Direktori : /lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/promptly/test/ |
Current File : //lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/promptly/test/test.js |
'use strict'; var expect = require('expect.js'); var promptly = require('../index'); var async = require('async'); // Mock stdout var stdout = ''; var oldWrite = process.stdout.write; process.stdout.write = function (data) { stdout += data; return oldWrite.apply(process.stdout, arguments); }; // Function to send a line to stdin function sendLine(line) { setImmediate(function () { process.stdin.emit('data', line + '\n'); }); } beforeEach(function () { stdout = ''; }); describe('prompt()', function () { it('should prompt the user', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ', function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine('yeaa'); }); it('should keep asking if no value is passed and no default was defined', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ', function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout.indexOf('something')).to.not.be(stdout.lastIndexOf('something')); next(); }); sendLine(''); sendLine('yeaa'); }); it('should assume default value if nothing is passed', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ', { 'default': 'myValue' }, function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('myValue'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine(''); }); it('should trim the user input if trim is enabled', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ', { trim: true }, function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine(' yeaa '); }); it('should call validator after trimming', function (next) { function validator(value) { if (value !== 'yeaa') { throw new Error('bla'); } return value; } promptly.prompt('something: ', { validator: validator, retry: false }, function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine(' yeaa '); }); it('should assume values from the validator', function (next) { function validator() { return 'bla'; } promptly.prompt('something: ', { validator: validator }, function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('bla'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine(' yeaa '); }); it('should automatically retry if a validator fails by default', function (next) { function validator(value) { if (value !== 'yeaa') { throw new Error('bla'); } return value; } promptly.prompt('something: ', { validator: validator, retry: true }, function (err, value) { expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout.indexOf('something')).to.not.be(stdout.lastIndexOf('something')); expect(stdout).to.contain('bla'); expect(value).to.equal('yeaa'); next(); }); sendLine('wtf'); sendLine('yeaa'); }); it('should give error if the validator fails and retry is false', function (next) { function validator() { throw new Error('bla'); } promptly.prompt('something: ', { validator: validator, retry: false }, function (err) { expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.message).to.be('bla'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine(' yeaa '); }); it('should give retry ability on error', function (next) { var times = 0; function validator(value) { if (value !== 'yeaa') { throw new Error('bla'); } return value; } promptly.prompt('something: ', { validator: validator, retry: false }, function (err, value) { times++; if (times === 1) { expect(err).to.be.an(Error); err.retry(); return sendLine('yeaa'); } expect(value).to.equal('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout.indexOf('something')).to.not.be(stdout.lastIndexOf('something')); next(); }); sendLine('wtf'); }); it('should write input to stdout by default', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ', function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout).to.contain(value); next(); }); sendLine('yeaa'); }); it('should write input to stdout if silent is false', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ', { silent: true }, function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout).to.not.contain(value); next(); }); sendLine('yeaa'); }); it('should prompt the user (using promise)', function (next) { promptly.prompt('something: ') .then(function (value) { expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }) .catch(function () { expect().fail(); next(); }); sendLine('yeaa'); }); }); describe('choose()', function () { it('should keep asking on invalid choice', function (next) { promptly.choose('apple or orange? ', ['apple', 'orange'], function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('orange'); expect(stdout).to.contain('apple or orange? '); expect(stdout.indexOf('apple or orange')).to.not.be(stdout.lastIndexOf('apple or orange')); expect(stdout).to.contain('Invalid choice'); next(); }); sendLine('bleh'); sendLine('orange'); }); it('should error on invalid choice if retry is disabled', function (next) { promptly.choose('apple or orange? ', ['apple', 'orange'], { retry: false }, function (err) { expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.message).to.contain('choice'); expect(stdout).to.contain('apple or orange? '); next(); }); sendLine('bleh'); }); it('should be ok on valid choice', function (next) { promptly.choose('apple or orange? ', ['apple', 'orange'], function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be('apple'); expect(stdout).to.contain('apple or orange? '); next(); }); sendLine('apple'); }); it('should not use strict comparison when matching against valid choices', function (next) { promptly.choose('choices: ', [1, 2, 3], function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(typeof value).to.equal('number'); expect(value).to.be(1); expect(stdout).to.contain('choices: '); next(); }); sendLine('1'); }); it('should work using promise', function (next) { promptly.choose('apple or orange? ', ['apple', 'orange']) .then(function (value) { expect(value).to.be('orange'); expect(stdout).to.contain('apple or orange? '); next(); }) .catch(function () { expect().fail(); next(); }); sendLine('orange'); }); }); describe('confirm()', function () { it('should be ok on valid choice and coerce to boolean values', function (next) { async.forEachSeries(['yes', 'Y', 'y', '1'], function (truthy, next) { promptly.confirm('test yes? ', { retry: false }, function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be(true); expect(stdout).to.contain('test yes? '); next(); }); sendLine(truthy); }, function () { async.forEachSeries(['no', 'N', 'n', '0'], function (truthy, next) { promptly.confirm('test no? ', function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be(false); expect(stdout).to.contain('test no? '); next(); }); sendLine(truthy); }, next); }); }); it('should keep asking on invalid choice', function (next) { promptly.confirm('yes or no? ', function (err, value) { expect(err).to.be(null); expect(value).to.be(true); expect(stdout).to.contain('yes or no? '); expect(stdout.indexOf('yes or no')).to.not.be(stdout.lastIndexOf('yes or no')); next(); }); sendLine('bleh'); sendLine('y'); }); it('should error on invalid choice if retry is disabled', function (next) { promptly.confirm('yes or no? ', { retry: false }, function (err) { expect(err).to.be.an(Error); expect(err.message).to.not.contain('Invalid choice'); expect(stdout).to.contain('yes or no? '); next(); }); sendLine('bleh'); }); it('should work using promise', function (next) { promptly.confirm('yes or no? ') .then(function (value) { expect(stdout).to.contain('yes or no? '); expect(value).to.be(true); next(); }) .catch(function () { expect().fail(); next(); }); sendLine('y'); }); }); describe('password()', function () { it('should prompt the user silently', function (next) { promptly.password('something: ', function (err, value) { expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout).to.not.contain('yeaa'); next(); }); sendLine('yeaa'); }); it('should not trim by default', function (next) { promptly.password('something: ', function (err, value) { expect(value).to.be(' yeaa '); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout).to.not.contain(' yeaa '); next(); }); sendLine(' yeaa '); }); it('show allow empty passwords by default', function (next) { promptly.password('something: ', function (err, value) { expect(value).to.be(''); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); next(); }); sendLine(''); }); it('should prompt the user silently using promise', function (next) { promptly.password('something: ') .then(function (value) { expect(value).to.be('yeaa'); expect(stdout).to.contain('something: '); expect(stdout).to.not.contain('yeaa'); next(); }) .catch(function () { expect().fail(); next(); }); sendLine('yeaa'); }); });