Direktori : /proc/self/root/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/Client.js |
/** * Copyright 2013-2022 the PM2 project authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a license that * can be found in the LICENSE file. */ var debug = require('debug')('pm2:client'); var Common = require('./Common.js'); var KMDaemon = require('@pm2/agent/src/InteractorClient'); var rpc = require('pm2-axon-rpc'); var forEach = require('async/forEach'); var axon = require('pm2-axon'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var pkg = require('../package.json'); var which = require('./tools/which.js'); function noop() {} var Client = module.exports = function(opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; if (!opts.conf) this.conf = require('../constants.js'); else { this.conf = opts.conf; } this.daemon_mode = typeof(opts.daemon_mode) === 'undefined' ? true : opts.daemon_mode; this.pm2_home = this.conf.PM2_ROOT_PATH; this.secret_key = opts.secret_key; this.public_key = opts.public_key; this.machine_name = opts.machine_name; // Create all folders and files needed // Client depends to that to interact with PM2 properly this.initFileStructure(this.conf); debug('Using RPC file %s', this.conf.DAEMON_RPC_PORT); debug('Using PUB file %s', this.conf.DAEMON_PUB_PORT); this.rpc_socket_file = this.conf.DAEMON_RPC_PORT; this.pub_socket_file = this.conf.DAEMON_PUB_PORT; }; // @breaking change (noDaemonMode has been drop) // @todo ret err Client.prototype.start = function(cb) { var that = this; this.pingDaemon(function(daemonAlive) { if (daemonAlive === true) return that.launchRPC(function(err, meta) { return cb(null, { daemon_mode : that.conf.daemon_mode, new_pm2_instance : false, rpc_socket_file : that.rpc_socket_file, pub_socket_file : that.pub_socket_file, pm2_home : that.pm2_home }); }); /** * No Daemon mode */ if (that.daemon_mode === false) { var Daemon = require('./Daemon.js'); var daemon = new Daemon({ pub_socket_file : that.conf.DAEMON_PUB_PORT, rpc_socket_file : that.conf.DAEMON_RPC_PORT, pid_file : that.conf.PM2_PID_FILE_PATH, ignore_signals : true }); console.log('Launching in no daemon mode'); daemon.innerStart(function() { KMDaemon.launchAndInteract(that.conf, { machine_name : that.machine_name, public_key : that.public_key, secret_key : that.secret_key, pm2_version : pkg.version }, function(err, data, interactor_proc) { that.interactor_process = interactor_proc; }); that.launchRPC(function(err, meta) { return cb(null, { daemon_mode : that.conf.daemon_mode, new_pm2_instance : true, rpc_socket_file : that.rpc_socket_file, pub_socket_file : that.pub_socket_file, pm2_home : that.pm2_home }); }); }); return false; } /** * Daemon mode */ that.launchDaemon(function(err, child) { if (err) { Common.printError(err); return cb ? cb(err) : process.exit(that.conf.ERROR_EXIT); } if (!process.env.PM2_DISCRETE_MODE) Common.printOut(that.conf.PREFIX_MSG + 'PM2 Successfully daemonized'); that.launchRPC(function(err, meta) { return cb(null, { daemon_mode : that.conf.daemon_mode, new_pm2_instance : true, rpc_socket_file : that.rpc_socket_file, pub_socket_file : that.pub_socket_file, pm2_home : that.pm2_home }); }); }); }); }; // Init file structure of pm2_home // This includes // - pm2 pid and log path // - rpc and pub socket for command execution Client.prototype.initFileStructure = function (opts) { if (!fs.existsSync(opts.DEFAULT_LOG_PATH)) { try { require('mkdirp').sync(opts.DEFAULT_LOG_PATH); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); } } if (!fs.existsSync(opts.DEFAULT_PID_PATH)) { try { require('mkdirp').sync(opts.DEFAULT_PID_PATH); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); } } if (!fs.existsSync(opts.PM2_MODULE_CONF_FILE)) { try { fs.writeFileSync(opts.PM2_MODULE_CONF_FILE, "{}"); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); } } if (!fs.existsSync(opts.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH)) { try { require('mkdirp').sync(opts.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH); } catch (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); } } if (process.env.PM2_DISCRETE_MODE) { try { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(opts.PM2_HOME, 'touch'), Date.now().toString()); } catch(e) { debug(e.stack || e); } } if (!process.env.PM2_PROGRAMMATIC && !fs.existsSync(path.join(opts.PM2_HOME, 'touch'))) { var vCheck = require('./VersionCheck.js') vCheck({ state: 'install', version: pkg.version }) var dt = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, opts.PM2_BANNER)); console.log(dt.toString()); try { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(opts.PM2_HOME, 'touch'), Date.now().toString()); } catch(e) { debug(e.stack || e); } } }; Client.prototype.close = function(cb) { var that = this; forEach([ that.disconnectRPC.bind(that), that.disconnectBus.bind(that) ], function(fn, next) { fn(next) }, cb); }; /** * Launch the Daemon by forking this same file * The method Client.remoteWrapper will be called * * @method launchDaemon * @param {Object} opts * @param {Object} [opts.interactor=true] allow to disable interaction on launch */ Client.prototype.launchDaemon = function(opts, cb) { if (typeof(opts) == 'function') { cb = opts; opts = { interactor : true }; } var that = this var ClientJS = path.resolve(path.dirname(module.filename), 'Daemon.js'); var node_args = []; var out, err; // if (process.env.TRAVIS) { // // Redirect PM2 internal err and out to STDERR STDOUT when running with Travis // out = 1; // err = 2; // } // else { out = fs.openSync(that.conf.PM2_LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a'), err = fs.openSync(that.conf.PM2_LOG_FILE_PATH, 'a'); //} if (this.conf.LOW_MEMORY_ENVIRONMENT) { var os = require('os'); node_args.push('--gc-global'); // Does full GC (smaller memory footprint) node_args.push('--max-old-space-size=' + Math.floor(os.totalmem() / 1024 / 1024)); } // Node.js tuning for better performance //node_args.push('--expose-gc'); // Allows manual GC in the code /** * Add node [arguments] depending on PM2_NODE_OPTIONS env variable */ if (process.env.PM2_NODE_OPTIONS) node_args = node_args.concat(process.env.PM2_NODE_OPTIONS.split(' ')); node_args.push(ClientJS); if (!process.env.PM2_DISCRETE_MODE) Common.printOut(that.conf.PREFIX_MSG + 'Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=' + this.pm2_home); var interpreter = 'node'; if (which('node') == null) interpreter = process.execPath; var child = require('child_process').spawn(interpreter, node_args, { detached : true, cwd : that.conf.cwd || process.cwd(), windowsHide: true, env : Object.assign({ 'SILENT' : that.conf.DEBUG ? !that.conf.DEBUG : true, 'PM2_HOME' : that.pm2_home }, process.env), stdio : ['ipc', out, err] }); function onError(e) { console.error(e.message || e); return cb ? cb(e.message || e) : false; } child.once('error', onError); child.unref(); child.once('message', function(msg) { debug('PM2 daemon launched with return message: ', msg); child.removeListener('error', onError); child.disconnect(); if (opts && opts.interactor == false) return cb(null, child); if (process.env.PM2_NO_INTERACTION == 'true') return cb(null, child); /** * Here the Keymetrics agent is launched automaticcaly if * it has been already configured before (via pm2 link) */ KMDaemon.launchAndInteract(that.conf, { machine_name : that.machine_name, public_key : that.public_key, secret_key : that.secret_key, pm2_version : pkg.version }, function(err, data, interactor_proc) { that.interactor_process = interactor_proc; return cb(null, child); }); }); }; /** * Ping the daemon to know if it alive or not * @api public * @method pingDaemon * @param {} cb * @return */ Client.prototype.pingDaemon = function pingDaemon(cb) { var req = axon.socket('req'); var client = new rpc.Client(req); var that = this; debug('[PING PM2] Trying to connect to server'); client.sock.once('reconnect attempt', function() { client.sock.close(); debug('Daemon not launched'); process.nextTick(function() { return cb(false); }); }); client.sock.once('error', function(e) { if (e.code === 'EACCES') { fs.stat(that.conf.DAEMON_RPC_PORT, function(e, stats) { if (stats.uid === 0) { console.error(that.conf.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + 'Permission denied, to give access to current user:'); console.log('$ sudo chown ' + process.env.USER + ':' + process.env.USER + ' ' + that.conf.DAEMON_RPC_PORT + ' ' + that.conf.DAEMON_PUB_PORT); } else console.error(that.conf.PREFIX_MSG_ERR + 'Permission denied, check permissions on ' + that.conf.DAEMON_RPC_PORT); process.exit(1); }); } else console.error(e.message || e); }); client.sock.once('connect', function() { client.sock.once('close', function() { return cb(true); }); client.sock.close(); debug('Daemon alive'); }); req.connect(this.rpc_socket_file); }; /** * Methods to interact with the Daemon via RPC * This method wait to be connected to the Daemon * Once he's connected it trigger the command parsing (on ./bin/pm2 file, at the end) * @method launchRPC * @params {function} [cb] * @return */ Client.prototype.launchRPC = function launchRPC(cb) { var self = this; debug('Launching RPC client on socket file %s', this.rpc_socket_file); var req = axon.socket('req'); this.client = new rpc.Client(req); var connectHandler = function() { self.client.sock.removeListener('error', errorHandler); debug('RPC Connected to Daemon'); if (cb) { setTimeout(function() { cb(null); }, 4); } }; var errorHandler = function(e) { self.client.sock.removeListener('connect', connectHandler); if (cb) { return cb(e); } }; this.client.sock.once('connect', connectHandler); this.client.sock.once('error', errorHandler); this.client_sock = req.connect(this.rpc_socket_file); }; /** * Methods to close the RPC connection * @callback cb */ Client.prototype.disconnectRPC = function disconnectRPC(cb) { var that = this; if (!cb) cb = noop; if (!this.client_sock || !this.client_sock.close) { this.client = null; return process.nextTick(function() { cb(new Error('SUB connection to PM2 is not launched')); }); } if (this.client_sock.connected === false || this.client_sock.closing === true) { this.client = null; return process.nextTick(function() { cb(new Error('RPC already being closed')); }); } try { var timer; that.client_sock.once('close', function() { clearTimeout(timer); that.client = null; debug('PM2 RPC cleanly closed'); return cb(null, { msg : 'RPC Successfully closed' }); }); timer = setTimeout(function() { if (that.client_sock.destroy) that.client_sock.destroy(); that.client = null; return cb(null, { msg : 'RPC Successfully closed via timeout' }); }, 200); that.client_sock.close(); } catch(e) { debug('Error while disconnecting RPC PM2', e.stack || e); return cb(e); } return false; }; Client.prototype.launchBus = function launchEventSystem(cb) { var self = this; this.sub = axon.socket('sub-emitter'); this.sub_sock = this.sub.connect(this.pub_socket_file); this.sub_sock.once('connect', function() { return cb(null, self.sub, self.sub_sock); }); }; Client.prototype.disconnectBus = function disconnectBus(cb) { if (!cb) cb = noop; var that = this; if (!this.sub_sock || !this.sub_sock.close) { that.sub = null; return process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, { msg : 'bus was not connected'}); }); } if (this.sub_sock.connected === false || this.sub_sock.closing === true) { that.sub = null; return process.nextTick(function() { cb(new Error('SUB connection is already being closed')); }); } try { var timer; that.sub_sock.once('close', function() { that.sub = null; clearTimeout(timer); debug('PM2 PUB cleanly closed'); return cb(); }); timer = setTimeout(function() { if (Client.sub_sock.destroy) that.sub_sock.destroy(); return cb(); }, 200); this.sub_sock.close(); } catch(e) { return cb(e); } }; /** * Description * @method gestExposedMethods * @param {} cb * @return */ Client.prototype.getExposedMethods = function getExposedMethods(cb) { this.client.methods(cb); }; /** * Description * @method executeRemote * @param {} method * @param {} env * @param {} fn * @return */ Client.prototype.executeRemote = function executeRemote(method, app_conf, fn) { var self = this; // stop watch on stop | env is the process id if (method.indexOf('stop') !== -1) { this.stopWatch(method, app_conf); } // stop watching when process is deleted else if (method.indexOf('delete') !== -1) { this.stopWatch(method, app_conf); } // stop everything on kill else if (method.indexOf('kill') !== -1) { this.stopWatch('deleteAll', app_conf); } else if (method.indexOf('restartProcessId') !== -1 && process.argv.indexOf('--watch') > -1) { delete app_conf.env.current_conf.watch; this.toggleWatch(method, app_conf); } if (!this.client || !this.client.call) { this.start(function(error) { if (error) { if (fn) return fn(error); console.error(error); return process.exit(0); } if (self.client) { return self.client.call(method, app_conf, fn); } }); return false; } debug('Calling daemon method pm2:%s on rpc socket:%s', method, this.rpc_socket_file); return this.client.call(method, app_conf, fn); }; Client.prototype.notifyGod = function(action_name, id, cb) { this.executeRemote('notifyByProcessId', { id : id, action_name : action_name, manually : true }, function() { debug('God notified'); return cb ? cb() : false; }); }; Client.prototype.killDaemon = function killDaemon(fn) { var timeout; var that = this; function quit() { that.close(function() { return fn ? fn(null, {success:true}) : false; }); } // under unix, we listen for signal (that is send by daemon to notify us that its shuting down) if (process.platform !== 'win32' && process.platform !== 'win64') { process.once('SIGQUIT', function() { debug('Received SIGQUIT from pm2 daemon'); clearTimeout(timeout); quit(); }); } else { // if under windows, try to ping the daemon to see if it still here setTimeout(function() { that.pingDaemon(function(alive) { if (!alive) { clearTimeout(timeout); return quit(); } }); }, 250) } timeout = setTimeout(function() { quit(); }, 3000); // Kill daemon this.executeRemote('killMe', {pid : process.pid}); }; /** * Description * @method toggleWatch * @param {String} pm2 method name * @param {Object} application environment, should include id * @param {Function} callback */ Client.prototype.toggleWatch = function toggleWatch(method, env, fn) { debug('Calling toggleWatch'); this.client.call('toggleWatch', method, env, function() { return fn ? fn() : false; }); }; /** * Description * @method startWatch * @param {String} pm2 method name * @param {Object} application environment, should include id * @param {Function} callback */ Client.prototype.startWatch = function restartWatch(method, env, fn) { debug('Calling startWatch'); this.client.call('startWatch', method, env, function() { return fn ? fn() : false; }); }; /** * Description * @method stopWatch * @param {String} pm2 method name * @param {Object} application environment, should include id * @param {Function} callback */ Client.prototype.stopWatch = function stopWatch(method, env, fn) { debug('Calling stopWatch'); this.client.call('stopWatch', method, env, function() { return fn ? fn() : false; }); }; Client.prototype.getAllProcess = function(cb) { var found_proc = []; this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function(err, procs) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } return cb(null, procs); }); }; Client.prototype.getAllProcessId = function(cb) { var found_proc = []; this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function(err, procs) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } return cb(null, procs.map(proc => proc.pm_id)); }); }; Client.prototype.getAllProcessIdWithoutModules = function(cb) { var found_proc = []; this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function(err, procs) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } var proc_ids = procs .filter(proc => !proc.pm2_env.pmx_module) .map(proc => proc.pm_id) return cb(null, proc_ids); }); }; Client.prototype.getProcessIdByName = function(name, force_all, cb) { var found_proc = []; var full_details = {}; if (typeof(cb) === 'undefined') { cb = force_all; force_all = false; } if (typeof(name) == 'number') name = name.toString(); this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function(err, list) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } list.forEach(function(proc) { if (proc.pm2_env.name == name || proc.pm2_env.pm_exec_path == path.resolve(name)) { found_proc.push(proc.pm_id); full_details[proc.pm_id] = proc; } }); return cb(null, found_proc, full_details); }); }; Client.prototype.getProcessIdsByNamespace = function(namespace, force_all, cb) { var found_proc = []; var full_details = {}; if (typeof(cb) === 'undefined') { cb = force_all; force_all = false; } if (typeof(namespace) == 'number') namespace = namespace.toString(); this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function(err, list) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } list.forEach(function(proc) { if (proc.pm2_env.namespace == namespace) { found_proc.push(proc.pm_id); full_details[proc.pm_id] = proc; } }); return cb(null, found_proc, full_details); }); }; Client.prototype.getProcessByName = function(name, cb) { var found_proc = []; this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function(err, list) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } list.forEach(function(proc) { if (proc.pm2_env.name == name || proc.pm2_env.pm_exec_path == path.resolve(name)) { found_proc.push(proc); } }); return cb(null, found_proc); }); }; Client.prototype.getProcessByNameOrId = function (nameOrId, cb) { var foundProc = []; this.executeRemote('getMonitorData', {}, function (err, list) { if (err) { Common.printError('Error retrieving process list: ' + err); return cb(err); } list.forEach(function (proc) { if (proc.pm2_env.name === nameOrId || proc.pm2_env.pm_exec_path === path.resolve(nameOrId) || proc.pid === parseInt(nameOrId) || proc.pm2_env.pm_id === parseInt(nameOrId)) { foundProc.push(proc); } }); return cb(null, foundProc); }); };