Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/Common.js |
/** * Copyright 2013-2022 the PM2 project authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a license that * can be found in the LICENSE file. */ /** * Common Utilities ONLY USED IN ->CLI<- */ var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var os = require('os'); var util = require('util'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var fclone = require('fclone'); var semver = require('semver'); var dayjs = require('dayjs'); var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; var isBinary = require('./tools/isbinaryfile.js'); var cst = require('../constants.js'); var extItps = require('./API/interpreter.json'); var Config = require('./tools/Config'); var pkg = require('../package.json'); var which = require('./tools/which.js'); var Common = module.exports; function homedir() { var env = process.env; var home = env.HOME; var user = env.LOGNAME || env.USER || env.LNAME || env.USERNAME; if (process.platform === 'win32') { return env.USERPROFILE || env.HOMEDRIVE + env.HOMEPATH || home || null; } if (process.platform === 'darwin') { return home || (user ? '/Users/' + user : null); } if (process.platform === 'linux') { return home || (process.getuid() === 0 ? '/root' : (user ? '/home/' + user : null)); } return home || null; } function resolveHome(filepath) { if (filepath[0] === '~') { return path.join(homedir(), filepath.slice(1)); } return filepath; } Common.determineSilentCLI = function() { // pm2 should ignore -s --silent -v if they are after '--' var variadicArgsDashesPos = process.argv.indexOf('--'); var s1opt = process.argv.indexOf('--silent') var s2opt = process.argv.indexOf('-s') if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || (variadicArgsDashesPos > -1 && (s1opt != -1 && s1opt < variadicArgsDashesPos) && (s2opt != -1 != s2opt < variadicArgsDashesPos)) || (variadicArgsDashesPos == -1 && (s1opt > -1 || s2opt > -1))) { for (var key in console){ var code = key.charCodeAt(0); if (code >= 97 && code <= 122){ console[key] = function(){}; } } process.env.PM2_DISCRETE_MODE = true; } } Common.printVersion = function() { var variadicArgsDashesPos = process.argv.indexOf('--'); if (process.argv.indexOf('-v') > -1 && process.argv.indexOf('-v') < variadicArgsDashesPos) { console.log(pkg.version); process.exit(0); } } Common.lockReload = function() { try { var t1 = fs.readFileSync(cst.PM2_RELOAD_LOCKFILE).toString(); // Check if content and if time < 30 return locked // Else if content detected (lock file staled), allow and rewritte if (t1 && t1 != '') { var diff = dayjs().diff(parseInt(t1)); if (diff < cst.RELOAD_LOCK_TIMEOUT) return diff; } } catch(e) {} try { // Write latest timestamp fs.writeFileSync(cst.PM2_RELOAD_LOCKFILE, dayjs().valueOf().toString()); return 0; } catch(e) { console.error(e.message || e); } }; Common.unlockReload = function() { try { fs.writeFileSync(cst.PM2_RELOAD_LOCKFILE, ''); } catch(e) { console.error(e.message || e); } }; /** * Resolve app paths and replace missing values with defaults. * @method prepareAppConf * @param app {Object} * @param {} cwd * @param {} outputter * @return app */ Common.prepareAppConf = function(opts, app) { /** * Minimum validation */ if (!app.script) return new Error('No script path - aborting'); var cwd = null; if (app.cwd) { cwd = path.resolve(app.cwd); process.env.PWD = app.cwd; } if (!app.node_args) { app.node_args = []; } if (app.port && app.env) { app.env.PORT = app.port; } // CWD option resolving cwd && (cwd[0] != '/') && (cwd = path.resolve(process.cwd(), cwd)); cwd = cwd || opts.cwd; // Full path script resolution app.pm_exec_path = path.resolve(cwd, app.script); // If script does not exist after resolution if (!fs.existsSync(app.pm_exec_path)) { var ckd; // Try resolve command available in $PATH if ((ckd = which(app.script))) { if (typeof(ckd) !== 'string') ckd = ckd.toString(); app.pm_exec_path = ckd; } else // Throw critical error return new Error(`Script not found: ${app.pm_exec_path}`); } /** * Auto detect .map file and enable source map support automatically */ if (app.disable_source_map_support != true) { try { fs.accessSync(app.pm_exec_path + '.map', fs.R_OK); app.source_map_support = true; } catch(e) {} delete app.disable_source_map_support; } delete app.script; // Set current env by first adding the process environment and then extending/replacing it // with env specified on command-line or JSON file. var env = {}; /** * Do not copy internal pm2 environment variables if acting on process * is made from a programmatic script started by PM2 or if a pm_id is present in env */ if (cst.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC || process.env.pm_id) Common.safeExtend(env, process.env); else env = process.env; function filterEnv (envObj) { if (app.filter_env == true) return {} if (typeof app.filter_env === 'string') { delete envObj[app.filter_env] return envObj } var new_env = {}; var allowedKeys = app.filter_env.reduce((acc, current) => acc.filter( item => !item.includes(current)), Object.keys(envObj)) allowedKeys.forEach( key => new_env[key] = envObj[key]); return new_env } app.env = [ {}, (app.filter_env && app.filter_env.length > 0) ? filterEnv(process.env) : env, app.env || {} ].reduce(function(e1, e2){ return Object.assign(e1, e2); }); app.pm_cwd = cwd; // Interpreter try { Common.sink.resolveInterpreter(app); } catch(e) { return e } // Exec mode and cluster stuff Common.sink.determineExecMode(app); /** * Scary */ var formated_app_name = app.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]/g, '-'); ['log', 'out', 'error', 'pid'].forEach(function(f){ var af = app[f + '_file'], ps, ext = (f == 'pid' ? 'pid':'log'), isStd = !~['log', 'pid'].indexOf(f); if (af) af = resolveHome(af); if ((f == 'log' && typeof af == 'boolean' && af) || (f != 'log' && !af)) { ps = [cst['DEFAULT_' + ext.toUpperCase() + '_PATH'], formated_app_name + (isStd ? '-' + f : '') + '.' + ext]; } else if ((f != 'log' || (f == 'log' && af)) && af !== 'NULL' && af !== '/dev/null') { ps = [cwd, af]; var dir = path.dirname(path.resolve(cwd, af)); if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_WARNING + 'Folder does not exist: ' + dir); Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG + 'Creating folder: ' + dir); try { require('mkdirp').sync(dir); } catch (err) { Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + 'Could not create folder: ' + path.dirname(af)); throw new Error('Could not create folder'); } } } // PM2 paths if (af !== 'NULL' && af !== '/dev/null') { ps && (app['pm_' + (isStd ? f.substr(0, 3) + '_' : '') + ext + '_path'] = path.resolve.apply(null, ps)); } else if (path.sep === '\\') { app['pm_' + (isStd ? f.substr(0, 3) + '_' : '') + ext + '_path'] = '\\\\.\\NUL'; } else { app['pm_' + (isStd ? f.substr(0, 3) + '_' : '') + ext + '_path'] = '/dev/null'; } delete app[f + '_file']; }); return app; }; /** * Check if filename is a configuration file * @param {string} filename * @return {mixed} null if not conf file, json or yaml if conf */ Common.isConfigFile = function (filename) { if (typeof (filename) !== 'string') return null; if (filename.indexOf('.json') !== -1) return 'json'; if (filename.indexOf('.yml') > -1 || filename.indexOf('.yaml') > -1) return 'yaml'; if (filename.indexOf('.config.js') !== -1) return 'js'; if (filename.indexOf('.config.cjs') !== -1) return 'js'; if (filename.indexOf('.config.mjs') !== -1) return 'mjs'; return null; }; /** * Parses a config file like ecosystem.config.js. Supported formats: JS, JSON, JSON5, YAML. * @param {string} confString contents of the config file * @param {string} filename path to the config file * @return {Object} config object */ Common.parseConfig = function(confObj, filename) { var yamljs = require('yamljs'); var vm = require('vm'); if (!filename || filename == 'pipe' || filename == 'none' || filename.indexOf('.json') > -1) { var code = '(' + confObj + ')'; var sandbox = {}; return vm.runInThisContext(code, sandbox, { filename: path.resolve(filename), displayErrors: false, timeout: 1000 }); } else if (filename.indexOf('.yml') > -1 || filename.indexOf('.yaml') > -1) { return yamljs.parse(confObj.toString()); } else if (filename.indexOf('.config.js') > -1 || filename.indexOf('.config.cjs') > -1 || filename.indexOf('.config.mjs') > -1) { var confPath = require.resolve(path.resolve(filename)); delete require.cache[confPath]; return require(confPath); } }; Common.retErr = function(e) { if (!e) return new Error('Unidentified error'); if (e instanceof Error) return e; return new Error(e); } Common.sink = {}; Common.sink.determineCron = function(app) { if (app.cron_restart == 0 || app.cron_restart == '0') { Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG + 'disabling cron restart'); return } if (app.cron_restart) { const Croner = require('croner'); try { Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG + 'cron restart at ' + app.cron_restart); Croner(app.cron_restart); } catch(ex) { return new Error(`Cron pattern error: ${ex.message}`); } } }; /** * Handle alias (fork <=> fork_mode, cluster <=> cluster_mode) */ Common.sink.determineExecMode = function(app) { if (app.exec_mode) app.exec_mode = app.exec_mode.replace(/^(fork|cluster)$/, '$1_mode'); /** * Here we put the default exec mode */ if (!app.exec_mode && (app.instances >= 1 || app.instances === 0 || app.instances === -1) && app.exec_interpreter.indexOf('node') > -1) { app.exec_mode = 'cluster_mode'; } else if (!app.exec_mode) { app.exec_mode = 'fork_mode'; } if (typeof app.instances == 'undefined') app.instances = 1; }; var resolveNodeInterpreter = function(app) { if (app.exec_mode && app.exec_mode.indexOf('cluster') > -1) { Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_WARNING + chalk.bold.yellow('Choosing the Node.js version in cluster mode is not supported')); return false; } var nvm_path = cst.IS_WINDOWS ? process.env.NVM_HOME : process.env.NVM_DIR; if (!nvm_path) { Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + chalk.red('NVM is not available in PATH')); Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + chalk.red('Fallback to node in PATH')); var msg = cst.IS_WINDOWS ? 'https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases/' : '$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash'; Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + chalk.bold('Install NVM:\n' + msg)); } else { var node_version = app.exec_interpreter.split('@')[1]; var path_to_node = cst.IS_WINDOWS ? '/v' + node_version + '/node.exe' : semver.satisfies(node_version, '>= 0.12.0') ? '/versions/node/v' + node_version + '/bin/node' : '/v' + node_version + '/bin/node'; var nvm_node_path = path.join(nvm_path, path_to_node); try { fs.accessSync(nvm_node_path); } catch(e) { Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG + 'Installing Node v%s', node_version); var nvm_bin = path.join(nvm_path, 'nvm.' + (cst.IS_WINDOWS ? 'exe' : 'sh')); var nvm_cmd = cst.IS_WINDOWS ? nvm_bin + ' install ' + node_version : '. ' + nvm_bin + ' ; nvm install ' + node_version; Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG + 'Executing: %s', nvm_cmd); execSync(nvm_cmd, { cwd: path.resolve(process.cwd()), env: process.env, maxBuffer: 20 * 1024 * 1024 }); // in order to support both arch, nvm for Windows renames 'node.exe' to: // 'node32.exe' for x32 arch // 'node64.exe' for x64 arch if (cst.IS_WINDOWS) nvm_node_path = nvm_node_path.replace(/node/, 'node' + process.arch.slice(1)) } Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG + chalk.green.bold('Setting Node to v%s (path=%s)'), node_version, nvm_node_path); app.exec_interpreter = nvm_node_path; } }; /** * Resolve interpreter */ Common.sink.resolveInterpreter = function(app) { var noInterpreter = !app.exec_interpreter; var extName = path.extname(app.pm_exec_path); var betterInterpreter = extItps[extName]; // No interpreter defined and correspondance in schema hashmap if (noInterpreter && betterInterpreter) { app.exec_interpreter = betterInterpreter; } // Else if no Interpreter detect if process is binary else if (noInterpreter) app.exec_interpreter = isBinary(app.pm_exec_path) ? 'none' : 'node'; else if (app.exec_interpreter.indexOf('node@') > -1) resolveNodeInterpreter(app); if (app.exec_interpreter.indexOf('python') > -1) app.env.PYTHONUNBUFFERED = '1' /** * Specific installed JS transpilers */ if (app.exec_interpreter == 'ts-node') { app.exec_interpreter = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin/ts-node'); } if (app.exec_interpreter == 'lsc') { app.exec_interpreter = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin/lsc'); } if (app.exec_interpreter == 'coffee') { app.exec_interpreter = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin/coffee'); } if (app.exec_interpreter != 'none' && which(app.exec_interpreter) == null) { // If node is not present if (app.exec_interpreter == 'node') { Common.warn(`Using builtin node.js version on version ${process.version}`) app.exec_interpreter = cst.BUILTIN_NODE_PATH } else throw new Error(`Interpreter ${app.exec_interpreter} is NOT AVAILABLE in PATH. (type 'which ${app.exec_interpreter}' to double check.)`) } return app; }; Common.deepCopy = Common.serialize = Common.clone = function(obj) { if (obj === null || obj === undefined) return {}; return fclone(obj); }; Common.errMod = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; if (msg instanceof Error) return console.error(msg.message); return console.error(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_MOD_ERR}${msg}`); } Common.err = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; if (msg instanceof Error) return console.error(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR}${msg.message}`); return console.error(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR}${msg}`); } Common.printError = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; if (msg instanceof Error) return console.error(msg.message); return console.error.apply(console, arguments); }; Common.log = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; return console.log(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG}${msg}`); } Common.info = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; return console.log(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_INFO}${msg}`); } Common.warn = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; return console.log(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_WARNING}${msg}`); } Common.logMod = function(msg) { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; return console.log(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_MOD}${msg}`); } Common.printOut = function() { if (process.env.PM2_SILENT === 'true' || process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC === 'true') return false; return console.log.apply(console, arguments); }; /** * Raw extend */ Common.extend = function(destination, source) { if (typeof destination !== 'object') { destination = {}; } if (!source || typeof source !== 'object') { return destination; } Object.keys(source).forEach(function(new_key) { if (source[new_key] != '[object Object]') destination[new_key] = source[new_key]; }); return destination; }; /** * This is useful when starting script programmatically */ Common.safeExtend = function(origin, add){ if (!add || typeof add != 'object') return origin; //Ignore PM2's set environment variables from the nested env var keysToIgnore = ['name', 'exec_mode', 'env', 'args', 'pm_cwd', 'exec_interpreter', 'pm_exec_path', 'node_args', 'pm_out_log_path', 'pm_err_log_path', 'pm_pid_path', 'pm_id', 'status', 'pm_uptime', 'created_at', 'windowsHide', 'username', 'merge_logs', 'kill_retry_time', 'prev_restart_delay', 'instance_var', 'unstable_restarts', 'restart_time', 'axm_actions', 'pmx_module', 'command', 'watch', 'filter_env', 'versioning', 'vizion_runing', 'MODULE_DEBUG', 'pmx', 'axm_options', 'created_at', 'watch', 'vizion', 'axm_dynamic', 'axm_monitor', 'instances', 'automation', 'autorestart', 'unstable_restart', 'treekill', 'exit_code', 'vizion']; var keys = Object.keys(add); var i = keys.length; while (i--) { //Only copy stuff into the env that we don't have already. if(keysToIgnore.indexOf(keys[i]) == -1 && add[keys[i]] != '[object Object]') origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]]; } return origin; }; /** * Extend the app.env object of with the properties taken from the * app.env_[envName] and deploy configuration. * Also update current json attributes * * Used only for Configuration file processing * * @param {Object} app The app object. * @param {string} envName The given environment name. * @param {Object} deployConf Deployment configuration object (from JSON file or whatever). * @returns {Object} The app.env variables object. */ Common.mergeEnvironmentVariables = function(app_env, env_name, deploy_conf) { var app = fclone(app_env); var new_conf = { env : {} } // Stringify possible object for (var key in app.env) { if (typeof app.env[key] == 'object') { app.env[key] = JSON.stringify(app.env[key]); } } /** * Extra configuration update */ Object.assign(new_conf, app); if (env_name) { // First merge variables from deploy.production.env object as least priority. if (deploy_conf && deploy_conf[env_name] && deploy_conf[env_name]['env']) { Object.assign(new_conf.env, deploy_conf[env_name]['env']); } Object.assign(new_conf.env, app.env); // Then, last and highest priority, merge the app.env_production object. if ('env_' + env_name in app) { Object.assign(new_conf.env, app['env_' + env_name]); } else { Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG_WARNING + chalk.bold('Environment [%s] is not defined in process file'), env_name); } } delete new_conf.exec_mode var res = { current_conf: {} } Object.assign(res, new_conf.env); Object.assign(res.current_conf, new_conf); // #2541 force resolution of node interpreter if (app.exec_interpreter && app.exec_interpreter.indexOf('@') > -1) { resolveNodeInterpreter(app); res.current_conf.exec_interpreter = app.exec_interpreter } return res } /** * This function will resolve paths, option and environment * CALLED before 'prepare' God call (=> PROCESS INITIALIZATION) * @method resolveAppAttributes * @param {Object} opts * @param {Object} opts.cwd * @param {Object} opts.pm2_home * @param {Object} appConf application configuration * @return app */ Common.resolveAppAttributes = function(opts, conf) { var conf_copy = fclone(conf); var app = Common.prepareAppConf(opts, conf_copy); if (app instanceof Error) { throw new Error(app.message); } return app; } /** * Verify configurations * Called on EVERY Operation (start/restart/reload/stop...) * @param {Array} appConfs * @returns {Array} */ Common.verifyConfs = function(appConfs) { if (!appConfs || appConfs.length == 0) { return []; } // Make sure it is an Array. appConfs = [].concat(appConfs); var verifiedConf = []; for (var i = 0; i < appConfs.length; i++) { var app = appConfs[i]; if (app.exec_mode) app.exec_mode = app.exec_mode.replace(/^(fork|cluster)$/, '$1_mode'); // JSON conf: alias cmd to script if (app.cmd && !app.script) { app.script = app.cmd delete app.cmd } // JSON conf: alias command to script if (app.command && !app.script) { app.script = app.command delete app.command } if (!app.env) { app.env = {} } // Render an app name if not existing. Common.renderApplicationName(app); if (app.execute_command == true) { app.exec_mode = 'fork' delete app.execute_command } app.username = Common.getCurrentUsername(); /** * If command is like pm2 start "python xx.py --ok" * Then automatically start the script with bash -c and set a name eq to command */ if (app.script && app.script.indexOf(' ') > -1 && cst.IS_WINDOWS === false) { var _script = app.script; if (which('bash')) { app.script = 'bash'; app.args = ['-c', _script]; if (!app.name) { app.name = _script } } else if (which('sh')) { app.script = 'sh'; app.args = ['-c', _script]; if (!app.name) { app.name = _script } } else { warn('bash or sh not available in $PATH, keeping script as is') } } /** * Add log_date_format by default */ if (app.time || process.env.ASZ_MODE) { app.log_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss' } /** * Checks + Resolve UID/GID * comes from pm2 --uid <> --gid <> or --user */ if (app.uid || app.gid || app.user) { // 1/ Check if windows if (cst.IS_WINDOWS === true) { Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + '--uid and --git does not works on windows'); return new Error('--uid and --git does not works on windows'); } // 2/ Verify that user is root (todo: verify if other has right) if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'test' && process.getuid && process.getuid() !== 0) { Common.printError(cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + 'To use --uid and --gid please run pm2 as root'); return new Error('To use UID and GID please run PM2 as root'); } // 3/ Resolve user info via /etc/password var passwd = require('./tools/passwd.js') var users try { users = passwd.getUsers() } catch(e) { Common.printError(e); return new Error(e); } var user_info = users[app.uid || app.user] if (!user_info) { Common.printError(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR} User ${app.uid || app.user} cannot be found`); return new Error(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR} User ${app.uid || app.user} cannot be found`); } app.env.HOME = user_info.homedir app.uid = parseInt(user_info.userId) // 4/ Resolve group id if gid is specified if (app.gid) { var groups try { groups = passwd.getGroups() } catch(e) { Common.printError(e); return new Error(e); } var group_info = groups[app.gid] if (!group_info) { Common.printError(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR} Group ${app.gid} cannot be found`); return new Error(`${cst.PREFIX_MSG_ERR} Group ${app.gid} cannot be found`); } app.gid = parseInt(group_info.id) } else { app.gid = parseInt(user_info.groupId) } } /** * Specific options of PM2.io */ if (process.env.PM2_DEEP_MONITORING) { app.deep_monitoring = true; } if (app.automation == false) { app.pmx = false; } if (app.disable_trace) { app.trace = false delete app.disable_trace; } /** * Instances params */ if (app.instances == 'max') { app.instances = 0; } if (typeof(app.instances) === 'string') { app.instances = parseInt(app.instances) || 0; } if (app.exec_mode != 'cluster_mode' && !app.instances && typeof(app.merge_logs) == 'undefined') { app.merge_logs = true; } var ret; if (app.cron_restart) { if ((ret = Common.sink.determineCron(app)) instanceof Error) return ret; } /** * Now validation configuration */ var ret = Config.validateJSON(app); if (ret.errors && ret.errors.length > 0){ ret.errors.forEach(function(err) { warn(err) }); return new Error(ret.errors); } verifiedConf.push(ret.config); } return verifiedConf; } /** * Get current username * Called on EVERY starting app * * @returns {String} */ Common.getCurrentUsername = function(){ var current_user = ''; if (os.userInfo) { try { current_user = os.userInfo().username; } catch (err) { // For the case of unhandled error for uv_os_get_passwd // https://github.com/Unitech/pm2/issues/3184 } } if(current_user === '') { current_user = process.env.USER || process.env.LNAME || process.env.USERNAME || process.env.SUDO_USER || process.env.C9_USER || process.env.LOGNAME; } return current_user; } /** * Render an app name if not existing. * @param {Object} conf */ Common.renderApplicationName = function(conf){ if (!conf.name && conf.script){ conf.name = conf.script !== undefined ? path.basename(conf.script) : 'undefined'; var lastDot = conf.name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot > 0){ conf.name = conf.name.slice(0, lastDot); } } } /** * Show warnings * @param {String} warning */ function warn(warning){ Common.printOut(cst.PREFIX_MSG_WARNING + warning); }