2_env = msg.process; var exists = false; var axm_action = msg.data; if (!pm2_env || !God.clusters_db[pm2_env.pm_id]) return console.error('AXM ACTION Unknown id %s', pm2_env.pm_id); if (!God.clusters_db[pm2_env.pm_id].pm2_env.axm_actions) God.clusters_db[pm2_env.pm_id].pm2_env.axm_actions = []; God.clusters_db[pm2_env.pm_id].pm2_env.axm_actions.forEach(function(actions) { if (actions.action_name == axm_action.action_name) exists = true; }); if (exists === false) { debug('Adding action', axm_action); God.clusters_db[pm2_env.pm_id].pm2_env.axm_actions.push(axm_action); } msg = null; }); /** * Configure module */ God.bus.on('axm:option:configuration', function axmMonitor(msg) { if (!msg.process) return console.error('[axm:option:configuration] no process defined'); if (!God.clusters_db[msg.process.pm_id]) return console.error('[axm:option:configuration] Unknown id %s', msg.process.pm_id); try { // Application Name nverride if (msg.data.name) God.clusters_db[msg.process.pm_id].pm2_env.name = msg.data.name; Object.keys(msg.data).forEach(function(conf_key) { God.clusters_db[msg.process.pm_id].pm2_env.axm_options[conf_key] = Utility.clone(msg.data[conf_key]); }); } catch(e) { console.error(e.stack || e); } msg = null; }); /** * Process monitoring data (probes) */ God.bus.on('axm:monitor', function axmMonitor(msg) { if (!msg.process) return console.error('[axm:monitor] no process defined'); if (!msg.process || !God.clusters_db[msg.process.pm_id]) return console.error('AXM MONITOR Unknown id %s', msg.process.pm_id); Object.assign(God.clusters_db[msg.process.pm_id].pm2_env.axm_monitor, Utility.clone(msg.data)); msg = null; }); /** * Broadcast messages */ God.bus.onAny(function(event, data_v) { if (['axm:action', 'axm:monitor', 'axm:option:setPID', 'axm:option:configuration'].indexOf(event) > -1) { data_v = null; return false; } that.pub.emit(event, Utility.clone(data_v)); data_v = null; }); }; if (require.main === module) { process.title = process.env.PM2_DAEMON_TITLE || 'PM2 v' + pkg.version + ': God Daemon (' + process.env.PM2_HOME + ')'; var daemon = new Daemon(); daemon.start(); }