Direktori : /lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/binaries/ |
Current File : //lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/binaries/DevCLI.js |
'use strict'; process.env.PM2_NO_INTERACTION = 'true'; // Do not print banner process.env.PM2_DISCRETE_MODE = true; var commander = require('commander'); var PM2 = require('../..'); var Log = require('../API/Log'); var cst = require('../../constants.js'); var pkg = require('../../package.json'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var path = require('path'); var fmt = require('../tools/fmt.js'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var os = require('os'); commander.version(pkg.version) .description('pm2-dev monitor for any file changes and automatically restart it') .option('--raw', 'raw log output') .option('--timestamp', 'print timestamp') .option('--node-args <node_args>', 'space delimited arguments to pass to node in cluster mode - e.g. --node-args="--debug=7001 --trace-deprecation"') .option('--ignore [files]', 'files to ignore while watching') .option('--post-exec [cmd]', 'execute extra command after change detected') .option('--silent-exec', 'do not output result of post command', false) .option('--test-mode', 'debug mode for test suit') .option('--interpreter <interpreter>', 'the interpreter pm2 should use for executing app (bash, python...)') .option('--env [name]', 'select env_[name] env variables in process config file') .option('--auto-exit', 'exit if all processes are errored/stopped or 0 apps launched') .usage('pm2-dev app.js'); var pm2 = new PM2.custom({ pm2_home : path.join(os.homedir ? os.homedir() : (process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.USERPROFILE), '.pm2-dev') }); pm2.connect(function() { commander.parse(process.argv); }); function postExecCmd(command, cb) { var exec_cmd = exec(command); if (commander.silentExec !== true) { exec_cmd.stdout.on('data', function(data) { process.stdout.write(data); }); exec_cmd.stderr.on('data', function(data) { process.stderr.write(data); }); } exec_cmd.on('close', function done() { if (cb) cb(null); }); exec_cmd.on('error', function (err) { console.error(err.stack || err); }); }; function run(cmd, opts) { var timestamp = opts.timestamp; opts.watch = true; opts.autorestart = true; opts.restart_delay = 1000 if (opts.autoExit) autoExit(); if (opts.ignore) { opts.ignore_watch = opts.ignore.split(',') opts.ignore_watch.push('node_modules'); } if (timestamp === true) timestamp = 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH:mm:ss'; pm2.start(cmd, opts, function(err, procs) { if (err) { console.error(err); pm2.destroy(function() { process.exit(0); }); return false; } if (opts.testMode) { return pm2.disconnect(function() { }); } fmt.sep(); fmt.title('PM2 development mode'); fmt.field('Apps started', procs.map(function(p) { return p.pm2_env.name } )); fmt.field('Processes started', chalk.bold(procs.length)); fmt.field('Watch and Restart', chalk.green('Enabled')); fmt.field('Ignored folder', opts.ignore_watch || 'node_modules'); if (opts.postExec) fmt.field('Post restart cmd', opts.postExec); fmt.sep(); setTimeout(function() { pm2.Client.launchBus(function(err, bus) { bus.on('process:event', function(packet) { if (packet.event == 'online') { if (opts.postExec) postExecCmd(opts.postExec); } }); }); }, 1000); Log.devStream(pm2.Client, 'all', opts.raw, timestamp, false); process.on('SIGINT', function() { console.log('>>>>> [PM2 DEV] Stopping current development session'); pm2.delete('all', function() { pm2.destroy(function() { process.exit(0); }); }); }); }); } commander.command('*') .action(function(cmd, opts){ run(cmd, commander); }); commander.command('start <file|json_file>') .description('start target config file/script in development mode') .action(function(cmd, opts) { run(cmd, commander); }); function exitPM2() { if (pm2 && pm2.connected == true) { console.log(chalk.green.bold('>>> Exiting PM2')); pm2.kill(function() { process.exit(0); }); } else process.exit(0); } function autoExit(final) { setTimeout(function() { pm2.list(function(err, apps) { if (err) console.error(err.stack || err); var online_count = 0; apps.forEach(function(app) { if (app.pm2_env.status == cst.ONLINE_STATUS || app.pm2_env.status == cst.LAUNCHING_STATUS) online_count++; }); if (online_count == 0) { console.log('0 application online, exiting'); if (final == true) process.exit(1); else autoExit(true); return false; } autoExit(false); }); }, 3000); } if (process.argv.length == 2) { commander.outputHelp(); exitPM2(); }